#order_Gruiformes__Gruiformes  inland marsh-dwelling birds with long legs and necks and bills that wade in water in search of food: cranes; rails; bustards
  supertype:  #animal_order  the order of animals
  member of:  #class_Aves
  member:  #family_Gruidae__Gruidae  cranes
     member:  #crane  large long-necked wading bird of marshes and plains in many parts of the world
     member:  #genus_Grus__Grus  type genus of the Gruidae: typical cranes
        member:  #whooping_crane__whooper__Grus_americana  rare North American crane having black-and-white plumage and a trumpeting call
  member:  #genus_Aramus__Aramus  genus of large brown long-billed wading birds found in warm swampy regions of the Western Hemisphere: courlan; limpkin
  member:  #courlan__Aramus_guarauna  wading bird of South and Central America
  member:  #limpkin__Aramus_pictus  wading bird of Florida, Cuba and Jamaica having a drooping bill and a distinctive wailing call
  member:  #family_Cariamidae__Cariamidae  cranelike South American wading birds
     member:  #genus_Cariama__Cariama  type genus of the Cariamidae comprising only the crested cariama
        member:  #crested_cariama__crestedcariama__seriema__Cariama_cristata  Brazilian cariama; sole representative of the genus Cariama
     member:  #genus_Chunga  a genus of Cariamidae
        member:  #chunga__seriema__Chunga_burmeisteri  Argentinian cariama
  member:  #family_Rallidae__Rallidae  rails; crakes; gallinules; coots
     member:  #rail.wading_bird  any of numerous widely distributed small wading birds of the family Rallidae having short wings and very long toes for running on soft mud
     member:  #genus_Gallirallus__Gallirallus  rails of New Zealand
        member:  #weka__maori_hen__maorihen__wood_hen  flightless New Zealand rail of thievish disposition having short wings each with a spur used in fighting
     member:  #genus_Crex__Crex  corncrakes
        member:  #corncrake__land_rail__Crex_crex  common Eurasian rail that frequents grain fields
     member:  #genus_Porzana__Porzana  spotted crakes
        member:  #spotted_crake__spottedcrake__Porzana_porzana  Eurasian rail of swamps and marshes
     member:  #genus_Gallinula__Gallinula  gallinules
        member:  #gallinule__marsh_hen__marshhen__water_hen__waterhen__swamphen  any of various small aquatic birds of the genus Gallinula distinguished from rails by a frontal shield and a resemblance to domestic hens
        member:  #Florida_gallinule__Gallinula_chloropus_cachinnans  North American dark bluish-gray gallinule
        member:  #Gallinula_chloropus__moorhen  black gallinule that inhabits ponds and lakes
     member:  #genus_Porphyrio__Porphyrio  Old World purple gallinules
     member:  #genus_Porphyrula__Porphyrula  American purple gallinules
        member:  #American_gallinule__Porphyrula_martinica  American purple gallinule
     member:  #genus_Notornis  a genus of Rallidae
        member:  #notornis__takahe__Notornis_mantelli  flightless New Zealand birds similar to gallinules
     member:  #genus_Fulica__Fulica  coots
        member:  #coot  slaty-black slow-flying birds somewhat resembling ducks
        member:  #American_coot__marsh_hen__marshhen__mud_hen__mudhen__water_hen__waterhen__Fulica_americana  North American coot
        member:  #Old_World_coot__Fulica_atra  Eurasian coot
  member:  #suborder_Otides__Otides  terrestrial game birds of the Old World and Australia: bustards
  member:  #family_Otididae__Otididae  bustards
     member:  #bustard  large heavy-bodied chiefly terrestrial game bird capable of powerful swift flight; classified with wading birds but frequents grassy steppes
     member:  #genus_Otis__Otis  type genus of the Otididae: European bustard
        member:  #great_bustard__greatbustard__Otis_tarda  largest European land bird
     member:  #genus_Choriotis__Choriotis  Australian bustard
        member:  #plain_turkey__plainturkey__Choriotis_australis  popular Australian game bird
  member:  #family_Turnicidae__Turnicidae  small Old World birds resembling but not related to true quail
     member:  #genus_Turnix__Turnix  type genus of the Turnicidae: button quail
        member:  #button_quail__bustard_quail__bustardquail__hemipode  small quail-like terrestrial bird of southern Eurasia and North Africa that lacks a hind toe; classified with wading birds but inhabits grassy plains
        member:  #ortygan  any of several East Indian birds
     member:  #genus_Pedionomus__Pedionomus  plain wanderer
        member:  #plain_wanderer__plainwanderer__pedionomustorquatu  small Australian bird related to the button quail; classified as wading bird but inhabits plains
  member:  #family_Psophiidae__Psophiidae  trumpeters
     member:  #genus_Psophia__Psophia  type genus of the Psophiidae: trumpeters
        member:  #trumpeter  large gregarious forest-dwelling cranelike bird of South America having glossy black plumage and a loud prolonged cry; easily domesticated

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