#order_Galliformes__Galliformes  pheasants; turkeys; grouse; partridges; quails; chickens; brush turkeys; curassows; hoatzins
  supertype:  animal_order  the order of animals
  member of:  class_Aves
  member:  gallinaceous_bird__gallinaceon  heavy-bodied largely ground-feeding domestic or game birds
  member:  family_Meleagrididae__Meleagrididae  turkeys and some extinct forms
     member:  genus_Meleagris__Meleagris  type genus of the Meleagrididae: wild and domestic turkeys
        member:  Meleagris_gallopavo__turkey  large gallinaceous bird with fan-shaped tail; widely domesticated for food
     member:  genus_Agriocharis__Agriocharis  a genus of birds of the family Meleagrididae including the ocellated turkey
        member:  ocellated_turkey__ocellatedturkey__agriocharisocellata  wild turkey of Central and northern South America
  member:  family_Tetraonidae__Tetraonidae  grouse
     member:  grouse  popular game bird having a plump body and feathered legs and feet
     member:  genus_Lyrurus__Lyrurus  black grouse
        member:  black_grouse__blackgrouse  grouse of which the male is bluish-black
     member:  genus_Lagopus__Lagopus  ptarmigans
        member:  ptarmigan  large arctic and subarctic grouse with feathered feet and usually white winter plumage
     member:  genus_Tetrao__Tetrao  type genus of the Tetraonidae: capercaillies
        member:  capercaillie__capercailzie__horse_of_the_wood__Tetrao_urogallus  large black Old World grouse
     member:  genus_Canachites__Canachites  spruce grouse
        member:  spruce_grouse__Canachites_canadensis  North American grouse that feeds on evergreen buds and needles
     member:  genus_Centrocercus__Centrocercus  sage grouse
        member:  sage_grouse__sage_hen__Centrocercus_urophasianus  large grouse of sagebrush regions of North America
     member:  genus_Bonasa__Bonasa  ruffed grouse
        member:  ruffed_grouse__partridge__Bonasa_umbellus  valued as a game bird in eastern United States and Canada
     member:  genus_Pedioecetes__Pedioecetes  sharp-tailed grouse
     member:  genus_Tympanuchus__Tympanuchus  prairie chickens
        member:  prairie_chicken__prairiechicken__prairie_grouse__prairiegrouse__prairie_fowl__prairiefowl  brown mottled North American grouse of western prairies
  member:  family_Cracidae__Cracidae  curassows; guans; chachalacas
     member:  guan  any of several large turkey-like game birds of the family Cracidae; native to jungles of tropical America; resembling the curassows and valued as food
     member:  genus_Crax__Crax  type genus of the Cracidae: curassows
        member:  curassow  large crested arboreal game bird of warm parts of the Americas having long legs and tails; highly esteemed as game and food
     member:  genus_Penelope__Penelope  a genus of guans (turkey-like arboreal birds valued as game and food birds)
     member:  genus_Pipile__Pipile  genus of large crested guans (the piping guans)
        member:  piping_guan  a kind of guan
     member:  genus_Ortalis__Ortalis  chachalacas
        member:  chachalaca  slender arboreal guan resembling a wild turkey; native to Central America and Mexico; highly regarded as game birds
        member:  Texas_chachalaca__Ortilis_vetula_macalli  of Mexico and Texas
  member:  family_Megapodiidae__Megapodiidae  megapodes
     member:  genus-Megapodius__Megapodius  type genus of the Megapodiidae
     member:  megapode__moundbird__mound_builder__moundbuilder__scrub_fowl__scrubfowl  large-footed short-winged birds of Australasia; build mounds of decaying vegetation to incubate eggs
     member:  genus_Leipoa  mallee fowl
        member:  mallee_fowl__leipoa__lowan__Leipoa_ocellata  Australian moundbird; incubates eggs naturally in sandy mounds
     member:  genus_Alectura__Alectura  brush turkeys
        member:  brush_turkey__brushturkey__Alectura_lathami  black megapode of wooded regions of Australia and New Guinea
     member:  genus_Macrocephalon__Macrocephalon  maleos
        member:  Macrocephalon_maleo__maleo  Celebes megapode that lays eggs in holes in sandy beaches
  member:  family_Phasianidae__Phasianidae  pheasants; quails; partridges
     member:  genus_Gallus__Gallus  common domestic birds and related forms
        member:  domestic_fowl__fowl__poultry  a domesticated gallinaceous bird though to be descended from the red jungle fowl
        member:  jungle_fowl__gallina  small Asiatic wild bird; believed to be ancestral to domestic fowl
     member:  phasianid  a kind of game bird in the family Phasianidae
     member:  genus_Phasianus__Phasianus  type genus of the Phasianidae: the typical pheasants
        member:  pheasant  large long-tailed gallinaceous bird native to the Old World but introduced elsewhere
        member:  ring-necked_pheasant__Phasianus_colchicus  common pheasant having bright plumage and a white neck ring
     member:  genus_Afropavo  Congo peafowl
     member:  genus_Argusianus__Argusianus  argus pheasants
        member:  argus_pheasant__arguspheasant__argus__argu  large brilliantly patterned East Indian pheasant
     member:  genus_Chrysolophus__Chrysolophus  golden pheasants
        member:  golden_pheasant__Chrysolophus_pictus  brightly colored crested pheasant of mountains of western and central Asia
     member:  genus_Colinus__Colinus  New World quail: the bobwhites
        member:  bobwhite_quail__bobwhite__partridge  a popular North American game bird; named for its call
     member:  genus_Coturnix__Coturnix  Old World quail
        member:  Old_World_quail  small game bird with a rounded body and small tail
     member:  genus_Lophophorus__Lophophorus  monals
        member:  monal__monaul  brilliantly colored south Asian pheasant
     member:  genus_Odontophorus__Odontophorus  genus of Central and South American crested partridges resembling quails; sometimes placed in a distinct subfamily or isolated in a distinct family
     member:  genus_Pavo__Pavo  peafowl
        member:  peafowl__bird_of_Juno  very large terrestrial southeast Asian pheasant often raised as an ornamental bird
     member:  genus_Lofortyx__Lofortyx  California quail
     member:  genus_Tragopan  a genus of Phasianidae
        member:  tragopan  brilliantly colored Asian pheasant having wattles and two fleshy processes on the head
     member:  subfamily_Perdicidae__Perdicidae__Perdicinae__subfamily_Perdicinae  Old World partridges
        member:  partridge  small Old World gallinaceous game birds
        member:  genus_Perdix__Perdix  a genus of Perdicinae
           member:  Hungarian_partridge__gray_partridge__Perdix_perdix  common European partridge
        member:  genus_Alectoris__Alectoris  a genus of Perdicidae
           member:  red-legged_partridge__Alectoris_ruffa  common western European partridge with red legs
           member:  Greek_partridge__rock_partridge__Alectoris_graeca  of mountainous areas of southern Europe
        member:  genus_Oreortyx__Oreortyx  mountain quail of western United States
           member:  mountain_quail__mountain_partridge__Oreortyx_picta_palmeri  California partridge; slightly larger than the California quail
     member:  subfamily_Numididae__Numididae__Numidinae__subfamily_Numidinae  guinea fowl and related birds of Africa and Madagascar
        member:  genus_Numida__Numida  guinea fowl
           member:  guinea_fowl__guinea__Numida_meleagris  W African bird having dark plumage mottled with white; native to Africa but raised for food in many parts of the world
  member:  family_Opisthocomidae__Opisthocomidae  comprising the hoatzins
     member:  genus_Opisthocomus__Opisthocomus  type genus of the Opisthocomidae: hoatzins
        member:  hoatzin__hoactzin__stinkbird__Opisthocomus_hoazin  crested ill-smelling South American bird whose young have claws on the first and second digits of the wings

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