#nature.trait  the complex of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person's characteristic actions and reactions: "it is his nature to help others"
  supertype:  trait  a distinguishing feature of one's personal nature
  part of:  personality
  subtype:  animality__animal_nature  the physical (or animal) side of a person as opposed to the spirit or intellect
  subtype:  disposition.nature__temperament  your usual mood; "he has a happy disposition"
     subtype:  solitariness  the disposition to enjoy being alone
        subtype:  friendlessness  being without friends
        subtype:  reclusiveness__reclusivenes  preference for seclusion or isolation
           subtype:  privacy__privateness__seclusion  the quality of being secluded from the presence or view of others
     subtype:  aloneness__alonenes__lonelines__lonesomeness__solitude  a disposition toward being alone
     subtype:  physicality__animalism  preoccupation with satisfaction of physical drives and appetites
     subtype:  heart.disposition__spirit  an inclination or tendency of a certain kind; "he had a change of heart"
     subtype:  nervousness__nervousnes  a sensitive or highly strung temperament
        subtype:  uneasiness__restlessness  inability to rest or relax or be still
           subtype:  jactation__jactitation  (pathology) extremely restless tossing and twitching usually by a person with a severe illness
        subtype:  skittishness__restiveness  characterized by nervousness and quickness to take fright
     subtype:  esprit_de_corps__morale__team_spirit  the spirit of a group that makes the members want the group to succeed
     subtype:  moodiness__moodines  having temperamental and changeable moods
     subtype:  blood.disposition  temperament or disposition; "a person of hot blood"
     subtype:  perfectionism  a disposition to feel that anything less than perfect is unacceptable; "his perfectionism seemed excessive to his students"
     subtype:  permissiveness__tolerance  a disposition to allow freedom of choice and behavior
        subtype:  toleration__acceptance__sufferance  a disposition to tolerate or accept people or situations
           subtype:  self_acceptance  an acceptance of yourself as you are, warts and all
        subtype:  indulgence__lenience__leniency  a disposition to yield to the wishes of someone; "too much indulgence spoils a child"
           subtype:  softness.indulgence  a disposition to be lenient in judging others; "softness is not something permitted of good leaders"
        subtype:  overtolerance  too much permissiveness
     subtype:  unpermissiveness  lack of permissiveness or indulgence
        subtype:  sternness__sternnes__strictnes  uncompromising resolution
           subtype:  Puritanism  strictness and austerity in conduct and religion
           subtype:  severity__harshness__harshnes__rigour__inclemency__hardness__stiffness__stiffnes  excessive sternness; "severity of character"; "the harshness of his punishment was inhuman"; "the rigors of boot camp"
     subtype:  good_nature  a cheerful, obliging disposition
        subtype:  grace.good_nature__good_will__goodwill  a disposition to kindness and compassion; benign good will: "the victor's grace in treating the vanquished"
        subtype:  longanimity__patience__forbearance  good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence
        subtype:  easygoingness__easygoingnes  being without worry or concern
        subtype:  risibility  a disposition to laugh
     subtype:  agreeability__agreeableness__agreeablenes  a temperamental disposition to be agreeable
        subtype:  complaisance__compliance__compliancy__obligingness__deference  a disposition or tendency to yield to the will of others
        subtype:  affirmativeness__affirmativenes  the agreeable quality of one who assents
     subtype:  ill_nature__illnature  a disagreeable, irritable, or malevolent disposition
        subtype:  crabbiness__crabbedness__crabbednes__crossnes  a disposition to be ill tempered
        subtype:  crankiness__crotchetiness__crotchetines__contrarines__grumpiness  a fussy and eccentric disposition
        subtype:  sulkiness__sulkines__sullennes__moroseness__sourness  a sullen moody resentful disposition
        subtype:  irritability__temper__biliousness__peevishness__peevishnes__pettishnes__snappishnes__surliness__surlines  a disposition to exhibit uncontrolled anger; "his temper was well known to all his employees"
           subtype:  querulousness__querulousnes  the quality of being given to complaining
        subtype:  impatience.ill_nature  a dislike of anything that causes delay
           subtype:  intolerance  impatience with annoyances: "his intolerance of interruptions"
        subtype:  shrewishness  a nature given to nagging or scolding
        subtype:  asperity__sharpness__sharpnes  harshness of manner
     subtype:  disagreeableness  an ill-tempered and offensive disposition
        subtype:  acrimony__bitterness__acerbity__jaundice  a sharp and bitter manner
        subtype:  contentiousness__contentiousnes__aggressivenes__belligerence__pugnacity__quarrelsomeness__quarrelsomenes  a disposition to fight
           subtype:  truculence__truculency  obstreperous and defiant aggressiveness
        subtype:  negativeness__negativity  the disagreeable quality of one who dissents
     subtype:  willingness__willingnes  cheerful compliance: "he expressed his willingness to help"
        subtype:  readiness__readines  prompt willingness: "readiness to continue discussions"
        subtype:  receptiveness__receptivenes__openness  willingness or readiness to receive esp impressions or ideas: "their receptivity to the proposal"
        subtype:  wholeheartedness  undivided commitment or unreserved enthusiasm
     subtype:  unwillingness__unwillingnes  the trait of being unwilling; "his unwillingness to cooperate vetoed every proposal I made"
        subtype:  hesitancy__reluctance__hesitation__disinclination__indisposition  a certain degree of unwillingness; "a reluctance to commit himself"; "after some hesitation he agreed"
           subtype:  sloth__slothfulness  a disinclination to work or exert yourself
        subtype:  resistance.unwillingness  (psychiatry) an unwillingness to bring repressed feelings into conscious awareness
     subtype:  friendliness  a friendly disposition
        subtype:  affability__affableness__affablenes__amiableness__amiablenes__geniality  a disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk to)
           subtype:  sweetness_and_light__sweetnessandlight  a mild reasonableness; "when he learned who I was he became all sweetness and light"
        subtype:  amicability__amicablenes  having a disposition characterized by warmth and friendliness
        subtype:  familiarity.friendliness__intimacy__closeness__closenes  close or warm friendship; "the absence of fences created a mysterious intimacy in which no one knew privacy"
        subtype:  approachability__accessibility  the attribute of being easy to meet or deal with
        subtype:  congeniality  a congenial disposition
        subtype:  cordiality__amity  a cordial disposition
        subtype:  good-neighborliness__neighborliness__neighbourliness__neighbourlines__goodneighbourlines  a disposition to be friendly and helpful to neighbors
        subtype:  hospitableness  a disposition that welcomes guests and is fond of entertaining
        subtype:  kindliness__helpfulness__helpfulnes  friendliness evidence by a kindly and helpful disposition
     subtype:  unsociability__unsociableness  an unsociable disposition; avoiding friendship or companionship
        subtype:  introversion  (psychology) an introverted disposition; concern with one's own thoughts and feelings
           subtype:  inwardness  preoccupation with what concerns human inner nature (especially ethical or ideological values): "Socrates' inwardness, integrity, and inquisitiveness"- H.R.Finch
              subtype:  spirituality__otherworldliness  concern with things of the spirit
        subtype:  remoteness__aloofness__aloofnes__standoffishnes__withdrawnnes  a disposition to be distant and unsympathetic in manner
           subtype:  unapproachability  a disposition to be unapproachable; unfriendly and inaccessible
        subtype:  secretiveness__secretivenes__closenes  characterized by a lack of openness esp about one's actions or purposes
           subtype:  furtiveness__furtivenes__sneakines__stealthines  a disposition to be sly and stealthy and to do things surreptitiously
     subtype:  unfriendliness  an unfriendly disposition
        subtype:  hostility__ill_will__illwill  a hostile (very unfriendly) disposition; "he could not conceal his hostility"
           subtype:  virulency__virulence  extreme hostility; "the virulence of the malicious old man"
        subtype:  aggression.unfriendliness  a disposition to behave aggressively
        subtype:  misanthropy  a disposition to dislike and mistrust other people
        subtype:  uncongeniality  a disposition not to be congenial
        subtype:  unneighborliness  an unneighborly disposition
        subtype:  inhospitableness  an inhospitable disposition
     subtype:  composure__calm__calmness__equanimity  steadiness of mind under stress; "he accepted their problems with composure and she with equanimity"
        subtype:  aplomb__assuredness__assurednes__poise__sang-froid__self-possession  great coolness and composure under strain; "keep your cool"
        subtype:  placidity__repose__quiet__serenity__tranquillity__tranquility  a disposition free from stress or emotion
           subtype:  ataraxia  peace of mind
     subtype:  discomposure  a temperament that is perturbed and lacking in composure
        subtype:  unease__disquiet__uneasiness  the trait of seeming ill at ease
        subtype:  fluster__perturbation  a disposition that is confused or nervous and upset
     subtype:  optimism.disposition  a general disposition to expect the best in all things
     subtype:  pessimism.disposition  a general disposition to look on the dark side and to expect the worst in all things
  subtype:  sociality  the tendency to associate with others and to form social groups: "mammals as a class are not strong on sociality"
     subtype:  sociability__sociableness  the relative tendency or disposition to be sociable or associate with one's fellows
        subtype:  extroversion  (psychology) an extroverted disposition; concern with what is outside the self
           subtype:  outwardness__outwardnes  concern with or responsiveness to outward things (especially material objects as opposed to ideal concepts): "hearty showmanship and all-round outwardness"
        subtype:  ambiversion  (psychology) a balanced disposition intermediate between extroversion and introversion
        subtype:  conviviality__joviality  a jovial nature
        subtype:  companionability__companionableness__companionablenes  suitability to be a companion
        subtype:  chumminess__camaraderie__comradeliness__comradelines__comradeship  the quality of affording easy familiarity and sociability
        subtype:  gregariousness  the quality of being gregarious--having a dislike of being alone
        subtype:  openness  characterized by an attitude of ready accessibility esp about one's actions or purposes; not secretive

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