#music  an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner
  supertype:  #fine_art__art  the products of human creativity; works of art collectively; "an art exhibition"; "a fine collection of art"
  object of:  #musical_theater
  subtype:  #monody__monophonic_music  music consisting of a single vocal part (usually with accompaniment)
  subtype:  #polyphony__polyphonicmusic__concerted_music__concertedmusic  music arranged in parts for several voices or instruments
     subtype:  #counterpoint  a musical form involving the simultaneous sound of two or more melodies
  subtype:  #polytonality__polytonalism  music that uses two or more different keys at the same time
  subtype:  #popularism  music adapted to the understanding and taste of the majority
  subtype:  #musical_harmony__musicalharmony__harmony  the structure of music with respect to the composition and progression of chords
     subtype:  #harmonisation__harmonization  a piece of harmonized music
        subtype:  #reharmonization__reharmonisation  a piece of music whose original harmony has been revised
     subtype:  #four-part_harmony  harmony in which each chord has four notes that create four melodic lines
     subtype:  #resolution.musical_harmony  a dissonant chord is followed by a consonant chord
  subtype:  #tune__melody__air__strain__melodic_line__melodicline__line__melodic_phrase__melodicphrase  a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence; "she was humming an air from Beethoven"
     subtype:  #fanfare__flourish  a short lively tune played on brass instruments; "he entered to a flourish of trumpets"; "her arrival was greeted with a rousing fanfare"
     subtype:  #glissando  a rapid series of ascending or descending notes on the musical scale
        subtype:  #swoop.glissando__slide  rapid sliding up or down the musical scale; "the violinist was indulgent with his swoops and slides"
     subtype:  #leitmotiv__leitmotif  a melodic phrase that accompanies the reappearance of a person or situation (as in Wagner's operas)
     subtype:  #theme_song__themesong  a melody that recurs and comes to represent a musical play or movie
     subtype:  #signature_tune__signaturetune__signature__theme_song__themesong  a melody used to identify a performer or a dance band or radio/tv program
     subtype:  #melodic_theme__melodictheme__theme__musical_theme__musicaltheme__idea  melodic subject of a musical composition; "the theme is announced in the first measures"; "the accompanist picked up the idea and elaborated it"
        subtype:  #motive__motif  a theme that is elaborated on in a piece of music
           subtype:  #obligato__obbligato  a persistent but subordinate motif
        subtype:  #statement.melodic_theme  (music) the presentation of a musical theme; "the initial statement of the sonata"
        subtype:  #variation.melodic_theme  a repetition of a musical theme in which it is modified or embellished
     subtype:  #part.tune__voice  the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music; "he tried to sing the tenor part"
        subtype:  #primo  the principal part of a duet (especially a piano duet)
        subtype:  #secondo  the second or lower part of a duet (especially a piano duet)
        subtype:  #voice_part__voicepart  a part written for a singer
           subtype:  #canto.voice_part  the highest part (usually the melody) in a piece of choral music
        subtype:  #musical_accompaniment__musicalaccompaniment__accompaniment__support  a subordinate musical part; provides background for more important parts
           subtype:  #descant  a decorative musical accompaniment (often improvised) added above a basic melody
           subtype:  #vamp.musical_accompaniment  an improvised musical accompaniment
        subtype:  #bass_part__bass  the lowest part in polyphonic music
           subtype:  #ground_bass  a short melody in the bass that is constantly repeated
           subtype:  #thorough_bass__basso_continuo__bassocontinuo  a bass part written out in full and accompanied by figures for successive chords
           subtype:  #figured_bass  a bass part in which the notes have numbers under them to indicate the chords to be played
  subtype:  #part_music  vocal music for several voices in independent parts (usually performed without accompaniment)
     subtype:  #homophony  part music with one dominant voice (in a homophonic style)
  subtype:  #prelude  music that precedes a fugue or introduces an act in an opera
     subtype:  #chorale_prelude__choraleprelude  a composition for organ using a chorale as a basis for variations
  subtype:  #overture  orchestral music played at the beginning of an opera or oratorio
  subtype:  #antiphony  alternate (responsive) singing by a choir in two parts
  subtype:  #refrain__chorus  the part of a song where a soloist is joined by a group of singers
     subtype:  #tra-la-la__tra-la__trala  a set of nonsensical syllables used while humming a refrain
  subtype:  #ballet  music written for a ballet
  subtype:  #serialism__serialmusic  20th century music that uses of a definite order of notes as a thematic basis for a musical composition
     subtype:  #twelve-tone_music  a type of serial music introduced by Arnold Schoenberg; uses a tone row formed by the twelve semitones of the chromatic scale (and inverted or backward versions of the row)
  subtype:  #music_genre__musicgenre__musical_genre__musicalgenre__genre__musical_style__musicalstyle  an expressive style of music
     subtype:  #black_music__blackmusic__African-American_music  music created by African-American musicians; early forms were songs that had a melodic line and a strong rhythmic beat with repeated choruses
        subtype:  #blues__blue  a type of folk song that originated among Black Americans at the beginning of the 20th century; has a melancholy sound from repeated use of blue notes
           subtype:  #boogie-woogie__boogie  an instrumental version of the blues (especially for piano)
        subtype:  #soul.gospel_singing  a secular form of gospel that was a major Black musical genre in the 1960s and 1970s; "soul was politically significant during the Civil Rights movement"
        subtype:  #rap_music__rapmusic__rap  genre of African-American music of the 1980s and 1990s in which rhyming lyrics are chanted to a musical accompaniment; several forms of rap have emerged
        subtype:  #rhythm_and_blues__R_and_B  a combination of blues and jazz that was developed in the United States by Black musicians; an important precursor of rock 'n' roll
     subtype:  #classical_music__classicalmusic__serious_music__seriousmusic  traditional genre of music conforming to an established form and appealing to critical interest and developed musical taste
        subtype:  #chamber_music__chambermusic  serious music performed by a small group of musicians
        subtype:  #opera  a drama set to music; consists of singing with orchestral accompaniment and an orchestral overture and interludes
           subtype:  #comic_opera__opera_bouffe__operabouffe__opera_comique__operacomique  opera with a happy ending and in which some of the text is spoken
              subtype:  #operetta__light_opera__lightopera  a short amusing opera
           subtype:  #grand_opera__grandopera  opera in which all the text is sung
           subtype:  #musical_drama__musicaldrama  opera in which the musical and dramatic elements are equally important; the music is appropriate to the action
        subtype:  #cantata__oratorio  a musical composition for voices and orchestra based on a religious text
        subtype:  #concerto  a composition for orchestra and a soloist
           subtype:  #concerto_grosso  a baroque composition for orchestra and a group of solo instruments
        subtype:  #fugue  a musical form consisting of a theme repeated a fifth above or a fourth below its first statement
        subtype:  #rondo__rondeau  a musical form that is often the last movement of a sonata
        subtype:  #sonata  a musical composition of 3 or 4 movements of contrasting forms
           subtype:  #piano_sonata__pianosonata  a sonata for piano
           subtype:  #symphony__symphonic_music__symphonicmusic  a long and complex sonata for symphony orchestra
     subtype:  #religious_music__religiousmusic__church_music  genre of music composed for performance as part of religious ceremonies
        subtype:  #antiphon__antiphony  a verse or song to be chanted or sung in response
           subtype:  #gradual  (Roman Catholic) an antiphon (usually from the Book of Psalms) immediately after the epistle at Mass
        subtype:  #Mass.religious_music__mas  a musical setting for a Mass
           subtype:  #Requiem.Mass__requiem  a musical setting for a Mass celebrating the dead
        subtype:  #processional__prosodion  religious music used in a procession
        subtype:  #antiphonary__antiphonal  bound collection of antiphons
        subtype:  #religious_song__religioussong  religious music for singing
           subtype:  #chant  a repetitive song in which as many syllables as necessary are assigned to a single tone
              subtype:  #Hallel  (Judaism) a chant of praise (Psalms 113 through 118) used at Passover and Shabuoth and Sukkoth and Hanukkah and Rosh Hodesh
              subtype:  #Hare_Krishna  a chant to the Hindu god Krishna
              subtype:  #plainsong__plainchant__Gregorian_chant  a liturgical chant of the Roman Catholic Church
                 subtype:  #cantus_firmus  a melody used as the basis for a polyphonic composition
           subtype:  #Negro_spiritual__spiritual  a kind of religious song originated by Blacks in the southern United States
           subtype:  #Christmas_carol__christmascarol__carol  joyful religious song celebrating the birth of Christ
           subtype:  #hymn__anthem  a song of praise (to God or to a saint or to a nation)
              subtype:  #dithyramb.hymn  (ancient Greece) a passionate hymn (usually in honor of Dionysus)
              subtype:  #doxology  a hymn or verse in Christian liturgy glorifying God
              subtype:  #chorale__choral  a stately Protestant (especially Lutheran) hymn tune
              subtype:  #canticle  a hymn derived from the Bible
                 subtype:  #Magnificat  the canticle of the Virgin Mary (from Luke 1:46 beginning "Magnificat anima mea Dominum")
              subtype:  #Dies_Irae  the first words of a medieval Latin hymn describing the Last Judgment (literally "day of wrath")
              subtype:  #Internationale  a revolutionary socialist anthem
              subtype:  #paean  a hymn of praise (especially one sung in ancient Greece to invoke or thank a deity)
              subtype:  #recessional  a hymn that is sung at the end of a service as the clergy and choir withdraw
              subtype:  #Te_Deum__tedeum  an ancient liturgical hymn
              subtype:  #national_anthem  a song formally adopted as the anthem for a nation
                 subtype:  #Marseillaise  the French national anthem
                 subtype:  #Star-Spangled_Banner  a poem written by Francis Scott Key during the War of 1812 was set to music and adopted by Congress in 1931 as the national anthem of the United States
     subtype:  #marching_music__march  genre of music written for marching; "Sousa wrote the best marches"
        subtype:  #military_march__military_music__martial_music__martialmusic  brisk marching music suitable for troops marching in a military parade
           subtype:  #quickstep.military_march  military march accompanying quick time
           subtype:  #pibroch  martial music with variations;to be played by the Scottish Highlands bagpipe
        subtype:  #processional_march__recessional_march__recessionalmarch  a march to be played for processions
           subtype:  #funeral_march__funeralmarch__dead_march  a slow march to be played for funeral processions
           subtype:  #wedding_march__weddingmarch  a march to be played for a wedding procession
     subtype:  #popular_music_genre__popularmusicgenre__popular_music__popularmusic  any genre of music having wide appeal (but usually only for a short time)
        subtype:  #macumba.popular_music_genre  popular dance music of Brazil; derived from the practices of the macumba religious cult
        subtype:  #pop_music__popmusic__pop  music of general appeal to teenagers; a bland watered-down version of rock'n'roll with more rhythm and harmony and an emphasis on romantic love
        subtype:  #folk_music__ethnic_music__folk  the traditional and typically anonymous music that is an expression of the life of people in a community
           subtype:  #folk_song__folk_ballad  a song that is traditionally sung by the common people of a region and forms part of their culture
              subtype:  #blues__blue  a type of folk song that originated among Black Americans at the beginning of the 20th century; has a melancholy sound from repeated use of blue notes
           subtype:  #schottische.folk_music  music performed for dancing the schottische
           subtype:  #country_music__country_and_western__countryandwestern__C_and_W  a simple style of folk music heard mostly in the southern United States; usually played on stringed instruments
              subtype:  #bluegrass__bluegras  a type of country music played at a rapid tempo on banjos and guitars
              subtype:  #hillbilly_music__hillbillymusic  country music originating in mountainous regions of southern United States
              subtype:  #zydeco  music of southern Louisiana that combines French dance melodies with Caribbean music and blues
           subtype:  #gospel_singing__gospel  a genre of a capella music originating with Black slaves in the United States and featuring call and response; influential on the development of other genres of popular music (especially soul)
              subtype:  #doo-wop__doowop  a genre (usually a capella) of Black vocal-harmony music of the 1950s that evolved in New York City from gospel singing; characterized by close four-part harmonies; the name derived from some of the nonsense syllables sung by the back-up vocalists
              subtype:  #soul.gospel_singing  a secular form of gospel that was a major Black musical genre in the 1960s and 1970s; "soul was politically significant during the Civil Rights movement"
           subtype:  #square-dance_music  music performed for square dancing
        subtype:  #dance_music__dancemusic__danceroom_music__danceroommusic__ballroom_music  a genre of popular music composed for ballroom dancing
           subtype:  #beguine.dance_music  music written in the bolero rhythm of the beguine dance
           subtype:  #bolero.dance_music  music written in the rhythm of the bolero dance
           subtype:  #carioca.dance_music  music composed for dancing the carioca
           subtype:  #conga.dance_music  music composed for dancing the conga
           subtype:  #gavotte.dance_music  music composed in quadruple time for dancing the gavotte
           subtype:  #hornpipe.dance_music  music for dancing the hornpipe
           subtype:  #jig.dance_music  music in three-four time for dancing a jig
           subtype:  #landler.dance_music  music in triple time for dancing the landler
           subtype:  #mazurka.dance_music  music composed for dancing the mazurka
           subtype:  #minuet.dance_music  a stately piece of music composed for dancing the minuet; often incorporated into a sonata or suite
           subtype:  #paso_doble.dance_music__pasodoble  music in march time composed for dancing the paso doble; often played a bull fights
           subtype:  #pavan__pavane  music composed for dancing the pavane
           subtype:  #polka.dance_music  music performed for dancing the polka
           subtype:  #quadrille.dance_music  music for dancing the quadrille
           subtype:  #reel.dance_music  music composed for dancing a reel
           subtype:  #rhumba__rumba  syncopated music in duple time for dancing the rumba
           subtype:  #samba.dance_music  music composed for dancing the samba
           subtype:  #saraband.dance_music  music composed for dancing the saraband
           subtype:  #tango.dance_music  music written in duple time for dancing the tango
           subtype:  #tarantella  music composed in six-eight time for dancing the tarantella
           subtype:  #waltz  music composed in triple time for waltzing
           subtype:  #ragtime  music with a syncopated melody (usually for the piano)
           subtype:  #jazz.dance_music  a style of dance music popular in the 1920s; similar to New Orleans jazz but played by large bands
           subtype:  #kwela  a kind of danceable music popular among black South Africans; includes a whistle among its instruments
        subtype:  #jazz  a genre of popular music that originated in New Orleans around 1900 and developed through increasingly complex styles
           subtype:  #bop__bebop  an early form of modern jazz (originating around 1940)
           subtype:  #boogie-woogie__boogie  an instrumental version of the blues (especially for piano)
           subtype:  #cool_jazz  jazz that is restrained and fluid and marked by intricate harmonic structures often lagging slightly behind the beat
           subtype:  #hot_jazz__hotjazz  jazz that is emotionally charged and intense and marked by strong rhythms and improvisation
           subtype:  #modern_jazz__new_jazz__newjazz__neo_jazz__neojazz  any of various styles of jazz that appeared after 1940
           subtype:  #trad  (British) traditional jazz as revived in the 1950s
           subtype:  #swing_music__swingmusic__swing__jive  a style of jazz played by big bands popular in the 1930s; flowing rhythms but less complex than later styles of jazz
        subtype:  #rap_music__rapmusic__rap  genre of African-American music of the 1980s and 1990s in which rhyming lyrics are chanted to a musical accompaniment; several forms of rap have emerged
        subtype:  #rhythm_and_blues__R_and_B  a combination of blues and jazz that was developed in the United States by Black musicians; an important precursor of rock 'n' roll
        subtype:  #rockabilly  a fusion of black music and country music that was popular in the 1950s; sometimes described as blues with a country beat
        subtype:  #rock_'n'_roll__rock'n'roll__rockandroll__rockandroll__rock_music  a genre of popular music originating in the 1950s; a blend of Black rhythm-and-blues with White country-and-western; "rock is a generic term for the range of styles that evolved out of rock'n'roll."
           subtype:  #progressive_rock__progressiverock__artrock  a style of rock music that emerged in the 1970s; associated with attempts to combine rock with jazz and other forms; intended for listening and not dancing
           subtype:  #psychedlic_rock__acid_rock  a musical style that emerged in the mid-1960s; rock music inspired by or related to drug-induced experience
           subtype:  #punk_rock__punk  rock music with deliberately offensive lyrics expressing anger and social alienation; in part a reaction against progressive rock
        subtype:  #reggae  popular music originating in the West Indies; repetitive bass riffs and regular chords played on the off beat by a guitar
        subtype:  #skiffle  (British) a style of popular music in the 1950s; based on American folk music and played on guitars and improvised percussion instruments
  subtype:  #Bach  the music of Bach; "he played Bach on the organ"
  subtype:  #Beethoven  the music of Beethoven; "he enjoyed Beethoven most of all
  subtype:  #Brahms  the music of Brahms; "Brahms was included in the program"
  subtype:  #Chopin  the music of Chopin; "he practiced Chopin day and night"
  subtype:  #Gilbert_and_Sullivan  the music of Gilbert and Sullivan; "he could sing all of Gilbert and Sullivan"
  subtype:  #Handel  the music of Handel
  subtype:  #Haydn  the music of Haydn
  subtype:  #Mozart  the music of Mozart; "the concert was mostly Mozart"
  subtype:  #Stravinsky  the music of Stravinsky; "Stravinsky no longer causes riots in the streets"
  subtype:  #Wagner  the music of Wagner; "they say that Hitler listened only to Wagner"

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