#morality  concern with the distinction between good and evil or right and wrong; right or good conduct
  exclusion:  #immorality
  supertype:  #quality  an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone; "the quality of mercy is not strained"--Shakespeare
  subtype:  #righteousness__righteousnes  adhering to moral principles
     subtype:  #uprightness__uprightnes  uprightness as a consequence of being honorable and honest
     subtype:  #piety__piousnes  righteousness by virtue of being pious
        subtype:  #devoutness__religiousness__religiousnes  piety by virtue of being devout
           subtype:  #religiosity__pietism  exaggerated or affected piety
        subtype:  #dutifulness__dutifulnes  piety by virtue of devotion to duty
        subtype:  #godliness__godlines  piety by virtue of being a godly person
     subtype:  #justness__justice  the quality of being just or fair
        subtype:  #fairness__equity  conformity with rules or standards; "the judge recognized the fairness of my claim"
           subtype:  #non-discrimination__nondiscrimination  fairness in treating people without prejudice
           subtype:  #sportsmanship  fairness in following the rules of the game
        subtype:  #rightfulness__right  anything in accord with principles of justice; "he feels he is in the right"; "the rightfulness of his claim"
     subtype:  #honorableness__honorablenes__honourablenes  the quality of deserving honor or respect; characterized by honor
        subtype:  #magnanimousness__magnanimousnes__grandeur  the quality of being exalted in character or ideals or conduct
           subtype:  #high-mindedness__idealism__noble-mindedness  elevated ideals or conduct; the quality of believing that ideals should be pursued
           subtype:  #sublimity__the_sublime__thesublime  nobility in thought or feeling or style
        subtype:  #respectability__reputability  honorableness by virtue of being respectable and having a good reputation
           subtype:  #decency  the quality of being polite and respectable
     subtype:  #honor__honour  the quality of being honorable and having a good name; "a man of honor"
     subtype:  #honestness__honesty  the quality of being honest
        subtype:  #scrupulousness  conformity to high standards of ethics or excellence
        subtype:  #integrity  moral soundness
           subtype:  #probity  complete and confirmed integrity
        subtype:  #incorruptness__incorruptnes  characterized by integrity or probity
        subtype:  #incorruptibility  the incapability of being corrupted
        subtype:  #candor__candour__candidness__frankness__franknes__forthrightnes  the quality of being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech
           subtype:  #ingenuousness__ingenuousnes  openly straightforward or frank
              subtype:  #artlessness  ingenuousness by virtue of being free from artful deceit
        subtype:  #good_faith__straightness  having honest intentions; "he acted in good faith"; "doubt was expressed as to the good faith of the immigrants"
        subtype:  #truthfulness  the quality of being truthful
           subtype:  #sincerity  the quality of being open and truthful; not deceitful or hypocritical; "his sincerity inspired belief"; "they demanded some proof of my sincerity"
              subtype:  #heartiness__wholeheartedness  the quality of hearty sincerity
              subtype:  #straightforwardness__straightforwardnes__singlenes  without hypocrisy: "the singleness of his motives could not be questioned"
           subtype:  #sooth  (archaic) truth or reality; "in sooth"
           subtype:  #veracity  unwillingness to tell lies
     subtype:  #dishonorableness__dishonourableness__dishonourablenes  the quality of not deserving honor or respect
        subtype:  #ignobleness__ignoblenes  the quality of being ignoble
        subtype:  #unrespectability__disreputability__disreputablenes  dishonorableness by virtue of lacking respectability or a good reputation
  subtype:  #rightness__rightnes  according with conscience or morality
  subtype:  #conscience  conformity to one's own sense of right conduct: "a person of unflagging conscience"
     subtype:  #conscientiousness__conscientiousnes  the quality of being in accord with the dictates of conscience
     subtype:  #unconscientiousness.conscience__unconscientiousnes  the quality of being willing to ignore the dictates of conscience
  subtype:  #good.morality__goodness  moral excellence or admirableness: "there is much good to be found in people"
     subtype:  #kindness  the quality of being warm-hearted and considerate and humane and sympathetic
        subtype:  #generousness__generosity  the trait of being willing to give your money or time
           subtype:  #charitableness  generosity as manifested by practicing charity (as for the poor or unfortunate)
           subtype:  #bounteousness__bounty  generosity evidenced by a willingness to give freely
           subtype:  #bigheartedness  the quality of being kind and generous
           subtype:  #liberality__liberalness__liberalnes  the trait of being generous in behavior and temperament
              subtype:  #munificence__largess__larges__magnanimity__openhandedness  extremely liberal generosity of spirit
           subtype:  #unselfishness__unselfishnes  the quality of not putting yourself first but being willing to give your time or money or effort etc. for others; "rural people show more devotion and unselfishness than do their urban cousins"
              subtype:  #altruism__selflessness  the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others
        subtype:  #benevolence.kindness  an inclination to do kind or charitable acts
           subtype:  #brotherly_love__brotherlylove__charity  a kindly and lenient attitude toward people
        subtype:  #loving-kindness__lovingkindnes  tender kindness motivated by a feeling of affection
        subtype:  #considerateness__consideratenes__thoughtfulness  kind and considerate regard for others; "he showed no consideration for her feelings"
           subtype:  #attentiveness.considerateness__attentivenes  the trait of being considerate and thoughtful of others
           subtype:  #tact__tactfulness  consideration in dealing with others and avoiding giving offence
              subtype:  #diplomacy__delicacy__discreetness__finesse  subtly skillful handling of a situation
              subtype:  #savoir-faire__address__addres  social skill
     subtype:  #beneficence  the quality of being kind or helpful or generous
        subtype:  #grace  free and unmerited favor or beneficence of God: "there but for the grace of God go I"
     subtype:  #benignancy__benignity__graciousness  the quality of being kind and gentle
     subtype:  #virtuousness__virtue__moral_excellence__moralexcellence  the quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong
     subtype:  #virtue  a particular moral excellence
        subtype:  #cardinal_virtue  one of the seven preeminent virtues
           subtype:  #natural_virtue__naturalvirtue  (scholasticism) one of the four virtues (prudence and justice and fortitude and temperance) derived from nature
              subtype:  #justness__justice  the quality of being just or fair
              subtype:  #temperance.restraint__moderation  the trait of avoiding excesses
                 subtype:  #sobriety  moderation in or abstinence from alcohol or drugs
                 subtype:  #abstemiousness  moderation in eating and drinking
              subtype:  #prudence  discretion in practical affairs
                 subtype:  #providence.prudence  the prudence and care exercised by someone in the management of resources
                    subtype:  #foresightedness__foresightednes__foresightfulness  providence by virtue of planning prudently for the future
                 subtype:  #frugality__frugalness  prudence in avoiding waste
                    subtype:  #parsimony__parsimoniousness__thrift__penny-pinching__pennypinching  extreme care in spending money; reluctance to spend money unnecessarily
                    subtype:  #thriftiness__thriftines  frugality in the expenditure of money or resources; "the Scots are famous for their economy"
              subtype:  #fortitude  strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity with courage
                 subtype:  #grit__backbone__guts__moxie__sand__gumption  (informal) fortitude and determination; "he didn't have the guts to try it"
           subtype:  #theological_virtue__theologicalvirtue__supernatural_virtue  according to Christian ethics: one of the three virtues (faith and hope and charity) created by God to round out the natural virtues
              subtype:  #brotherly_love__brotherlylove__charity  a kindly and lenient attitude toward people
              subtype:  #hope.theological_virtue  one of the three Christian virtues
     subtype:  #saintliness__saintlines  the quality of resembling a saint
     subtype:  #summum_bonum  the supreme good in which all moral values are included or from which they are derived
  subtype:  #chastity__virtue__sexual_morality  morality with respect to sexual relations
     subtype:  #purity__honor__honour  a woman's virtue or chastity

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