#military_officer__officer  any person in the armed services who holds a position of authority or command; "an officer is responsible for the lives of his men"
  supertype:  serviceman__military_man__man__military_personnel  someone who serves in the armed forces; "two men stood sentry duty"
  subtype:  adjutant__aide__aide-de-camp  an officer who acts as military assistant to a more senior officer
     subtype:  adjutant_general  a general's adjutant; chief administrative officer
  subtype:  army_officer  an officer in the armed forces; "he's a retired army officer"
     subtype:  quartermaster  an army officer who provides clothing and subsistence for troops
     instance:  Alfred_Dreyfus__Dreyfus__dreyfu
  subtype:  brass_hat__brasshat  a high-ranking military officer
  subtype:  chief_of_staff  the senior officer of a service of the armed forces
  subtype:  commanding_officer__commandant__commander  an officer in command of a military unit
     subtype:  commander_in_chief__generalissimo  the officer who holds the supreme command; "in the U.S. the president is the commander in chief"
     subtype:  wing_commander  (RAF rank) one who is next below a Group Captain
  subtype:  commissioned_officer  a military officer holding a commission
     subtype:  commissioned_military_officer  a commissioned officer in the army or air force or marine corp
        subtype:  captain  an officer holding a rank below a major but above a lieutenant
        subtype:  colonel  a commissioned military officer in the United States Army or Air Force or Marines who ranks above a lieutenant colonel and below a brigadier general
           subtype:  lieutenant_colonel__light_colonel__lightcolonel  a commissioned officer in the United States Army or Air Force or Marines holding a rank above major and below colonel
        subtype:  field-grade_officer__fieldgradeofficer__field_officer__fieldofficer  an officer holding the rank of major or lieutenant colonel or colonel
        subtype:  general_officer__generalofficer  officers in the army or air force or marines above the rank of colonel
           subtype:  brigadier_general__brigadiergeneral__brigadier  a general officer ranking below a major general
           subtype:  full_general__general  a general officer of the highest rank
              instance:  Gnaeus_Julius_Agricola__Agricola  Alcibiades  Antigonus_Cyclops__Antigonus__Monophthalmos  Mark_Antony__Antony__Anthony__Mark_Anthony__Antonius__Marcus_Antonius  Benedict_Arnold__Arnold  Belisarius  Belshazzar  Simon_Bolivar__Bolivar__bolivar__ellibertador  Omar_Nelson_Bradley__Bradley__Omar_Bradley  Braxton_Bragg__Bragg  John_Burgoyne__Burgoyne__Gentleman_Johnny  Gaius_Julius_Caesar__Caesar__Julius_Caesar  Chiang_Kai-shek__Chiang_Chung-cheng  John_Churchill__Churchill__Duke_of_Marlborough__First_Duke_of_Marlborough  Mark_Wayne_Clark__Clark__Mark_Clark  Karl_von_Clausewitz__Clausewitz  Lucius_DuBignon_Clay__Clay__Lucius_Clay  Baron_Clive_of_Plassey__Clive__Robert_Clive__Baron_Clive  First_Marquess_Cornwallis__Cornwallis__Charles_Cornwallis  Oliver_Cromwell__Cromwell__Ironsides  Duke_of_Cumberland__Cumberland__William_Augustus__Butcher_Cumberland  George_Armstrong_Custer__Custer  Moshe_Dayan__Dayan  Charles_Andre_Joseph_Marie_de_Gaulle__de_Gaulle__Charles_de_Gaulle  Demetrius_Poliorcetes__Demetrius__Demetrius_I  James_Harold_Doolittle__Doolittle__Jimmy_Doolittle  Baron_Hugh_Caswall_Tremenheere_Dowding__Dowding__Hugh_Dowding__Dowdy  Dwight_David_Eisenhower__Eisenhower__Dwight_Eisenhower__Dwight_D._Eisenhower__Ike__President_Eisenhower  Prince_Eugene_of_Savoy__Eugene  Flaminius__Gaius_Falminius  Francisco_Franco__Franco__El_Caudillo  Giuseppe_Garibaldi__Garibaldi  Ulysses_Simpson_Grant__Grant__Ulysses_Grant__Ulysses_S._Grant__Hiram_Ulysses_Grant__President_Grant  Leslie_Richard_Groves__Groves  Hannibal.full_general__hannibal  Sir_Arthur_Travers_Harris__Harris__Bomber_Harris  Hasdrubal  Paul_Ludwig_von_Beneckendorff_und_von_Hindenburg__Hindenburg__Paul_von_Hindenburg  Holofernes  Fighting_Joe_Hooker__Hooker__Joseph_Hooker  Samuel_Houston__Houston__Sam_Houston  Andrew_Jackson__Jackson__Old_Hickory  Thomas_Jonathan_Jackson__Jackson__Thomas_Jackson__Thomas_J._Jackson__Stonewall_Jackson  Joseph_Eggleston_Johnston__Johnston__J._E._Johnston  Flavius_Josephus__Josephus__Joseph_ben_Matthias  Robert_Edward_Lee__Lee__Robert_E_Lee  Lucius_Licinius_Luculus__Luculus  Lysander  Lysimachus  Douglas_MacArthur__MacArthur  George_Catlett_Marshall__Marshall__George_Marshall  George_Gordon_Meade__Meade  Miltiades  William_Mitchell__Mitchell__Billy_Mitchell  1st_Viscount_Montgomery_of_Alamein__Montgomery__Bernard_Law_Montgomery__Sir_Bernard_Law_Montgomery  Napoleon_Bonaparte__Napoleon__Napoleon_I__Bonaparte__the_Little_Corporal  Michel_Ney__Ney__Duc_d'Elchingen  John_Joseph_Pershing__Pershing__Black_Jack_Pershing  George_Edward_Pickett__Pickett__pickett  Pompey_the_Great__Pompey__Gnaeus_Pompeius_Magnus  Comte_de_Rochambeau__Rochambeau__Jean_Baptiste_Donatien_de_Vimeur  Antonio_Lopez_de_Santa_Anna__Santa_Anna__Santa_Ana__Antonio_Lopez_de_Santa_Ana  Hermann_Maurice_Saxe__Saxe__comte_de_Saxe  Publius_Cornelius_Scipio_Africanus_Major__Scipio__Scipio_Africanus__Scipio_Africanus_Major__Publius_Cornelius_Scipio__Scipio_the_Elder  Winfield_Scott__Scott  Seleucus_I_Nicator__Seleucus__Seleucus_I  William_Tecumseh_Sherman__Sherman  Siraj-ud-daula  Joseph_Warren_Stilwell__Stilwell__Vinegar_Joe_Stilwell__Uncle_Joe  Lucius_Cornelius_Sulla_Felix__Sulla  Albrecht_Eusebius_Wenzel_von_Wallenstein__Wallenstein  President_Washington__Washington__George_Washington  Archibald_Percival_Wavell__Wavell__First_Earl_Wavell  Mad_Anthony_Wayne__Wayne__Anthony_Wayne  First_Duke_of_Wellington__Wellington__Duke_of_Wellington__Arthur_Wellesley__the_Iron_Duke  Xenophon  Georgi_Konstantinovich_Zhukov__Zhukov
           subtype:  lieutenant_general  a general officer ranking above a major general and below a full general
           subtype:  major-general__majorgeneral  a general officer ranking above a brigadier general and below a lieutenant general
        subtype:  lieutenant  a commissioned military officer
           subtype:  first_lieutenant__firstlieutenant  a commissioned officer in the army or air force or marines ranking above a 2nd lieutenant and below a captain
           subtype:  second_lieutenant  a commissioned officer in the army or air force or marine corps holding the lowest rank
           subtype:  sublieutenant  (British) an officer ranking next below a lieutenant
        subtype:  major  a commissioned military officer in the United States Army or Air Force or Marines; below lieutenant colonel and above captain
        subtype:  marshall__marshal  (in some countries) a military officer of highest rank
           subtype:  field_marshal__fieldmarshal  an officer holding the highest rank in the army
              instance:  Paul_Ludwig_von_Beneckendorff_und_von_Hindenburg__Hindenburg__Paul_von_Hindenburg  Joseph_Jacques_Cesaire_Joffre__Joffre  First_Earl_Kitchener_of_Khartoum__Kitchener__Herbert_Kitchener__Horatio_Herbert_Kitchener  Mikhail_Ilarionovich_Kutuzov__Kutuzov__Prince_of_Smolensk  Erwin_Rommel__Rommel__Desert_Fox  Karl_Rudolf_Gerd_von_Rundstedt__Rundstedt__von_Rundstedt  Archibald_Percival_Wavell__Wavell__First_Earl_Wavell
           instance:  Baron_Hugh_Caswall_Tremenheere_Dowding__Dowding__Hugh_Dowding__Dowdy  Sir_Arthur_Travers_Harris__Harris__Bomber_Harris  Michel_Ney__Ney__Duc_d'Elchingen  Hermann_Maurice_Saxe__Saxe__comte_de_Saxe
        subtype:  subaltern  a British commissioned army officer below the rank of captain
     subtype:  commissioned_naval_officer  a commissioned officer in the navy
        subtype:  ensign.commissioned_naval_officer  a person who holds a commissioned rank in the United States Navy or Coast Guard; below lieutenant junior grade
        subtype:  captain.commissioned_naval_officer__skipper  the naval officer in command of a military ship
           subtype:  flag_captain  the captain of a flagship
        subtype:  commander.commissioned_naval_officer  a commissioned naval officer who ranks above a lieutenant commander and below a captain
        subtype:  commodore  a commissioned naval officer who ranks above a captain and below a rear admiral; the lowest grade of admiral
           instance:  Oliver_Hazard_Perry__Perry__Commodore_Perry
        subtype:  flag_officer  a senior naval officer above the rank of captain
           subtype:  full_admiral__admiral  the supreme commander of a fleet; ranks above a vice admiral and below a fleet admiral
              instance:  William_Bligh__Bligh__Captain_Bligh  Sir_Francis_Drake__Drake__Francis_Drake  David_Glasgow_Farragut__Farragut  Viscount_Nelson__Nelson__Horatio_Nelson  Chester_William_Nimitz__Nimitz__Chester_Nimitz  Matthew_Calbraith_Perry__Perry  Hyman_George_Rickover__Rickover__Hyman_Rickover  Isoroku_Yamamoto__Yamamoto
           subtype:  fleet_admiral__fleetadmiral  an admiral of the highest rank; five-star admiral
           subtype:  rear_admiral  an admiral junior to a vice admiral
           subtype:  vice_admiral  an admiral ranking below a full admiral and above a rear admiral
        subtype:  lieutenant.commissioned_naval_officer  an officer holding a commissioned rank in the United States Navy or Coast Guard; below lieutenant commander and above lieutenant junior grade
        subtype:  lieutenant_commander  a commissioned officer in the navy ranking above a lieutenant and below a commander
        subtype:  lieutenant_junior_grade__lieutenant_JG  an officer holding a commissioned rank in the United States navy or Coast Guard; below lieutenant and above ensign
     subtype:  judge_advocate.commissioned_officer__judgeadvocate  an officer assigned to the judge advocate general
     subtype:  judge_advocate_general  the senior legal advisor to a branch of the military
     subtype:  line_officer  a commissioned officer with combat units (not a staff officer or a supply officer)
     subtype:  ranker.commissioned_officer  (British) a commissioned officer who has been promoted from enlisted status
     subtype:  staff_officer__staffofficer  a commissioned officer assigned to a military commander's staff
        subtype:  judge_advocate__judgeadvocate  a staff officer serving as legal adviser to a military commander
        subtype:  quartermaster_general__quartermastergeneral  a staff officer in charge of supplies for a whole army
     subtype:  supply_officer  a commissioned officer responsible for logistics
  subtype:  desk_officer  a military officer who is not assigned to active duty
  subtype:  executive_officer__executiveofficer  the officer second in command
  subtype:  inspector_general__inspectorgeneral  a military officer responsible for investigations
  subtype:  naval_officer__navalofficer  an officer in the navy
     subtype:  naval_commander__navalcommander  naval officer in command of a fleet of warships
        instance:  John_Paul_Jones__johnpauljone__Jones
     instance:  Isaac_Hull__Hull  Alfred_Thayer_Mahan__Mahan
  subtype:  noncommissioned_officer__noncommissionedofficer__noncom  a military officer appointed from enlisted personnel
     subtype:  aircraftsman__aircraftman  a noncommissioned officer in the British Royal Air Force
     subtype:  bombardier.noncommissioned_officer  a noncommissioned officer in the British artillery
     subtype:  chief_petty_officer__chiefpettyofficer  a person with the senior noncommissioned naval rank
     subtype:  corporal  a noncommissioned officer in the army or airforce or marines
     subtype:  drill_master__drillmaster__drill_instructor__drillinstructor  a noncommissioned officer who instructs recruits in military marching and discipline
     subtype:  lance_corporal__lancecorporal  an enlisted man in the marine corps ranking above a private first class and below a corporal
     subtype:  petty_officer__PO__P.O.  a noncommissioned officer in the navy with a rank comparable to sergeant in the army
        subtype:  master-at-arms  the senior petty officer; responsible for discipline aboard ship
     subtype:  sergeant  any of several noncommissioned officer ranks in the army or air force or marines ranking above a corporal
        subtype:  color_sergeant__colorsergeant  a sergeant in a color guard who carries one of the colors
        subtype:  first_sergeant__firstsergeant__sergeantfirstclas  a sergeant in the army above the rank of staff sergeant and below master sergeant
           subtype:  orderly_sergeant__orderlysergeant  the first sergeant of a company; duties formerly included the conveyance of orders
        subtype:  gunnery_sergeant__gunnerysergeant  a noncommissioned officer ranking above a staff sergeant in the marines
        subtype:  master_sergeant  a senior noncommissioned officer in the army or air force or marines
        subtype:  recruiting-sergeant  a sergeant deputized to enlist recruits
        subtype:  staff_sergeant__staffsergeant  a noncommissioned officer ranking above corporal and below sergeant first class in the army or marines or above airman 1st class in the air force
        subtype:  technical_sergeant__technicalsergeant  a noncommissioned officer ranking below a master sergeant in the air force or marines
  subtype:  warrant_officer__warrantofficer  holds rank by virtue of a warrant

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