#microorganism  any organism (animal or plant) of microscopic size
  supertype:  living_thing__organism__being  a living (or once living) entity that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently
  part:  pilus
  subtype:  intestinal_flora  harmless microorganisms (as Escherichia coli) that inhabit the intestinal tract and are essential for its normal functioning
  subtype:  virus__viru  ultramicroscopic infectious agent that replicates itself only within cells of living hosts; many are pathogenic
     subtype:  bacteriophage__phage  virus parasitic in bacteria; multiplies within its host
     subtype:  plant_virus__plantviru  a plant pathogen that is a virus consisting of a single strand of RNA
        subtype:  tobacco_mosaic_virus__TMV  the widely studied plant virus that causes tobacco mosaic; it was the first virus discovered (1892)
        subtype:  viroid__virusoid  a plant virus with its RNA arranged in a circular chromosome without a protein coat
        subtype:  onion_yellow-dwarf_virus  the virus that produces stunting and yellowing of the leaves of onion plants
        subtype:  potato_yellow-dwarf_virus  the virus that produces stunting and yellowing of the leaves of potato plants
     subtype:  animal_virus  an animal pathogen that is a virus
        subtype:  adenovirus  any of a group of viruses including those that in humans cause upper respiratory infections or infectious pinkeye
           subtype:  parainfluenza_virus__parainfluenzaviru  a virus that causes upper respiratory infection (including the common cold and bronchiolitis); most often in children
        subtype:  ebola_virus__ebolaviru  a virus that causes viral hemorrhagic fever
        subtype:  poxvirus  any of a group of viruses that can cause pox diseases in vertebrates
           subtype:  myxoma_virus  a poxvirus closely related to smallpox virus; causes benign gelatinous tumors in humans
           subtype:  variola_virus__variolaviru__smallpox_virus  the virus that causes smallpox in humans
              subtype:  variola_major_virus__variolamajorviru__variola_major__variolamajor  a type of smallpox virus that has a fatality rate of up to 25 percent
              subtype:  variola_minor_virus__variolaminorviru__variola_minor__variolaminor  a type of smallpox virus that has a fatality rate of about 1 percent
        subtype:  hepadnavirus  a group of animal DNA viruses including viruses of ducks and woodchucks and squirrels and others as well as the virus causing hepatitis B in humans
        subtype:  retrovirus  any of a group of viruses that contain two single-strand linear RNA molecules per virion and reverse transcriptase (RNA to DNA)
           subtype:  HTLV-1__human_T-cell_leukemia_virus-1  retrovirus causing T-cell leukemia
           subtype:  HIV__human_immunodeficiency_virus  the virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS); it replicates in and kills the helper T cells
        subtype:  myxovirus__myxoviru  any of a group of RNA viruses including those that cause influenza and mumps
           subtype:  orthomyxovirus  a group of viruses including those causing influenza
           subtype:  paramyxovirus__paramyxoviru  a group of viruses including those causing mumps and measles
              subtype:  respiratory_syncytial_virus__respiratorysyncytialviru  a paramyxovirus that forms syncytia in tissue culture and that is responsible for severe respiratory diseases such as bronchiolitis and bronchial pneumonia (especially in children)
        subtype:  picornavirus  a group of single-strand RNA viruses with a protein coat
           subtype:  enterovirus__enteroviru  any of a group of picornaviruses that infect the gastrointestinal tract and can spread to other areas (especially the nervous system)
              subtype:  poliovirus  the virus causing poliomyelitis
              subtype:  hepatitis_A_virus  the virus causing hepatitis A
              subtype:  coxsackievirus__Coxsackie_virus  enterovirus causing a disease resembling poliomyelitis but without paralysis
              subtype:  echovirus__echoviru  any of a group of viruses associated with various diseases including viral meningitis and mild respiratory disorders and diarrhea in newborn infants
           subtype:  rhinovirus  any of a group of picornaviruses that are responsible for many upper respiratory infections
        subtype:  herpes_virus__herpes  any of the animal viruses that cause painful blisters on the skin
           subtype:  herpes_simplex_virus__herpes_simplex  a herpes virus that affects the skin and nervous system
              subtype:  herpes_simplex_1__HS1__HSv-1  a herpes virus that causes oral herpes
              subtype:  herpes_simplex_2__HS2__HSV-2  a herpes virus that can cause genital herpes
           subtype:  herpes_zoster_virus__herpes_zoster  a herpes virus that causes shingles
              subtype:  herpes_varicella_zoster_virus__herpes_varicella_zoster  a herpes virus that causes chickenpox and shingles
           subtype:  Epstein-Barr_virus__EBV  the herpes virus that causes infectious mononucleosis; associated with specific cancers in Africa and China
           subtype:  cytomegalovirus__cytomegaloviru  any of a group of herpes viruses that can cause birth defects; can affect humans with impaired immunological systems
           subtype:  varicella_zoster_virus  the member of the herpes virus family that is responsible for chickenpox
        subtype:  papovavirus__papovaviru  any of a group of animal viruses associated with or causing papillomas or polyomas
           subtype:  human_papilloma_virus__humanpapillomaviru  any of a group of papovaviruses associated with genital or oral carcinomas or a group associated with benign genital tumors
           subtype:  polyoma_virus__polyomaviru__polyoma  a virus the can initiate various kinds of tumors in mice
        subtype:  togavirus__togaviru  any of a group of single-strand RNA viruses including those causing hepatitis non-A non-B and yellow fever
        subtype:  rhabdovirus__rhabdoviru  any of a group of RNA viruses including those causing rabies
        subtype:  reovirus  any of a group of RNA viruses including the rotavirus causing infant enteritis
           subtype:  rotavirus__rotaviru  the reovirus causing infant enteritis
        subtype:  parvovirus__parvo  any of a group of viruses containing DNA in an icosahedral protein shell and causing disease in dogs and cattle; not known to be associated with any human disease
     subtype:  slow_virus  a virus that remains dormant in the body for a long time before symptoms appear; "kuru is caused by a slow virus"
     subtype:  tumor_virus  a cell-free filtrate held to be a virus responsible for a specific neoplasm
        subtype:  wound_tumor_virus__woundtumorviru__WTV  a tumor virus transmitted by leafhoppers
  subtype:  moneran__moneron  organisms that typically reproduce by asexual budding or fission and whose nutritional mode is absorption or photosynthesis or chemosynthesis
     subtype:  archaebacteria__archaebacterium__archaeobacteria__archeobacteria  considered ancient life forms that evolved separately from bacteria and blue-green algae
        subtype:  methanogen  archaebacteria found in anaerobic environments such as animal intestinal tracts or sediments or sewage and capable of producing methane; a source of natural gas
        subtype:  halophile__halophil  archaebacteria requiring a salt-rich environment for growth and survival
           subtype:  halobacteria__halobacterium__halobacter  halophiles in saline environments such as the Dead Sea or salt flats
        subtype:  thermoacidophile  archaebacteria that thrive in strongly acidic environments at high temperatures
     subtype:  eubacteria__eubacterium__truebacteria  a large group of bacteria having rigid cell walls; motile types have flagella
        subtype:  bacillus__bacilli__b  aerobic rod-shaped spore-producing bacterium; often occurring in chainlike formations
        subtype:  coccus__cocci  any spherical or nearly spherical bacteria
           subtype:  staphylococcus__staphylococci__staph  spherical gram-positive parasitic bacteria that tend to form irregular colonies; some cause boils or septicemia or infections
        subtype:  spirilla__spirillum  any flagellated aerobic bacteria having a spirally twisted rodlike form
        subtype:  clostridium__clostridia  spindle-shaped bacterial cell especially one swollen at the center by an endospore
        subtype:  botulinus__botulinu__botulinum__Clostridium_botulinum  anaerobic bacterium producing botulin the toxin that causes botulism
        subtype:  cyanobacteria__blue-green_algae  predominantly photosynthetic prokaryotic organisms containing a blue pigment in addition to chlorophyll; occur singly or in colonies in diverse habitats; important as phytoplankton
           subtype:  nostoc  found in moist places as rounded jellylike colonies
           subtype:  trichodesmium  large colonial bacterium common in tropical open-ocean waters; important in carbon and nitrogen fixation
        subtype:  phototrophic_bacteria__phototropic_bacteria__phototropicbacteria  green and purple bacteria; energy for growth is derived from sunlight; carbon is derived from carbon dioxide or organic carbon
           subtype:  purple_bacteria  free-living Gram-negative pink to purplish-brown bacteria containing bacteriochlorophyll
        subtype:  pseudomonad  bacteria usually producing greenish fluorescent water-soluble pigment; some pathogenic for plants and animals
           subtype:  ring_rot_bacteria__Pseudomonas_solanacearum  causes brown rot in tomatoes and potatoes and tobacco etc
        subtype:  xanthomonad  bacteria producing yellow non-water-soluble pigments; some pathogenic for plants
        subtype:  nitric_bacteria__nitrobacteria  soil bacteria that convert nitrites to nitrates
        subtype:  nitrosobacteria__nitrous_bacteria__nitrousbacteria  soil bacteria that oxidize ammonia to nitrites
        subtype:  thiobacillus  small rod-shaped bacteria living in sewage or soil and oxidizing sulfur
           subtype:  thiobacteria__sulphur_bacteria__sulphurbacteria__sulfurbacteria  any bacterium of the genus Thiobacillus
        subtype:  spirillum  spirally twisted elongate rodlike bacteria usually living in stagnant water
           subtype:  ratbite_fever_bacterium__ratbitefeverbacterium__Spirillum_minus  a bacterium causing rat-bite fever
        subtype:  vibrio__vibrion  curved rodlike motile bacterium
           subtype:  comma_bacillus__Vibrio_comma  comma-shaped bacteria that cause Asiatic cholera
           subtype:  Vibrio_fetus  bacteria that cause abortion in sheep
        subtype:  enteric_bacteria__entericbacteria__enterobacteria__enterics  rod-shaped gram-negative bacteria; most occur normally or pathogenically in intestines of humans and other animals
           subtype:  escherichia  a genus of enteric bacteria
              subtype:  Escherichia_coli  normally present in intestinal tract of humans and other animals; sometimes pathogenic
           subtype:  klebsiella  a genus of nonmotile rod-shaped gram-negative enterobacteria; some cause respiratory and other infections
           subtype:  salmonella  rod-shaped gram-negative enterobacteria; cause typhoid fever and food poisoning
              subtype:  Salmonella_enteritidis__Gartner's_bacillus  a form of salmonella that causes gastroenteritis in humans
              subtype:  Salmonella_typhimurium  a form of salmonella that causes food poisoning in humans
              subtype:  typhoid_bacillus__Salmonella_typhosa__Salmonella_typhi  a form of salmonella that causes typhoid fever
           subtype:  shigella  rod-shaped gram-negative enterobacteria; some are pathogenic for warm-blooded animals
              subtype:  shiga_bacillus__Shigella_dysentariae  a bacillus that causes dysentery
           subtype:  erwinia  rod-shaped motile bacteria that attack plants
        subtype:  endospore-forming_bacteria__endosporeformingbacteria  a group of true bacteria
        subtype:  rickettsias__rickettsia  rod-shaped microorganisms resembling both bacteria and viruses; live in biting arthropods and cause disease in vertebrate hosts
        subtype:  chlamydia  coccoid rickettsia infesting birds and mammals; cause infections of eyes and lungs and genitourinary tract
        subtype:  mycoplasma  the smallest self-reproducing prokaryote; lacks a cell wall and can survive without oxygen; can cause pneumonia and urinary tract infection
           subtype:  pleuropneumonialike_organism__pleuropneumonialikeorganism__PPLO  antibiotic-resistant mycoplasma causing a kind of pneumonia in humans
        subtype:  actinomycete  any bacteria (some of which are pathogenic for humans and animals) belonging to the order Actinomycetales
           subtype:  streptomyces  aerobic bacteria (some of which produce the antibiotic streptomycin)
              subtype:  Streptomyces_erythreus  source of the antibiotic erythromycin
              subtype:  Streptomyces_griseus  source of the antibiotic streptomycin
              subtype:  potato_scab_bacteria__Streptomyces_scabies  cause of a potato disease characterized by brownish corky tissue
        subtype:  actinomyces__actinomyce  soil-inhabiting saprophytes and disease-producing plant and animal parasites
        subtype:  mycobacteria__mycobacterium  rod-shaped bacteria some saprophytic or causing diseases
           subtype:  tubercle_bacillus__Mycobacterium_tuberculosis  cause of tuberculosis
           subtype:  leprosy_bacillus__Mycobacterium_leprae  cause of leprosy
        subtype:  myxobacteria__myxobacterium__myxobacter__gliding_bacteria__glidingbacteria__slime_bacteria__slimebacteria  bacteria that form colonies in self-produced slime; inhabit moist soils or decaying plant matter or animal waste
        subtype:  lactobacillus__lactobacillu  gram-positive rod-shaped bacteria that produce lactic acid especially in milk
        subtype:  streptococcus__streptococcu__streptococci__strep  spherical gram-positive bacteria occurring in pairs or chains; cause e.g. scarlet fever and tonsillitis
        subtype:  spirochete__spirochaete  parasitic or free-living bacteria; many pathogenic to humans and other animals
           subtype:  treponema  spirochete that causes disease in humans (e.g. syphilis and yaws)
           subtype:  borrelia  cause of e.g. European and African relapsing fever
           subtype:  Borrelia_burgdorferi__Lime_disease_spirochete  cause of Lyme disease; transmitted primarily by ticks of genus Ixodes
           subtype:  leptospira  important pathogens causing Weil's disease or canicola fever
  subtype:  bacteria__bacterium  single-celled or noncellular spherical or spiral or rod-shaped organisms lacking chlorophyll that reproduce by fission; important as pathogens and for biochemical properties; taxonomy is difficult; often considered plants
     subtype:  acidophil__acidophile  an organism that thrives in a relatively acid environment
     subtype:  bacteroid  any of the rod-shaped or branched bacteria in the root nodules of nitrogen-fixing plants
     subtype:  bacteroid.bacteria  a rodlike bacterium of the genus Bacteroides
     subtype:  genus_Calymmatobacterium__Calymmatobacterium  a genus of bacterial rods containing only the one species that causes granuloma inguinale
     subtype:  gonococcus__Neisseria_gonorrhoeae  the pus-producing bacterium that causes gonorrhea
     subtype:  nitrobacterium  any of the bacteria in the soil that take part in the nitrogen cycle; they oxidize ammonium compounds into nitrites or oxidize nitrites into nitrates
        subtype:  nitrate_bacterium__nitratebacterium__nitric_bacterium  any of the nitrobacteria that oxidize nitrites into nitrates
        subtype:  nitrite_bacterium__nitritebacterium__nitrous_bacterium__nitrousbacterium  any of the nitrobacteria that oxidize ammonia into nitrites
     subtype:  penicillin-resistant_bacteria  bacteria that are unaffected by penicillin
     subtype:  rod.bacteria  any rod-shaped bacterium
        subtype:  streptobacillus__streptobacillu  any of various rod-shaped gram-negative bacteria
     subtype:  diplococcus__diplococcu  gram-positive bacteria usually occurring in pairs
        subtype:  pneumococcus__Diplococcus_pneumoniae  bacteria causing pneumonia
     subtype:  Rickettsia  any of a group of parasitic bacteria that live in arthropods (as ticks and mites) and can cause disease if transmitted to human beings
  subtype:  microbe__bug__germ  a minute life form (especially a disease-causing bacterium); the term is not in technical use
  subtype:  pathogen  any disease-producing agent especially a virus or bacterium or other microorganism
  subtype:  protoctist  any of the unicellular protists
     subtype:  protozoan__protozoon  any of diverse minute acellular or unicellular organisms usually nonphotosynthetic
        subtype:  sarcodinian__sarcodine  protozoa that move and capture food by forming pseudopods
           subtype:  actinopod  protozoa having stiff rodlike radiating pseudopods
              subtype:  heliozoan  protozoa with spherical bodies and stiff radiating pseudopods
              subtype:  radiolarian  protozoa with amoeba-like bodies and radiating filamentous pseudopods
        subtype:  rhizopod__rhizopodan  protozoa characterized by a pseudopod
           subtype:  ameba__amoeba  naked freshwater or marine or parasitic protozoa that form temporary pseudopods for feeding and locomotion
              subtype:  endameba  any ameba of the genus Endamoeba
                 subtype:  Endamoeba_histolytica  the parasitic ameba that causes amebic dysentery in human beings
           subtype:  foram__foraminifer  marine microorganism having a calcareous shell with openings where pseudopods protrude
              subtype:  globigerina  marine protozoan having a rounded shell with spiny processes
              subtype:  nummulite  large fossil protozoan of the Tertiary period
           subtype:  testacean  any of various rhizopods of the order Testacea characterized by having a shell
        subtype:  arcella  an amoeba-like protozoan with a chitinous shell resembling an umbrella
        subtype:  difflugia  a protozoan with an ovoid shell of cemented sand grains
        subtype:  ciliate__ciliated_protozoan__ciliophoran  a protozoan with a microscopic appendage extending from the surface of the cell
           subtype:  infusorian  any member of the subclass Infusoria
           subtype:  paramecium__paramecia  any member of the genus Paramecium
           subtype:  tetrahymena  relative of the paramecium; often used in genetics research
           subtype:  stentor  any member of the genus Stentor
           subtype:  vorticella  protozoa having a transparent goblet-shaped body with a retractile stalk
        subtype:  euglena  minute single-celled green freshwater organism having a single flagella; often classed as algae
        subtype:  flagellate_protozoan__flagellate__flagellated_protozoan__flagellatedprotozoan__mastigophoran__mastigophore  usually nonphotosynthetic free-living protozoan with whiplike appendages; some pathogens of humans and other animals
           subtype:  dinoflagellate  chiefly marine protozoa having two flagella; a chief constituent of plankton
              subtype:  noctiluca__Noctiluca_miliaris  large bioluminescent marine protozoan
              subtype:  peridinian  flagellate with a thick test composed of plates
           subtype:  genus_Leishmania__Leishmania  flagellate protozoan that causes leishmaniasis
           subtype:  zoomastigote__zooflagellate  flagellate protozoan lacking photosynthesis and other plant-like characteristics
           subtype:  hypermastigote  flagellate symbiotic in the intestines of e.g. termites
           subtype:  polymastigote  flagellates with several flagella
           subtype:  costia__Costia_necatrix  a flagellate that is the cause of the frequently fatal fish disease costiasis
           subtype:  giardia  a suspected cause of diarrhea in humans
           subtype:  trichomonad  cause of trichomoniasis in women and cattle and birds
        subtype:  plantlike_flagellate__plantlikeflagellate  unicellular organisms having many characteristics of typical algae
        subtype:  sporozoan  parasitic spore-forming protozoan
           subtype:  sporozoite  one of the minute active bodies into which sporozoans divide in one stage of their life cycle
           subtype:  trophozoite  a sporozoan in the active feeding stage of its life cycle
           subtype:  merozoite  a cell that arises from the asexual division of a parent sporozoan during its life cycle
           subtype:  coccidium__eimeria  parasitic on the digestive epithelium of vertebrates and higher invertebrates
           subtype:  gregarine  vermiform protozoans parasitic in insects and other invertebrates
           subtype:  haemosporidian  minute protozoans parasitic at some stage of the life cycle in blood cells of vertebrates including many pathogens
           subtype:  Plasmodium_vivax__plasmodium__malaria_parasite__malariaparasite  parasitic protozoan of the genus Plasmodium that causes malaria in humans
           subtype:  haemoproteid  related to malaria parasite and having a phase in the viscera of various birds
           subtype:  leucocytozoan__leucocytozoon  parasitic in birds
           subtype:  piroplasm  minute parasite of red blood cells of mammals transmitted by a tick and causing diseases of domestic animals
           subtype:  sarcosporidian__sarcocystidean__sarcocystieian  parasite of the muscles of vertebrates
           subtype:  haplosporidian  parasite in invertebrates and lower vertebrates of no known economic importance
           subtype:  actinomyxidian  parasites of worms
           subtype:  microsporidian  parasite of arthropods and fishes that invade and destroy host cells
           subtype:  myxosporidian  mostly parasitic in fishes and including various serious pathogens
     subtype:  alga__algae  primitive chlorophyll-containing mainly aquatic eukaryotic organisms lacking true stems and roots and leaves
        subtype:  seaweed  plant growing in the sea, especially marine algae
           subtype:  arame  an edilbe seaweed with a mild flavor
           subtype:  wrack  dried seaweed especially that cast ashore
           subtype:  seagrass  any of various seaweeds that grow underwater in shallow beds
           subtype:  sea_wrack__seawrack__wrack  growth of marine vegetation especially of the large forms such as rockweeds and kelp
           subtype:  sea_tang__seatang__tang  any of various coarse seaweeds
        subtype:  golden_algae  algae having the pigments chlorophyll and carotene and xanthophyll
        subtype:  yellow-green_algae  any alga of the division Chrysophyta with its chlorophyll masked by yellow pigment
           subtype:  conferva  any of various algae of the genus Tribonema; algae with branching filaments that form scum in still or stagnant fresh water
        subtype:  diatom  microscopic unicellular marine or freshwater colonial alga having cell walls impregnated with silica
        subtype:  confervoid_algae  algae resembling confervae especially in having branching filaments
        subtype:  brown_algae__brownalgae  algae having the chlorophyll masked by brown and yellow pigments
           subtype:  kelp  large brown seaweeds having fluted leathery fronds
              subtype:  sea_tangle__seatangle__tang  any of various kelps especially of the genus Laminaria
           subtype:  fucoid_algae__fucoid  any of various algae of the family Fucaceae
           subtype:  rockweed  coarse brown seaweed growing on rocks exposed at low tide
              subtype:  fucus__fucu  any member of the genus Fucus
              subtype:  black_rockweed__blackrockweed__bladderwrack__bladder_fucus__bladderfucu__tang__Fucus_vesiculosus  common black rockweed used in preparing kelp and as manure
              subtype:  bladderwrack__Ascophyllum_nodosum  similar to and found with black rockweed
           subtype:  serrated_wrack__Fucus_serratus__tang  brown algae seaweed with serrated edges
           subtype:  gulfweed__sargassum__sargasso__Sargassum_bacciferum  brown algae with rounded bladders forming dense floating masses in tropical Atlantic waters as in the Sargasso Sea
        subtype:  euglenoid__euglenophyte__euglenid  marine and freshwater green or colorless flagellate organism
        subtype:  green_algae__greenalgae__chlorophyte  algae that are clear green in color; often growing on wet ricks or damp wood or the surface of stagnant water
           subtype:  sea_lettuce__sealettuce__laver  seaweed with edible translucent crinkly green fronds
           subtype:  pond_scum  free-floating freshwater green algae
           subtype:  spirogyra  freshwater algae consisting of minute filaments containing spiral chlorophyll bands
           subtype:  stonewort  any of various submerged aquatic algae of the genus Chara having nodes with whorled filamentlike branches; usually encrusted with calcium carbonate deposits
           subtype:  desmid  freshwater green algae
        subtype:  chlorella  any alga of the genus Chlorella
        subtype:  red_algae__redalgae  marine algae in which the chlorophyll is masked by a red or purplish pigment; source of agar and carrageenan
           subtype:  sea_moss  any of various red algae having graceful rose to purple fronds (e.g. dulse or carrageen)
           subtype:  Irish_moss__carrageen__carageen__carragheen__Chondrus_crispus  dark purple edible seaweed of the Atlantic coasts of Europe and North America
           subtype:  dulse__Rhodymenia_palmata  coarse edible red seaweed
           subtype:  red_laver__redlaver__laver  edible red seaweeds
        subtype:  cryptomonad__cryptophyte  common in fresh and salt water appearing along the shore as algal blooms
  subtype:  protist__protistan  free-living or colonial organisms with diverse nutritional and reproductive modes

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