#manzanita  chiefly evergreen shrubs of warm dry areas of western North America
  supertype:  #shrub__bush  a low woody perennial plant usually having several major branches
  member of:  #genus_Arctostaphylos
  subtype:  #heartleaf_manzanita__heartleafmanzanita__Arctostaphylos_andersonii  erect California shrub having leaves with heart-shaped lobes at the base
  subtype:  #Parry_manzanita__Arctostaphylos_manzanita  erect treelike shrub forming dense thickets and having drooping panicles of white or pink flowers and red berrylike drupes; California
  subtype:  #downy_manzanita__downymanzanita__woolly_manzanita__Arctostaphylos_tomentosa  erect openly branched California shrub whose twigs are woolly when young

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