#male_person__male  a person who belongs to the sex that cannot have babies
  exclusion:  #female_person
  supertype:  #male (pm)  pm#male_or_female_person (pm)
  subtype:  #feller  #foster-brother  #male_child  #adult_man  #man.lover  #man.male_person  #mother's_son  #sirrah
  instance:  spamOnly@phmartin.info (pm)  p.eklund@gu.edu.au (pm)  peter.deer@dsto.defence.gov.au (pm)  r.cole@gu.edu.au (pm)  t.tilley@gu.edu.au (pm)  daniel.goodburn@dsto.defence.gov.au (pm)
  part:  #male_body  the body of a male human being
     part:  #male_reproductive_system  the reproductive system of males
        part:  #prostate_gland__prostate  a firm partly muscular chestnut sized gland in males at the neck of the urethra; produces a viscid secretion that is the fluid part of semen
        part:  #sperm_cell__spermcell__sperm__spermatozoon__spermatozoan  the male reproductive cell; the male gamete
           part:  #flagellum  long lash-like appendage used for locomotion (e.g., in sperm cells and some protozoa)
           part:  #acrosome  a process at the anterior end of a sperm cell that produces enzymes to facilitate penetration of the egg
        part:  #male_genitalia__male_genitals__male_genital_organ__family_jewels  external male sex organs
           part:  #scrotum  the external pouch that contains the testes
              part:  #raphe__rhaphe  a ridge that forms a seam between two parts
              part:  #seminal_duct__seminalduct  the efferent duct of the testis in man
                 part:  #epididymis  a convoluted tubule in each testis; carries sperm to vas deferens
                    part:  #vasa_efferentia  the several highly convoluted tubules that lead from the rete testis to the vas deferens and form the head of the epididymis
                 part:  #vas_deferens__ductus_deferens  a duct that carries spermatozoa from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct
                 part:  #ejaculatory_duct__ejaculatoryduct  a part of the seminal duct formed by the duct from the seminal vesicle and the vas deferens; passes through the prostate gland
           part:  #testis__testicle__orchis__ball__ballock__bollock__nut  one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens; "she kicked him in the balls and got away"
              part:  #testicular_artery__internal_spermatic_artery__arteria_testicularis  a branch of the aorta supplying the testicles
              part:  #testicular_vein__vena_testicularis  a vein from the testicles
              part:  #seminiferous_tubule  any of the numerous long convoluted tubules in the testis which are the sites where spermatozoa mature
              part:  #epididymis  a convoluted tubule in each testis; carries sperm to vas deferens
              part:  #rete_testis  network of tubules carrying sperm from the seminiferous tubules to the vasa efferentia
              part:  #vas_deferens__ductus_deferens  a duct that carries spermatozoa from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct
              part:  #spermatic_cord__spermaticcord  a structure resembling a cord that suspends the testis within the scrotum and contains the vas deferens and other vessels and nerves
           part:  #male_reproductive_gland  the reproductive organs of a man
           part:  #penis__peni__phallus__phallu__member  the male organ of copulation (`member' is a euphemism)
              part:  #glans_penis__glanspeni  the conical mass of erectile tissue that forms the head of the penis
              part:  #vena_bulbi_penis  vein of the head of the penis; tributary of the internal pudendal vein that drains the perineum
              part:  #urethra  duct through which urine is discharged in most mammals and which serves as the male genital duct
                 part:  #urethral_orifice__external_orifice  the orifice through which urine is discharged
                 part:  #urethral_sphincter__musculus_sphincter_urethrae  a striated sphincter muscle that constricts the urethra
              part:  #prepuce  a fold of skin covering the tip of the penis
        part:  #Cowper's_gland__bulbourethral_gland__bulbourethralgland  either of two glands that discharge a component of seminal fluid into the urethra; homologous to Bartholin's gland in the female
        part:  #testis__testicle__orchis__ball__ballock__bollock__nut  one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens; "she kicked him in the balls and got away"
        part:  #vas_deferens__ductus_deferens  a duct that carries spermatozoa from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct
        part:  #penis__peni__phallus__phallu__member  the male organ of copulation (`member' is a euphemism)
        part:  #seminal_vesicle__seminalvesicle  adds nutrient fluid to semen during ejaculation
     part:  #male_genitalia__male_genitals__male_genital_organ__family_jewels  external male sex organs
     part:  #male_internal_reproductive_organ  the reproductive organs of a man
     part:  #male_chest  the chest of a man

2 statements are about direct instances of #male_person: pm#graph1_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, dg#graph1_on_daniel.goodburn@dsto.defence.gov.au

10 statements are about indirect instances of #male_person: pm#graph1_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, pm#graph2_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, pm#graph3_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, pm#graph4_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, pm#phmIsOwnerOfSomeRedCar, pm#graph6_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, pm#graph7_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, dg#graph1_on_daniel.goodburn@dsto.defence.gov.au, pm#graph8_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, pm#graph2_on_Corolla_AE93_CSI_manual_hatchback click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

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