#light.visual_property__lightness__lightnes  the visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures; "he could paint the lightest light and the darkest dark"
  supertype:  #visual_property  an attribute of vision
  subtype:  #nimbus__aura__halo__glory  an indication of radiant light drawn around the head of a saint
  subtype:  #sunniness  lightness created by sunlight
     subtype:  #cloudlessness__cloudlessnes  the lightness of a sunny day when there are no clouds in the sky
  subtype:  #highlighting__highlight  an area of lightness in a picture
  subtype:  #brightness  the location of a visual perception along the black-to-white continuum
     subtype:  #glare__blaze__brilliance  great brightness; "a glare of sunlight"; "the flowers were a blaze of color"
     subtype:  #dazzle  brightness enough to blind partially and temporarily
     subtype:  #glister__glitter__glisten__scintillation__sparkle  the quality of glittering or sparkling brightly
     subtype:  #flash.brightness  a momentary brightness
     subtype:  #glint  a spatially localized brightness
     subtype:  #opalescence__iridescence  the visual property of something having a milky brightness
     subtype:  #radiancy__radiance__shine__effulgence__refulgence__refulgency  the quality of being bright and sending out rays of light
        subtype:  #gleam__gleaming__glow__lambency  an appearance of reflected light
        subtype:  #shininess__shinines__luster__lustre  the visual property of something that shines with reflected light
        subtype:  #glossiness__polish__gloss__glos  the property of being smooth and shiny
           subtype:  #glaze.glossiness  a glossy finish on a fabric
     subtype:  #brilliancy__luster__lustre__splendor__splendour  a quality that outshines the usual

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