#laugh.utterance__laughter  the sound of laughing
  supertype:  #utterance  sounds uttered for auditory communication
  subtype:  #cachinnation  loud convulsive laughter
  subtype:  #cackle  a loud laugh suggestive of a hen's cackle
  subtype:  #chortle__chuckle  a soft partly suppressed laugh
  subtype:  #giggle  a foolish or nervous laugh
  subtype:  #guffaw__belly_laugh__bellylaugh  a burst of deep loud hearty laughter
  subtype:  #hee-haw__heehaw__horselaugh__ha-ha__haw-haw__hawhaw  a loud laugh that sounds like a horse neighing
  subtype:  #snicker__snort  a disrespectful laugh
  subtype:  #titter  a nervous restrained laugh

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