#internal_representation__representation__mental_representation  a presentation to the mind in the form of an idea or image
  supertype:  #cognitive_content__cognitivecontent__content__mental_object  the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned
  subtype:  #overlap.internal_representation__convergence  a representation of common ground between theories or phenomena; "there was no overlap between their proposals"
     subtype:  #crossroads  a point where a choice must be made; "Freud's work stands at the crossroads between psychology and neurology"
     subtype:  #interface.overlap  the overlap where two theories or phenomena affect each other or have links with each other; "the interface between chemistry and biology"
  subtype:  #instantiation  a representation of an idea in the form of an instance of it; "how many instantiations were found?"
  subtype:  #antitype.internal_representation  a person or thing represented or foreshadowed by a type or symbol; especially a figure in the Old Testament having a counterpart in the New Testament
  subtype:  #stereotype  a conventional or formulaic conception or image: "regional stereotypes have been part of America since its founding"
  subtype:  #schema__scheme  an internal representation of the world; an organization of concepts and actions that can be revised by new information about the world
  subtype:  #mental_image__image  an iconic mental representation; "her imagination forced images upon her too awful to contemplate"
     subtype:  #imagination_image__imaginationimage__thought-image__thoughtimage  a mental image produced by the imagination
     subtype:  #memory_image  a mental image of something previously experienced
        subtype:  #memory_picture  a memory image that is similar to a visual perception
        subtype:  #afterimage__aftersensation  an image (usually a negative image) that persists after stimulation has ceased
           subtype:  #aftertaste  an afterimage of a taste
     subtype:  #visual_image__visualization__visualisation  a mental image that is similar to a visual perception
     subtype:  #mental_picture__picture__impression  a clear and telling mental image; "he described his mental picture of his assailant"; "he had no clear picture of himself or his world"; "the events left a permanent impression in his mind"
     subtype:  #auditory_image  a mental image that is similar to an auditory perception
  subtype:  #interpretation.internal_representation__reading__version  a mental representation of the meaning or significance of something
     subtype:  #anagoge  a mystical or allegorical interpretation (especially of Scripture)
     subtype:  #reinterpretation.interpretation  a new or different meaning
     subtype:  #exegesis.interpretation__exegesi  critical interpretation of a text (especially of the Bible)
     subtype:  #eisegesis  personal interpretation of a text (especially of the Bible) using your own ideas
  subtype:  #phantasmagoria  a constantly changing medley or real or imagined images (as in a dream)
  subtype:  #psychosexuality  the mental representation of sexual activities
  subtype:  #percept__perception__perceptual_experience  the representation of what is perceived; basic component in the formation of a concept
     subtype:  #figure.percept  a unitary percept having structure and coherence that is the object of attention and that stands out against a ground
     subtype:  #ground.percept  a relatively homogeneous percept extending back of the figure on which attention is focused
     subtype:  #visual_percept__visual_image  a percept that arises from the eyes; an image in the visual system
        subtype:  #sight  an instance of visual perception; "the sight of his wife brought him back to reality"; "the train was an unexpected sight"
        subtype:  #vista__view__aspect__prospect__scene__panorama  the visual percept of a region; "the most desirable feature of the park are the beautiful views"
           subtype:  #background.vista__ground  the part of a scene (or picture) that lies behind objects in the foreground; "he posed her against a background of rolling hills"
           subtype:  #coast  the area within view; "the coast is clear"
           subtype:  #exposure.vista  aspect re light or wind; "the studio had a northern exposure"
           subtype:  #foreground  the part of a scene that is near the viewer
           subtype:  #glimpse  a brief or incomplete view; "from the window he could catch a glimpse of the lake"
           subtype:  #middle_distance  the part of a scene between the foreground and the background
           subtype:  #side_view  a view from the side of something
              subtype:  #profile.side_view  a side view representation of an object (especially a human face)
           subtype:  #tableau  any dramatic scene
        subtype:  #visual_field__field_of_regard  all of the points of the physical environment that can be perceived by a stable eye at a given moment
        subtype:  #field_of_view__field  the area that is visible (as through an optical instrument)
           subtype:  #microscopic_field__microscopicfield  the areas that is visible through a microscope
           subtype:  #operative_field__operativefield  the area that is open during surgery
  subtype:  #memory  something that is remembered; "search as he would, the memory was lost"
     subtype:  #reminiscence  a mental impression retained and recalled from the past
     subtype:  #recollection  something recalled to the mind
     subtype:  #engram__memory_trace  a postulated biochemical change (presumably in neural tissue) that represents a memory
     subtype:  #confabulation  (psychiatry) a plausible but imagined memory that fills in gaps in what is remembered
     subtype:  #screen_memory  an imagined memory of a childhood experience; hides another memory of distressing significance
  subtype:  #example__model  a representative form or pattern; "I profited from his example"
     subtype:  #lodestar__loadstar  something that serves as a model or guide
     subtype:  #prototype__paradigm__epitome__image  a standard or typical example; "he is the prototype of good breeding"; "he provided America with an image of the good father"
        subtype:  #imago.prototype  (psychoanalysis) an idealized image of someone (usually a parent) formed in childhood
        subtype:  #concentrate.prototype  a concentrated example; "the concentrate of contemporary despair"
     subtype:  #type_specimen__holotype  the original specimen from which the description of anew species is made
     subtype:  #microcosm  a miniature model of something
     subtype:  #original__archetype__pilot  an original model on which something is patterned
     subtype:  #template__templet  a model or standard for making comparisons
        subtype:  #speech_rhythm__rhythm  the arrangement of spoken words alternating stressed and unstressed elements; "the rhythm of Frost's poetry"
  subtype:  #appearance.internal_representation  a mental representation; "I tried to describe his appearance to the police"
     subtype:  #illusion__semblance  an erroneous mental representation
        subtype:  #phantom__apparition__shadow  something existing in perception only: "a ghostly apparition at midnight"
           subtype:  #unidentified_flying_object__UFO__flying_saucer  an (apparently) flying object whose nature is unknown; especially those considered to have extraterrestrial origins
           subtype:  #Flying_Dutchman.phantom__flyingdutchman  a phantom ship that is said to appear in storms near the Cape of Good Hope
           subtype:  #spook__ghost__shade__wraith__specter  a mental representation of some haunting experience; "he looked like he had seen a ghost"; "it aroused specters from his past"
        subtype:  #phantom_limb__phantomlimb  the illusion that a limb still exists after it has been amputated
     subtype:  #three-D__3-D__3D__3d  having a three-dimensional form or appearance: "aren't dreams always in 3-D?"
     subtype:  #front.appearance  the outward appearance of a person; "he put up a bold front"
  subtype:  #blur__fuzz  a hazy or indistinct representation; "it happened so fast it was just a blur"; "he tried to clear his head of the whisky fuzz"
  subtype:  #abstractionism__unrealism  a representation having no reference to concrete objects or specific examples
  subtype:  #concretism__concrete_representation  a representation of an abstract idea in concrete terms
     subtype:  #shape.concretism__embodiment  a concrete representation of an otherwise nebulous concept; "a circle was the embodiment of his concept of life"

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