#indefinite_time_period__time  an indefinite period (usually marked by specific attributes or activities); "he waited a long time"; "the time of year for planting"; "he was a great actor is his time"
  supertype:  time_period__period__period_of_time  an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of his recovery"
  subtype:  particular_day__day  a day assigned to a particular purpose or observance; "Mother's Day"
     subtype:  tomorrow  the day after today; "what are our tasks for tomorrow?"
     subtype:  today.mean_solar_day  the day that includes the present moment (as opposed to yesterday or tomorrow); "Today is beautiful"; "did you see today's newspaper?"
     subtype:  yesterday  the day immediately before today; "it was in yesterday's newspapers"
     subtype:  morrow  the next day; "whenever he arrives she leaves on the morrow"
     subtype:  eve  the day before; "he always arrives on the eve of her departure"
     subtype:  Admission_Day  in some states of the United States: a legal holiday commemorating the day the state was admitted to the Union
     subtype:  Arbor_Day  a day designated for planting trees
     subtype:  commencement_day__degree_day  the day on which university degrees are conferred
     subtype:  Guy_Fawkes_Day__November_5  British; anniversary of the discovery of the Gunpowder Plot; effigies of Guy Fawkes are burned in England on Guy Fawkes Day
     subtype:  Inauguration_Day__January_20  the day designated for inauguration of the United States President
     subtype:  leap_day__bissextile_day__February_29  the name of the day that is added during a leap year
     subtype:  day_of_the_month__date  the specified day of the month; "what is the date today?"
        subtype:  maturity_date__maturity__due_date__duedate  the date on which a financial obligation must be repaid
        subtype:  birthday  an anniversary of the day on which a person was born
        instance:  D-day__6_June_1944
     subtype:  particular_date  a particular day specified as the time something will happen; "the date of the election is set by law"
        subtype:  rain_date  an alternative date set for some outdoor event in case it rains on the appointed date; "the rain date for the picnic will be the following Sunday"
     subtype:  V-day__Victory_Day  the day of a victory
        instance:  V-E_Day__8_May_1945  V-J_Day__15August_1945
     subtype:  rag_day__ragday  (British) a day on which university students hold a rag
     subtype:  red-letter_day  a memorably happy or noteworthy day
     subtype:  day_of_reckoning  day when the consequences of misdeeds are felt
     subtype:  off-day__offday  a day when things go poorly; "I guess this is one of my off-days"
     subtype:  payday  the day on which you receive pay for your work
     subtype:  polling_day__pollingday__election_day  the day appointed for an election; in the United States it is the 1st Tuesday after the 1st Monday in November
     subtype:  athletic_field_day__field_day__fieldday  a day for outdoor athletic competition
     subtype:  military_field_day__field_day__fieldday  (military) a day for military exercises and display
     subtype:  ides  in the Roman calendar: the 15th of March or May or July or October or the 13th of any other month
     subtype:  market_day  a fixed day for holding a public market
     subtype:  Walpurgis_Night  eve of May Day
     subtype:  New_Year's_Eve__December_31  the last day of the year
        subtype:  Hogmanay  New Year's Eve in Scotland
     subtype:  Robert_E_Lee's_Birthday__Robert_E_Lee_Day__Lee's_Birthday__January_19  celebrated in southern United States
     subtype:  Tet  Vietnamese New Year; observed for 3 days after the 1st full moon after January 20th
     subtype:  holiday  a day on which work is suspended by law or custom
        subtype:  half-holiday  a day on which half is free from work or duty
        subtype:  religious_holiday__religiousholiday__holy_day  a day specified for religious observance
           subtype:  fast_day  a day designated for fasting
           subtype:  feast_day__feastday__fete_day  a day designated for feasting
           subtype:  Christian_holy_day  a religious holiday for Christians
              subtype:  quarter_day__quarterday  a Christian holy day; (Britain) one of four specified days when certain payments are due
                 subtype:  Martinmas__St_Martin's_Day__November_11  the feast of Saint Martin; a quarter day in Scotland
                 subtype:  Annunciation_Day__Annunciation__Lady_Day__March_25  a festival commemorating the announcement of the Incarnation by the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary; a quarter day in England, Wales, and Ireland
                 subtype:  Michaelmas_Day__Michaelmas__September_29  honoring the archangel Michael; a quarter day in England, Wales, and Ireland
                 subtype:  Candlemas_Day__Candlemas__Feb_2  feast day commemorating the presentation of Christ in the temple; a quarter day in Scotland
                 subtype:  Lammas_Day__Lammas__August_1  commemorates Saint Peter's miraculous deliverance from prison; a quarter day in Scotland; a harvest festival in England
                 subtype:  Christmas_Day__Christmas__Xmas__Dec_25  a Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Christ; a quarter day in England, Wales, and Ireland
                 subtype:  Midsummer_Day__Midsummer's_Day__St_John's_Day__June_24  a quarter day in England, Wales, and Ireland
                 subtype:  Pentecost__Whitsunday  seventh Sunday after Easter; commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles; a quarter day in Scotland
              subtype:  holy_day_of_obligation  a day when Catholics must attend Mass and refrain from servile work, and Episcopalians must take Communion
                 subtype:  Solemnity_of_Mary__January_1  (Roman Catholic) a holy day of obligation
                 subtype:  Ascension_of_the_Lord__Ascension__Ascension_Day  the 40th day after Easter; celebrates the Ascension of Christ into heaven
                 subtype:  Assumption_of_Mary__Assumption__August_15  celebration of the Virgin Mary's being taken up into heaven when her earthly life ended
                 subtype:  All_Saints'_Day__Allhallows__November_1__Hallowmas__Hallowmass  a Christian feast day honoring all the saints; first observed in 835
                 subtype:  December_8__Immaculate_Conception  Roman Catholic holy day first celebrated in 1854
                 subtype:  Christmas_Day__Christmas__Xmas__Dec_25  a Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Christ; a quarter day in England, Wales, and Ireland
              subtype:  Saint_Agnes's_Eve__January_20  a Christian holy day
              subtype:  Easter_Sunday__Easter_Day  the day (in March or April) on which the festival of Easter is celebrated
              subtype:  Palm_Sunday  Sunday before Easter
              subtype:  Passion_Sunday  second Sunday before Easter
              subtype:  Good_Friday  Friday before Easter
              subtype:  Low_Sunday  the Sunday following Easter
              subtype:  Holy_Saturday  the Saturday before Easter; the last day of Lent
              subtype:  Holy_Innocents'_Day__Innocents'_Day  December 28, commemorating Herod's slaughter of the children of Bethlehem
              subtype:  Septuagesima_Sunday__Septuagesima  the 3rd Sunday before Lent (or the 9th before Easter)
              subtype:  Quinquagesima_Sunday__Quinquagesima  the Sunday before Ash Wednesday (the beginning of Lent)
              subtype:  Quadragesima__Quadrigesima_Sunday  the first Sunday in Lent
              subtype:  Trinity_Sunday  eighth Sunday after Easter
              subtype:  Rogation_Day  one of the three days before Ascension Day; observed by some Christians as days of supplication
              subtype:  Maundy_Thursday__Holy_Thursday  the Thursday before Easter; commemorates the Last Supper
              subtype:  Corpus_Christi.Christian_holy_day__corpuschristi  Thursday after Trinity Sunday; first celebrated in 1246
              subtype:  Saints_Peter_and_Paul__June_29  first celebrated in the 3rd century
              subtype:  Epiphany_of_Our_Lord__Epiphany__Twelfth_day__Three_Kings'_Day__January_6  twelve days after Christmas; celebrates the visit of the three wise men to the infant Jesus
              subtype:  Saint_Joseph__St_Joseph__March_19  a Christian holy day
              subtype:  Twelfth_night  eve of Twelfth day; evening of January 5
              subtype:  All_Souls'_Day__November_2  a day of supplication for all the souls in purgatory
              subtype:  Ash_Wednesday  the 7th Wednesday before Easter; the first day of Lent; the day following Mardi Gras (`fat Tuesday'); a day of fasting and repentance
              subtype:  Ember_Day  a day set aside for fasting and prayer
              subtype:  Advent_Sunday  the first of four Sundays of Advent
              subtype:  Mardi_Gras__Shrove_Tuesday__pancake_day  the last day before Lent
           subtype:  Jewish_holy_day  a religious holiday for Jews
              subtype:  Rosh_Hodesh__Rosh_Chodesh  (Judaism) the beginning of each month in the Jewish calendar; marked by a special liturgy
              subtype:  high_holy_day__high_holiday  Jewish holy days observed with particular solemnity
                 subtype:  Rosh_Hashanah__Rosh_Hashana__Rosh_Hashonah__Rosh_Hashona__Jewish_New_Year  (Judaism) a solemn Jewish fast day celebrated on the 1st or 1st and 2nd of Tishri; noted for the blowing of the shofar
                 subtype:  Yom_Kippur__Day_of_Atonement  (Judaism) a solemn Jewish fast day; 10th of Tishri; its observance is one of the requirements of the Mosaic Law
              subtype:  Purim  (Judaism) a Jewish holy day commemorating their deliverance from massacre by Haman
              subtype:  Succos__Sukkoth__Feast_of_Booths__Feast_of_Tabernacles__Tabernacles  (Judaism) a Jewish harvest festival
              subtype:  Shavous__Shabuoth__Shavuoth__Shavuot__Pentecost__Feast_of_Weeks  (Judaism) Jewish holy day celebrated on the sixth of Sivan to celebrate Moses receiving the Ten Commandments
              subtype:  Shimchath_Torah__Simchat_Torah__Simhath_Torah__Simhat_Torah__Simchas_Torah__Rejoicing_over_the_Law__Rejoicing_of_the_Law__Rejoicing_in_the_Law  (Judaism) a Jewish holy day celebrated on the 22nd or 23rd of Tishri to celebrate the completion of the annual cycle of readings of the Torah
              subtype:  Tishah_b'Av__Tishah_b'Ab__Tisha_b'Av__Tisha_b'Ab__Ninth_of_Av__Ninth_of_Ab__Fast_of_Av__Fast_of_Ab  (Judaism) a Jewish fast day commemorating the destruction of the temples in Jerusalem
              subtype:  Hanukkah__Hanukah__Chanukah__Festival_of_Lights__Feast_of_Lights__Feast_of_Dedication__Feast_of_the_Dedication__feastofthededication  (Judaism) an eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Temple of Jerusalem
              subtype:  Lag_b'Omer  (Judaism) Jewish holy day; the 33rd day after the 2nd day of Passover; the 18th day of Iyar
           subtype:  movable_feast__moveable_feast  a religious holiday that falls on different dates in different years
              subtype:  Easter  a Christian celebration of the Resurrection of Christ; celebrated on the Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox
                 subtype:  Pasch__Pascha  an archaic name for Easter or Passover
              subtype:  Passover__Pesach__Pesah__Feast_of_the_Unleavened_Bread  (Judaism) a Jewish festival (traditionally 8 days) celebrating the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt
                 subtype:  Pasch__Pascha  an archaic name for Easter or Passover
        subtype:  Christmas_Eve__Dec_24  the day before Christmas
        subtype:  legal_holiday__national_holiday  authorized by law and limiting work or official business
           subtype:  New_Year's_Day__New_Year's__January_1  the first day of the year
           subtype:  Martin_Luther_King_Jr's_Birthday__Martin_Luther_King_Day  observed on the Monday closest to January 15
           subtype:  Presidents'_Day  (US) the 3rd Monday in February; commemorates both United States Presidents Lincoln and Washington
           subtype:  Memorial_Day__Decoration_Day  U.S., last Monday in May; commemorates the members of the United States armed forces who were killed in war
           subtype:  Independence_Day__Fourth_of_July__July_4  a legal holiday in the United States
           subtype:  Labor_Day  first Monday in September in U.S. and Canada
           subtype:  Columbus_Day__Discovery_Day__October_12  a legal holiday commemorating the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus
           subtype:  Christmas_Day__Christmas__Xmas__Dec_25  a Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Christ; a quarter day in England, Wales, and Ireland
           subtype:  Boxing_Day  (British) first weekday after Christmas
           subtype:  bank_holiday  any of several weekdays when banks are closed; a legal holiday in Britain
           subtype:  Commonwealth_Day__Empire_day__May_24  British, anniversary of Queen Victoria's birth
           subtype:  Dominion_Day__July_1  (Canada) a legal holiday commemorating receiving dominion status in 1867
           subtype:  Bastille_Day__July_14__july14  a legal holiday in France celebrating the storming of the Paris Bastille in 1789
           subtype:  Veterans'_Day__Armistice_Day__November_11  US: formerly Armistice Day; called Veterans Day since 1954
           subtype:  Thanksgiving_Day__Thanksgiving  fourth Thursday in November in the United States; second Monday in October in Canada; commemorates a feast held in 1621 by the Pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians
     subtype:  Groundhog_Day__February_2  (US) if the ground hog emerges and sees his shadow there will be 6 more weeks of winter
     subtype:  Lincoln's_Birthday__February_12  (US) the day on which President Abraham Lincoln is remembered
     subtype:  Valentine_Day__Valentine's_Day__Saint_Valentine's_Day__St_Valentine's_Day__February_14  a day for the exchange of tokens of affection
     subtype:  Washington's_Birthday__February_22  (US) the day on which George Washington is remembered
     subtype:  Texas_Independence_Day__March_2  Texans celebrate the anniversary of Texas' declaration of independence from Mexico in 1836
     subtype:  St_Patrick's_Day__Saint_Patrick's_Day__March_17  a day observed by the Irish to commemorate the patron saint of Ireland
     subtype:  April_Fools'_day__April_Fools'__All_Fools'_day  April 1; celebrated by playing of practical jokes
     subtype:  Pan_American_Day__April_14  a day celebrating political and economic unity among American countries
     subtype:  Patriot's_Day  the 3rd Monday in April; Massachusetts and Maine celebrate the battle of Lexington and Concord in 1775
     subtype:  May_Day__First_of_May__May_1  observed in the United States to celebrate the coming of spring; observed in Russia in honor of labor
     subtype:  Mother's_Day  second Sunday in May
     subtype:  Armed_Forces_Day  the 3rd Saturday in May
     subtype:  Jefferson_Davis'_Birthday__Davis'_Birthday__June_3  celebrated in southern United States
     subtype:  Flag_Day__June_14  commemorating the adoption of the U.S. flag in 1777
     subtype:  Father's_Day  US: third Sunday in June
     subtype:  Citizenship_Day__September_17  celebrated in the United States
     subtype:  American_Indian_Day  US: the 4th Friday in September
     subtype:  United_Nations_Day__October_24  a day for celebrating the founding of the United Nations
     subtype:  Halloween__Hallowe'en__Allhallows_Eve  the evening before All Saints' Day; often devoted to pranks played by young people
     subtype:  saint's_day__saint'sday  a day commemorating a saint
        subtype:  name_day  the feast day of a saint whose name one bears
     subtype:  Midsummer_Eve__Midsummer_Night__St_John's_Eve__St_John's_Night__June_23  the night before Midsummer Day
     subtype:  school_day  any day on which school is in session
     subtype:  speech_day  (British) an annual day in the schools when speeches are made and prizes are distributed
     subtype:  washday__washing_day__washingday  a day set aside for doing household laundry
     subtype:  wedding_day__weddingday  the day of a wedding
     subtype:  anniversary__dayofremembrance  the date on which an event occurred in some previous year
        subtype:  birthday  an anniversary of the day on which a person was born
        subtype:  jubilee  a special anniversary
           subtype:  diamond_jubilee__diamondjubilee  an anniversary celebrating the passage of 60 years
           subtype:  silver_jubilee  an anniversary celebrating the passage of 25 years
        subtype:  wedding_anniversary__weddinganniversary  the anniversary of the day on which you were married
           subtype:  silver_wedding_anniversary  the 25th wedding anniversary
           subtype:  golden_wedding_anniversary  the 50th wedding anniversary
           subtype:  diamond_wedding_anniversary__diamondweddinganniversary__diamond_wedding  the 60th wedding anniversary
        subtype:  centennial__centenary  the 100th anniversary
        subtype:  bicentennial__bicentenary  the 200th anniversary
        subtype:  tercentennial__triennial  the 300th anniversary
        subtype:  quatercentennial__quatercentenary  the 400th anniversary
        subtype:  quincentennial__quincentenary  the 500th anniversary
        subtype:  millennium.anniversary  the 1000th anniversary
     instance:  Judgment_Day__Judgement_Day__Day_of_Judgment__Day_of_Judgement__Doomsday__Last_Judgment__Last_Judgement__Last_Day
  subtype:  dead.time  a time when coldness (or some other quality associated with death) is intense; "the dead of winter"
  subtype:  hard_times  a time of difficulty
  subtype:  wee  (Scottish) a short time; "bide a wee"
  subtype:  while__piece__spell  a period of indeterminate length (usually short) marked by some action or condition; "he was here for a little while"; "I need to rest for a piece"; "a spell of good weather"
  subtype:  moment__minute__second__bit  an indefinitely short time; "wait just a moment"; "it only takes a minute"; "in just a bit"
     subtype:  blink_of_an_eye__flash__instant__jiffy__split_second__splitsecond__trice__twinkling__wink__New_York_minute  a very short time (as the time it takes to blink once); "if I had the chance I'd do it in a flash"
  subtype:  ephemera  something transitory; lasting a day
  subtype:  space_age__spaceage  the age beginning with the first space travel; from 1957 to the present

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