#imaginary_place__imaginaryplace  a place said to exist in religious or fictional writings
  supertype:  pm#imaginary_spatial_entity__imaginaryspatialentity (pm)  e.g., a cartoon character
  instance:  #Annwfn  #Asgard  #Garden_of_Eden  #El_Dorado  #Lilliput  #Midgard  #Utopia
  subtype:  #afterworld  the place where you are after you die
  subtype:  #cloud-cuckoo-land  a place where you say people are when they seem optimistically out of touch with reality
  subtype:  #Cockaigne  (Medieval legend) an imaginary land of luxury and idleness
  subtype:  #wonderland  an imaginary realm of marvels or wonders
  subtype:  #fairyland__faerie__faery  the enchanted realm of fairies
  subtype:  #Heaven  the abode of God and the angels and the souls of those who have gained salvation
     subtype:  #Abraham's_bosom__bosom_of_Abraham  (in the Gospel of Luke 16:22); the place where the just enjoy the peace of heaven after death
     subtype:  #Celestial_City__City_of_God__Heavenly_City__Holy_City  other phrases used to refer to heaven; "the Celestial City was Christian's goal in Bunyan's `Pilgrim's Progress'"
     subtype:  #Promised_Land  the goal towards which Christians strive
     instance:  #Elysium__Elysian_Fields__Valhalla__paradise
  subtype:  #Hel__Hell__Hades__infernal_region__netherworld__Scheol__underworld  (in various religions) the world of the dead; "he didn't want to go to hell when he died"
  subtype:  #perdition__Hell__Inferno__infernal_region__nether_region__the_pit__thepit  (Christianity) the abode of Satan and the forces of evil; where sinners suffer eternal punishment: "Hurl'd headlong...To bottomless perdition, there to dwell"- John Milton; "a demon from the depths of the pit"
     subtype:  #hellfire__red_region__redregion  a place of eternal fire envisaged as punishment for the damned
     instance:  #Gehenna__Tartarus
  subtype:  #limbo  (theology) the abode of infants who die before baptism
  subtype:  #limbo.imaginary_place  an imaginary place for lost or neglected things
  subtype:  #never-never_land__neverneverland__dreamland__dreamworld  a pleasing country existing only in dreams or imagination
  subtype:  #purgatory.imaginary_place  (theology) a place where Roman Catholics think those who have died in a state of grace undergo limited torment to expiate their sins
  subtype:  #Ruritania  an imaginary kingdom somewhere in central Europe; a setting for romance and adventure
  subtype:  #spirit_world  any imaginary place where spiritual beings (demons or fairies or angels or the like) abide; "science has emptied the spirit world of its former inhabitants"

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