#horse__Equus_caballus  solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times
  supertype:  #equine__equid  hoofed mammals having slender legs and a flat coat with a narrow mane along the back of the neck
  subtype:  #roan  #stablemate  #gee-gee  #eohippus  #mesohippus  #protohippus  #female_horse  #saddle_horse  #pony  #polo_pony  #wild_horse  #hack.horse  #jade  #pony.horse  #racehorse  #steeplechaser  #stalking-horse  #harness_horse  #workhorse  #post_horse  #pacer  #high_stepper  #chestnut  #liver_chestnut  #bay.horse  #sorrel  #palomino  #pinto
  member:  #foal
  member of:  #genus_Equus
  part:  #encolure  the mane of a horse
     part:  #forelock.hair__foretop  a lock of a horse's mane that grows forward between the ears
  part:  #horseback  the back of a horse
  part:  #horse's_foot__horse'sfoot__horse's_hoof__horse'shoof  the hoof of a horse
     part:  #pastern__fetter_bone  the part between the fetlock and the hoof
        part:  #coronet  margin between the skin of the pastern and the horn of the hoof
     part:  #fetlock  projection behind and above a horse's hoof
     part:  #fetlock_joint__fetlockjoint__fetlock  the joint between the cannon bone and the pastern
  part:  #withers__wither  the highest part of the back at the base of the neck of various animals especially draft animals
  part:  #gaskin  lower part of a horse's thigh between the hock and the stifle
  part:  #poll.top_side  the part of the head between the ears
  part:  #horsemeat__horseflesh  the flesh of horses as food

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