#hired_hand__hiredhand__hand__hired_man__hiredman  a hired laborer on a farm or ranch; "the hired hand fixed the railing"; "a ranch hand"
  supertype:  #manual_laborer__laborer__labourer  someone who works with their hands
  subtype:  #ranch_hand__ranchhand  a hired had on a ranch
     subtype:  #cowpuncher__cowboy__puncher__cowman__cattleman__cowpoke__cowhand__cowherd  a hired hand who tends cattle and performs other duties on horseback
        subtype:  #bronco_buster  a cowboy who breaks broncos to the saddle
        subtype:  #vaquero__buckaroo  local names for a cowboy (`vaquero' is used especially in southwestern and central Texas; `buckaroo' is used especially in California)
        subtype:  #cowgirl  a woman cowboy
        subtype:  #gaucho  a cowboy of the South American pampas
        subtype:  #horse_wrangler__horsewrangler__wrangler  a cowboy who takes care of the saddle horses
        subtype:  #roper  a cowboy who uses a lasso to rope cattle or horses
  subtype:  #farmhand__fieldhand__farm_worker  a hired hand on a farm
     subtype:  #dairymaid__milkmaid  a woman who works in a dairy
     subtype:  #dairyman  a man who works in a diary
     subtype:  #farmerette  a woman working on a farm
     subtype:  #gleaner.farmhand  someone who picks up grain left in the field by the harvesters
     subtype:  #reaper__harvester  someone who helps to gather the harvest
        subtype:  #vintager  a person who harvests grapes for making wine
     subtype:  #picker  someone who gathers crops or fruits etc.
     subtype:  #plowman__ploughman__plower  a man who plows
     subtype:  #waterer  someone who waters plants or crops
     subtype:  #weeder.farmhand  a farmhand hired to remove weeds
  subtype:  #herder__herdsman__drover  someone who drives a herd
     subtype:  #goatherder__goatherd  a person who tends a flock of goats
     subtype:  #sheepherder__shepherd__sheepman  a herder of sheep (on an open range); someone who keeps the sheep together in a flock
        subtype:  #shepherdess__shepherdes  a woman shepherd
     subtype:  #swineherd__pigman  a herder or swine
  subtype:  #stableman__stableboy__groom__hostler__ostler  someone employed in a stable to take care of the horses

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