#height__tallness  the vertical dimension of extension; distance from the base of something to the top
  exclusion:  #width  #length  #circumference  #diameter  #surface_area  #volume  #thickness  #tenuity  #angle
  supertype:  menu#spatial_characteristic (menu)  #dimension
  subtype:  #highness__loftiness  the condition of being high or lofty
  subtype:  #lowness__lownes  the condition of being low; lacking height
     subtype:  #squatness__squatnes__stubbines  the property of being short and broad
     subtype:  #truncation__shortness__shortnes  the property of being truncated or short

1 statement is about a direct instance of #height: pm#graph2_on_person
No  statement uses a specialization of #height; click here to add a statement.

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