#geographical_area__geographic_area__geographical_region__geographic_region  a demarcated area of the Earth
  supertype:  #region  a large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth; "penguins inhabit the polar regions"
  instance:  #Bad_Lands  #Barbary  #Caucasia  #East_USA  #Southeast_USA  #Southwest_USA  #Northeast_USA  #Northwest_USA  #Midwest_USA  #West_USA  #Wild_West_USA  #Phrygia  #Pontus  #Illyria  #Caribbean  #Bengal  #Patagonia  #pampas  #Rhineland  #Southeast_Asia  #Manchuria  #Turkistan  #French_Indochina  #Central_America  #Czechoslovakia  #Bohemia  #northern_Europe  #Scandinavia  #Brandenburg  #Prussia  #Ruhr_Valley  #Thuringia  #Karelia  #Epirus  #Laconia  #Lycia  #Lydia  #Thessalia  #Arcadia  #Middle_East  #Fertile_Crescent  #West_Bank  #Galilee  #Gaza_Strip  #Golan_Heights  #Canaan  #Juda  #Judea  #Philistia  #Byzantine_Empire  #Montenegro  #Dalmatia  #Serbia  #Labrador  #Maritime_Provinces  #Klondike  #Austria-Hungary  #British_Empire  #East_Anglia  #Lancashire  #Yorkshire  #Northumbria  #West_Country  #Sussex  #Wessex  #Ulster  #Hindustan  #Sikkim  #Kanara  #Punjab  #Gujerat  #Maharashtra  #Levant  #Macedon  #Thrace  #Mesopotamia  #Babylonia  #Sumer  #Assyria  #Phoenicia  #Gallia  #Riviera  #Midi  #Normandie  #Orleanais  #Lyonnais  #Guiana  #ultima_Thule  #Lappland  #Mongolia  #Western_Sahara  #Kashmir  #Parthia  #Siberia  #Livonia  #Colchis  #Donets_Basin  #Latin_America  #Galicia  #Leon.geographical_area  #Sudan  #Tanganyika  #Ionia  #New_England  #Mid-Atlantic_states  #Gulf_States  #Confederate_States_of_America  #South_USA  #Deep_South  #Old_South  #Sunbelt  #Tidewater  #Piedmont  #Union  #North_USA  #Carolina  #Dakota.geographical_area  #Bluegrass_Country  #Low_Countries  #Lusitania  #Silesia  #Big_Sur  #Silicon_Valley  #Sub-Saharan_Africa  #Scythia  #West_Africa
  subtype:  #Andalusia__Andalucia  a region in southern Spain on the Atlantic and the Mediterranean; formerly a center of Moorish civilization
  subtype:  #Appalachia  an impoverished coal mining area in the Appalachian Mountains (from Pennsylvania to North Carolina)
  subtype:  #Nubia  an ancient region of northeastern Africa (southern Egypt and northern Sudan) on the Nile; much of Nubia is now under Lake Nasser
  subtype:  #desert  an arid region with little or no vegetation
     instance:  #Arabian_Desert  #Atacama_Desert  #Australian_Desert  #Colorado_Desert  #Death_Valley  #Gila_Desert  #Gobi_Desert__Gobi  #Kalahari_Desert__Kalahari  #Libyan_Desert  #Mojave_Desert__Mojave__Mohave__Mohave_Desert  #Namib_Desert  #Negev_Desert__Negev  #Nubian_Desert  #Painted_Desert  #Patagonian_Desert  #Sahara_Desert__Sahara  #Sinai_Desert__Sinai
  subtype:  #semidesert  a region much like a desert but usually located between a desert and the surrounding regions
  subtype:  #borderland__marchland  the area on either side of a border or boundary
  subtype:  #place__property  any area set aside for a particular purpose; "who owns this place?"; "the president was concerned about the property across from the White House"
     subtype:  #sanctuary  a consecrated place where sacred objects are kept
        subtype:  #sanctum_sanctorum__sanctumsanctorum__holy_of_holies  (Judaism) sanctuary comprised of the innermost chamber of the Tabernacle in the Temple of Jerusalem where the Ark of the Covenant was kept
        subtype:  #Tabernacle  (Judaism) a portable sanctuary in which the Jews carried the Ark of the Covenant on their exodus
     subtype:  #centre__center  a place where some particular activity is concentrated; "they received messages from several centers"
     subtype:  #hatchery  a place where eggs are hatched under artificial conditions (especially fish eggs); "the park authorities operated a trout hatchery"
  subtype:  #catchment_area__catchmentarea__catchment_basin__catchmentbasin__drainage_area__drainage_basin  the geographical area draining into a river or reservoir
  subtype:  #river_basin__riverbasin__basin  the entire geographical area drained by a river and its tributaries; "flood control in the Missouri basin"
  subtype:  #geographical_zone__zone  any of the regions of the surface of the Earth loosely divided according to latitude or longitude
     subtype:  #climatic_zone  any of the geographical zones loosely divided according to prevailing climate and latitude
        subtype:  #Frigid_Zone__polar_zone__polarzone  the part of the Earth's surface forming a cap over a pole; characterized by frigid climate
           subtype:  #Antarctic_Zone__Antarctic__South_Frigid_Zone  the region around the south pole: Antarctica and surrounding waters
           subtype:  #Arctic_Zone__Arctic__North_Frigid_Zone  the regions north of the Arctic Circle centered on the North Pole
        subtype:  #Temperate_Zone  the part of the Earth's surface between the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Cancer or between the Antarctic Circle and the Tropic of Capricorn; characterized by temperate climate
           instance:  #North_Temperate_Zone  #South_Temperate_Zone
        subtype:  #subtropics__semitropics__semitropic  regions adjacent to the tropics
        instance:  #Torrid_Zone__tropical_zone__tropics
     subtype:  #time_zone  any of the 24 regions of the globe (loosely divided by longitude) throughout which the same standard time is used
  subtype:  #environs__environment__surroundings__surround  the area in which something exists or lives: "the country--the flat agricultural surround"
     subtype:  #ambiance__ambience  the atmosphere of an environment
     subtype:  #medium.environs  the surrounding environment; "fish require an aqueous medium"
     subtype:  #setting.environs__scene  the context and environment in which something is set: "the perfect setting for a ghost story"
     subtype:  #element.environs  the most favorable environment for a plant or animal; "water is the element of fishes"
     subtype:  #habitat  the type of environment in which an organism or group normally lives or occurs: "a marine habitat"
        subtype:  #habitation  the native habitat or home of an animal or plant
           subtype:  #aerie__aery__eyrie__eyry  any habitation at a high altitude
           subtype:  #lair__den  the habitation of wild animals
     subtype:  #melting_pot__meltingpot  an environment in which many ideas and races are socially assimilated
     subtype:  #parts__part  the local environment; "he hasn't been seen around these parts in years"
  subtype:  #dust_bowl  a region subject to dust storms; especially the central region of United States subject to dust storms in the 1930s
  subtype:  #hemisphere  half of the terrestrial globe
     subtype:  #eastern_hemisphere__easternhemisphere__orient  the hemisphere that includes Eurasia and Africa and Australia
     subtype:  #northern_hemisphere  the hemisphere north of the equator
     subtype:  #southern_hemisphere  the hemisphere south of the equator
     subtype:  #western_hemisphere__westernhemisphere__occident__New_World  the hemisphere that includes North and South America
  subtype:  #hotspot__hot_spot__hotspot  a place of political unrest and potential violence; "the United States cannot police all of the world's hot spots"
  subtype:  #panhandle.geographical_area  a relatively narrow strip of land projecting from some larger area; "Wheeling is located in the northern panhandle of West Virginia"
  subtype:  #rural_area__ruralarea__country  an area outside of cities and towns; "his poetry celebrated the slower pace of life in the country"
     subtype:  #backwoods__backwood__back_country__boondocks__boondock__hinterland  a remote and undeveloped area
     subtype:  #farmland__farming_area__farmingarea  a rural area where farming is practiced
     subtype:  #countryside  rural regions
     subtype:  #scrubland  an uncultivated region covered with scrub vegetation
     subtype:  #weald  (Brit) an area of open or forested country
     subtype:  #wold  a tract of open rolling country (especially upland)
  subtype:  #sphere_of_influence__sphere  the geographical area in which one nation is very influential
  subtype:  #field.geographical_area  a geographic region (land or sea) under which something valuable is found; "the diamond fields of South Africa"
     subtype:  #coalfield  a region where there is coal underground
     subtype:  #gasfield  a region where there is natural gas underground
     subtype:  #oilfield  a region rich in petroleum deposits (especially one with producing oil wells)
  subtype:  #settlement.geographical_area  an area where a group of families live together
     subtype:  #village__hamlet  a settlement smaller than a town
        subtype:  #kraal.village  a village of huts for native Africans in southern Africa; usually surrounded by a stockade
        subtype:  #pueblo  a communal village built by Indians in the southwestern U.S.
        instance:  #Kampong__campong  #El_Alamein  #Jericho  #Jamestown
  subtype:  #piece_of_land__tract__piece_of_ground__parcel_of_land__parcel  an extended area of land
     subtype:  #baseball_diamond__diamond__infield  the area of a baseball field that is enclosed by 3 bases and home plate
     subtype:  #centerfield__center  the piece of ground in the outfield directly ahead of the catcher; "he hit the ball to deep center"
     subtype:  #leftfield__left  the piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's left
     subtype:  #outfield  the area of a baseball playing field beyond the lines connecting the bases
     subtype:  #rightfield__right  the piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's right
     subtype:  #short  the location on a baseball field where the shortstop is stationed
     subtype:  #railway_yard__railwayyard__yard  an area having a network of railway tracks and sidings for storage and maintenance of cars and engines
        subtype:  #marshalling_yard__marshallingyard  a railway yard in which trains are assembled and goods are loaded
     subtype:  #oasis__oasi  a fertile tract in a desert (where the water table approaches the surface)
     subtype:  #battlefield__battleground__field_of_battle__field  a region where a battle is being (or has been) fought; "they made a tour of Civil War battlefields"
        subtype:  #Camlan  (Arthurian legend) the battlefield where King Arthur was mortally wounded
        instance:  #Armageddon
     subtype:  #minefield  a region in which explosives mines have been placed
     subtype:  #breeding_ground  a place where animals breed
        subtype:  #pesthole  a breeding ground for epidemic disease
        subtype:  #rookery  a breeding ground for gregarious birds (such as rooks)
           subtype:  #heronry  a breeding ground for herons; a heron rookery
     subtype:  #glade  a tract of land with few or no trees in the middle of a wooded area
     subtype:  #field  a piece of land cleared of trees and usually enclosed; "he planted a field of wheat"
        subtype:  #curtilage__yard__grounds  the enclosed land around a house or other building; "it was a small house with almost no yard"
           subtype:  #backyard  the grounds in back of a house
           subtype:  #courtyard__court  a yard wholly or partly surrounded by walls or buildings; "the house was built around an inner court"
              subtype:  #atrium  the central area in a building; open to the sky
              subtype:  #bailey.courtyard  the outer courtyard of a castle
              subtype:  #cloister  a courtyard with covered walks (as in religious institutions)
              subtype:  #forecourt  the outer or front court of a building or of a group of buildings
              subtype:  #parvis  a courtyard or portico in front of a building (especially a cathedral)
           subtype:  #dooryard  a yard outside the front or rear door of a house
           subtype:  #front_yard__frontyard  the yard in front of a house; between the house and the street
           subtype:  #garden.curtilage  a yard or lawn adjoining a house
           subtype:  #playground  yard consisting of an outdoor area for children's play
           subtype:  #side_yard  the grounds at either side of a house
        subtype:  #campus  a field on which the buildings of a university are situated
           instance:  QLD#Gold_Coast_campus_of_Griffith_Uni (QLD)
        subtype:  #firebreak  a narrow field that has been cleared to check the spread of a prairie fire or forest fire
        subtype:  #grainfield__grain_field__grainfield  a field where grain is grown
           subtype:  #cornfield__corn_field  a field planted with corn
           subtype:  #wheatfield__wheat_field__wheatfield  a field planted with wheat
        subtype:  #lawn  a field of cultivated and mowed grass
        subtype:  #paddy_field__paddyfield__paddy__rice_paddy  an irrigated or flooded field where rice is grown
     subtype:  #grounds  a tract of land cleared for some special purposes (recreation or burial etc.)
     subtype:  #playing_field__playingfield__athletic_field__playing_area__playingarea__field  a piece of land prepared for playing a game; "the home crowd cheered when Princeton took the field"
        subtype:  #scene_of_action__arena  a playing field where sports events take place
           subtype:  #circus.scene_of_action__circu  an arena consisting of an oval or circular area enclosed by tiers of seats and usually covered by a tent; "they used the elephants to help put up the circus"
        subtype:  #ball_field__diamond  the baseball playing field
        subtype:  #court  a specially marked area within which a game is played; "players had to reserve a court in advance"
           subtype:  #badminton_court__badmintoncourt  the court on which badminton is played
           subtype:  #basketball_court  the court on which basketball is played
              subtype:  #home_court  (basketball) the court where the host team plays its home games
           subtype:  #handball_court  the court on which handball is played
           subtype:  #squash_court  the indoor court in which squash is played
           subtype:  #tennis_court  the court on which tennis is played
           subtype:  #volleyball_court  the court on which volleyball is played
        subtype:  #football_field__gridiron  the playing field on which football is played
        subtype:  #palestra__palaestra  a public place in ancient Greece or Rome devoted to the training of wrestlers and other athletes
        subtype:  #bowling_green__bowlinggreen  a field of closely mowed turf for playing bowls
     subtype:  #industrial_park  a tract at a distance from city center that is designed for a community of businesses and factories
     subtype:  #grassland  a land where grass or grasslike vegetation grows and is the dominant form of plant life
        subtype:  #hayfield__meadow  a field where grass or alfalfa are grown to be made into hay
        subtype:  #pasture__pastureland__grazing_land__grazingland__lea__ley  a field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing by livestock
           subtype:  #common_land__commons__common  a pasture subject to common use
           subtype:  #cow_pasture__cowpasture  a pasture for cows
        subtype:  #prairie  a treeless grassy plain
           instance:  #Great_Plains
        subtype:  #savanna__savannah  a flat grassland in tropical or subtropical regions
        subtype:  #veld__veldt  elevated open grassland in southern Africa
     subtype:  #mud_flat__mudflat  a tract of low muddy land near an estuary; covered at high tide and exposed at low tide
     subtype:  #parade_ground  an area for holding parades
     subtype:  #fairground  an open area for holding fairs or exhibitions or circuses
     subtype:  #midway  the place at a fair or carnival where sideshows and similar amusements are located
     subtype:  #fairway.piece_of_land  a tract of ground free of obstacles to movement
     subtype:  #park  a large area of land preserved in its natural state as public property; "there are laws that protect the wildlife in this park"
        subtype:  #national_park  a tract of land declared by the national government to be public property
           instance:  #Acadia_National_Park  #Arches_National_Park  #Badlands_National_Park  #Big_Bend_National_Park  #Biscayne_National_Park  #Bruce_Canyon_National_Park  #Canyonlands_National_Park  #Capitol_Reef_National_Park  #Carlsbad_Caverns_National_Park  #Channel_Islands_National_Park  #Crater_Lake_National_Park  #Denali_National_Park  #Everglades_National_Park  #Gates_of_the_Arctic_National_Park  #Grand_Canyon_National_Park  #Grand_Teton_National_Park  #Great_Smoky_Mountains_National_Park  #Guadalupe_Mountains_National_Park  #Haleakala_National_Park  #Hawaii_Volcanoes_National_Park  #Hot_Springs_National_Park  #Isle_Royal_National_Park  #Katmai_National_Park  #Kenai_Fjords_National_Park  #Kings_Canyon_National_Park  #Kobuk_Valley_National_Park  #Lake_Clark_National_Park  #Lassen_Volcanic_National_Park  #Mammoth_Cave_National_Park  #Mesa_Verde_National_Park  #Mount_Ranier_National_Park  #North_Cascades_National_Park  #Olympic_National_Park  #Petrified_Forest_National_Park  #Platt_National_Park  #Redwood_National_Park  #Rocky_Mountain_National_Park  #Sequoia_National_Park  #Shenandoah_National_Park  #Theodore_Roosevelt_Memorial_National_Park  #Virgin_Islands_National_Park  #Voyageurs_National_Park  #Wind_Cave_National_Park  #Wrangell-St._Elias_National_Park  #Yellowstone_National_Park  #Yosemite_National_Park  #Zion_National_Park
     subtype:  #commons__common__park__green  a piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area; "they went for a walk in the park"
        subtype:  #amusement_park__amusementpark__funfair__pleasure_ground  a commercially operated park with stalls and shows for amusement
           subtype:  #theme_park__themepark  an amusement park that is organized around some theme (as the world of tomorrow)
              instance:  http://sunshinecoast.citysearch.com.au/profile?id=45110368
           instance:  #Disneyland  #Walt_Disney_World
        subtype:  #village_green__villagegreen  a village park consisting of a plot of grassy land
        instance:  #Central_Park
     subtype:  #picnic_area__picnic_ground  a tract of land set aside for picnicking
     subtype:  #public_square__square  an open area at the meeting of two or more streets
        subtype:  #piazza__plaza  a public square with room for pedestrians; "they met at Elm Plaza"; "Grosvenor Place"
     subtype:  #toll_plaza  an area where tollbooths are located
     subtype:  #range.piece_of_land  a large tract of grassy open land on which livestock can graze; "they used to drive the cattle across the open range every spring"; "he dreamed of a home on the range"
        subtype:  #home_range__home_territory  the area in which an animal normally ranges
     subtype:  #sector.piece_of_land  a portion of a military position
     subtype:  #land_site__site  the piece of land on which something is located (or is to be located): "a good site for the school"
        subtype:  #summer_camp__camp  a site where care and activities are provided for children during the summer months; "city kids get to see the country at a summer camp"
           subtype:  #day_camp__daycamp  a camp providing care and activities for children during the daytime
        subtype:  #apron.land_site  (golf) the part of the fairway leading onto the green
        subtype:  #bomb_site  an area in a town that has been devastated by bombs; "they opened a parking lot on the bomb site"
        subtype:  #campsite__campground__camping_site__campingsite__camping_ground__campingground__bivouac__encampment__camping_area__campingarea  a site where people on holiday can pitch a tent
        subtype:  #cemetery__graveyard__burial_site__burial_ground__burying_ground__buryingground__memorial_park__necropolis  a tract of land used for burials
           subtype:  #potter's_field  a cemetery for unknown or indigent people
        subtype:  #excavation__dig  the site of an archeological exploration; "they set up camp next to the dig"
        subtype:  #garbage_dump__garbagedump__dump__trash_dump__trashdump__rubbishdump__wasteyard__dumpsite  a piece of land where waste materials are dumped
           subtype:  #eitchen_midden__eitchenmidden__midden__kitchen_midden__kitchenmidden  (archeology) a mound of domestic refuse containing shells and animal bones marking the site of a prehistoric settlement
           subtype:  #garbage_heap__garbageheap__junk_heap__rubbish_heap__rubbishheap__scrapheap__trash_heap__trashheap__junk_pile__trash_pile__trashpile__refuse_heap  an accumulation of refuse and discarded matter
           subtype:  #toxic_waste_dump__toxicwastedump__toxic_waste_site__toxicwastesite__toxic_dumpsite__toxicdumpsite  a location where toxic wastes can be or have been disposed of (often illegally)
        subtype:  #fairway  the area between the tee and putting green where the grass is cut short
        subtype:  #putting_green__puttinggreen__green  an area of closely cropped grass surrounding the hole on a golf course; "the ball rolled across the green and into the trap"
        subtype:  #launching_site__launchingsite  a place for launching pads
        subtype:  #monument  an important site that is marked and preserved as public property
           subtype:  #market_cross  a cross-shaped monument set up in the marketplace of a town where public business is often conducted
        subtype:  #premises  land and buildings together considered as a place of business; "bread is baked on the premises"
        subtype:  #rough  the part of a golf course bordering the fairway where the grass is not cut short
        subtype:  #tee__teeing_ground  the starting place for each hole on a golf course; "they were waiting on the first tee"
     subtype:  #subdivision.piece_of_land  an area composed of subdivided lots
     subtype:  #mine_field  a tract of land containing explosive mines
     subtype:  #terrain  a piece of ground having specific characteristics or military potential; "they decided to attack across the rocky terrain"
     subtype:  #plot_of_ground__plot__patch  a small area of ground covered by specific vegetation; "a bean plot"; "a cabbage patch"; "a briar patch"
        subtype:  #bed.plot_of_ground  a plot of ground in which plants are growing; "the gardener planted a bed of roses"
           subtype:  #asparagus_bed__asparagusbed  a bed in which asparagus is growing
           subtype:  #flowerbed__bedofflower  a bed in which flowers are growing
              subtype:  #rose_bed__bed_of_roses  a flower bed in which roses are growing
              subtype:  #tulip_bed  a flowerbed in which tulips are growing
           subtype:  #hotbed  a bed of earth covered with glass and heated by rotting manure to promote the growth of plants
           subtype:  #seedbed  a bed where seedlings are grown before transplanting
           subtype:  #turnip_bed  a bed in which turnips are growing
        subtype:  #garden  a plot of ground where plants are cultivated
           subtype:  #flower_garden  a garden featuring flowering plants
              subtype:  #parterre  an ornamental flower garden; beds and paths are arranged to form a pattern
           subtype:  #formal_garden  a garden laid out on regular lines with plants arranged in symmetrical locations or in geometrical designs
              subtype:  #Tuileries_Gardens__Tuileries  formal gardens next to the Louvre in Paris
           subtype:  #woodlet__grove__orchard  garden consisting of a small cultivated wood without undergrowth
              subtype:  #apple_orchard__appleorchard  a grove of apple trees
              subtype:  #lemon_grove__lemongrove  a grove of lemon trees
              subtype:  #orange_grove  grove of orange trees
              subtype:  #peach_orchard__peachorchard  a grove of peach trees
           subtype:  #Hanging_Gardens_of_Babylon  terraced garden at Babylon watered by pumps from the Euphrates; construction attributed to Nebuchadnezzar around 600 BC; one of the seven wonders of the ancient world
           subtype:  #herb_garden  a garden for growing herbs
           subtype:  #hop_garden__hopgarden__hop_field__hopfield  a garden where hops are grown
           subtype:  #kitchen_garden__kitchengarden__vegetable_garden__vegetablegarden__vegetablepatch  a small garden where vegetables are grown
              subtype:  #victory_garden__victorygarden  a kitchen garden planted during wartime to relieve food shortages
           subtype:  #landscaping  a garden laid out for esthetic effect; "they spent a great deal of money on the landscaping"
           subtype:  #market_garden  a garden where fruit and vegetables are grown for marketing
           subtype:  #rock_garden__rockery  a garden featuring rocks; usually alpine plants
           subtype:  #roof_garden  a garden on a flat roof of a building
           subtype:  #rose_garden  a garden for growing roses
           subtype:  #sunken_garden  a garden set below the level of the ground surrounding it
           subtype:  #tea_garden__teagarden  a public garden where tea is served
           subtype:  #topiary.garden  a garden having shrubs clipped or trimmed into decorative shapes especially of animals
     subtype:  #lot  a parcel of land having fixed boundaries; "he bought a lot on the lake"
        subtype:  #parking_lot__parkinglot__car_park__carpark__parking_area__parkingarea  a lot where cars are parked
           subtype:  #used-car_lot  a parking lot where a dealer in used-cars displays cars for sale
        subtype:  #vacant_lot__building_site  a lot on which there are no permanent buildings
           subtype:  #sandlot  a vacant lot used by city boys to play games
     subtype:  #yard.piece_of_land  a tract of land enclosed for particular activities (sometimes paved and usually associated with buildings); "they opened a repair yard on the edge of town"
        subtype:  #junkyard  a field where junk is collected and stored for resale
        subtype:  #schoolyard  the yard associated with a school
        subtype:  #churchyard__God's_acre  the yard associated with a church
        subtype:  #tiltyard  (formerly) an enclosed field for tilting contests
  subtype:  #urban_area__urbanarea  a geographical area constituting a city or town
     subtype:  #megalopolis__megalopoli  a very large urban complex (usually involving several cities and towns)
     subtype:  #conurbation__urban_sprawl__urbansprawl  an aggregation or continuous network of urban communities
        subtype:  #subtopia  (Brit) monotonous urban sprawl of standardized buildings
     subtype:  #municipality.urban_area  an urban district having corporate status and powers of self-government
        subtype:  #city__metropolis__urban_center__urbancenter  a large and densely populated urban area; may include several independent administrative districts; "Ancient Troy was a great city"
           subtype:  #capital_city__capitalcity__capital  a seat of government
              subtype:  #Camelot  (Arthurian legend) the capital of King Arthur's kingdom; according to the legend, truth and goodness and beauty reigned there
              subtype:  #national_capital  the capital city of a nation
                 instance:  #Windhoek  #Kabul__capital_of_Afghanistan  #Tirana__Albanian_capital  #Algiers__Algerian_capital  #Luanda__Angolan_capital  #St._John's.Antigua_and_Barbuda__st.john'__capital_of_Antigua_and_Barbuda__Saint_John's  #Buenos_Aires__capital_of_Argentina  #Sofia__Serdica__Bulgarian_capital  #Yangon__Rangoon  #Bujumbura__Usumbura__capital_of_Burundi  #Phnom_Penh__Pnom_Penh__Cambodian_capital  #Yaounde__capital_of_Cameroon  #Praia__Cidade_de_Praia__capital_of_Cape_Verde  #Bangui__capital_of_Central_Africa  #Colombo__capital_of_Sri_Lanka  #N'Djamena__Ndjamena__Fort-Lamy__capital_of_Chad  #Gran_Santiago__Santiago__Santiago_de_Chile__capital_of_Chile  #Beijing__Peking__Peiping__peiping__capital_of_Red_China  #Taipei__capital_of_Taiwan  #Bogota__capital_of_Colombia  #Brazzaville  #Kinshasa__Leopoldville  #San_Jose.Costa_Rica__sanjose__capital_of_Costa_Rica  #Yamoussukro  #Guatemala_City__capital_of_Guatemala  #Tegucigalpa__Honduran_capital  #San_Salvador__Salvadoran_capital  #Managua__capital_of_Nicaragua__Nicaraguan_capital  #Panama_City.Panama__panamacity__capital_of_Panama__Panamanian_capital  #Mexico_City__Ciudad_de_Mexico__Mexican_capital__capital_of_Mexico  #Havana__capital_of_Cuba__Cuban_capital  #Port-au-Prince__Haitian_capital  #Santo_Domingo__Ciudad_Trujillo__capital_of_the_Dominican_Republic  #Kingston.Jamaica__kingston__capital_of_Jamaica__Jamaican_capital  #Port_of_Spain__Port-of-Spain__capital_of_Trinidad_and_Tobago  #Nicosia__capital_of_Cyprus  #Prague__Praha__Prag__Czech_capital  #Porto_Novo__capital_of_Benin  #Lome__capital_of_Togo  #Copenhagen__Kobenhavn__Danish_capital  #Djibouti.capital__djibouti__capital_of_Djibouti  #Roseau  #Malabo  #Oslo__Christiania__capital_of_Norway  #Stockholm__capital_of_Sweden  #Berlin__German_capital  #Quito__capital_of_Ecuador  #Asmara__Asmera  #Addis_Ababa__New_Flower__capital_of_Ethiopia  #Suva  #Helsinki__Helsingfors__capital_of_Finland__Finnish_capital  #Athens__Athinai__capital_of_Greece__Greek_capital  #Jerusalem__capital_of_Israel  #Roma__Rome__Eternal_City__Italian_capital__capital_of_Italy  #Bucharest__Bucharesti__Bucuresti__capital_of_Romania  #Kigali__capital_of_Rwanda  #Ljubljana  #Belgrade__Beograd__capital_of_Yugoslavia  #Zagreb  #Canadian_capital__Ottawa__capital_of_Canada  #Canberra__Australian_capital__capital_of_Australia  #Kolonia  #Funafuti  #Tarawa__Bairiki  #Port_Moresby__capital_of_Papua_New_Guinea  #Vienna__Austrian_capital__capital_of_Austria  #Nassau__capital_of_the_Bahamas  #Manama__capital_of_Bahrain  #Dahka__Dacca__capital_of_Bangladesh  #Bruxelles__Brussels__Belgian_capital__capital_of_Belgium  #Gaborone__capital_of_Botswana  #Brasilia__Brazilian_capital__capital_of_Brazil  #London__Greater_London__British_capital__capital_of_the_United_Kingdom  #Dublin__Irish_capital__capital_of_Ireland  #Cairo__El_Qahira__Egyptian_capital__capital_of_Egypt  #New_Delhi__Indian_capital__capital_of_India  #Kathmandu__Katmandu__capital_of_Nepal  #Lhasa__Lassa__capital_of_Tibet__Forbidden_City  #Jakarta__Djakarta__capital_of_Indonesia  #Teheran__Tehran__capital_of_Iran__Iranian_capital  #Baghdad__Bagdad__capital_of_Iraq  #Tokyo__Tokio__Yeddo__Yedo__Edo__Japanese_capital__capital_of_Japan  #Amman__capital_of_Jordan  #Nairobi__capital_of_Kenya  #Kuwait_City__capital_of_Kuwait__Kuwait__Koweit  #Paris__City_of_Light__French_capital__capital_of_France  #Libreville__capital_of_Gabon  #Banjul__capital_of_Gambia  #Accra__capital_of_Ghana  #St._George's__capital_of_Grenada  #Conakry__Konakri__capital_of_Guinea  #Bissau__capital_of_Guinea-Bissau  #Stabroek__Georgetown  #Amsterdam__Dutch_capital__capital_of_The_Netherlands  #Budapest__Hungarian_capital__capital_of_Hungary  #Reykjavik__capital_of_Iceland  #Pyongyang__capital_of_North_Korea  #Seoul__capital_of_South_Korea  #Vientiane__Laotian_capital__capital_of_Laos  #Beirut__capital_of_Lebanon  #Maseru__capital_of_Lesotho  #Monrovia__Liberian_capital__capital_of_Liberia  #Tripoli__capital_of_Libya  #Vaduz__capital_of_Liechtenstein  #Luxembourg-Ville__Luxembourg__Luxemburg__Luxembourg_City__capital_of_Luxembourg  #Skopje__Skoplje__Uskub  #Antananarivo__capital_of_Madagascar  #Lilongwe__capital_of_Malawi  #Kuala_Lumpur__Malaysian_capital__capital_of_Malaysia  #Male  #Bamako  #Valletta__Valetta__capital_of_Malta  #Nouakchott  #Port_Louis  #Monaco-Ville  #Ulan_Bator__Ulaanbaatar__Urga__Kulun__capital_of_Mongolia  #Rabat__capital_of_Morocco  #Maputo__capital_of_Mozambique  #Wellington__capital_of_New_Zealand  #Niamey__capital_of_Niger  #Abuja__capital_of_Nigeria__Nigerian_capital  #Muscat__Masqat__capital_of_Oman  #Islamabad__capital_of_Pakistan  #Asuncion__capital_of_Paraguay  #Lima__capital_of_Peru  #Manila__capital_of_the_Philippines  #Warsaw__capital_of_Poland  #Lisbon__Lisboa__capital_of_Portugal  #Doha__Bida__El_Beda__capital_of_Qatar  #Basseterre  #Castries  #Kingstown.Saint_Vincent__kingstown  #Apia__capital_of_Western_Samoa  #San_Marino.capital__sanmarino__capital_of_San_Marino  #Sao_Tome  #Riyadh__capital_of_Saudi_Arabia  #Mecca  #Dakar__capital_of_Senegal  #Victoria.Seychelles__victoria__capital_of_Seychelles  #Freetown__capital_of_Sierra_Leone__capitalofsierraleone  #Singapore.capital__singapore__capital_of_Singapore  #Honiara  #Mogadishu__Mogadiscio__capital_of_Somalia  #Pretoria__capital_of_South_Africa__capitalofsouthafrica  #Moscow__capital_of_the_Russian_Federation__Russian_capital  #Madrid__capital_of_Spain__Spanish_capital  #Khartoum__capital_of_Sudan  #Paramaribo__capital_of_Suriname  #Mbabane__capital_of_Swaziland  #Bern__Berne__capital_of_Switzerland  #Damascus__capital_of_Syria  #Dar_es_Salaam__capital_of_Tanzania  #Bangkok__capital_of_Thailand__Krung_Thep  #Tunis__capital_of_Tunisia  #Ankara__Turkish_capital__capital_of_Turkey  #Kampala__capital_of_Uganda  #Abu_Dhabi__United_Arab_Emirates's_capital  #Washington__American_capital__capital_of_the_United_States  #Montevideo__capital_of_Uruguay  #Port_Vila__Vila__capital_of_Vanuatu  #Caracas__capital_of_Venezuela  #Hanoi__capital_of_Vietnam  #San'a__Sanaa__Sana  #Lusaka__capital_of_Zambia  #Harare__Salisbury__capital_of_Zimbabwe
              subtype:  #provincial_capital  the capital city of a province
                 instance:  #Edmonton  #Victoria.British_Columbia__victoria  #Winnipeg  #Fredericton  #Saint_John's.Newfoundland__saintjohn'__St._John's  #Halifax  #Toronto  #Charlottetown  #Quebec_City__Quebec  #Regina  #Whitehorse  #Darwin
              subtype:  #state_capital__statecapital  the capital city of a United States state
                 instance:  #Brisbane  #Sydney  #Melbourne  #Hobart  #Adelaide  #Perth  #Montgomery__capital_of_Alabama  #Juneau__capital_of_Alaska  #Phoenix.Arizona__phoenix__capitalofarizona  #Little_Rock__capital_of_Arkansas  #Sacramento__capital_of_California  #Denver__Mile-High_City__capital_of_Colorado  #Hartford__capital_of_Connecticut  #Dover__capital_of_Delaware  #Tallahassee__capital_of_Florida  #Atlanta__capital_of_Georgia  #Honolulu__capital_of_Hawaii__Hawaiian_capital  #Boise__capital_of_Idaho  #Springfield.Illinois__springfield__capitalofillinoi  #Indianapolis__capital_of_Indiana  #Des_Moines__capital_of_Iowa  #Topeka__capital_of_Kansas  #Frankfort__capital_of_Kentucky  #Baton_Rouge__capital_of_Louisiana  #Augusta.Maine__augusta__capital_of_Maine  #Annapolis__capital_of_Maryland  #Boston__Hub_of_the_Universe__Beantown__capital_of_Massachusetts  #Lansing__capital_of_Michigan  #Saint_Paul__St._Paul__capital_of_Minnesota  #Jackson.Mississippi__jackson__capitalofmississippi  #Jefferson_City__capital_of_Missouri  #Helena__capital_of_Montana  #Lincoln.Nebraska__lincoln__capital_of_Nebraska  #Carson_City__capital_of_Nevada  #Concord.New_Hampshire__concord__capital_of_New_Hampshire  #Trenton__capital_of_New_Jersey  #Santa_Fe__capital_of_New_Mexico  #Albany.New_York_State__albany__capital_of_New_York  #Raleigh__capital_of_North_Carolina  #Bismarck__capital_of_North_Dakota  #Columbus.Ohio__columbu__capitalofohio  #Oklahoma_City__capital_of_Oklahoma  #Salem.Oregon__salem__capital_of_Oregon  #Harrisburg__capital_of_Pennsylvania  #Providence__capital_of_Rhode_Island  #Columbia.South_Carolina__columbia__capital_of_South_Carolina  #Pierre__capital_of_South_Dakota  #Nashville__capital_of_Tennessee  #Austin__capital_of_Texas  #Salt_Lake_City__capital_of_Utah  #Montpelier__capital_of_Vermont  #Richmond__capital_of_Virginia  #Olympia.Washington_State__olympia__capitalofwashington  #Charleston.West_Virginia__charleston__capital_of_West_Virginia  #Madison__capital_of_Wisconsin  #Cheyenne.Wyoming__cheyenne__capital_of_Wyoming
              instance:  #George_Town  #Bridgetown__capital_of_Barbados  #Bratislava__capital_of_Slovakia__Pressburg__Pozsony  #Sucre  #Belfast__capital_of_Northern_Ireland  #Edinburgh  #Cardiff  #Minsk__capital_of_Byelorussia  #Tallinn__capital_of_Estonia  #Riga__capital_of_Latvia  #Vilnius__Vilna__Vilno__Wilno__capital_of_Lithuania  #Kishinev__Chisinau__capital_of_Moldova  #Kiev__capital_of_the_Ukraine  #Yerevan__Jerevan__Erivan__capital_of_Armenia  #Baku__capital_of_Azerbaijan  #Tbilisi__Tiflis__capital_of_Georgia  #Astana__Akmola__capital_of_Kazakhstan  #Bishkek__Biskek__Frunze__capital_of_Kyrgystan  #Dushanbe__Dusanbe__Dyushambe__Stalinabad__capital_of_Tajikistan  #Ashkhabad__capital_of_Turkmenistan  #Tashkent__Taskent__capital_of_Uzbek
           instance:  #Dunkerque__Dunkirk  #Durres__Durazzo  #Oran  #Constantine  #Hamilton  #Cordoba__Cordova  #Plovdiv__Philippopolis  #Mandalay  #Douala  #Kandy  #Vina_del_Mar  #Antofagasta  #Punta_Arenas  #Concepcion  #Valparaiso  #Lanzhou__Lanchou__Lanchow  #Shanghai  #Guangzhou__Canton__Kuangchou__Kwangchow  #Nanchang__Nan-chang  #Nanning__Nan-ning  #Shenyang__Mukden__Moukden__Fengtien  #Tianjin__Tientsin__T'ien-ching  #Nanjing__Nanking  #Chongqing__Chungking  #Xian__Sian__Singan__Changan__Hsian  #Luoyang__Loyang  #Hangzhou__Hangchow  #Taichung  #Hong_Kong  #Cali  #Medellin  #Cartagena  #Kananga__Luluabourg  #Lubumbashi__Elisabethville  #Abidjan  #San_Pedro_Sula  #Santa_Ana.Salvador__santaana  #Colon__Aspinwall  #Merida  #Campeche  #Cancun  #Acapulco_de_Juarez__Acapulco  #chihuahua  #Juarez__Ciudad_Juarez  #Ciudad_Victoria  #Culiacan  #Durango__Victoria_de_Durango  #Guadalajara  #Hermosillo  #Leon.Mexico__leon  #Matamoros  #Mazatlan  #Mexicali  #Monterrey  #Oaxaca_de_Juarez__Oaxaca  #Orizaba  #Puebla_de_Zaragoza__Puebla__Heroica_Puebla_de_Zaragoza  #San_Luis_Potosi  #Tepic  #Tampico  #Torreon  #Tijuana  #Tuxtla_Gutierrez  #Veracruz  #Villahermosa  #Santiago_de_Cuba__Santiago  #Guantanamo  #Santiago_de_los_Caballeros__Santiago  #San_Juan  #Montego_Bay  #Cotonou  #Arhus__Aarhus  #Aalborg__Alborg  #Bergen  #Stavanger  #Trondheim__Nidaros  #Malmo  #Lund  #Goteborg__Goeteborg__Gothenburg  #Uppsala__Upsala  #Aachen__Aix-la-Chapelle  #Chemnitz__Karl-Marx_Stadt  #Dresden  #Leipzig  #Solingen  #Weimar  #Bonn  #Cologne__Koln  #Braunschweig__Brunswick  #Dusseldorf  #Essen  #Frankfurt_on_the_Main__Frankfurt__Frankfort  #Halle-an-der-Saale__Halle  #Hamburg  #Hannover__Hanover  #Lubeck  #Mannheim  #Munich__Muenchen  #Nuremberg__Nurnberg  #Rostock  #Stuttgart  #Wiesbaden  #Wurzburg__Wuerzburg  #Guayaquil  #Espoo  #Tampere__Tammerfors  #Corinth__Korinthos  #Argos  #Delphi  #Mycenae  #Sparta  #Troy__Ilion__Ilium  #Thebes  #Thessaloniki__Salonika__Salonica__Thessalonica  #Sodom  #Gomorrah__Gomorrha  #Tel_Aviv-Jaffa__Tel_Aviv  #Haifa  #Jaffa__Joppa__Yafo  #Byzantium  #Pompeii  #Herculaneum  #Aquila_degli_Abruzzi__Aquila__L'Aquila  #Naples__Napoli  #Messina  #Bologna  #Brindisi  #Genoa__Genova  #Cremona  #La_Spezia  #Milan__Milano  #Pisa  #Siracusa__Syracuse  #Turin__Torino  #Bari  #Palermo  #Firenze__Florence  #Padua__Padova__Patavium  #Venice__Venezia  #Verona  #Dubrovnik__Ragusa  #Split  #Banff  #Calgary  #Vancouver  #Saint_John__St._John  #Hamilton.port__hamilton  #Sudbury  #Thunder_Bay  #Montreal  #Saskatoon  #Graz  #Linz__Lentia  #Salzburg  #Innsbruck  #Chittagong  #Antwerpen__Antwerp__Anvers  #Bruges__City_of_Bridges  #Charleroi  #Gent__Gand__Ghent  #Liege__Luik  #Namur  #Belo_Horizonte  #Natal  #Rio_de_Janeiro__Rio  #Recife__Pernambuco  #Sao_Paulo  #Lancaster  #Manchester  #Hull__Kingston-upon_Hull  #Liverpool  #Birmingham  #Oxford.England__oxford  #Cambridge  #Brighton  #Bristol  #Leeds  #Leicester  #Newcastle-upon-Tyne__Newcastle  #Pompey__Portsmouth  #Coventry  #Gloucester.England__gloucester  #Reading  #Sheffield  #Winchester.England__winchester  #Worcester.England__worcester  #Cork  #Galway  #Limerick  #Waterford  #Aberdeen.Scotland__aberdeen  #Glasgow  #Newport.Wales__newport  #Swansea  #El_Iskandriyah__Alexandria  #Aswan__Assuan__Assouan  #Giza__El_Giza  #Memphis.Egypt__memphi  #Luxor  #Suez  #Delhi__Old_Delhi  #Calcutta  #Bombay__Greater_Bombay  #Agra  #Hyderabad  #Chennai__Madras  #Salem.India__salem  #Bandung  #Medan  #Semarang__Samarang  #Abadan  #Mashhad__Meshed  #Isfahan__Esfahan__Aspadana  #Shiraz  #Tabriz  #Qum  #Persepolis  #Basra__Basia  #Mosul  #Edirne__Adrianople__Adrianopolis  #Babylon  #Ur  #Assur__Asur__Ashur  #Nineveh  #Utica.Phoenicia__utica  #Nagoya  #Osaka  #Yokohama  #Naha_City  #Kyoto  #Hiroshima  #Sapporo  #Kitakyushu  #Fukuoka  #Nagasaki  #Aqaba__Akaba  #Zarqa__Az_Zarqa  #Kisumu  #Mombasa  #Nakuru  #Bordeaux  #Brest  #Cannes  #Dijon  #Grenoble  #Le_Havre  #Lille  #Lyon__Lyons  #Marseille__Marseilles  #Nancy  #Nantes  #Nice  #Orleans  #Strasbourg__Strassburg  #Toulouse  #Versailles  #The_Hague__'s_Gravenhage__Den_Haag  #Eindhoven  #Nijmegen  #Rotterdam  #Leiden__Leyden  #Utrecht  #Thorshavn  #Incheon__Inchon__Chemulpo  #Kwangju  #Taegu__Tegu  #Pusan  #Tarabulus__Tripoli  #Saida__Sidon  #Sur__Tyre  #Benghazi  #Blantyre  #Zomba  #Timbuktu  #Casablanca  #Fez__Fes  #Marrakesh__Marrakech  #Tangier__Tangiers  #Auckland__Aukland  #Christchurch  #Ibadan  #Katsina  #Lagos  #Yerwa-Maiduguri__Maiduguri  #Zaria  #Karachi  #Lahore  #Faisalabad__Lyallpur  #Arequipa  #Cebu_City__Cebu  #Quezon_City  #Cracow__Krakow__Krakau  #Gdansk__Danzig  #Lodz  #Lublin  #Wroclaw__Breslau  #Braga  #Porto__Oporto  #Papeete  #Medina__Al_Madinah  #Jiddah__Jidda  #Hargeisa  #Cape_Town  #Johannesburg  #Kimberley  #Durban  #Bloemfontein  #Soweto  #Astrakhan  #Cherepovets  #Grozny__Groznyy  #Kaluga  #Kursk  #Nizhnyi_Novgorod__Nizhni_Novgorod__Gorki__Gorky__Gorkiy  #Kazan  #Leningrad__St._Petersburg__Peterburg__Petrograd__Saint_Petersburg  #Murmansk  #Nalchik  #Novgorod  #Perm__Molotov  #Rostov_na_Donu__Rostov__Rostov_on_Don  #Saratov  #Smolensk  #Ufa__ufa  #Volgograd__Stalingrad__Tsaritsyn  #Novosibirsk  #Chelyabinsk  #Omsk  #Vladivostok  #Gomel__Homel  #Klaipeda__Memel  #Kaunas__Kovna__Kovno  #Donetsk__Donetske__Stalino  #Chernobyl  #Dneprodzerzhinsk  #Dnepropetrovsk__Yekaterinoslav  #Kharkov__Kharkiv  #Odesa__Odessa  #Sebastopol__Sevastopol  #Yalta  #Almaty__Alma-Ata  #Samarkand__Samarcand  #Barcelona  #Cadiz  #Cartagena.port__cartagena  #Cordova__Cordoba  #Granada  #Jerez_de_la_Frontera__Jerez  #Leon.Spain__leon  #Malaga  #Oviedo  #San_Sebastian  #Sevilla__Seville  #Toledo.Spain__toledo  #Zaragoza__Saragossa  #Valencia.Spain__valencia  #Nyala  #Port_Sudan  #Omdurman  #Basel__Basle__Bale  #Geneva__Geneve__Genf  #Lausanne  #Zurich  #Aleppo__Alep  #Tabora  #Sfax__Safaqis  #Adana__Seyhan  #Antalya__Adalia  #Istanbul__Stambul__Stamboul__Constantinople  #Bursa__Brusa  #Izmir__Smyrna  #Jinja  #Gulu  #Dubai  #Pittsburgh_of_the_South__Birmingham  #Huntsville  #Mobile  #Selma  #Anchorage  #Tucson  #Anaheim  #Bakersfield  #Berkeley  #Beverly_Hills  #Fresno  #Long_Beach  #Los_Angeles__City_of_the_Angels  #Oakland  #Pasadena  #Riverside  #San_Bernadino  #San_Diego  #San_Francisco  #San_Jose.California__sanjose  #Santa_Ana.California__santaana  #Santa_Clara  #Colorado_Springs  #Pueblo.Colorado__pueblo  #Bridgeport  #New_Haven  #Waterbury  #Wilmington.Delaware__wilmington  #Fort_Lauderdale  #Jacksonville  #Miami  #Miami_Beach  #Orlando  #St._Augustine__Saint_Augustine  #St._Petersburg__Saint_Petersburg  #Tampa  #Augusta.Georgia__augusta  #Columbus.Georgia__columbu  #Macon  #Savannah  #Windy_City__Chicago  #Decatur.Illinois__decatur  #Peoria  #Rockford  #Evansville  #Fort_Wayne  #Gary  #South_Bend  #Davenport  #Cedar_Rapids  #Sioux_City  #Kansas_City.Kansas__kansascity  #Wichita.Kansas__wichita  #Lexington.Kentucky__lexington  #Louisville  #New_Orleans  #Shreveport  #Portland.Maine__portland  #Baltimore  #Cambridge.Massachusetts__cambridge  #Springfield  #Worcester.Massachusetts__worcester  #Salem.Massachusetts__salem  #Ann_Arbor  #Detroit__Motor_City__Motown  #Flint  #Grand_Rapids  #Duluth  #Minneapolis  #Independence  #Kansas_City.Missouri__kansascity  #Saint_Louis__St._Louis__Gateway_to_the_West  #Springfield.Missouri__springfield  #Billings  #Omaha.Nebraska__omaha  #Las_Vegas  #Reno  #Manchester.New_Hampshire__manchester  #Atlantic_City  #Jersy_City  #Newark  #Bayonne  #Camden  #Paterson  #Albuquerque  #Buffalo  #New_York__New_York_City  #Binghamton  #Niagara_Falls  #Rochester.New_York_State__rochester  #Schenectady  #Syracuse  #Utica.New_York_State__utica  #Charlotte  #Durham  #Greensboro  #Winston-Salem  #Fargo  #Akron  #Cleveland  #Cincinnati  #Dayton  #Toledo.Ohio__toledo  #Youngstown  #Tulsa  #Eugene  #Portland.Oregon__portland  #Allentown  #Erie  #Chester  #Philadelphia__City_of_Brotherly_Love  #Pittsburgh  #Scranton  #Newport.Rhode_Island__newport  #Charleston.South_Carolina__charleston  #Sioux_Falls  #Chattanooga  #Knoxville  #Memphis.Tennessee__memphi  #Abilene  #Amarillo  #Beaumont  #Brownsville  #Corpus_Christi  #Dallas  #El_Paso  #Fort_Worth  #Houston  #Laredo  #Lubbock  #Odessa  #San_Antonio  #Waco  #Wichita_Falls  #Burlington  #Newport_News  #Norfolk  #Lynchburg  #Portsmouth.port__portsmouth  #Roanoke  #Seattle  #Spokane  #Tacoma  #Beckley  #Clarksburg  #Huntington  #Morgantown  #Parkersburg  #Wheeling  #Green_Bay  #Milwaukee  #Racine  #Casper  #Vatican_City__Citta_del_Vaticano  #Cuidad_Bolivar  #Maracaibo  #Maracay  #Valencia.Venezuela__valencia  #Ho_Chi_Minh_City__Saigon  #Haiphong  #Aden  #Bulawayo
        subtype:  #town  an urban area with a fixed boundary that is smaller than a city; "they drive through town on their way to work"
           subtype:  #burg  colloquial American term for a town; "I've lived in this burg all my life"
           subtype:  #boom_town  a town enjoying sudden prosperity
           subtype:  #ghost_town__ghosttown  a deserted town (especially in Western United States)
           subtype:  #hometown  the town (or city) where you grew up or where you have your principal residence; "he never went back to his hometown again"
           subtype:  #market_town  a (usually small) town where a public market is held at stated times
           instance:  #Nogales.northern_Mexico__nogale  #Austerlitz  #Viborg  #Mariehamn__Maarianhamina  #Knossos__Cnossos__Cnossus  #Actium  #Akko__Acre__Akka__Accho  #Bethlehem  #Tivoli__Tibur  #Agrigento__Acragas__Girgenti  #Nanaimo  #Churchill  #Yellowknife  #Kingston.Ontario__kingston  #Sault_Sainte_Marie  #Dawson  #Alost__Aalost  #Blackpool  #Stratford-on-Avon__Stratford-upon-Avon  #Hastings  #Canterbury  #Bangor.Northern_Ireland  #Tara  #Ayr  #Aberdare  #Bangor.Wales__bangor  #Saqqara__Saqqarah__Sakkara  #Calais  #Chablis  #Vichy  #Thule  #Monte_Carlo  #El_Aaium  #Cuzco__Cusco  #Setubal  #Abydos  #Antioch__Antakya__Antakiya  #Decatur.Alabama__decatur  #Gadsden  #Tuscaloosa  #Tuskegee  #Nome  #Flagstaff  #Nogales.Arizona__nogale  #Prescott  #Yuma.Arizona__yuma  #Fayetteville  #Fort_Smith  #Hot_Springs  #Jonesboro  #Pine_Bluff  #Texarkana.Arkansas__texarkana  #Barstow  #Eureka  #Monterey  #Palo_Alto  #Redding  #San_Mateo  #San_Pablo  #Santa_Barbara  #Boulder  #Farmington.Connecticut__farmington  #New_London  #Daytona_Beach  #Fort_Myers  #Gainesville  #Key_West  #Melbourne.Florida__melbourne  #Palm_Beach  #Panama_City.Florida__panamacity  #Pensacola  #Sarasota  #West_Palm_Beach  #Albany.Georgia__albany  #Athens.Georgia__athen  #Brunswick.Georgia__brunswick  #Oxford.Mississippi__oxford  #Valdosta  #Hilo  #Coeur_d'Alene  #Idaho_Falls  #Lewiston.Idaho__lewiston  #Nampa  #Pocatello  #Twin_Falls.Idaho__twinfall  #Carbondale  #Champaign  #East_Saint_Louis  #Moline  #Rock_Island  #Urbana  #Bloomington  #Lafayette.Indiana__lafayette  #Muncie  #Council_Bluffs  #Clinton  #Dubuque  #Mason_City  #Ottumwa  #Dodge_City  #Hays  #Lawrence  #Salina  #Bowling_Green  #Owensboro  #Paducah  #Alexandria  #Lafayette.Louisiana__lafayette  #Monroe.Louisiana__monroe  #Morgan_City  #Bangor.Maine__bangor  #Brunswick.Maine__brunswick  #Lewiston.Maine__lewiston  #Orono  #Aberdeen.Maryland__aberdeen  #Frederick  #Hagerstown  #Concord.Massachusetts__concord  #Gloucester.Massachusetts__gloucester  #Lexington.Massachusetts__lexington  #Medford.Massachusetts__medford  #Pittsfield  #Plymouth  #Alpena  #Houghton  #Jackson.Michigan__jackson  #Kalamazoo  #Marquette  #Monroe.Michigan__monroe  #Saginaw  #Traverse_City  #Bemidji  #Hibbing  #Mankato  #Rochester.Minnesota__rochester  #Saint_Cloud__St._Cloud  #Virginia.Minnesota__virginia  #Biloxi.Mississippi__biloxi  #Columbus.Mississippi__columbu  #Greenville  #Hattiesburg  #Meridian  #Natchez  #Tupelo  #Vicksburg  #Cape_Girardeau  #Columbia.Missouri__columbia  #Hannibal  #Poplar_Bluff  #St._Joseph__Saint_Joseph  #Sedalia  #Bozeman  #Great_Falls  #Missoula  #Grand_Island  #North_Platte  #Portsmouth  #New_Brunswick.New_Jersey__newbrunswick  #Princeton  #Carlsbad  #Farmington.New_Mexico__farmington  #Gallup  #Las_Cruces  #Los_Alamos  #Roswell  #Silver_City  #Taos  #Ithaca  #Elmont  #Kingston.New_York_State__kingston  #Newburgh  #Saratoga_Springs  #Watertown.New_York_State__watertown  #Asheville  #Chappel_Hill  #Fayetteville.North_Carolina__fayetteville  #Greenville.North_Carolina__greenville  #Wilmington.North_Carolina__wilmington  #Athens.Ohio__athen  #Mansfield  #Bartlesville  #Enid  #Lawton  #McAlester  #Muskogee.Oklahoma__muskogee  #Bend  #Klamath_Falls  #Medford.Oregon__medford  #Altoona  #Gettysburg  #Hershey  #Florence  #Greenville.South_Carolina__greenville  #Aberdeen.South_Dakota__aberdeen  #Rapid_City  #Columbia.Tennessee__columbia  #Jackson.Tennessee__jackson  #Johnson_City  #Bryan  #Del_Rio  #Galveston  #Lufkin  #McAllen  #Midland  #Paris.Texas__pari  #San_Angelo  #Sherman  #Texarkana.Texas__texarkana  #Tyler  #Victoria.Texas__victoria  #Ogden  #Provo  #Bennington  #Brattleboro  #Rutland  #Blacksburg  #Aberdeen.Washington__aberdeen  #Bellingham  #Kennewick  #Vancouver.Washington__vancouver  #Walla_Walla  #Yakima  #Fayetteville.West_Virginia__fayetteville  #Appleton  #Eau_Claire  #La_Crosse  #Superior  #Watertown.Wisconsin__watertown  #Wausau  #Jackson.Wyoming__jackson  #Lander  #Laramie  #Rock_Springs
     subtype:  #barrio  an urban area in a Spanish-speaking country
     instance:  #Rustbelt  #Twin_Cities
  subtype:  #Victoria_Land  a mountainous area of Antarctica bounded by the Ross Sea
  subtype:  #wilderness__wild  a wild and uninhabited area
     subtype:  #barren__waste__wasteland  an uninhabited wilderness that is worthless for cultivation; "the barrens of central Africa"; "the trackless wastes of the desert"
        subtype:  #heathland__heath  (British) a tract of level wasteland; uncultivated land with sandy soil and scrubby vegetation
     subtype:  #bush  a large wilderness area
        subtype:  #outback  the remote bush country of Australia
     subtype:  #frontier  a wilderness at the edge of a settled area of a country; "the individualism of the frontier in Andrew Jackson's day"
  subtype:  #zone.geographical_area  a circumscribed geographical region characterized by some distinctive features
     subtype:  #island.zone  a zone or area resembling an island
        subtype:  #traffic_island__trafficisland__safety_island__safety_isle__safety_zone  an island area in a roadway from which traffic is excluded; provides safe area for pedestrians
  subtype:  #French_region  a geographical subdivision of France
     instance:  #French_Riviera__Cote_d'Azur  #Alsace__Alsatia__Elsass  #Anjou  #Aquitaine__Aquitania  #Artois  #Auvergne  #Basse-Normandie__Lower-Normandy  #Bourgogne__Burgundy  #Bretagne__Brittany__Breiz  #Centre  #Champagne-Ardenne__Champagne  #Corse__Corsica  #Franche-Comte  #Gascogne__Gascony  #Haute-Normandie__Upper-Normandy  #Ile-de-France  #Languedoc-Roussillon  #Limousin  #Lorraine__Lothringen  #Martinique  #Mayenne  #Midi-Pyrenees  #Nord-Pas-de-Calais  #Pays_de_la_Loire  #Picardie__Picardy  #Poitou-Charentes__Poitou  #Rhone-Alpes  #Provence
  subtype:  #Baltic_State__Baltic_Republic  European countries bordering the Baltic Sea
     instance:  #Estonia__Republic_of_Estonia__Esthonia  #Latvia__Republic_of_Latvia  #Lithuania__Republic_of_Lithuania__Lietuva
  subtype:  #Colony  one of the 13 British colonies that formed the original states of the United States
     instance:  #Connecticut.Colony__connecticut  #Delaware.Colony__delaware  #Georgia.Colony__georgia  #Maryland.Colony__maryland  #Massachusetts_Bay_Colony__Massachusetts  #New_Hampshire.Colony__newhampshire  #New_Jersey.Colony__newjersey  #New_York.Colony__newyork  #North_Carolina.Colony__northcarolina  #Pennsylvania.Colony__pennsylvania  #Rhode_Island.Colony__rhodeisland  #South_Carolina.Colony__southcarolina  #Virginia.Colony__virginia

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