#geographic_point__geographical_point  a point on the surface of the Earth
  supertype:  point  the precise location of something; a spatially limited location; "she walked to a point where she could survey the whole street"
  subtype:  workplace__work  a place where work is done; "he arrived at work early today"
     subtype:  bakery__bakeshop__bakehouse  a workplace where baked goods (breads and cakes and pastries) are produced or sold
        subtype:  patisserie  a bakery specializing in French pastry
     subtype:  beehive  any workplace where people are very busy
     subtype:  brokerage_house__brokeragehouse__brokerage  place where a broker conducts his business
     subtype:  central__telephone_exchange__telephoneexchange__exchange  a workplace that serves as a telecommunications facility where lines from telephones can be connected together to permit communication
        subtype:  centrex  (CENTRal EXchange) a kind of telephone exchange
        subtype:  switchboard__patchboard__plugboard  telephone central where circuits are completed with patchcords
     subtype:  colliery__pit  a workplace consisting of a coal mine plus all the buildings and equipment connected with it
     subtype:  creamery  a workplace where dairy products (butter and cheese etc.) are produced or sold
     subtype:  drill_site__drillsite  workplace that is the site of a drill hole
     subtype:  exchange.workplace  a workplace for buying and selling; open only to members
        subtype:  commodity_exchange__commodityexchange__commoditiesexchange__commoditiesmarket  an exchange for buying and selling commodities for future delivery
           subtype:  futures_exchange__futuresexchange__futures_market__futuresmarket  a commodity exchange where futures contracts are traded
        subtype:  corn_exchange  an exchange where grains are bought and sold
        subtype:  stock_exchange__stockexchange__stock_market__stockmarket__securities_market  an exchange where security trading is conducted by professional stockbrokers
           subtype:  American_Stock_Exchange__AMEX__Curb  a stock exchange in New York
           subtype:  Bourse  the stock exchange in Paris
           subtype:  curb_market  a stock market for trading in securities not listed on the New York Stock Exchange
           subtype:  New_York_Stock_Exchange__N._Y._Stock_Exchange__NYSE__big_board__bigboard  a stock exchange in New York
           subtype:  over-the-counter_market__OTC_market  a stock exchange where securities transactions are made via telephone and computer rather than on the floor of an exchange
     subtype:  farm  workplace consisting of farm buildings and cultivated land as a unit; "it takes several people to work the farm"
        subtype:  chicken_farm__chickenfarm  farm where chickens are raised for sale
        subtype:  croft  (Great Britain) a small farm worked by a crofter
        subtype:  dairy_farm__dairyfarm__dairy  a farm where dairy products are produced
        subtype:  farmplace__farmstead  a farm together with its buildings
        subtype:  grange  an outlying farm
        subtype:  home-farm  (British) a farm that supplies the needs of a large estate of establishment
        subtype:  piggery__pig_farm__pigfarm  a farm where pigs are raised or kept
        subtype:  cattle_ranch__ranch__spread__cattle_farm  farm consisting of a large tract of land along with facilities needed to raise livestock (especially cattle)
        subtype:  sewage_farm  a farm that is irrigated and fertilized with raw sewage
        subtype:  sheepwalk__sheeprun  (British) farm devoted to raising sheep
        subtype:  stud_farm  a farm where horses are bred
        subtype:  truck_farm__truckfarm__truck_garden__truckgarden  a farm where vegetables are grown for market
        subtype:  vineyard__vinery  a farm of grapevines where wine grapes are produced
     subtype:  fishery  a workplace where fish are caught and processed and sold
        subtype:  pearl_fishery__pearlfishery  a fishery where they fish for pearl oysters
     subtype:  fish_farm  a workplace (usually a pond) where fish are raised for food
     subtype:  smithy__forge  a workplace where metal is worked by heating and hammering
     subtype:  gasworks  the workplace where coal gas is manufactured
     subtype:  glassworks  a workplace where glass is made
     subtype:  ironworks__ironwork  the workplace where iron is smelted or where iron goods are made
     subtype:  job.workplace  a workplace; as in the expression "on the job"
     subtype:  research_lab__lab__laboratory__research_laboratory__science_lab__sciencelab__science_laboratory__sciencelaboratory  a workplace for the conduct of scientific research
        subtype:  biology_lab__biologylab__biology_laboratory__biologylaboratory__bio_lab__biolab  a laboratory for biological research
        subtype:  chemistry_lab__chemistrylab__chemistry_laboratory__chemistrylaboratory__chem_lab  a laboratory for research in chemistry
        subtype:  physics_lab__physicslab__physics_laboratory__physicslaboratory  a laboratory for research in physics
     subtype:  laundry  workplace where clothes are washed and ironed
        subtype:  launderette__Laundromat  a self-service laundry (service mark Laundromat) where coin-operated washing machines are available to individual customers
        subtype:  washhouse  a building or outbuilding where laundry is done
     subtype:  lumberyard  a workplace where lumber is stocked for sale
     subtype:  oyster_bed__oyster_bank__oyster_park  a workplace where oysters are bred and grown
     subtype:  proving_ground__provingground  a workplace for testing new equipment or ideas
     subtype:  ropewalk__rope_yard  workplace consisting of a long narrow path or shed where rope is made
     subtype:  roundhouse.workplace  workplace consisting of a circular building for repairing locomotives
     subtype:  shipyard  a workplace where ships are built or repaired
        subtype:  navy_yard__naval_shipyard__navalshipyard  a military shipyard
           subtype:  Charlestown_Navy_Yard  the navy yard in Boston where the frigate `Constitution' is anchored
     subtype:  shop_floor  workplace consisting of the part of a factory housing the machines; "the productive work is done on the shop floor"
     subtype:  studio  workplace for the teaching or practice of an art; "she ran a dance studio"; "the music department provided studios for their students"; "you don't need a studio to make a passport photograph"
        subtype:  artist's_workroom__atelier  a studio especially for an artist or designer
           subtype:  artist's_loft  a factory loft that has been converted into an artist's workroom and living area
        subtype:  broadcasting_studio  a studio where broadcasts originate
        subtype:  recording_studio__recordingstudio  studio where tapes and records are recorded
     subtype:  studio.workplace  workplace consisting of a room or building where movies or television shows or radio programs are produced and recorded
     subtype:  tannery  workplace where skins and hides are tanned
     subtype:  test_bed  a place equipped with instruments for testing engines and machinery under working conditions
     subtype:  waterworks  workplace where water is stored and purified and distributed for a community
     subtype:  shop__workshop  small workplace where handcrafts or manufacturing are done
        subtype:  bindery  a workshop where books are bound
        subtype:  brickyard__brickfield  a place where bricks are made and sold
        subtype:  chop_shop  a place where stolen cars are disassembled for their parts
        subtype:  dye-works__dyework  a workshop where dyeing is done
        subtype:  machine_shop__machineshop  workshop where metal is cut and shaped etc., by machine tools
        subtype:  pottery.shop  a workshop where clayware is made
        subtype:  print_shop__printshop  a workplace where printing is done
        subtype:  saddlery  workshop where a saddler works
        subtype:  sheltered_workshop__shelteredworkshop  a workshop that offers jobs to members of the physically or developmentally disabled population
        subtype:  turnery.shop  workshop where objects are made on a lathe
  subtype:  address__addres  the place where a person or organization can be found or communicated with
     subtype:  mailing_address__mailingaddres  the address where a person or organization can be communicated with
        subtype:  PostalAddress
     subtype:  street_address  the address where a person or organization can be found
     subtype:  abode__residence  the address where a person lives; "it is his legal place of residence"
        subtype:  home.abode__place  where you live; "deliver the package to my home"; "he doesn't have a home to go to"; "your place or mine?"
     subtype:  business_address  the address at which a business is located
     instance:  DSTO_address (SA)
  subtype:  confluence__junction__meeting  a place where two things come together; "Pittsburgh is located at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers"
  subtype:  epicenter__epicentre  the point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake
  subtype:  magnetic_pole  either of two points where the lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field are vertical
  subtype:  pole.geographic_point  one of two antipodal points where the Earth's axis of rotation intersects the Earth's surface
     instance:  North_Pole  South_Pole
  subtype:  port  a place (seaport or airport) where people and merchandise can enter or leave a country
     subtype:  entrepot__transshipment_center__transshipmentcenter  a port where merchandise can be imported and re-exported without paying import duties; "Bahrain has been an entrepot of trade between Arabia and India since the second millenium BC"
     subtype:  free_port  a port open on equal terms to all commercial vessels
     subtype:  outport  (British) a subsidiary port built in deeper water than the original port (but usually farther from the center of trade)
     subtype:  port_of_entry__point_of_entry  a port where customs officials are stationed to oversee the entry and exit of people and merchandise
        instance:  Nogales.Arizona__nogale  Panama_City.Florida__panamacity  Tampa  Brunswick.Georgia__brunswick  Columbus.Georgia__columbu  Gary  Houghton  Saginaw  Erie  Brownsville  Laredo  Aberdeen.Washington__aberdeen  Bellingham
     subtype:  seaport__harbor__harbour  a place where ships can take on or discharge cargo
        subtype:  coaling_station__coalingstation  a seaport where ships can take on supplies of coal
        subtype:  port_of_call  any port where a ship stops except its home port
        instance:  Pearl_Harbor
     subtype:  treaty_port  a port in China or Korea or Japan that once was open to foreign trade on the basis of a trading treaty
     instance:  Durres__Durazzo  Algiers__Algerian_capital  Oran  Luanda__Angolan_capital  Buenos_Aires__capital_of_Argentina  Antofagasta  Valparaiso  Cartagena  Colon__Aspinwall  Acapulco_de_Juarez__Acapulco  Mazatlan  Tampico  Veracruz  Santiago_de_Cuba__Santiago  Montego_Bay  Bridgetown__capital_of_Barbados  Cotonou  Arhus__Aarhus  Aalborg__Alborg  Djibouti.capital__djibouti__capital_of_Djibouti  Oslo__Christiania__capital_of_Norway  Bergen  Stavanger  Trondheim__Nidaros  Malmo  Goteborg__Goeteborg__Gothenburg  Hannover__Hanover  Helsinki__Helsingfors__capital_of_Finland__Finnish_capital  Mariehamn__Maarianhamina  Corinth__Korinthos  Thessaloniki__Salonika__Salonica__Thessalonica  Akko__Acre__Akka__Accho  Haifa  Jaffa__Joppa__Yafo  Naples__Napoli  Messina  Brindisi  La_Spezia  Palermo  Dubrovnik__Ragusa  Victoria.British_Columbia__victoria  Vancouver  Saint_John__St._John  Saint_John's.Newfoundland__saintjohn'__St._John's  Hamilton.port__hamilton  Thunder_Bay  Hobart  Chittagong  Antwerpen__Antwerp__Anvers  Gent__Gand__Ghent  Natal  Recife__Pernambuco  Hull__Kingston-upon_Hull  Liverpool  Bristol  Newcastle-upon-Tyne__Newcastle  Pompey__Portsmouth  Dublin__Irish_capital__capital_of_Ireland  Cork  Galway  Limerick  Waterford  Ayr  Glasgow  Newport.Wales__newport  Swansea  El_Iskandriyah__Alexandria  Cairo__El_Qahira__Egyptian_capital__capital_of_Egypt  Semarang__Samarang  Abadan  Basra__Basia  Osaka  Yokohama  Nagasaki  Kisumu  Mombasa  Bordeaux  Brest  Calais  Cannes  Le_Havre  Marseille__Marseilles  Nantes  Banjul__capital_of_Gambia  Conakry__Konakri__capital_of_Guinea  Stabroek__Georgetown  Reykjavik__capital_of_Iceland  Incheon__Inchon__Chemulpo  Pusan  Tarabulus__Tripoli  Sur__Tyre  Monrovia__Liberian_capital__capital_of_Liberia  Benghazi  Port_Louis  Casablanca  Auckland__Aukland  Lagos  Muscat__Masqat__capital_of_Oman  Asuncion__capital_of_Paraguay  Lisbon__Lisboa__capital_of_Portugal  Porto__Oporto  Setubal  Doha__Bida__El_Beda__capital_of_Qatar  Castries  Pago_Pago__Pango_Pango  Jiddah__Jidda  Dakar__capital_of_Senegal  Victoria.Seychelles__victoria__capital_of_Seychelles  Freetown__capital_of_Sierra_Leone__capitalofsierraleone  Mogadishu__Mogadiscio__capital_of_Somalia  Cape_Town  Durban  Murmansk  Rostov_na_Donu__Rostov__Rostov_on_Don  Tallinn__capital_of_Estonia  Riga__capital_of_Latvia  Dneprodzerzhinsk  Odesa__Odessa  Baku__capital_of_Azerbaijan  Barcelona  Cadiz  Cartagena.port__cartagena  Malaga  Sevilla__Seville  Port_Sudan  Paramaribo__capital_of_Suriname  Bangkok__capital_of_Thailand__Krung_Thep  Tunis__capital_of_Tunisia  Antalya__Adalia  Izmir__Smyrna  Dubai  Mobile  Valdez  San_Francisco  Bridgeport  Jacksonville  Savannah  New_Orleans  Baltimore  Alpena  Duluth  Portsmouth  Charleston.South_Carolina__charleston  Newport_News  Norfolk  Portsmouth.port__portsmouth  Seattle  Cuidad_Bolivar  Maracaibo  Haiphong  Aden

81 statements are about indirect instances of geographic_point: graph1_on_address, graph1_on_DSTO_address, graph1_on_birth, graph1_on_conference, graph1_on_housing, graph1_on_meal_shop, graph1_on_person, graph1_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, graph1_on_daniel.goodburn@dsto.defence.gov.au, graph1_on_QF315, graph1_on_QF316, graph1_on_QF992, graph1_on_QF997, graph1_on_QF100, graph1_on_QF101_1, graph1_on_QF101_2, graph1_on_QF104_1, graph1_on_QF104_2__graph1onqf1042, graph1_on_QF115, graph1_on_QF116, graph1_on_QF119_1, graph1_on_QF119_2, graph1_on_QF120_1, graph1_on_QF120_2, graph1_on_QF13, graph1_on_QF14_1, graph1_on_QF14_2, graph1_on_QF141, graph1_on_QF142, graph1_on_QF33, graph1_on_QF34, graph1_on_QF39, graph1_on_QF40_1, graph1_on_QF40_2, graph1_on_QF405_2, graph1_on_QF421_2, graph1_on_QF43_2, graph1_on_QF430_1, graph1_on_QF435_2, graph1_on_QF44, graph1_on_QF442_1, graph1_on_QF449_2, graph1_on_QF460_1, graph1_on_QF461_2, graph1_on_QF49, graph1_on_QF490, graph1_on_QF53, graph1_on_QF54, graph1_on_QF612_1, graph1_on_BA009, graph1_on_BA010, graph1_on_BA284, graph1_on_BA285__graph1onba285, graph1_on_BA286, graph1_on_BA287, graph1_on_BA7311, graph1_on_BA7312, graph1_on_CP133_1, graph1_on_CP133_2, graph1_on_CP134, graph1_on_QIF301, graph1_on_QIF3011, graph1_on_QIF3012, graph1_on_QIF3017, graph1_on_QIF3018, graph1_on_QIF302, graph1_on_QIF3027, graph1_on_QIF3028, graph1_on_QIF3037, graph1_on_QIF3038, graph1_on_QIF3053, graph1_on_QIF3054, graph1_on_QIF1, graph1_on_QIF15, graph1_on_QIF16, graph1_on_QIF2, graph1_on_QIF5_1, graph1_on_QIF6_1, graph1_on_Person, graph1_on_http://www.wotif.com/Accommodation/viewdeal.asp?PropID=4384, graph1_on_http://www.wotif.com/Accommodation/viewdeal.asp?PropID=5241 click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

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