#flower  a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms
  supertype:  angiosperm__flowering_plant__floweringplant  plants having seeds in a closed ovary
  subtype:  bloomer  a flower that blooms in a particular way; "a night bloomer"
  subtype:  peony__paeony  any of numerous plants widely cultivated for their showy single or double red or pink or white flowers
  subtype:  lesser_celandine__pilewort__Ranunculus_ficaria  perennial herb native to Europe but naturalized elsewhere having heart-shaped leaves and yellow flowers resembling buttercups; its tuberous roots have been used as a poultice to relieve piles
  subtype:  pheasant's-eye__Adonis_annua  Eurasian herb cultivated for its dark-centered deep red flowers
  subtype:  anemone__windflower  any woodland plant of the genus Anemone grown for its beautiful flowers and whorls of dissected leaves
     subtype:  Alpine_anemone__mountain_anemone__Anemone_tetonensis  silky-foliaged herb of Rocky Mts with bluish-white flowers
     subtype:  Canada_anemone__Anemone_Canadensis  common summer-flowering woodland herb of Labrador to Colorado
     subtype:  thimbleweed__Anemone_cylindrica  a common North American anemone with cylindrical fruit clusters resembling thimbles
        subtype:  longheaded_thimbleweed__Anemone_riparia  thimbleweed of northern North America
        subtype:  Virginia_thimbleweed__Anemone_virginiana  thimbleweed of central and eastern North America
     subtype:  Anemone_nemorosa__wood_anemone  European anemone with solitary white flowers common in deciduous woodlands
     subtype:  wood_anemone__snowdrop__Anemone_quinquefolia  common anemone of eastern North America with solitary pink-tinged white flowers
     subtype:  snowdrop_anemone__snowdrop_windflower__Anemone_sylvestris  Eurasian herb with solitary nodding fragrant white flowers
  subtype:  rue_anemone__Anemonella_thalictroides  woodland flower native to eastern North America having cup-shaped flowers reminiscent of anemone but more delicate
  subtype:  columbine__aquilege  a plant of the genus Aquilegia having irregular showy spurred flowers; north temperate regions especially mountains
     subtype:  meeting_house__meetinghouse__honeysuckle__aquilegiacanadensi  columbine of eastern North America having long-spurred red flowers
     subtype:  blue_columbine__Aquilegia_coerulia__Aquilegia_scopulorum_calcarea  columbine of Rocky Mts having long-spurred blue flowers
     subtype:  granny's_bonnets__Aquilegia_vulgaris  common European columbine having variously colored (white or blue to purple or red) short-spurred flowers; naturalized in United States
  subtype:  rocket_larkspur__Consolida_ambigua__Delphinium_ajacis  commonly cultivated larkspur of southern Europe having unbranched spikelike racemes of blue or sometimes purplish or pinkish flowers; sometime placed in genus Delphinium
  subtype:  delphinium  any plant of the genus Delphinium having palmately divided leaves and showy spikes of variously colored spurred flowers; some contain extremely poisonous substances
     subtype:  larkspur  any of numerous cultivated plants of the genus Delphinium
  subtype:  nigella  any plant of the genus Nigella
     subtype:  Nigella_damascena__love-in-a-mist  European garden plant having finely cut leaves and white or pale blue flowers
     subtype:  fennel_flower__Nigella_hispanica  nigella of Spain and southern France
     subtype:  black_caraway__blackcaraway__nutmeg_flower__Roman_coriander__Nigella_sativa  herb of the Mediterranean region having pungent seeds used like those of caraway
  subtype:  spathiphyllum__peace_lily__peacelily__spathe_flower  any of various plants of the genus Spathiphyllum having a white or green spathe and a spite of fragrant flowers and often cultivated as an ornamental
  subtype:  calla_lily__callalily__calla__arum_lily__Zantedeschia_aethiopica  South African plant widely cultivated for its showy pure white spathe and yellow spadix
     subtype:  pink_calla__Zantedeschia_rehmanii  calla having a rose-colored spathe
     subtype:  golden_calla  any of several callas of the genus Zantedeschia having yellow spathes
  subtype:  sandwort  low-growing chiefly perennial plants usually with small white flowers suitable for e.g. rock gardens
     subtype:  mountain_sandwort__mountain_starwort__mountain_daisy__Arenaria_groenlandica  boreal or alpine sandwort
     subtype:  pine-barren_sandwort__longroot__Arenaria_caroliniana  deep-rooted perennial of southeastern United States
     subtype:  seabeach_sandwort__Arenaria_peploides  perennial succulent herb with small solitary axillary or terminal flowers
     subtype:  rock_sandwort__Arenaria_stricta  low perennial tufted plant of southeastern North America
     subtype:  thyme-leaved_sandwort__Arenaria_serpyllifolia  Eurasian annual sprawling plant naturalized throughout North America
  subtype:  garden_pink__pink  any of various flowers of plants of the genus Dianthus cultivated for their fragrant flowers
     subtype:  sweet_William__Dianthus_barbatus  Eurasian pink widely cultivated for its flat-topped dense clusters of varicolored flowers
     subtype:  clove_pink__clovepink__carnation__Dianthus_caryophyllus  Eurasian plant with pink to purple-red spice-scented usually double flowers; widely cultivated in many varieties and many colors
     subtype:  china_pink__chinapink__rainbowpink__dianthuschinensi  Chinese pink with deeply toothed rose-lilac flowers with a purplish eye; usually raised as an annual
        subtype:  Japanese_pink__Dianthus_chinensis_heddewigii  very free-flowering variety distinguished by jagged-edged petals
     subtype:  maiden_pink__Dianthus_deltoides  low-growing loosely mat-forming Eurasian pink with single crimson-eyed pale pink flowers
     subtype:  cheddar_pink__cheddarpink__Diangus_gratianopolitanus  mat-forming perennial of central Europe with large fragrant pink or red flowers
     subtype:  button_pink__Dianthus_latifolius  much-branched pink with flowers in clusters; closely related to sweet William
     subtype:  cottage_pink__cottagepink__grasspink__dianthusplumariu  European pink cultivated for its very fragrant pink or rosy flowers
     subtype:  fringed_pink__fringedpink__dianthussupurbu  Eurasian perennial pink having fragrant lilac or rose flowers with deeply fringed margins
  subtype:  baby's_breath__babies'-breath__babies'breath__Gypsophila_paniculata  tall plant with small lance-shaped leaves and numerous tiny white or pink flowers
  subtype:  lychnis__lychni__catchfly  mostly perennial herbs with sticky stems that catch insects; widespread in north temperate zone
     subtype:  ragged_robin__cuckoo_flower__Lychnis_flos-cuculi__Lychins_floscuculi  common perennial native to Europe and western Asia having usually pink flowers with ragged petals
     subtype:  scarlet_lychnis__scarletlychni__maltese_cross__maltesecros__Lychins_chalcedonica  Eurasian garden perennial having scarlet flowers in dense terminal heads
     subtype:  mullein_pink__mulleinpink__rose_campion__gardener's_delight__dusty_miller__dustymiller__lychniscoronaria  an old cottage garden plant of southeastern Europe widely cultivated for its attractive white woolly foliage and showy crimson flowers
  subtype:  Moehringia_lateriflora__sandwort  low-growing herb having clusters of small white-flowers 4-petaled flowers
  subtype:  Moehringia_mucosa__sandwort  loosely matted plant with mosslike foliage studded with tiny starry 4-petaled white blossoms; mountains of central and southern Europe
  subtype:  soapwort__hedge_pink__hedgepink__bouncing_Bet__bouncing_Bess__Saponaria_officinalis  plant of European origin having pink or white flowers and leaves yielding a detergent when bruised
  subtype:  silene__campion__catchfly  any plant of the genus Silene
     subtype:  moss_campion__Silene_acaulis  tuft- or mat-forming dwarf perennial of arctic regions of western and central Europe and North America
     subtype:  wild_pink__Silene_caroliniana  perennial of eastern and central North America having short-stalked pink or white flowers in hairy clusters
     subtype:  red_campion__red_bird's_eye__Silene_dioica__Lychnis_dioica  biennial European catchfly having red or pink flowers; sometimes placed in genus Lychnis
     subtype:  white_campion__whitecampion__evening_lychnis__white_cockle__whitecockle__bladdercampion__Silene_latifolia__Lychnis_alba  bluish-green herb having sticky stems and clusters of large evening-opening white flowers with much-inflated calyx; sometimes placed in genus Lychnis
     subtype:  fire_pink__Silene_virginica  perennial herb of eastern North America, having red flowers with narrow notched petals
     subtype:  bladder_campion__Silene_uniflora__Silene_vulgaris  perennial of arctic Europe having large white flowers with inflated calyx
  subtype:  cowherb__cow_cockle__cowcockle__Vaccaria_hispanica__Vaccaria_pyramidata__Saponaria_vaccaria  European annual with pale rose-colored flowers; cultivated flower or self-sown grainfield weed; introduced in North America; sometimes classified as a soapwort
  subtype:  fig_marigold__figmarigold__pebbleplant  any of several South African plants of the genus Mesembryanthemum cultivated for showy pink or white flowers
     subtype:  ice_plant__iceplant__icicle_plant__Mesembryanthemum_crystallinum  Old World annual widely naturalized in warm regions having white flowers and fleshy foliage covered with hairs that resemble ice
  subtype:  globe_amaranth__globeamaranth__bachelor's_button__Gomphrena_globosa  tropical American herb having rose to red or purple flowers that can be dried without losing color
  subtype:  scarlet_musk_flower__Nyctaginia_capitata  viscid branched perennial of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico having tuberous roots and deep red flowers
  subtype:  umbrellawort  a plant of the genus Mirabilis
  subtype:  four_o'clock  any of several plants of the genus Mirabilis having flowers that open in late afternoon
     subtype:  common_four-o'clock__marvel-of-Peru__Mirabilis_jalapa__Mirabilis_uniflora  common garden plant of North America having fragrant red or purple or yellow or white flowers that open in late afternoon
     subtype:  California_four_o'clock__Mirabilis_laevis__Mirabilis_californica  California four o'clock with purple-red flowers
     subtype:  sweet_four_o'clock__maravilla__Mirabilis_longiflora  leafy wildflower having fragrant slender white or pale pink trumpet-shaped flowers; southwestern United States and northern Mexico
     subtype:  desert_four_o'clock__Colorado_four_o'clock__maravilla__Mirabilis_multiflora  wildflower having vibrant deep pink tubular evening-blooming flowers; found in sandy and desert areas from southern California to southern Colorado and into Mexico
     subtype:  mountain_four_o'clock__Mirabilis_oblongifolia  leafy wildflower with lavender-pink flowers that open in the evening and remain through cool part of the next day; found in open woods or brush in mountains of southern Colorado to Arizona and into Mexico
  subtype:  portulaca  a plant of the genus Portulaca having pink or red or purple or white ephemeral flowers
     subtype:  rose_moss__sun_plant__sunplant__Portulaca_grandiflora  widely cultivated in many varieties for its fleshy mosslike foliage and profusion of brightly colored flowers
  subtype:  Carolina_spring_beauty__Claytonia_caroliniana  similar to Claytonia virginica but having usually pink flowers; eastern North America
  subtype:  spring_beauty__Clatonia_lanceolata  small slender plant having one pair of succulent leaves at the middle of the stem and a loose raceme of white or pink or rose bowl-shaped flowers and an edible corm
  subtype:  Virginia_spring_beauty__Claytonia_virginica  small cormous perennial grown for its low rosette of succulent foliage and racemes of pink-tinged white flowers; eastern North America
  subtype:  Cheiranthus_cheiri__wallflower__Erysimum_cheiri  perennial of southern Europe having clusters of fragrant flowers of all colors especially yellow and orange; often naturalized on old walls or cliffs; sometimes placed in genus Erysimum
  subtype:  prairie_rocket__prairierocket  any of several western American plants of the genus Cheiranthus having large yellow flowers
  subtype:  wallflower  any of numerous plants of the genus Erysimum having fragrant yellow or orange or brownish flowers
     subtype:  Siberian_wall_flower__Erysimum_allionii__Cheiranthus_allionii  showy erect biennial or short-lived perennial cultivated for its terminal racemes of orange-yellow flowers; sometimes placed in genus Cheiranthus
  subtype:  prairie_rocket.flower__prairierocket  any of several North American plants of the genus Erysimum having large yellow flowers
  subtype:  western_wall_flower__Erysimum_asperum__Cheiranthus_asperus__Erysimum_arkansanum  biennial or short-lived perennial prairie rocket having orange-yellow flowers; western North America to Minnesota and Kansas; sometimes placed in genus Cheiranthus
  subtype:  heliophila  any of various South African herbs and subshrubs cultivated for long showy racemes of bright blue flowers with white eyes
  subtype:  damask_violet__Dame's_violet__sweet_rocket__sweetrocket__Hesperis_matronalis  long-cultivated herb having flowers whose scent is more pronounced in the evening; naturalized throughout Europe to Siberia and into North America
  subtype:  candytuft  any of various flowering plants of the genus Iberis cultivated for their showy clusters of white to red or purple flowers; native to Mediterranean region
  subtype:  sweet_alyssum__sweetalyssum__sweet_alison__sweetalison__Lobularia_maritima  perennial European plant having clusters of small fragrant usually white flowers; widely grown in gardens
  subtype:  Malcolm_stock__stock  any of various ornamental flowering plants of the genus Malcolmia
  subtype:  Virginian_stock__Virginia_stock__Malcolmia_maritima  erect branching herb cultivated for its loose racemes of fragrant white or pink or red or lilac flowers; native to sands and sea cliffs of southwestern Greece and southern Albania
  subtype:  gillyflower  any of several Old World plants cultivated for their brightly colored flowers
     subtype:  brompton_stock__Matthiola_incana  European plant with racemes of sweet-scented flowers; widely cultivated as an ornamental
  subtype:  schizopetalon__Schizopetalon_walkeri  a dainty South American annual having deeply pinnatifid leaves and racemes of fringed almond-scented purple-white flowers
  subtype:  poppy  annual or biennial or perennial herbs having showy flowers
     subtype:  Papaver_alpinum__Iceland_poppy  Old World alpine poppy with white or yellow to orange flowers
     subtype:  western_poppy__westernpoppy__Papaver_californicum  showy annual of California with red flowers
     subtype:  Papaver_argemone__prickly_poppy__pricklypoppy  annual Old World poppy with orange-red flowers and bristly fruit
     subtype:  Iceland_poppy__arctic_poppy__Papaver_nudicaule  subarctic perennial poppy of both hemispheres having fragrant white or yellow to orange or peach flowers
     subtype:  oriental_poppy__Papaver_orientale  commonly cultivated Asiatic perennial poppy having stiff heavily haired leaves and bright scarlet or pink to orange flowers
     subtype:  corn_poppy__field_poppy__Flanders_poppy__Papaver_rhoeas  annual European poppy common in grain fields and often cultivated
     subtype:  opium_poppy__Papaver_somniferum  southwestern Asian herb with grayish leaves and white or reddish flowers; source of opium
     subtype:  greater_celandine__greatercelandine__celandine__swallow_wort__swallowwort__chelidoniummaju  perennial herb with branched woody stock and bright yellow flowers
     subtype:  California_poppy__Eschscholtzia_californica  of Pacific coast of North America; widely cultivated for its yellow to red flowers
     subtype:  golden_cup__Mexican_tulip_poppy__Hunnemania_fumariifolia  native of Mexican highlands grown for its glossy clear yellow flowers and blue-gray finely dissected foliage
     subtype:  plume_poppy__plumepoppy__bocconia__Macleaya_cordata  herb of China and Japan widely cultivated for its plumelike panicles of creamy white flowers
     subtype:  blue_poppy__Meconopsis_betonicifolia  Chinese perennial having mauve-pink to bright sky blue flowers in drooping cymes
     subtype:  Welsh_poppy__Meconopsis_cambrica  widely cultivated west European plant with showy pale yellow flowers
     subtype:  creamcups__creamcup__Platystemon_californicus  California plant with small pale yellow flowers
     subtype:  wind_poppy__flaming_poppy__flamingpoppy__Stylomecon_heterophyllum__Papaver_heterophyllum  California wild poppy with bright red flowers
     subtype:  celandine_poppy__wood_poppy__Stylophorum_diphyllum  perennial here native to woodland of the eastern United States having yellow flowers
  subtype:  corydalis__corydali  a plant of the genus Corydalis with beautiful compound foliage and spurred tubular flowers
  subtype:  horn_poppy__horned_poppy__yellow_horned_poppy__sea_poppy__seapoppy__Glaucium_flavum  yellow-flowered Eurasian glaucous herb naturalized in along sandy shores in eastern North America
  subtype:  composite_plant__compositeplant__composite  considered the most highly evolved dicotyledonous plants, characterized by florets arranged in dense heads that resemble single flowers
     subtype:  compass_plant__compassplant__compass_flower__compassflower  any of several plants having leaves so arranged on the axis as to indicate the cardinal points of the compass
        subtype:  prickly_lettuce__pricklylettuce__horse_thistle__horsethistle__Lactuca_serriola__Lactuca_scariola  European annual wild lettuce having prickly stems; a troublesome weed in parts of United States
        subtype:  rosinweed__Silphium_laciniatum  North American perennial having a resinous odor and yellow flowers
        subtype:  wyethia__Wyethia_ovata  low tufted white-woolly yellow-flowered herb of California
     subtype:  everlasting_flower__everlastingflower__everlasting  any of various plants of various genera of the family Compositae having flowers that can be dried without loss of form or color
        subtype:  pink-and-white_everlasting__pink_paper_daisy__Acroclinium_roseum  flower of southwestern Australia having bright pink daisylike papery flowers; grown for drying
        subtype:  pearly_everlasting__cottonweed__Anaphalis_margaritacea  American everlasting having foliage with soft wooly hairs and corymbose heads with pearly white bracts
        subtype:  cudweed  any of numerous plants of the genus Gnaphalium having flowers that can be dried without loss of form or color
           subtype:  chafeweed__wood_cudweed__Gnaphalium_sylvaticum  weedy perennial of north temperate regions having woolly foliage and dirty white flowers in a leafy spike
        subtype:  golden_everlasting__strawflower__yellow_paper_daisy__Helichrysum_bracteatum  Australian plant naturalized in Spain having flowers of lemon yellow to deep gold; the choice everlasting of dried-flower lovers
        subtype:  strawflower  any of various plants of the genus Helipterum
        subtype:  cascade_everlasting__cascadeeverlasting__Ozothamnus_secundiflorus__Helichrysum_secundiflorum  shrub with white woolly branches and woolly leaves having fragrant flowers forming long sprays; flowers suitable for drying; sometimes placed in genus Helichrysum
        subtype:  Swan_River_everlasting__rhodanthe__Rhodanthe_manglesii__Helipterum_manglesii  Australian annual everlasting having light pink nodding flower heads; sometimes placed in genus Helipterum
        subtype:  immortelle__Xeranthemum_annuum  mostly widely cultivated species of everlasting flowers having usually purple flowers; southern Europe to Iran; naturalized elsewhere
     subtype:  stinking_mayweed__mayweed__dog_fennel__dogfennel__stinking_chamomile__Anthemis_cotula  widespread rank-smelling weed having white-rayed flower heads with yellow discs
     subtype:  yellow_chamomile__golden_marguerite__dyers'_chamomile__Anthemis_tinctoria  Eurasian perennial herb with hairy divided leaves and yellow flowers; naturalized in North America
     subtype:  corn_chamomile__field_chamomile__corn_mayweed__Anthemis_arvensis  European white-flowered weed naturalized in North America
     subtype:  oxeye_daisy__Leucanthemum_maximum__Chrysanthemum_maximum  similar to oxeye daisy
     subtype:  shasta_daisy__Leucanthemum_superbum__Chrysanthemum_maximum_maximum  hybrid garden flower derived from Chrysanthemum maximum and Chrysanthemum lacustre having large white flower heads resembling oxeye daisies; often placed in the genus Chrysanthemum
     subtype:  Pyrenees_daisy__Leucanthemum_lacustre__Chrysanthemum_lacustre  perennial of Portugal similar to the oxeye daisy
     subtype:  dusty_miller__dustymiller__silverlace__Tanacetum_ptarmiciflorum__Chrysanthemum_ptarmiciflorum  shrubby perennial of the Canary Islands having white flowers and leaves and hairy stems covered with dustlike down; sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum
     subtype:  tansy__golden_buttons__scented_fern__scentedfern__tanacetumvulgare  common perennial aromatic herb native to Eurasia having buttonlike yellow flower heads and bitter-tasting pinnate leaves sometimes used medicinally
     subtype:  crownbeard__crown_beard__crownbeard  any plant of the genus Verbesina having clustered white or yellow flower heads
        subtype:  wingstem__golden_ironweed__yellow_ironweed__golden_honey_plant__Verbesina_alternifolia__Actinomeris_alternifolia  perennial herb with showy yellow flowers; the eastern United States
        subtype:  cowpen_daisy__golden_crownbeard__golden_crown_beard__butter_daisy__Verbesina_encelioides__Ximenesia_encelioides  coarse grayish green annual yellow-flowered herb; southwestern United States to Mexico
        subtype:  gravelweed__Verbesina_helianthoides  perennial herb with yellow flowers; southern and south central United States
        subtype:  Virginia_crownbeard__frostweed__verbesinavirginica  tall perennial herb having clusters of white flowers; the eastern United States
  subtype:  ageratum  any plant of the genus Ageratum having opposite leaves and small heads of blue or white flowers
     subtype:  common_ageratum__Ageratum_houstonianum  small tender herb grown for its fluffy brushlike blue to lavender blooms
  subtype:  Amberboa_moschata__sweet_sultan__sweetsultan__Centaurea_moschata  Asian plant widely grown for its sweetly fragrant pink flowers; sometimes placed in genus Centaurea
  subtype:  ammobium  any plant of the genus Ammobium having yellow flowers and silvery foliage
     subtype:  winged_everlasting__Ammobium_alatum  Australian plant widely cultivated for its beautiful silvery-white blooms with bright yellow centers on long winged stems
  subtype:  African_daisy  any of several plants of the genus Arctotis having daisylike flowers
  subtype:  blue-eyed_African_daisy__Arctotis_stoechadifolia__Arctotis_venusta  bushy perennial of South Africa with white or violet flowers; in its native region often clothes entire valley sides in a sheet of color
  subtype:  aster  any of various chiefly fall-blooming herbs of the genus Aster with showy daisylike flowers
     subtype:  wood_aster  any of several asters of eastern North America usually growing in woods
        subtype:  heart-leaved_aster__Aster_cordifolius  perennial wood aster of eastern North America
        subtype:  white_wood_aster__Aster_divaricatus  rhizomatous perennial wood aster of eastern North America with white flowers
        subtype:  large-leaved_aster__Aster_macrophyllus  tufted perennial wood aster of North America; naturalized in Europe
     subtype:  whorled_aster__whorledaster__Aster_acuminatus  North American perennial with apparently whorled leaves and showy white purple-tinged flowers
     subtype:  Aster_arenosus__heath_aster__heathaster  common North American perennial with heathlike foliage and small white flower heads
     subtype:  bushy_aster__bushyaster__Aster_dumosus  stiff perennial of the eastern United States having small linear leaves and numerous tiny white flower heads
     subtype:  heath_aster__heathaster__Aster_ericoides__asterericoide  common much-branched North American perennial with heathlike foliage and small starry white flowers
     subtype:  white_prairie_aster__whiteprairieaster__Aster_falcatus  perennial of western North America having white flowers
     subtype:  stiff_aster__stiffaster__Aster_linarifolius  wiry tufted perennial of the eastern United States with stiff erect rough stems, linear leaves and large violet flowers
     subtype:  goldilocks_aster__goldilocks__Aster_linosyris__asterlinosyri__Linosyris_vulgaris  early-flowering perennial of southern and southeastern Europe with flower heads resembling those of goldenrod
     subtype:  New_England_aster__Aster_novae-angliae  common perennial of eastern North America having showy purplish flowers; a parent of the Michaelmas daisy
     subtype:  Michaelmas_daisy__New_York_aster__Aster_novi-belgii  North American perennial herb having small autumn-blooming purple or pink or white flowers; widely naturalized in Europe
     subtype:  upland_white_aster__Aster_ptarmicoides  tufted rigid North American perennial with loose clusters of white flowers
     subtype:  Short's_aster__Aster_shortii  perennial of southeastern United States having usually blue flowers
     subtype:  sea_aster__seaaster__sea_starwort__seastarwort__astertripolium  a common European salt-marsh aster
     subtype:  prairie_aster__prairieaster__Aster_turbinellis  violet-flowered perennial aster of central United States having solitary heads
     subtype:  annual_salt-marsh_aster  a variety of aster
     subtype:  aromatic_aster  a variety of aster
     subtype:  arrow_leaved_aster  a variety of aster
     subtype:  azure_aster__azureaster  a variety of aster
     subtype:  bog_aster__bogaster  a variety of aster
     subtype:  crooked-stemmed_aster__crookedstemmedaster  a variety of aster
     subtype:  Eastern_silvery_aster  a variety of aster
     subtype:  flat-topped_white_aster  a variety of aster
     subtype:  late_purple_aster  a variety of aster
     subtype:  panicled_aster  a variety of aster
     subtype:  perennial_salt_marsh_aster  a variety of aster
     subtype:  purple-stemmed_aster  a variety of aster
     subtype:  rough-leaved_aster  a variety of aster
     subtype:  rush_aster  a variety of aster
     subtype:  Schreiber's_aster  a variety of aster
     subtype:  small_white_aster__smallwhiteaster  a variety of aster
     subtype:  smooth_aster  a variety of aster
     subtype:  southern_aster  a variety of aster
     subtype:  starved_aster__starvedaster__calico_aster  a variety of aster
     subtype:  tradescant's_aster  a variety of aster
     subtype:  wavy-leaved_aster  a variety of aster
     subtype:  Western_silvery_aster  a variety of aster
     subtype:  willow_aster  a variety of aster
  subtype:  daisy  any of numerous composite plants having flower heads with well-developed ray flowers usually arranged in a single whorl
     subtype:  common_daisy__English_daisy__Bellis_perennis  low-growing Eurasian plant with yellow central disc flowers and pinkish-white outer ray flowers
  subtype:  Swan_River_daisy__Brachycome_Iberidifolia  western Australian annual much cultivated for its flower heads with white or bluish to violet or variegated rays
  subtype:  calendula  any of numerous chiefly annual herbs of the genus Calendula widely cultivated for their yellow or orange flowers; often used for medicinal and culinary purposes
     subtype:  common_marigold__pot_marigold__potmarigold__ruddles__ruddle__Scotch_marigold__Calendula_officinalis  the common European annual marigold
  subtype:  China_aster__Callistephus_chinensis  valued for their beautiful flowers in a wide range of clear bright colors; grown primarily for cutting
  subtype:  catananche  any of several plants of the genus Catananche having long-stalked heads of blue or yellow flowers
     subtype:  blue_succory__cupid's_dart__cupid'sdart__Catananche_caerula  south European plant having dark-eyed flowers with flat blue rays
  subtype:  bachelor's_button__cornflower__bluebottle__Centaurea_cyanus  an annual Eurasian plant cultivated in North America having showy heads of blue or purple or pink or white flowers
  subtype:  sweet_sultan__sweetsultan__Centaurea_imperialis  perennial of mountains of Iran and Iraq; cultivated for its fragrant rose-pink flowers
  subtype:  chrysanthemum  any of numerous perennial Old World herbs having showy brightly colored flower heads of the genera Chrysanthemum; Argyranthemum; Dendranthema; Tanacetum; widely cultivated
     subtype:  corn_marigold__field_marigold__fieldmarigold__Chrysanthemum_segetum  European herb with bright yellow flowers; a common weed in grain fields
     subtype:  crown_daisy__crowndaisy__Chrysanthemum_coronarium  shrubby annual of the Mediterranean region with yellowish-white flowers
     subtype:  tong_ho__chop-suey_greens__shun_giku__Chrysanthemum_coronarium_spatiosum  grown for its succulent edible leaves used in Oriental cooking
     subtype:  florist's_chrysanthemum__florist'schrysanthemum__florists'_chrysanthemum__florists'chrysanthemum__mum__Dendranthema_grandifloruom__Chrysanthemum_morifolium  of China
  subtype:  mistflower__ageratum__Conoclinium_coelestinum__Eupatorium_coelestinum  rhizomatous plant of central and southeastern United States and West Indies having large showy heads of clear blue flowers; sometimes placed in genus Eupatorium
  subtype:  cosmos  any of various mostly Mexican herbs of the genus Cosmos having radiate heads of variously colored flowers and pinnate leaves; popular fall-blooming annuals
  subtype:  brass_buttons__Cotula_coronopifolia  South African herb with golden-yellow globose flower heads; naturalized in moist areas along coast of California; cultivated as an ornamental
  subtype:  billy_buttons__billybutton  any of various plants of the genus Craspedia grown for their downy foliage and globose heads of golden flowers; Australia and New Zealand
  subtype:  dahlia__Dahlia_pinnata  any of several plants of or developed from the species Dahlia pinnata having tuberous roots and showy rayed variously colored flower heads; native to the mountains of Mexico and Central America and Colombia
  subtype:  cape_marigold__sun_marigold__sunmarigold__star_of_the_veldt  any of several South African plants grown for the profusion of usually yellow daisylike flowers and mounds of aromatic foliage
  subtype:  coneflower  any of various perennials of the eastern United States having thick rough leaves and long-stalked showy flowers with drooping rays and a conelike center
  subtype:  blue_daisy__blue_marguerite__Felicia_amelloides  hairy South African or Australian subshrub with blue-rayed daisylike flowers
  subtype:  kingfisher_daisy__Felicia_bergeriana  softly hairy South African herb having flowers with bright blue rays
  subtype:  cotton_rose__cudweed  any plant of the genus Filago having capitate clusters of small woolly flower heads
     subtype:  herba_impia__herbaimpia__Filago_germanica  (literally an undutiful herb) a variety of cotton rose
  subtype:  gazania  any plant of the genus Gazania valued for their showy daisy flowers
     subtype:  treasure_flower__Gazania_rigens  decumbent South African perennial with short densely leafy stems and orange flower rays with black eyespots at base
  subtype:  African_daisy.flower__africandaisy  African or Asiatic herbs with daisylike flowers
     subtype:  Barberton_daisy__Transvaal_daisy__Gerbera_jamesonii  widely cultivated South African perennial having flower heads with orange to flame-colored rays
  subtype:  sunflower__helianthus  any plant of the genus Helianthus having large flower heads with dark disk florets and showy yellow rays
     subtype:  swamp_sunflower__swampsunflower__Helianthus_angustifolius  sunflower of eastern North America having narrow leaves and found in bogs
     subtype:  common_sunflower__mirasol__helianthusannuu  annual sunflower grown for silage and for its seeds which are a source of oil; common throughout United States and much of North America
     subtype:  giant_sunflower__tall_sunflower__Indian_potato__Helianthus_giganteus  very tall American perennial of central and the eastern United States to Canada having edible tuberous roots
     subtype:  showy_sunflower__Helianthus_laetiflorus  tall rough-leaved perennial with a few large flower heads; central United States
     subtype:  Maximilian's_sunflower__Helianthus_maximilianii  tall perennial of central United States to Canada having golden-yellow flowers
     subtype:  prairie_sunflower__prairiesunflower__Helianthus_petiolaris  similar to the common sunflower with slender usually branching stems common in central United States
     subtype:  Jerusalem_artichoke_sunflower__Jerusalem_artichoke__girasol__helianthustuberosu  tall perennial with hairy stems and leaves; widely cultivated for its large irregular edible tubers
  subtype:  tidytips__tidy_tips__Layia_platyglossa  California annual having flower heads with yellow rays tipped with white
  subtype:  ox-eyed_daisy__oxeye_daisy__marguerite__moon_daisy__white_daisy__whitedaisy__Leucanthemum_vulgare__Chrysanthemum_leucanthemum  tall leafy-stemmed Eurasian perennial with white flowers; widely naturalized; often placed in genus Chrysanthemum
  subtype:  Texas_star__Lindheimera_texana  Texas annual with coarsely pinnatifid leaves; cultivated for its showy radiate yellow flower heads
  subtype:  yellow_ageratum__African_daisy__Lonas_inodora__Lonas_annua  shrub of southwestern Mediterranean region having yellow daisylike flowers
  subtype:  cineraria__Pericallis_cruenta__Senecio_cruentus  herb of Canary Islands widely cultivated for its blue or purple or red or variegated daisylike flowers
  subtype:  florest's_cineraria__florest'scineraria__Pericallis_hybrida  herb derived from Pericallis cruenta and widely cultivated in a variety of profusely flowering forms with florets from white to pink to red or purple or violet or blue; sometimes placed in genus Cineraria
  subtype:  coneflower.flower  any of various plants of the genus Rudbeckia cultivated for their large usually yellow daisies with prominent central cones
     subtype:  black-eyed_Susan__Rudbeckia_hirta__Rudbeckia_serotina  the state flower of Maryland; of central and southeastern United States; having daisylike flowers with dark centers and yellow to orange rays
     subtype:  cutleaved_coneflower__cutleavedconeflower__Rudbeckia_laciniata  tall leafy plant with erect branches ending in large yellow flower heads with downward-arching rays; grow in Rocky Mountains south to Arizona and east to the Atlantic coast
        subtype:  golden_glow__double_gold__hortensia__Rudbeckia_laciniata_hortensia  very tall branching herb with showy much-doubled yellow flower heads
  subtype:  white-topped_aster  herb having corymbose white-rayed flowers with scaly bracts and silky indehiscent fruits
     subtype:  narrow-leaved_white-topped_aster  a variety of white-topped aster
  subtype:  stokes'_aster__stokes'aster__cornflower_aster__Stokesia_laevis  erect perennial of southeastern United States having large heads of usually blue flowers
  subtype:  marigold  any of various tropical American plants of the genus Tagetes widely cultivated for their showy yellow or orange flowers
     subtype:  African_marigold__big_marigold__bigmarigold__Aztec_marigold__Tagetes_erecta  a stout branching annual with large yellow to orange flower heads; Mexico and Central America
     subtype:  French_marigold__Tagetes_patula  strong-scented bushy annual with orange or yellow flower heads marked with red; Mexico and Guatemala
  subtype:  painted_daisy__painteddaisy__pyrethrum__Tanacetum_coccineum__Chrysanthemum_coccineum  spring-flowering garden perennial of Asiatic origin having finely divided aromatic leaves and white to pink-purple flowers; source of an insecticide; sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum
  subtype:  Mexican_sunflower__tithonia  any plant of the genus Tithonia; tall coarse herbs or shrubs of Mexico to Panama having large flower heads resembling sunflowers with yellow disc florets and golden-yellow to orange-scarlet rays
  subtype:  Easter_daisy__stemless_daisy__Townsendia_Exscapa  dwarf tufted nearly stemless herb having a rosette of woolly leaves and large white-rayed flower heads and bristly achenes; central Canada and United States west to Arizona
  subtype:  ursinia  any of various plants of the genus Ursinia grown for their yellow- or orange- or white-rayed flowers
  subtype:  xeranthemum  any plant of the genus Xeranthemum native to southern Europe having chaffy or silvery flower heads with purplish tubular flowers
  subtype:  zinnia__old_maid__oldmaid__old_maid_flower  any of various plants of the genus Zinnia cultivated for their variously and brightly colored flower heads
     subtype:  white_zinnia__whitezinnia__Zinnia_acerosa  subshrub with slender woolly stems and long narrow leaves and flower heads with white rays; southern United States and northern Mexico
     subtype:  little_golden_zinnia__Zinnia_grandiflora  subshrub having short leafy stems and numerous small flower heads with nearly round yellow-orange rays; Arizona south to Mexico and east to Kansas
  subtype:  Mentzelia_livicaulis__blazing_star__blazingstar__mentzelialaevicauli  biennial of southwestern United States having lustrous-white stems and toothed leaves grown for its large pale yellow flowers that open in early morning
  subtype:  bartonia__Mentzelia_lindleyi  annual grown especially for its fragrant golden nocturnal flowers
  subtype:  orchid__orchidaceous_plant  any of numerous plants of the orchid family usually having flowers of unusual shapes and beautiful colors
     subtype:  orchis  any of various deciduous terrestrial orchids having fleshy tubers and flowers in erect terminal racemes
        subtype:  male_orchis__early_purple_orchid__Orchis_mascula  Eurasian orchid with showy pink or purple flowers in a loose spike
        subtype:  Orchis_papilionaceae__butterfly_orchid__butterflyorchid__butterflyorchi  Mediterranean orchid having usually purple flowers with a fan-shaped spotted or striped rose-red lip
        subtype:  showy_orchis__purple_orchis__purple-hooded_orchis__Orchis_spectabilis  North American orchid having a spike of violet-purple flowers mixed with white; sepals and petals form a hood
     subtype:  aerides__aeride  any orchid of the genus Aerides
     subtype:  angrecum  any of various spectacular orchids of the genus Angraecum having 2-ranked dark green leathery leaves and usually nocturnally scented white or ivory flowers
     subtype:  jewel_orchid__jewelorchid  any of several delicate Asiatic orchids grown especially for their velvety leaves with metallic white or gold veining
     subtype:  puttyroot__adam-and-eve__Aplectrum_hyemale  North American orchid bearing a single leaf and yellowish-brown flowers
     subtype:  arethusa  any of several bog orchids of the genus Arethusa having 1 or 2 showy flowers
        subtype:  bog_rose__bogrose__wild_pink__dragon's_mouth__Arethusa_bulbosa  a bog orchid with usually a solitary fragrant magenta pink blossom with a wide-gaping corolla; Canada
     subtype:  bletia  any of various orchids of the genus Bletia having pseudo-bulbs and erect leafless racemes of large purple or pink flowers
     subtype:  Bletilla_striata__Bletia_striata  Japanese orchid with white-striped leaves and slender erect racemes of rose to magenta flowers; often cultivated; sometimes placed in genus Bletia
     subtype:  brassavola  any of various tropical American orchids with usually solitary fleshy leaves and showy white to green nocturnally fragrant blossoms solitary or in racemes of up to 7
     subtype:  Brassia_lawrenceana__spider_orchid  South American orchid with spiderlike pale-yellow to pale-green flowers
     subtype:  Brassia_verrucosa__spider_orchid  Central American orchid having spiderlike flowers with prominent green warts
     subtype:  caladenia  any of various orchids of the genus Caladenia
        subtype:  zebra_orchid__zebraorchid__Caladenia_cairnsiana  orchid with red-tinged linear leaves and panicle of purple-marked pale-yellow flowers with deep red or purple lip; southwestern Australia
     subtype:  calanthe  any of various showy orchids of the genus Calanthe having white or yellow or rose-colored flowers and broad leaves folded lengthwise
     subtype:  grass_pink__grasspink__calopogonpulchellum__Calopogon_tuberosum  an orchid
     subtype:  calypso__fairyslipper__Calypso_bulbosa  rare north temperate bog orchid bearing a solitary white to pink flower marked with purple at the tip of an erect reddish stalk above 1 basal leaf
     subtype:  jumping_orchid__jumpingorchid__Catasetum_macrocarpum  orchid having both male and female flowers in the same raceme; when a sensitive projection at the base of the column of the male flower is touched the pollen is suddenly ejected
     subtype:  cattleya  any orchid of the genus Cattleya characterized by a hood-shaped three-lobed lip enclosing the column; among the most popular and most extravagantly beautiful orchids known
     subtype:  helleborine  any of several orchids of the genus Cephalanthera
        subtype:  red_helleborine__redhelleborine__Cephalanthera_rubra  orchid of Mediterranean and Asia having a lax spike of bright rose-pink flowers
     subtype:  spreading_pogonia__spreadingpogonia__funnel-crest_rosebud_orchid__Cleistes_divaricata__Pogonia_divaricata  orchid of northeastern United States with magenta-pink flowers having funnel-shaped lip; sometimes placed in genus Pogonia
     subtype:  rosebud_orchid__rosebudorchid__Cleistes_rosea__Pogonia_rosea  orchid of central and northern South America having 1- to 3-blossomed racemes of large showy rose-colored flowers; sometimes placed in genus Pogonia
     subtype:  satyr_orchid__satyrorchid__Coeloglossum_bracteatum  orchid with broad ovate leaves and long-bracted green very irregular flowers
     subtype:  Coeloglossum_viride__frog_orchid  orchid having hooded long-bracted green to yellow-green flowers suffused with purple
     subtype:  coelogyne  any of various orchids of the genus Coelogyne with: clusters of fragrant lacy snow-white flowers; sinister salmon-pink solitary flowers; chainlike racemes of topaz and chocolate brown flowers; spikes of delicate white spice-scented flowers; emerald green flowers marked with blue-black
     subtype:  coral_root__coralroot  a wildflower of the genus Corallorhiza growing from a hard mass of rhizomes associated with a fungus that aids in absorbing nutrients from the forest floor
        subtype:  spotted_coral_root__spottedcoralroot__Corallorhiza_maculata  common coral root having yellowish- or reddish- or purplish-brown leafless stems bearing loose racemes of similarly colored flowers with white purple-spotted lips; Guatemala to Canada
        subtype:  striped_coral_root__stripedcoralroot__Corallorhiza_striata  nearly leafless wildflower with erect reddish-purple stems bearing racemes of pale pinkish and brownish-striped flowers; western Canada to Mexico
        subtype:  early_coral_root__earlycoralroot__pale_coral_root__Corallorhiza_trifida  plant having clumps of nearly leafless pale yellowish to greenish stems bearing similarly colored flowers with white lower lips; northern New Mexico north through South Dakota and Washington to Alaska
     subtype:  helmetflower__helmet_orchid  any of several orchids of the genus Coryanthes having racemes of a few musky-scented waxy flowers with a helmet-shaped lip process
     subtype:  swan_orchid__swanflower__swanneck  any of several orchids of the genus Cycnoches having slender arching columns of flowers suggesting the neck of a swan
     subtype:  cymbid__cymbidium  any of various plants of the genus Cymbidium having narrow leaves and a long drooping cluster of numerous showy and variously colored boat-shaped flowers; extensively hybridized and cultivated as houseplants and important florists' flowers
     subtype:  cypripedia  a plant or flower of the genus Cypripedium
     subtype:  lady's_slipper__lady-slipper__ladies'_slipper__ladies'slipper__slipper_orchid__slipperorchid  any of several chiefly American wildflowers having an inflated pouchlike lip; difficult or impossible to cultivate in the garden
        subtype:  moccasin_flower__nerveroot__Cypripedium_acaule  once common rose pink woodland orchid of eastern North America
        subtype:  common_lady's-slipper__showy_lady's-slipper__showy_lady_slipper__Cypripedium_reginae__Cypripedium_album  pale pink wild orchid of northeastern America having an inflated pouchlike lip
        subtype:  ram's-head_lady's_slipper__ram's-head__ram'shead__Cypripedium_arietinum  orchid of northern North America having a brownish-green flower and red-and-white lip suggestive of a ram's head
        subtype:  yellow_lady's_slipper__yellow_lady-slipper__Cypripedium_calceolus__Cypripedium_parviflorum  maroon to purple-brown orchid with yellow lip; Europe, North America and Japan
           subtype:  large_yellow_lady's_slipper__Cypripedium_calceolus_pubescens  plant of eastern and central North America having slightly fragrant purple-marked greenish-yellow flowers
        subtype:  California_lady's_slipper__Cypripedium_californicum  often having many yellow-green orchids with white pouches growing along streams and seeps of southwestern Oregon and northern California
        subtype:  clustered_lady's_slipper__Cypripedium_fasciculatum  clusters of several short stems each having 2 broad leaves and 2-4 drooping brownish to greenish flowers with pouches mottled with purple; British Columbia to central California and northern Colorado
        subtype:  mountain_lady's_slipper__Cypripedium_montanum  leafy plant having a few stems in a clump with 1 white and dull purple flower in each upper leaf axil; Alaska to northern California and Wyoming
     subtype:  marsh_orchid__marshorchid  any of several orchids of the genus Dactylorhiza having fingerlike tuberous roots; Europe and Mediterranean region
     subtype:  common_spotted_orchid__Dactylorhiza_fuchsii__Dactylorhiza_maculata_fuchsii  European orchid having lanceolate leaves spotted purple and pink to white or mauve flowers spotted or lined deep red or purple
     subtype:  dendrobium  a plant of the genus Dendrobium having stems like cane and usually showy racemose flowers
     subtype:  disa  any orchid of the genus Disa; beautiful orchids with dark green leaves and usually hooded flowers; much prized as emblematic flowers in their native regions
     subtype:  phantom_orchid__phantomorchid__snow_orchid__Eburophyton_austinae  waxy white nearly leafless plant with stems in clusters and racemes of white flowers; northwestern United States to northern California and east to Idaho
     subtype:  tulip_orchid__tuliporchid__Encyclia_citrina__Cattleya_citrina  Mexican epiphytic orchid with glaucous gray-green leaves and lemon- to golden-yellow flowers appearing only partially opened; sometimes placed in genus Cattleya
     subtype:  Encyclia_tampensis__butterfly_orchid__butterflyorchid__epidendrumtampense  orchid of Florida and the Bahamas having showy brightly colored flowers; sometimes placed in genus Epidendrum
     subtype:  butterfly_orchis__butterfly_orchid__butterflyorchid__epidendrumvenosum__Encyclia_venosa  Mexican epiphytic orchid having pale green or yellow-green flowers with white purple-veined lip
     subtype:  epidendron  any of various orchids of the genus Epidendrum
     subtype:  helleborine.orchid  any of various orchids of the genus Epipactis
        subtype:  Epipactis_helleborine  European orchid with spikes of green and pinkish or purplish flowers
        subtype:  stream_orchid__chatterbox__giant_helleborine__gianthelleborine__Epipactis_gigantea  orchid growing along streams or ponds of western North America having leafy stems and 1 greenish-brown and pinkish flower in the axil of each upper leaf
     subtype:  tongueflower  orchid having blue to purple flowers with tongue- or strap-shaped protuberances (calli) at the lip base
     subtype:  rattlesnake_plantain__rattlesnakeplantain__helleborine  any of several small temperate and tropical orchids having mottled or striped leaves and spikes of small yellowish-white flowers in a twisted raceme
     subtype:  fragrant_orchid__Gymnadenia_conopsea  European orchid having dense spikes of fragrant pink or lilac or red flowers with conspicuous spurs
     subtype:  short-spurred_fragrant_orchid__Gymnadenia_odoratissima  similar to Gymnadenia conopsea but with smaller flowers on shorter stems and having much shorter spurs
     subtype:  fringed_orchis__fringed_orchid__fringedorchid  any of several summer-flowering American orchids distinguished by a fringed or lacerated lip
        subtype:  white_fringed_orchis__white_fringed_orchid__whitefringedorchid__Habenaria_albiflora  bog orchid of eastern North America with a spike of pure white fringed flowers
        subtype:  Habenaria_fimbriata__purple-fringed_orchid__purple-fringed_orchis  North American orchid similar to Habenaria psycodes with larger paler flowers
        subtype:  Hooker's_orchid__Habenaria_hookeri  a long-spurred orchid with base leaves and petals converging under the upper sepal
        subtype:  ragged_orchid__ragged_orchis__ragged-fringed_orchid__green_fringed_orchis__Habenaria_lacera  fringed orchid of the eastern United States having a greenish flower with the lip deeply lacerate
        subtype:  prairie_orchid__prairieorchid__prairiewhitefringedorchi__Habenaria_leucophaea  orchid of boggy or wet lands of north central United States having racemes of very fragrant creamy or greenish white flowers
        subtype:  snowy_orchid__snowyorchid__Habenaria_nivea  slender fringed orchid of eastern North America having white flowers
        subtype:  purple_fringeless_orchid__purple_fringeless_orchis__Habenaria_peramoena  orchid of northeastern and alpine eastern North America closely related to the purple fringed orchids but having rosy-purple or violet flowers with denticulate leaf divisions
        subtype:  purple-fringed_orchid__purple-fringed_orchis__Habenaria_psycodes  North American orchid with clusters of fragrant purple fringed flowers
     subtype:  frog_orchid  any of several green orchids of the genus Habenaria
     subtype:  rein_orchid__rein_orchis  any of several American wildflowers with a kidney-shaped lip
        subtype:  bog_rein_orchid__bog_candles__bogcandle__Habenaria_dilatata  orchid with spikes of many fragrant white flowers on erect leafy stems; of wet or boggy ground through most of the West and northern North America
        subtype:  elegant_Habenaria__Habenaria_elegans  slender inland rein orchid similar to coastal rein orchid but with pale greenish-yellow flowers
        subtype:  coastal_rein_orchid__Habenaria_greenei  stout orchid of central California to northern Washington having racemes of white fragrant bilaterally symmetrical flowers
        subtype:  round-leaved_rein_orchid__Habenaria_orbiculata  orchid having a raceme of large greenish-white flowers on a single flower stalk growing between two elliptic or round basal leaves lying on the ground; from northern Oregon and Montana across Canada to the eastern United States
        subtype:  Alaska_rein_orchid__Habenaria_unalascensis  similar to coastal rein orchid but with smaller flowers; Alaska to Baja California and east to the Dakotas and Colorado
     subtype:  crested_coral_root__crestedcoralroot__Hexalectris_spicata  orchid with yellowish-brown flowers with dark veins; southeastern Arizona to the eastern United States
     subtype:  Texas_purple_spike__Hexalectris_warnockii  orchid with slender nearly leafless reddish-brown stems with loose racemes of reddish-brown flowers; of open brushy woods of southeastern Arizona and central Texas
     subtype:  lizard_orchid__Himantoglossum_hircinum  an orchid of the genus Himantoglossum
     subtype:  laelia  any of various spectacular plants of the genus Laelia having showy flowers in many colors
     subtype:  liparis__lipari  an orchid of the genus Liparis having few leaves and usually fairly small yellow-green or dull purple flowers in terminal racemes
     subtype:  twayblade  an orchid of the genus Liparis having a pair of leaves
     subtype:  fen_orchid__fenorchid__fen_orchis__Liparis_loeselii  small terrestrial orchid of eastern North America and Europe having two nearly basal leaves and dull yellow-green racemose flowers
     subtype:  broad-leaved_twayblade__Listera_convallarioides  small orchid with two elliptic leaves and a slender raceme of small green flowers; western North America
     subtype:  lesser_twayblade__Listera_cordata  orchid having two triangular leaves and a short lax raceme of green to rust-colored flowers with the lip flushed mauve; Europe and Asia and North America and Greenland
     subtype:  Listera_ovata__twayblade  orchid having a pair of ovate leaves and a long slender raceme of green flowers sometimes tinged red-brown; Europe to central Asia
     subtype:  green_adder's_mouth__greenadder'smouth__Malaxis-unifolia__Malaxis_ophioglossoides  North American orchid having a solitary leaf and flowers with threadlike petals
     subtype:  masdevallia  any of numerous orchids of the genus Masdevallia; tufted evergreen often diminutive plants whose flowers in a remarkable range of colors usually resemble a tricorn with sepals fused at the base to form a tube
     subtype:  maxillaria  any of numerous orchids of the genus Maxillaria often cultivated for their large brilliantly colored solitary flowers
     subtype:  pansy_orchid__pansyorchid  any of various orchids of the genus Miltonia having solitary or loosely racemose showy broadly spreading flowers
     subtype:  odontoglossum  any of numerous and diverse orchids of the genus Odontoglossum having racemes of few to many showy usually large flowers in many colors
     subtype:  oncidium__dancing_lady_orchid__butterfly_plant__butterfly_orchid__butterflyorchid  any orchid of the genus Oncidium: characterized by slender branching sprays of small yellow and brown flowers; often grown as houseplants
     subtype:  bee_orchid__beeorchid__ophrysapifera  European orchid whose flowers resemble bumble bees in shape and color
     subtype:  Ophrys_insectifera__fly_orchid__flyorchid__Ophrys_muscifera  European orchid whose flowers resemble flies
     subtype:  spider_orchid  any of several European orchids of the genus Ophrys
        subtype:  early_spider_orchid__Ophrys_sphegodes  spring-blooming spider orchid having a flower with yellow or green or pink sepals and a broad brown velvety lip
     subtype:  Venus'_slipper__Venus's_slipper__Venus's_shoe  any of various orchids of the genus Paphiopedilum having slender flower stalks bearing 1 to several waxy flowers with pouchlike lips
     subtype:  phaius  an orchid of the genus Phaius having large plicate leaves and racemes of showy flowers
     subtype:  moth_orchid__moth_plant  any of various orchids of the genus Phalaenopsis having often drooping glossy broad obovate or oval leaves usually dark green flushed purple or mottled gray and silver
        subtype:  butterfly_plant__Phalaenopsis_amabilis  orchid having large elliptic to obovate fleshy leaves and fragrant pink-and-white flowers dotted with red
     subtype:  rattlesnake_orchid__rattlesnakeorchid  any of various orchids of the genus Pholidota having numerous white to brown flowers in spiraling racemes clothed in slightly inflated bracts and resembling a rattlesnake's tail
     subtype:  lesser_butterfly_orchid__Platanthera_bifolia__Habenaria_bifolia  south European orchid having fragrant greenish-white flowers; sometimes placed in genus Habenaria
     subtype:  greater_butterfly_orchid__greaterbutterflyorchid__Platanthera_chlorantha__Habenaria_chlorantha  south European orchid with dark green flowers that are larger and less fragrant than Platanthera bifolia; sometimes placed in genus Habenaria
     subtype:  prairie_white-fringed_orchid__prairiewhitefringedorchid__Platanthera_leucophea  of central North America; a threatened species
     subtype:  tangle_orchid  an orchid of the genus Plectorrhiza having tangled roots and long wiry stems bearing lax racemes of small fragrant green flowers
     subtype:  Indian_crocus  any of several dwarf orchids of the genus Pleione bearing 1 or 2 solitary slender-stalked white or pink to magenta or occasionally yellow flowers
     subtype:  pleurothallis__pleurothalli  any of numerous small tufted orchids of the genus Pleurothallis having leathery to fleshy leaves and racemes of 1 to many small flowers
     subtype:  pogonia  any hardy bog orchid of the genus Pogonia: terrestrial orchids having slender rootstocks and erect stems bearing one or a few leaves and a solitary terminal flower
     subtype:  butterfly_orchid__butterflyorchid  any orchid of the genus Psychopsis: spectacular large tiger-striped orchids
        subtype:  Psychopsis_krameriana__Oncidium_papilio_kramerianum  orchid of South and Central America having flowers similar to but smaller than Psychopsis papilio; sometimes placed in genus Oncidium
        subtype:  Psychopsis_papilio__Oncidium_papilio  orchid of South America and Trinidad having large yellow and reddish-brown flowers; sometimes placed in genus Oncidium
     subtype:  helmet_orchid__greenhood  any of numerous orchids of the genus Pterostylis having leaves in a basal rosette and green flowers often striped purple or brown or red with the dorsal sepal incurved to form a hood
     subtype:  foxtail_orchid__foxtailorchid  any of various orchids of the genus Rhyncostylis having pink- to purple-marked white flowers in a dense cylindrical raceme
     subtype:  orange-blossom_orchid__Sarcochilus_falcatus  diminutive Australian orchid with loose racemes of fragrant white flowers with purple and orange markings on the lip
     subtype:  sobralia  any of various showy orchids of the genus Sobralia having leafy stems and bright-colored solitary or racemose flowers similar to those of genus Cattleya
     subtype:  ladies'_tresses__ladies'tresse__lady's_tresses  an orchid of the genus Spiranthes having slender often twisted spikes of white flowers
        subtype:  screw_augur__screwaugur__Spiranthes_cernua  an orchid of the genus Spiranthes having tall erect densely flowered spiraling clusters of creamy white vanilla-scented flowers; widely distributed especially in low damp places of eastern and central North America
        subtype:  hooded_ladies'_tresses__Spiranthes_romanzoffiana  orchid having dense clusters of gently spiraling creamy white flowers with 2 upper petals forming a hood; western North America
        subtype:  western_ladies'_tresses__Spiranthes_porrifolia  similar to Spiranthes romanzoffiana;States
        subtype:  European_ladies'_tresses__Spiranthes_spiralis  European orchid having shorter racemes of strongly spiraling snow-white flowers
     subtype:  stanhopea  any of various orchids of the genus Stanhopea having a single large leaf and loose racemes of large fragrant flowers of various colors; Mexico to Brazil
     subtype:  stelis  any of various small tropical American orchids of the genus Stelis having long slender racemes of numerous small to minute flowers
     subtype:  fly_orchid__flyorchid  any of several dwarf creeping orchids with small bizarre insectlike hairy flowers on slender stalks
     subtype:  vanda  any of numerous showy orchids of the genus Vanda having many large flowers in loose racemes
        subtype:  blue_orchid__Vanda_coerulea  famous orchid of northern India having large pale to deep lilac-blue flowers
     subtype:  vanilla.orchid  any of numerous climbing plants of the genus Vanilla having fleshy leaves and clusters of large waxy highly fragrant white or green or topaz flowers
        subtype:  vanilla_orchid__vanillaorchid__Vanilla_planifolia  climbing non-ornamental orchid bearing a podlike fruit yielding vanilla beans; widely cultivated from Florida southward throughout tropical America
  subtype:  cyclamen__Cyclamen_purpurascens  Mediterranean plant widely cultivated as a houseplant for its showy dark green leaves splotched with silver and nodding white or pink to reddish flowers with reflexed petals
  subtype:  sowbread__Cyclamen_hederifolium__Cyclamen_neopolitanum  common wild European cyclamen with pink flowers
  subtype:  shortia  any plant of the genus Shortia; evergreen perennial herbs with smooth leathery basal leaves and showy white solitary flowers
     subtype:  oconee_bells__Shortia_galacifolia  plant of southeastern United States having solitary white funnel-shaped flowers flushed with pink and large glossy green leaves that turn bronze-red in fall
  subtype:  centaury.flower  any of various plants of the genus Centaurium
     subtype:  rosita__Centaurium_calycosum  erect plant with small clusters of pink trumpet-shaped flowers of southwestern United States
     subtype:  lesser_centaury__Centaurium_minus  common European glabrous annual centaury with flowers in dense cymes
     subtype:  tufted_centaury__Centaurium_scilloides  tufted perennial of western Europe and Azores having bright pink to white flowers
     subtype:  seaside_centaury__seasidecentaury  a variety of centaury found at the seaside
     subtype:  broad_leaved_centaury  a variety of centaury with broad leaves
     subtype:  slender_centaury__slendercentaury  a slender variety of centaury
  subtype:  gentian  any of various plants of the family Gentianaceae especially the genera Gentiana and Gentianella and Gentianopsis
     subtype:  gentianella__Gentiana_acaulis  low-growing alpine plant cultivated for its dark glossy green leaves in basal rosettes and showy solitary bell-shaped blue flowers
     subtype:  bottle_gentian__closed_gentian__blind_gentian__blindgentian__Gentiana_andrewsii  gentian of eastern North America having tubular blue or white flowers that open little if at all
     subtype:  explorer's_gentian__Gentiana_calycosa  tufted sometimes sprawling perennial with blue flowers spotted with green; western North America
     subtype:  closed_gentian__blind_gentian__blindgentian__Gentiana_clausa  similar to Gentiana andrewsii but with larger flowers
     subtype:  great_yellow_gentian__Gentiana_lutea  robust European perennial having clusters of yellow flowers
     subtype:  marsh_gentian__marshgentian__calathian_violet__calathianviolet__Gentiana_pneumonanthe  perennial Eurasian gentian with sky-blue funnel-shaped flowers of damp open heaths
     subtype:  soapwort_gentian__Gentiana_saponaria  erect perennial of wet woodlands of North America having leaves and flower buds resembling those of soapwort
     subtype:  striped_gentian__stripedgentian__Gentiana_villosa  a perennial marsh gentian of eastern North America
     subtype:  agueweed__ague_weed__five-flowered_gentian__stiff_gentian__stiffgentian__Gentianella_quinquefolia__Gentiana_quinquefolia  gentian of eastern North America having clusters of bristly blue flowers
     subtype:  felwort__gentianella_amarella__gentianellaamarella  gentian of Europe and China having creamy white flowers with fringed corollas
     subtype:  fringed_gentian__fringedgentian  any of various herbs of the genus Gentianopsis having the margins of the corolla lobes fringed; sometimes included in genus Gentiana
        subtype:  Gentianopsis_crinita__Gentiana_crinita  tall widely distributed fringed gentian of eastern North America having violet-blue or white fringed flowers
        subtype:  Gentianopsis_detonsa__Gentiana_detonsa  medium-tall fringed gentian with pale-glue to blue-purple flowers; circumboreal in distribution
        subtype:  Gentianopsid_procera__Gentiana_procera  small blue-flowered fringed gentian of east central North America
        subtype:  Gentianopsis_thermalis__Gentiana_thermalis  small blue-flowered fringed gentian of western United States (Rocky Mountains) especially around hot springs in Yellowstone National Park
        subtype:  tufted_gentian__Gentianopsis_holopetala__Gentiana_holopetala  small blue-flowered fringed gentian of Sierra Nevada mountains
     subtype:  spurred_gentian  any of various plants of the genus Halenia having flowers with spurred lobes
  subtype:  begonia  any of numerous plants of the genus Begonia grown for their attractive glossy asymmetrical leaves and colorful flowers in usually terminal cymes or racemes
     subtype:  fibrous-rooted_begonia  any of numerous begonias having fibrous rather than tuberous or rhizomatous roots
     subtype:  tuberous_begonia  any of numerous begonias having large tuberous roots
        subtype:  hybrid_tuberous_begonia__Begonia_tuberhybrida  any of numerous hybrid begonias having tuberous roots and variously colored flowers
     subtype:  rhizomatous_begonia__rhizomatousbegonia  any of numerous begonias having prominent shaggy creeping stems or rhizomes
     subtype:  Christmas_begonia__blooming-fool_begonia__Begonia_cheimantha  hybrid winter-blooming begonia grown for its many large pink flowers
     subtype:  angel-wing_begonia__Begonia_cocchinea  South American fibrous-rooted begonias having prominent basal leaf lobes suggesting angels' wings and racemes of coral-red flowers
     subtype:  grape-leaf_begonia__maple-leaf_begonia__Begonia_dregei  tuberous or semi-tuberous South African begonia having shallowly lobed ovate leaves and small white flowers
     subtype:  beefsteak_begonia__beefsteakbegonia__kidney_begonia__Begonia_erythrophylla__Begonia_feastii  rhizomatous begonia with roundish fleshy leaves reddish colored beneath
     subtype:  star_begonia__star-leaf_begonia__Begonia_heracleifolia  rhizomatous begonia having leaves with pointed lobes suggestive of stars and pink flowers
     subtype:  rex_begonia__rexbegonia__king_begonia__painted-leaf_begonia__beefsteak_geranium__beefsteakgeranium__Begonia_rex  any of numerous usually rhizomatous hybrid begonias derived from an East Indian plant having rough-textured leaves patterned in silver and bronze and purple and red-brown with inconspicuous flowers
     subtype:  wax_begonia__waxbegonia__Begonia_semperflorens  hybrid fibrous-rooted begonia having broad-ovate green to bronze- or black-red leaves and small clusters of white or pink or red flowers; widely used as a bedding plant
     subtype:  Socotra_begonia__Begonia_socotrana  semi-tuberous begonia having peltate leaves and rose-pink flowers; Yemen
  subtype:  wandflower__Sparaxis_tricolor  a showy often-cultivated plant with tawny yellow often purple-spotted flowers
  subtype:  coral_drops__coraldrop__Bessera_elegans  half-hardy Mexican herb cultivated for its drooping terminal umbels of showy red-and-white flowers
  subtype:  Christmas_bells  any of several plants of the genus Blandfordia having large orange or crimson flowers
  subtype:  bellwort__merry_bells__merrybell__wild_oats  any of various plants of the genus Uvularia having yellowish drooping bell-shaped flowers
     subtype:  cornflower__strawflower__Uvularia_grandiflora  plant of southern and southeastern United States grown for its yellow flowers that can be dried
  subtype:  tuberose__Polianthes_tuberosa  a tuberous Mexican herb having grasslike leaves and cultivated for its spikes of highly fragrant lilylike waxy white flowers
  subtype:  commelina  any plant of the genus Commelina
  subtype:  scabious__scabiosa  any of various plants of the genus Scabiosa
     subtype:  sweet_scabious__pincushion_flower__mournful_widow__Scabiosa_atropurpurea  Old World annual having fragrant purple to deep crimson flower heads; naturalized in United States
     subtype:  field_scabious__Scabiosa_arvensis  perennial having bluish-lilac flowers; introduced in the eastern United States
  subtype:  woodland_star__Lithophragma_affine__Lithophragma_affinis__Tellima_affinis  California perennial herb cultivated for its racemose white flowers with widely spreading petals; sometimes placed in genus Tellima
  subtype:  achimenes__achimene__hot_water_plant__hotwaterplant  any plant of the genus Achimenes having showy bell-shaped flowers that resemble gloxinias
  subtype:  lace-flower_vine__Alsobia_dianthiflora__Episcia_dianthiflora  low-growing creeping perennial of Central America having deeply fringed white flowers; sometimes placed in genus Episcia
  subtype:  African_violet__Saintpaulia_ionantha  tropical African plant cultivated as a houseplant for its violet or white or pink flowers
  subtype:  streptocarpus__streptocarpu  any of various plants of the genus Streptocarpus having leaves in a basal rosette and flowers like primroses
     subtype:  Cape_primrose  any of various African plants of the genus Streptocarpus widely cultivated especially as houseplants for their showy blue or purple flowers
  subtype:  scorpionweed__scorpion_weed__phacelia  any plant of the genus Phacelia
     subtype:  Phacelia_campanularia__California_bluebell  annual of southern California with intricately branched stems and lax cymes of aromatic deep blue bell-shaped flowers
     subtype:  California_bluebell__whitlavia__Phacelia_minor__Phacelia_whitlavia  desert plant of southern California with blue or violet tubular flowers in terminal racemes
     subtype:  fiddleneck__Phacelia_tanacetifolia  hairy annual of California to Mexico with crowded cymes of small blue to lilac or mauve flowers
  subtype:  snapdragon  a garden plant of the genus Antirrhinum having showy white or yellow or crimson flowers resembling the face of a dragon
     subtype:  white_snapdragon__whitesnapdragon__Antirrhinum_coulterianum  California plant with slender racemes of white flowers
     subtype:  yellow_twining_snapdragon__Antirrhinum_filipes  southwestern United States plant with yellow flowers on stems that twist and twine through other vegetation
     subtype:  Mediterranean_snapdragon__Antirrhinum_majus  perennial native to the Mediterranean but widely cultivated for its purple or pink flowers
  subtype:  calceolaria__slipperwort  any garden plant of the genus Calceolaria having flowers with large inflated slipper-shaped lower lip
  subtype:  gerardia  any plant of the genus Gerardia
  subtype:  toadflax__butter-and-eggs__wild_snapdragon__devil's_flax__devil'sflax__Linaria_vulgaris  common European perennial having showy yellow and orange flowers; a naturalized weed in North America
     subtype:  blue_toadflax__old-field_toadflax__oldfieldtoadflax__Linaria_canadensis  North American plant having racemes of blue-violet flowers
  subtype:  veronica__speedwell  any plant of the genus Veronica
     subtype:  field_speedwell__fieldspeedwell__Veronica_agrestis  European plant with minute axillary blue flowers on long stalks; widely naturalized in America
     subtype:  corn_speedwell__Veronica_arvensis  erect or procumbent blue-flowered annual found in waste places of Europe and America
     subtype:  germander_speedwell__bird's_eye__Veronica_chamaedrys  Old World plant with axillary racemes of blue-and-white flowers
     subtype:  common_speedwell__gypsyweed__veronicaofficinali  common hairy European perennial with pale blue or lilac flowers in axillary racemes
     subtype:  purslane_speedwell__Veronica_peregrina  North American annual with small white flowers widely naturalized as a weed in South America and Europe
     subtype:  thyme-leaved_speedwell__Veronica_serpyllifolia  perennial decumbent herb having small opposite leaves and racemes of blue flowers; throughout Eurasia and the New World
  subtype:  bush_violet__browallia  any of several herbs of the genus Browallia cultivated for their blue or violet or white flowers
  subtype:  petunia  any of numerous tropical herbs having fluted funnel-shaped flowers
     subtype:  large_white_petunia__largewhitepetunia__Petunia_axillaris  annual herb having large nocturnally fragrant buff-white flowers
     subtype:  violet-flowered_petunia__Petunia_integrifolia  herb or small shrublet having solitary violet to rose-red flowers
     subtype:  hybrid_petunia__Petunia_hybrida  hybrids of Petunia axillaris and Petunia integrifolia: a complex group of petunias having single or double flowers in colors from white to purple
  subtype:  butterfly_flower__butterflyflower__poor_man's_orchid__schizanthus__schizanthu  any plant of the genus Schizanthus having finely divided leaves and showy variegated flowers
  subtype:  verbena__vervain  any of numerous tropical or subtropical American plants of the genus Verbena grown for their showy spikes of variously colored flowers
  subtype:  valerian  a plant of the genus Valeriana having lobed or dissected leaves and cymose white or ink flowers
     subtype:  common_valerian__garden_heliotrope__Valeriana_officinalis  tall rhizomatous plant having very fragrant flowers and rhizomes used medicinally
  subtype:  red_valerian__redvalerian__French_honeysuckle__Centranthus_ruber  European herb with small fragrant crimson or white spurred flowers

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