#female_person__female  a person who belongs to the sex that can have babies
  exclusion:  #male_person
  supertype:  #female (pm)  pm#male_or_female_person (pm)
  subtype:  #female_child  #foster-sister  #woman  #man's_woman
  part:  #female_body  the body of a female human being
     part:  #female_reproductive_system  the reproductive system of females
        part:  #ovum__egg_cell__eggcell  the female reproductive cell; the female gamete
        part:  #female_genitalia__female_genitals__female_genital_organ  external female sex organs
           part:  #vagina  the lower part of the female reproductive tract; a moist canal in female mammals extending from the labia minora to the uterus; "the vagina receives the penis during coitus"; "the vagina is elastic enough to allow the passage of a fetus"
              part:  #vaginal_artery__vaginalartery__arteria_vaginalis__arteriavaginali  a branch of the internal iliac that provides blood for the vagina and the base of the bladder and the rectum
              part:  #urethral_orifice__external_orifice  the orifice through which urine is discharged
              part:  #hymen__maidenhead__virginal_membrane  a fold of tissue that partly covers the entrance to the vagina of a virgin
        part:  #ovary  one of usually two organs that produce ova and (in vertebrates) secrete estrogen and progesterone
           part:  #ovarian_artery__ovarianartery__arteria_ovarica__arteriaovarica  the artery that branches from the aorta and supplies blood to the ovaries
           part:  #Graafian_follicle  a vascular body in a mammalian ovary enclosing a developing egg
              part:  #corpus_luteum  yellow endocrine tissue that forms in a ruptured Graafian follicle following the release of an ovum
        part:  #Fallopian_tube__uterine_tube__uterinetube  either of a pair of tubes conducting the egg from the ovary to the uterus
        part:  #uterus__womb  a hollow muscular organ in the pelvic cavity of females; contains the developing fetus
           part:  #uterine_cervix__uterinecervix__cervix__cervix_uteri  necklike opening to the uterus
           part:  #uterine_artery__uterineartery__arteria_uterina__arteriauterina  a branch of the internal iliac artery that supplies the uterus and the upper part of the vagina
           part:  #Fallopian_tube__uterine_tube__uterinetube  either of a pair of tubes conducting the egg from the ovary to the uterus
           part:  #uterine_cavity__uterinecavity  the space inside the uterus between the cervical canal and the Fallopian tubes
           part:  #endometrium  the mucous membrane that lines the uterus; thickens under hormonal control and (if pregnancy does not occur) is shed in menstruation; if pregnancy occurs it is shed along with the placenta at parturition
           part:  #myometrium  the smooth muscle forming the wall of the uterus
           part:  #placenta  the vascular structure in the uterus of most mammals providing oxygen and nutrients for and transferring wastes from the developing fetus
              part:  #caul__veil__embryonic_membrane__embryonicmembrane  the inner embryonic membrane of higher vertebrates (especially when covering the head at birth)
        part:  #vagina  the lower part of the female reproductive tract; a moist canal in female mammals extending from the labia minora to the uterus; "the vagina receives the penis during coitus"; "the vagina is elastic enough to allow the passage of a fetus"
        part:  #vulva  external parts of the female genitalia
           part:  #vena_labialis__labial_vein  veins draining the lips of the vulva
           part:  #urethra  duct through which urine is discharged in most mammals and which serves as the male genital duct
              part:  #urethral_orifice__external_orifice  the orifice through which urine is discharged
              part:  #urethral_sphincter__musculus_sphincter_urethrae  a striated sphincter muscle that constricts the urethra
           part:  #mons_veneris__mons__mons_pubis  a mound of fatty tissue covering the pubic area in women
           part:  #labium  any of the four lip-shaped folds of the female vulva
           part:  #labia_majora__labiamajora  the two outer folds of the vulva
           part:  #pudendal_cleft__urogenital_cleft__rima_pudendi__rima_vulvae__pudendal_cleavage__pudendal_slit__vulvar_slit  the fissure between the labia majora
           part:  #labia_minora__labiaminora  the two inner folds of the vulva
           part:  #vestibule_of_the_vagina  the space between the labia minora containing the orifice of the urethra
           part:  #clitoris__clit__button  a female sexual organ homologous to the penis
              part:  #glans_clitoridis  small mass of erectile tissue at the end of the body of the clitoris
              part:  #foreskin__prepuce  a fold of skin covering the tip of the clitoris
        part:  #Bartholin's_gland  either of the two posterior vestibular glands that secrete a lubricating mucus; homologous to Cowper's gland in the male
     part:  #female_genitalia__female_genitals__female_genital_organ  external female sex organs
     part:  #female_internal_reproductive_organ  the reproductive organs of a woman
     part:  #female_chest  the chest of a woman

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