#family_Labiatae__Labiatae__Lamiaceae__family_Lamiaceae__mint_family  the mints: aromatic herbs and shrubs having flowers resembling the lips of a mouth and four-lobed ovaries yielding four one-seeded nutlets and including thyme; sage; rosemary
  supertype:  #asterid_dicot_family__asteriddicotfamily  family of more or less advanced dicotyledonous herbs and some trees and shrubs
  member of:  #order_Polemoniales
  member:  #genus_Acinos__Acinos  plants closely allied to the genera Satureja and Calamintha
     member:  #basil_thyme__basil_balm__basilbalm__mother_of_thyme__Acinos_arvensis__Satureja_acinos  fragrant European mint having clusters of small violet-and-white flowers; naturalized especially in eastern North America
  member:  #genus_Agastache__Agastache  giant hyssop; Mexican hyssop
     member:  #giant_hyssop__gianthyssop  any of a number of aromatic plants of the genus Agastache
  member:  #genus_Ajuga__Ajuga  bugle
     member:  #bugleweed__bugle  any of various low-growing annual or perennial evergreen herbs native to Eurasia; used for ground cover
  member:  #genus_Ballota__Ballota  perennial herbs or subshrubs of especially Mediterranean area: black horehound
     member:  #black_horehound__blackhorehound__black_archangel__blackarchangel__fetid_horehound__fetidhorehound__stinking_horehound__Ballota_nigra  ill-smelling European herb with rugose leaves and whorls of dark purple flowers
  member:  #genus_Blephilia__Blephilia  small genus of North American herbs: wood mints
     member:  #wood_mint  American herb of genus Blephilia with more or less hairy leaves and clusters of purplish or bluish flowers
     member:  #hairy_wood_mint__Blephilia_hirsuta  a variety of wood mint
     member:  #downy_wood_mint__Blephilia_celiata  a variety of wood mint
  member:  #genus_Calamintha__Calamintha  calamint
     member:  #calamint  perennial aromatic herbs growing in hedgerows or scrub or open woodlands from western Europe to central Asia and in North America
  member:  #genus_Clinopodium__Clinopodium  wild basil
     member:  #wild_basil__cushion_calamint__cushioncalamint__Clinopodium_vulgare__Satureja_vulgaris  aromatic herb having heads of small pink or whitish flowers; widely distributed in United States, Europe and Asia
  member:  #genus_Collinsonia__Collinsonia  small genus of perennial erect or spreading aromatic herbs; United States
     member:  #horse_balm__horsebalm__horseweed__stoneroot__richweed__stone_root__stoneroot__Collinsonia_canadensis  erect perennial strong-scented with serrate pointed leaves and a loose panicle of yellowish flowers; the eastern United States
  member:  #genus_Coleus  genus of Old World tropical plants cultivated for their variegated leaves; various plants sometimes placed in genera Plectranthus or Solenostemon
     member:  #coleus__flame_nettle__flamenettle  any of various Old World tropical plants of the genus Coleus having multicolored decorative leaves and spikes of blue flowers
  member:  #genus_Conradina__Conradina  small genus of low aromatic shrubs of southeastern United States
     member:  #Apalachicola_rosemary__Conradina_glabra  small shrub of Apalachicola River area in southeastern United States having highly aromatic pinkish flowers; a threatened species
  member:  #genus_Dracocephalum__Dracocephalum  genus of American herbs and dwarf shrubs of the mind family: dragonheads
     member:  #dragonhead__dragon's_head__Dracocephalum_parviflorum  American herb having sharply serrate lanceolate leaves and spikes of double-lipped blue to violet flowers
  member:  #genus_Elsholtzia  genus of Asiatic and African aromatic herbs
     member:  #elsholtzia  any of various aromatic herbs of the genus Elsholtzia having blue or purple flowers in one-sided spikes
  member:  #genus_Galeopsis__Galeopsis  erect annual European herbs
     member:  #hemp_nettle__dead_nettle__Galeopsis_tetrahit  coarse bristly Eurasian plant with white or reddish flowers and foliage resembling that of a nettle; common as a weed in United States
  member:  #genus_Glechoma__Glechoma  ground ivy
     member:  #ground_ivy__alehoof__field_balm__fieldbalm__gillovertheground__runaway_robin__runawayrobin__Glechoma_hederaceae__Nepeta_hederaceae  trailing European aromatic plant of the mint family having rounded leaves and small purplish flowers often grown in hanging baskets; naturalized in North America; sometimes placed in genus Nepeta
  member:  #genus_Hedeoma__Hedeoma  small genus of American herbs (American pennyroyal)
     member:  #American_pennyroyal__pennyroyal__Hedeoma_pulegioides  erect hairy branching American herb having purple-blue flowers; yields an essential oil used as an insect repellent and sometimes in folk medicine
  member:  #genus_Hyssopus__Hyssopus  Eurasian genus of perennial herbs or subshrubs
     member:  #Hyssopus_officinalis__hyssop  a European mint with aromatic and pungent leaves used in perfumery and as a seasoning in cookery; often cultivated as a remedy for bruises; yields hyssop oil
  member:  #genus_Lamium__Lamium  genus of Old World herbs: dead nettles; henbits
     member:  #dead_nettle  any of various plants of the genus Lamium having clusters of small usually purplish flowers with two lips
     member:  #white_dead_nettle__Lamium_album  European dead nettle with white flowers
     member:  #henbit__Lamium_amplexicaule  Eurasian plant having toothed leaves and small two-lipped white or purplish-red flowers
  member:  #genus_Lavandula__Lavandula  lavender
     member:  #lavender  any of various Old World aromatic shrubs or subshrubs with usually mauve or blue flowers; widely cultivated
  member:  #genus_Leonotis__Leonotis  small genus of tropical herbs and subshrubs of South Africa
     member:  #wilde_dagga__dagga__capedagga__red_dagga__reddagga__Leonotis_leonurus  relatively nontoxic South African herb smoked like tobacco
     member:  #lion's-ear__Leonotis_nepetaefolia__Leonotis_nepetifolia  pantropical herb having whorls of striking lipped flowers; naturalized in United States
  member:  #genus_Leonurus__Leonurus  genus of stout Old World herbs having cut-lobed leaves and flowers in whorls
     member:  #motherwort__Leonurus_cardiaca  bitter Old World herb of hedgerows and woodland margins having toothed leaves and white or pale pink flowers
  member:  #genus_Lepechinia__Lepechinia__Sphacele__genus_Sphacele  a dicotyledonous genus of the family Labiatae
     member:  #Lepechinia_calycina__pitcher_sage__pitchersage__sphacelecalycina  California plant with woolly stems and leaves and large white flowers
  member:  #genus_Lycopus__Lycopus  small genus of herbs of the mint family
     member:  #Lycopus_virginicus__bugleweed  a mildly narcotic and astringent aromatic herb having small whitish flowers; eastern United States
     member:  #water_horehound__waterhorehound__Lycopus_americanus  aromatic perennial herb of United States
     member:  #gipsywort__gypsywort__Lycopus_europaeus  hairy Eurasian herb with two-lipped white flowers
  member:  #genus_Origanum  a genus of aromatic mints of the family Labiatae
     member:  #origanum  any of various fragrant aromatic herbs of the genus Origanum used as seasonings
     member:  #pot_marjoram__potmarjoram__oregano__wild_marjoram__winter_sweet__Origanum_vulgare  aromatic Eurasian perennial
     member:  #sweet_marjoram__sweetmarjoram__knotted_marjoram__knottedmarjoram__Origanum_majorana__Majorana_hortensis  aromatic European plant native to Mediterranean and Turkey; not widespread in Europe
     member:  #dittany_of_crete__cretan_dittany__crete_dittany__cretedittany__hop_marjoram__hopmarjoram__winter_sweet__Origanum_dictamnus  dwarf aromatic shrub of Crete
  member:  #genus_Majorana__Majorana  small genus of herbs usually included in the genus Origanum
  member:  #genus_Marrubium__Marrubium  Old World aromatic herbs: horehound
     member:  #horehound.herbaceous_plant  any of various aromatic herbs of the genus Marrubium
  member:  #genus_Melissa__Melissa  a genus of Old World mints of the family Labiatae
     member:  #garden_balm__lemon_balm__lemonbalm__sweet_balm__sweetbalm__bee_balm__beebalm__Melissa_officinalis  bushy perennial Old World mint having small white or yellowish flowers and fragrant lemon-flavored leaves; a garden escapee in northern Europe and North America
  member:  #genus_Mentha__Mentha  mint plants
     member:  #mint  any north temperate plant of the genus Mentha with aromatic leaves and small mauve flowers
  member:  #genus_Micromeria__Micromeria  large genus of fragrant chiefly Old World herbs
     member:  #yerba_buena__yerbabuena__Micromeria_chamissonis__Micromeria_douglasii__Satureja_douglasii  trailing perennial evergreen herb of northwestern United States with small white flowers; used medicinally
     member:  #Micromeria_juliana__savory  dwarf aromatic shrub of Mediterranean regions
  member:  #genus_Molucella__Molucella  small genus of aromatic herbs of Mediterranean regions; widely cultivated
     member:  #molucca_balm__moluccabalm__bells_of_Ireland__Molucella_laevis  aromatic annual with a tall stems of small whitish flowers enclosed in a greatly enlarged saucer- or bell-shaped calyx
  member:  #genus_Monarda  wild bergamot, horsemint, beebalm
     member:  #monarda__wild_bergamot  any of various aromatic herbs of the genus Monarda
  member:  #genus_Monardella__Monardella  a genus of fragrant herbs of the family Labiatae in the western United States
     member:  #mustang_mint__mustangmint__Monardella_lanceolata  fragrant California annual herb having lanceolate leaves and clusters of rose-purple flowers
  member:  #genus_Nepeta__Nepeta  catmint
     member:  #catmint__catnip__Nepeta_cataria  hairy aromatic perennial herb having whorls of small white purple-spotted flowers in a terminal spike; used in the past as a domestic remedy; strongly attractive to cats
  member:  #genus_Ocimum__Ocimum  basil
     member:  #basil  any of several Old World tropical aromatic annual or perennial herbs of the genus Ocimum
  member:  #genus_Perilla__Perilla  small genus of Asiatic herbs
     member:  #beefsteak_plant__beefsteakplant__Perilla_frutescens_crispa  plant grown for its ornamental red or purple foliage
  member:  #genus_Phlomis  large genus of Old World aromatic herbs or subshrubs or shrubs having often woolly leaves
     member:  #phlomis  any of various plants of the genus Phlomis; grown primarily for their dense whorls of lipped flowers and attractive foliage
     member:  #Jerusalem_sage__Phlomis_fruticosa  a spreading subshrub of Mediterranean regions cultivated for dense axillary whorls of purple or yellow flowers
  member:  #genus_Physostegia  genus of North American perennial herbs
     member:  #physostegia  any of various plants of the genus Physostegia having sessile linear to oblong leaves and showy white or rose or lavender flowers
  member:  #genus_Plectranthus  large genus of ornamental flowering plants; includes some plants often placed in the genus Coleus
     member:  #plectranthus  any of various ornamental plants of the genus Plectranthus
  member:  #genus_Pogostemon__Pogostemon  genus of Asiatic shrubs or trees whose leaves yield a fragrant oil
     member:  #Pogostemon_cablin__patchouli__patchouly__pachouli  small East Indian shrubby mint; fragrant oil from its leaves is used in perfumes
  member:  #Prunella__genus_Prunella  small genus of perennial mostly Eurasian having terminal spikes of small purplish or white flowers
     member:  #self-heal__heal_all__Prunella_vulgaris  decumbent blue-flowered European perennial thought to possess healing properties; naturalized throughout North America
  member:  #genus_Pycnanthemum__Pycnanthemum__Koellia__genus_Koellia  American mountain mint
     member:  #mountain_mint  any of a number of perennial herbs of the genus Pycnanthemum; eastern North America and California
  member:  #genus_Rosmarinus__Rosmarinus  rosemary
     member:  #Rosmarinus_officinalis__rosemary  widely cultivated for its fragrant gray-green leaves used in cooking and in perfumery
  member:  #genus_Salvia  large genus of shrubs and subshrubs of the mint family varying greatly in habit: sage
     member:  #salvia__sage  any of various plants of the genus Salvia; cosmopolitan
  member:  #genus_Satureja__Satureja__Satureia__genus_Satureia  savory
     member:  #savory  any of several aromatic herbs or subshrubs of the genus Satureja having spikes of flowers attractive to bees
  member:  #genus_Scutellaria__Scutellaria  skullcap; helmet flower
  member:  #genus_Sideritis__Sideritis  genus of woolly aromatic herbs or subshrubs or shrubs of Mediterranean region
  member:  #genus_Solenostemon__Solenostemon  genus of shrubby often succulent herbs of tropical Africa and Asia; includes some plants often placed in genus Coleus
  member:  #genus_Stachys__Stachys  large genus of usually woolly or hairy herbs or subshrubs or shrubs; temperate eastern hemisphere; tropical Australasia
     member:  #hedge_nettle__hedgenettle__dead_nettle__Stachys_sylvatica  foul-smelling perennial Eurasiatic herb with a green creeping rhizome
     member:  #Stachys_palustris__hedge_nettle__hedgenettle  perennial herb with an odorless rhizome widespread in moist places in northern hemisphere
  member:  #genus_Teucrium__Teucrium  large widely distributed genus of perennial herbs or shrubs or subshrubs; native to Mediterranean region to western Asia
     member:  #germander  any of various plants of the genus Teucrium
  member:  #genus_Thymus__Thymus  large genus of Old World mints: thyme
     member:  #thyme.herbaceous_plant  any of various mints of the genus Thymus
  member:  #genus_Trichostema__Trichostema  genus of North American aromatic herbs or subshrubs: blue curls
     member:  #blue_curls  any of several plants of the genus Trichostema having whorls of small blue flowers
     member:  #black_sage__blacksage__wooly_blue_curls__California_romero__Trichostema_lanatum  aromatic wooly-leaved plant of southern California and Mexico

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