#family_Dugongidae__Dugongidae  a family of mammals of order Sirenia including dugongs and Steller's sea cow
  supertype:  #mammal_family  a family of mammals
  member of:  #order_Sirenia
  member:  #genus_Dugong  type genus of the Dugongidae comprising only the dugongs
     member:  #dugong__Dugong_dugon  sirenian tusked mammal found from eastern Africa to Australia; the flat tail is bilobate
  member:  #genus_Hydrodamalis__Hydrodamalis  a genus of the family Dugongidae comprising only Steller's sea cow
     member:  #Steller's_sea_cow__Hydrodamalis_gigas  extinct large sirenian mammal formerly found near Asiatic coast of the Bering Sea

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