#eye__oculu__optic__peeper  the organ of sight (`peeper' is an informal term for `eye')
  exclusion:  hair  skin  ear  leg  shin  foot  arm  elbow  forearm  finger
  supertype:  sense_organ  common_human_body_part (menu)
  part:  choroid_coat  ciliary_body  eyelid  canthus  epicanthus  nictitating_membrane  conjunctiva  eyeball  ocular_muscle  cornea  uvea  iris  crystalline_lens  central_artery_of_the_retina  ciliary_artery  lacrimal_artery  lacrimal_vein  lacrimal_apparatus  retina  sclera  pupillary_sphincter
  part of:  visual_system  human_face
  subtype:  oculus_dexter__OD  the right eye
  subtype:  oculus_sinister__OS  the left eye
  subtype:  simple_eye  an eye having a single lens
  subtype:  compound_eye  in insects and some crustaceans: composed of many light-sensitive elements each forming a portion of an image

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