#extremity__appendage__member  an external body part that projects from the body; "it is important to keep the extremities warm"
  supertype:  #external_body_part  any body part visible externally
  subtype:  #chelicera  either of the first pair of fang-like appendages near the mouth of an arachnid; often modified for grasping and piercing
  subtype:  #mouthpart  any part of the mouth of an insect or other arthropod especially one adapted to a specific way of feeding
  subtype:  #nipper__claw__chela__pincer  a structure like a pincer on the limb of a crustacean or other arthropods
  subtype:  #parapodium  one of a pair of fleshy appendages of a polychete annelid that functions in locomotion and breathing
  subtype:  #fin  organ of locomotion and balance in fishes and some other aquatic animals
     subtype:  #dorsal_fin  unpaired median fin on the backs of fishes and some other aquatic vertebrates that help to maintain balance
     subtype:  #pectoral_fin  either of a pair of fins situated just behind the head in fishes that help control the direction of movement
     subtype:  #pelvic_fin__ventral_fin__ventralfin  either of a pair of fins attached to the pelvic girdle in fishes that help control the direction of movement; correspond to hind limbs of a land vertebrate
     subtype:  #caudal_fin__tail_fin  the tail of fishes and some other aquatic vertebrates
        subtype:  #heterocercal_fin  tail fin with unequal lobes in which the vertebral column turns upward into the larger lobe as in sharks
        subtype:  #homocercal_fin  symmetrical tail fin extending beyond the end of the vertebral column as in most bony fishes
  subtype:  #swimmeret__pleopod  one of the paired abdominal appendages of certain aquatic crustaceans that function primarily for carrying the eggs in females and are usually adapted for swimming
  subtype:  #limb  one of the jointed appendages of an animal used for locomotion or grasping: arm; leg; wing; flipper
     subtype:  #hind_limb  a posterior leg or homologous structure in other animals
        subtype:  #hind_leg  the back limb of a quadruped
     subtype:  #forelimb  the front limb (or homologous structure in other animals such as a flipper or wing)
        subtype:  #foreleg  the front limb of a quadruped
     subtype:  #flipper  the flat broad limb of aquatic animals specialized for swimming
     subtype:  #leg  a human limb; commonly used to refer to a whole limb but technically only the part between the knee and ankle
        subtype:  #pin.leg__peg  informal terms of the leg; "fever left him weak on his sticks"
        subtype:  #shank's_mare__shank'smare__shanks'_mare__shanks'mare__shank's_pony__shank'spony__shanks'_pony__shanks'pony  you own legs; "I traveled on shank's mare"
        subtype:  #spindlelegs__spindleleg__spindleshanks__spindleshank  long thin legs
     subtype:  #crus  the leg from the knee to foot
     subtype:  #leg.limb  a structure in animals that is similar to a human leg and used for locomotion
        subtype:  #animal_leg  the leg of an animal
     subtype:  #thigh  the part of the leg between the hip and the knee
        subtype:  #lap.thigh  the upper side of the thighs of a seated person
     subtype:  #arm  a human limb; technically the part of the superior limb between the shoulder and the elbow but commonly used to refer to the whole superior limb
     subtype:  #cubitus__cubitu  the arm from the elbow to the fingertips
     subtype:  #forearm  the part of the superior limb between the elbow and the wrist
  subtype:  #vertebrate_foot__pedal_extremity__pedalextremity  the extremity of the limb in vertebrates
     subtype:  #animal_foot__foot  a foot of a vertebrate other than a human being
        subtype:  #fossorial_foot__fossorialfoot  foot adapted for digging as in moles
        subtype:  #hoof  the foot of an ungulate mammal
           subtype:  #cloven_foot__cloven_hoof  a hoof divided into two parts at its distal extremity (as of ruminants or swine)
           subtype:  #horse's_foot__horse'sfoot__horse's_hoof__horse'shoof  the hoof of a horse
        subtype:  #bird's_foot  the foot of a bird
           subtype:  #claw.bird's_foot  a bird's foot that has claws
           subtype:  #zygodactyl_foot  having the the first and fourth toes of each foot directed backward and the second and third forward
           subtype:  #heterodactyl_foot  having the first and second toes of each foot directed backward and the third and fourth forward
           subtype:  #webbed_foot  a bird's foot with folds of skin between the toes
           subtype:  #lobate_foot  a foot having separate toes each with membranous flaps along the sides
        subtype:  #webfoot  a foot having the toes connected by folds of skin
        subtype:  #trotter  foot of a pig or sheep especially one used as food
        subtype:  #forefoot  a front foot of a quadruped
        subtype:  #hindfoot  a rear foot of a quadruped
        subtype:  #paw  a clawed foot of an animal especially a quadruped
           subtype:  #forepaw  front paw; analogous to the human hand
              subtype:  #hand.forepaw  terminal part of the forelimb in certain vertebrates (e.g. apes or kangaroos): "the kangaroo's forearms seem undeveloped but the powerful five-fingered hands are skilled at feinting and clouting"- Springfield (Mass.) Union
     subtype:  #foot__human_foot__humanfoot__pes__pe  the foot of a human being; "his bare feet projected from his trousers"; "armored from head to foot"
        subtype:  #splayfoot__flatfoot__pes_planus  a foot afflicted with a fallen arch; abnormally flattened and spread out
  subtype:  #digit.extremity__dactyl  a finger or toe in human beings or corresponding part in other vertebrates
     subtype:  #finger  any of the terminal members of the hand (sometimes excepting the thumb); "her fingers were long and thin"
        subtype:  #pollex__thumb  the thick short innermost digit of the forelimb
        subtype:  #index_finger__indexfinger__index__forefinger  the finger next to the thumb
        subtype:  #ring_finger__annualry  the third finger (especially of the left hand)
        subtype:  #middle_finger  the second finger; between the index finger and the ring finger
        subtype:  #pinkie__pinky__littlefinger  the finger farthest from the thumb
     subtype:  #toe  one of the digits of the foot
        subtype:  #big_toe__bigtoe__great_toe__greattoe__hallux  the first largest innermost toe
        subtype:  #hammertoe  a deformed toe which is bent in a clawlike arch
        subtype:  #little_toe  the fifth smallest outermost toe

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