#explanation.statement__account  a statement that explains; "he launched into a detailed explanation"; "he demanded that I give an account for my failure"
  supertype:  #statement  a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc; "according to his statement he was in London on that day"
  subtype:  #rationale__principle  an explanation of the working of some device in terms of laws of nature; "the principles of internal-combustion engines"
     subtype:  #dialectics  a rationale for dialectical materialism based on change through the conflict of opposing forces
  subtype:  #key.explanation  something crucial for explaining; "the key to development is economic integration"
  subtype:  #natural_history__naturalhistory  the systematic account of natural phenomena
  subtype:  #raison_d'etre.rationalization__raisond'etre  ('<' #rationalization.explanation replaced by #explanation.statement since a theory is a description, not a process)$ reason for being
  subtype:  #accounting.explanation  a convincing explanation that reveals basic causes; "he was unable to give a clear accounting for his actions"
  subtype:  #reason  an explanation of the cause of some phenomenon; "the reason a steady state was never reached was that the back pressure built up too slowly"
  subtype:  #justification.explanation  a statement in explanation of some action or belief
     subtype:  #cause.justification__reason__grounds  a justification for something existing or happening; "he had no cause to complain"; "they had good reason to rejoice"
     subtype:  #vindication__defense  the justification for some act or belief; "he offered a persuasive defense of the theory"
        subtype:  #apologia__apology  a formal written defense of something you believe in strongly
        subtype:  #alibi  (law) a defense by an accused person purporting to show that he or she could not have committed the crime in question
        subtype:  #self-justification__excuse__alibi  a defense of some offensive behavior or some failure to keep a promise etc.; "he kept finding excuses to stay"; "every day he had a new alibi for not getting a job"; "his transparent self-justification was unacceptable"
  subtype:  #exposition  an account that sets forth the meaning or intent of a writing or discourse; "we would have understood the play better if there had been some initial exposition of the background"
  subtype:  #explication  an explanation of the meaning of something
  subtype:  #gloss__glos  an explanation or definition of an obscure word in a text
  subtype:  #deriving__derivation__etymologizing  (historical linguistics) an explanation of the historical origins of a word or phrase
  subtype:  #definition  a concise explanation of the meaning of a word or phrase or symbol
     subtype:  #contextual_definition  a definition in which the term is used by embedding it in a larger expression containing its explanation; for example, "legal duty" might be defined contextually: "X has a legal duty to do Y means that X is required to do Y by a contract relationship that would be upheld in a court of law"
     subtype:  #dictionary_definition  a definition that reports the standard uses of a word or phrase or symbol
     subtype:  #explicit_definition  a definition that gives an exact equivalent of the term defined
     subtype:  #ostensive_definition__ostensivedefinition  a definition that points out or exhibits instances of the term defined
     subtype:  #recursive_definition__recursivedefinition  (mathematics) a definition of a function from which values of the function can be calculated in a finite number of steps
     subtype:  #redefinition  the act of giving a new definition; "words like `conservative' require periodic redefinition"; "she provided a redefinition of his duties"
     subtype:  #stipulative_definition__stipulativedefinition  a definition that is stipulated by someone and that is not a standard usage
     subtype:  pm#formal_definition
     subtype:  pm#informal_definition
     subtype:  pm#partial_definition__partialdefinition
     subtype:  pm#total_definition__totaldefinition
     subtype:  pm#category_definition
  subtype:  #interpretation  an explanation resulting from interpreting something
     subtype:  #expounding__exposition  a systematic interpretation or explanation (usually written) of a specific topic
        subtype:  #philosophizing  the exposition (often superficially) of a particular philosophy
           subtype:  #moralizing  the exposition (often superficially) of a particular moral code; "his constant moralizing drove me mad"
     subtype:  #construal  an interpretation of the meaning of something; the act of construing
     subtype:  #elucidation  an interpretation that removes obstacles to understanding; "the professor's clarification helped her to understand the textbook"
        subtype:  #disambiguation  clarification that removes ambiguity
           subtype:  #lexical_disambiguation__lexicaldisambiguation  disambiguation of the sense of a polysemous word
     subtype:  #exegesis  an explanation or critical interpretation (especially of the Bible)
     subtype:  #expansion.interpretation__enlargement__elaboration  an interpretation that provides additional information
        subtype:  #embroidery__embellishment  elaboration of an interpretation by the use of decorative (sometimes fictitious) detail; "the mystery has been heightened by many embellishments in subsequent retellings"
     subtype:  #literal_interpretation__literalinterpretation  an interpretation based on the exact wording
        subtype:  #letter  a strictly literal interpretation (as distinct from the intention); "he followed instructions to the letter"; "he obeyed the letter of the law"
     subtype:  #version  an interpretation of a matter from a particular viewpoint; "his version of the fight was different from mine"
        subtype:  #approximation  an imprecise or incomplete account; "newspapers gave only an approximation of the actual events"
     subtype:  #reading.interpretation  a particular interpretation or performance; "on that reading it was an insult"; "he was famous for his reading of Mozart"
     subtype:  #construction.interpretation__twist  an interpretation of a text or action; "they put an unsympathetic construction on his conduct"
     subtype:  #reconstruction.interpretation  an interpretation formed by piecing together bits of evidence
     subtype:  #popularization__popularisation  an interpretation that easily understandable and acceptable
     subtype:  #misinterpretation__misunderstanding__mistaking  putting the wrong interpretation on; "his misinterpretation of the question caused his error"; "there was no mistaking her meaning"
        subtype:  #imbroglio  a very embarrassing misunderstanding
        subtype:  #misconstrual__misconstruction  a kind of misinterpretation resulting from putting a wrong construction on words or actions (often deliberately)
        subtype:  #misreading  misinterpretation caused by inaccurate reading

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