#equipment  an instrumentality needed for an undertaking or to perform a service
  supertype:  instrumentality__instrumentation  an artifact (or system of artifacts) that is instrumental in accomplishing some end
  subtype:  apparatus.equipment__apparatu__setup  equipment designed to serve a specific function
     subtype:  aerator  an apparatus for exposing something to the air (as sewage)
     subtype:  burner  an apparatus for burning fuel (or refuse); "a diesel engine is an oil burner"
        subtype:  blowtorch__torch__blowlamp  a burner that produces a hot flame
           subtype:  oxyacetylene_torch  a blowtorch that burns oxyacetylene
        subtype:  gas_bracket  a pipe with one or more burners projecting from a wall
        subtype:  gas_burner__gasburner__gas_jet__gasjet  burner such that combustible gas issues from a nozzle to form a steady flame
           subtype:  bunsen_burner__bunsen__etna  a gas burner used in laboratories; has an air valve to regulate the mixture of gas and air
           subtype:  gas_ring__gasring  gas burner consisting of a circular metal pipe with several small holes through which gas can escape to be burned
           subtype:  pilot_burner__pilotburner__pilot_light__pilot  small auxiliary gas burner that provides a flame to ignite a larger gas burner
     subtype:  cascade_liquefier__cascadeliquefier  an apparatus used to liquefy air or oxygen etc.
     subtype:  centrifuge__extractor__separator  an apparatus that uses centrifugal force to separate particles from a suspension
        subtype:  hematocrit__haematocrit  a measuring instrument to determine (usually by centrifugation) the relative amounts of corpuscles and plasma in the blood
        subtype:  ultracentrifuge  a high speed centrifuge used to determine the relative molecular masses of large molecules in high polymers and proteins
     subtype:  chemical_reactor  an apparatus for holding substances that are undergoing a chemical reaction
        subtype:  catalytic_cracker__catalyticcracker__cat_cracker__catcracker  a chemical reactor for converting oils with high boiling points into fuels with lower boiling points in the presence of a catalyst
     subtype:  Wilson_cloud_chamber__cloud_chamber  apparatus that detects high-energy particles passing through a supersaturated vapor; each particle ionizes molecules along its path and small droplets condense on them to produce a visible track
     subtype:  condenser.apparatus  an apparatus that converts vapor into liquid
        subtype:  Liebig_condenser  a condenser: during distillation the vapor passes through a tube that is cooled by water
        subtype:  reflux_condenser  condenser such that vapor over a boiling liquid is condensed and flows back into the vessel to prevent its contents from boiling dry
     subtype:  duplicator__copier  apparatus that makes copies of typed, written or drawn material
        subtype:  fax__facsimilemachine__facsimile  duplicator that transmits the copy by wire or radio
        subtype:  hectograph__heliotype  duplicator consisting of a gelatin plate from which ink can be taken to make a copy
        subtype:  lithograph_machine__lithograph  duplicator that prints by lithography; a flat surface (of stone or metal) is treated to absorb or repel ink in the desired pattern
        subtype:  mimeograph_machine__mimeograph__mimeo__roneo__roneograph  a rotary duplicator that uses a stencil through which ink is pressed (trade mark Roneo)
        subtype:  photocopier  a copier that uses photographic methods of making copies
        subtype:  Photostat_machine__Photostat  (trademark) a duplicating machine that makes quick positive or negative copies directly on the surface of prepared paper
        subtype:  Xerox_machine__Xerox__xerox__xerographic_copier__xerographiccopier  duplicator that copies graphic matter by the action of light on an electrically charged photoconductive insulating surface in which the latent image is developed with a resinous powder
     subtype:  electrograph.apparatus  an apparatus for the electrical transmission of pictures
     subtype:  generator.apparatus  an apparatus that produces a vapor or gas
     subtype:  heat_pump  apparatus that extracts heat from a liquid that is at a higher temperature than its surroundings; can be used to transfer heat from a reservoir outside in order to heat a building
     subtype:  heliograph  an apparatus for sending telegraphic messages by using a mirror to turn the sun's rays off and on
     subtype:  incubator__brooder  apparatus consisting of a box designed to maintain a constant temperature by the use of a thermostat; used for chicks or premature infants
     subtype:  instillator  medical apparatus that puts a liquid into a cavity drop by drop
     subtype:  Kipp's_apparatus  a laboratory apparatus for producing a gas (usually hydrogen sulfide) by the action of a liquid on a solid without heating
     subtype:  lighting.apparatus  apparatus for supplying artificial light effects for the stage or a film
     subtype:  nuclear_reactor__reactor  (physics) any of several kinds of apparatus that maintain and control a nuclear reaction for the production of energy or artificial elements
        subtype:  atomic_pile__atomic_reactor__pile__chain_reactor__chainreactor  a nuclear reactor that uses controlled nuclear fission to generate energy
        subtype:  breeder_reactor__breederreactor  a nuclear reactor that produces more fissile material than it burns
        subtype:  fast_reactor  nuclear reactor in which nuclear fissions are caused by fast neutrons because little or no moderator is used
        subtype:  gas-cooled_reactor  a nuclear reactor using gas as a coolant
        subtype:  liquid_metal_reactor  a nuclear reactor using liquid metal as a coolant
        subtype:  thermal_reactor__thermalreactor  a nuclear reactor in which nuclear fissions are caused by neutrons that are slowed down by a moderator
        subtype:  thermonuclear_reactor__thermonuclearreactor__fusion_reactor  a nuclear reactor that uses controlled nuclear fusion to generate energy
        subtype:  water-cooled_reactor  nuclear reactor using water as a coolant
           subtype:  boiling_water_reactor__boilingwaterreactor__bwr  a nuclear reactor that uses water as a coolant and moderator; the water boils in the reactor core and the steam produced can drive a steam turbine
           subtype:  pressurized_water_reactor__pressurizedwaterreactor__PWR  a nuclear reactor that uses water as a coolant and moderator; the steam produced can drive a steam turbine
     subtype:  optical_bench__opticalbench  apparatus for observation and measurement of optical phenomena
     subtype:  pendulum  an apparatus consisting of an object mounted so that it swings freely under the influence of gravity
        subtype:  Foucault_pendulum  pendulum with a long wire; can swing in any direction; the change in the swing plane demonstrates the earth's rotation
        subtype:  metronome  clicking pendulum indicates the exact tempo of a piece of music
        subtype:  physical_pendulum__compound_pendulum  pendulum consisting of an actual object allowed to rotate freely around a horizontal axis
           subtype:  ballistic_pendulum__ballisticpendulum  a physical pendulum consisting of a large mass suspended from a rod; its displacement is used to measure the velocity of a projectile
           subtype:  clock_pendulum__clockpendulum  a physical pendulum used to regulate a clockwork mechanism
        subtype:  simple_pendulum  a hypothetical pendulum suspended by a weightless frictionless thread of constant length
     subtype:  purifier  an apparatus for removing impurities
        subtype:  scrubber  a purifier that removes impurities from a gas
     subtype:  reformer  an apparatus that reforms the molecular structure of hydrocarbons to produce richer fuel; "a catalytic reformer"
     subtype:  semaphore  an apparatus for visual signaling with lights or mechanically moving arms
     subtype:  sequenator__sequencer  (biochemistry) an apparatus that can determine the sequence of monomers in a polymer
     subtype:  soda_fountain  an apparatus for dispensing soda water
     subtype:  still.apparatus  an apparatus used for the distillation of liquids; consists of a vessel in which a substance is vaporized by heat and a condenser where the vapor is condensed
        subtype:  Coffey_still  a still consisting of an apparatus for the fractional distillation of ethanol from fermentation on an industrial scale
     subtype:  submersible  an apparatus intended for use under water
        subtype:  bathyscaphe__bathyscaph__bathyscape  navigable deep diving vessel for underwater exploration
        subtype:  bathysphere  spherical deep diving apparatus (lowered by a cable) for underwater exploration
        subtype:  diving_bell  diving apparatus for underwater work; has an open bottom and is supplied with compressed air
        subtype:  minisub__minisubmarine  submersible vessel for one or two persons; for naval operations or underwater exploration
     subtype:  telegraph__telegraphy  apparatus used to communicate at a distance over a wire (usually in Morse code)
     subtype:  titrator  an apparatus for performing a titration
     subtype:  X-ray_machine  an apparatus that provides a source of X rays
        subtype:  fluoroscope__roentgenoscope  an X-ray machine that combines an X-ray source and a fluorescent screen to enable direct observation
        subtype:  tomograph  X-ray machine in which a computer builds a detailed image of a particular plane through an object from multiple X-ray measurements
           subtype:  CAT_scanner__computerized_axial_tomography_scanner  a tomograph that constructs a 3-D model of an object by combining parallel planes
           subtype:  positron_emission_tomography_scanner__PET_scanner  a tomograph that produces cross-sectional X-rays of metabolic processes in the body
  subtype:  engine_cooling_system__cooling_system__coolingsystem  equipment in a motor vehicle that cools the engine
  subtype:  electrical_system__electrical_part  equipment in a motor vehicle that provides electricity to start the engine and ignite the fuel and operate the lights and windshield wiper and heater and air conditioner and radio
  subtype:  electronic_equipment  equipment that involves the controlled conduction of electrons (especially in a gas or vacuum or semiconductor)
     subtype:  amplifier  electronic equipment that increases strength of signals passing through it
        subtype:  audio_amplifier__audioamplifier  an amplifier that increases the amplitude of reproduced sound
        subtype:  boosters__booster_amplifier__boosteramplifier__booster_stations__relay_links__relaylink__relay_stations__relay_transmitters  an amplifier for restoring the strength of a transmitted signal
        subtype:  maser  Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation; amplifier that works on same principle as a laser and emits coherent microwave radiation
           subtype:  gas_maser__gasmaser  a maser in which microwave radiation interacts with gas molecules
     subtype:  audio_system__audiosystem__sound_system__soundsystem  a system of electronic equipment for recording or reproducing sound
        subtype:  recording_system__recordingsystem  audio system for recoding sound
        subtype:  reproducer  an audio system that can reproduce and amplify signals to produce sound
           subtype:  hi-fi__high_fidelity_sound_system  equipment for the reproduction of sound with high fidelity
           subtype:  stereo_system__stereo__stereophonic_system  reproducer in which two microphones feed two or more loudspeakers to give a three-dimensional effect to the sound
              subtype:  ghetto_blaster  (informal) a portable stereo
              subtype:  quadraphony__quadraphonic_system__quadriphonic_system  a stereophonic sound recording or reproducing system system using four separate channels
     subtype:  cassette_player  electronic equipment for playing cassettes
     subtype:  CD_player  a stand-alone piece of electronic equipment that either has its own display or attaches to a television set
     subtype:  CPU__central_processing_unit__C.P.U.__central_processor__centralprocessor__processor__mainframe  (computer science) the part of a computer (a microprocessor chip) that does most of the data processing; the CPU and the memory form the central part of a computer to which the peripherals are attached
     subtype:  circuitry  electronic equipment consisting of a system of circuits
     subtype:  detector  electronic equipment that detects the presence of radio signals or radioactivity
        subtype:  crystal_detector__crystaldetector  a detector consisting of a fine wire in contact with a galena crystal; acts as a rectifier
        subtype:  electronic_scanner__scanner  an electronic detector that scans automatically for some signal or condition; "they used scanners to monitor police radio channels"
     subtype:  equaliser__equalizer  electronic equipment that reduces frequency distortion
     subtype:  electron_lens__lens  electronic equipment that uses a magnetic or electric field in order to focus a beam of electrons
     subtype:  mixer.electronic_equipment  electronic equipment that mixes two or more input signals to give a single output signal
     subtype:  modem  (from a combination of MOdulate and DEModulate) electronic equipment consisting of a device used to connect computers by a telephone line
        subtype:  acoustic_modem  a modem that converts electrical signals to telephone tones and back again
     subtype:  monitor  a piece of electronic equipment that keeps track of the operation of a system continuously and warns of trouble
        subtype:  cardiac_monitor__cardiacmonitor__heart_monitor__heartmonitor  a piece of electronic equipment for continual observation of the function of the heart
        subtype:  electronic_fetal_monitor__electronic_foetal_monitor__fetal_monitor__fetalmonitor__foetal_monitor  an electronic monitor that monitors fetal heartbeat and the mother's uterine contractions during childbirth
     subtype:  monitor.electronic_equipment  electronic equipment that is used to check the quality or content of electronic transmissions
        subtype:  television_monitor__tv_monitor  monitor used in a studio for monitoring the program being broadcast
     subtype:  off-line_equipment__auxiliary_equipment__auxiliaryequipment  electronic equipment not in direct communication (or under the control of) the central processing unit
     subtype:  cathode-ray_oscilloscope__cathoderayoscilloscope__oscilloscope__scope__CRO  electronic equipment that provides visual images of varying electrical quantities
     subtype:  computer_peripheral__peripheral__peripheral_device  (computer science) electronic equipment connected by cable to the CPU of a computer; "disk drives and printers are important peripherals"
        subtype:  printer  (computer science) an output device that prints the results of data processing
           subtype:  dot_matrix_printer__matrix_printer__dot_printer__dotprinter  a printer that represents each character as a pattern of dots from a dot matrix
              subtype:  ink-jet_printer  a printer that produces characters by projecting electrically charged droplets of ink
                 subtype:  bubblejet_printer__bubblejetprinter__bubblejet  a kind of ink-jet printer
              subtype:  wire_matrix_printer__wire_printer__stylus_printer  an impact printer in which each character is represented by a pattern of dots made by wires or styli
     subtype:  playback.electronic_equipment  electronic equipment comprising the part of a tape recorder that reproduces the recorded material
     subtype:  radio-phonograph__radiophonograph__radio-gramophone__radiogramophone  electronic equipment consisting of a combination of a radio receiver and a record player
     subtype:  scrambler  electronic equipment that makes speech unintelligible during transmission and restores it at reception
     subtype:  set.electronic_equipment  any electronic equipment that receives or transmits radio or tv signals; "the early sets ran on storage batteries"
        subtype:  receiver__receiving_system__receivingsystem  set that receives radio or tv signals
           subtype:  direction_finder__directionfinder  radio; determines the direction of incoming radio waves
              subtype:  goniometer  direction finder that determines the angular direction of incoming radio signals
              subtype:  radio_compass__radiocompas  a direction finder that gives a bearing by determining the direction of incoming radio signals
           subtype:  radio_receiver__radioreceiver__receiving_set__receivingset__radio_set__radioset__radio__tuner__wireless  an electronic receiver that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted signals
              subtype:  clock_radio__clockradio  a radio that includes a clock that can be set to turn it on automatically
              subtype:  crystal_set__crystalset  an early radio receiver using a crystal detector
              subtype:  heterodyne_receiver__superheterodyne_receiver__superheterodynereceiver__superhet  a radio receiver that combines a locally generated frequency with the carrier frequency to produce a supersonic signal that is demodulated and amplified
              subtype:  push-button_radio  a radio receiver that can be tuned by pressing buttons
           subtype:  satellite_receiver__satellitereceiver  a receiver on a communications satellite
           subtype:  television_receiver__television__television_set__tv__tv_set__idiot_box__idiotbox__boob_tube__telly__gogglebox  a receiver that displays television images; "the British call a tv set a telly"
        subtype:  transmitter__sender  set used to broadcast radio or tv signals
           subtype:  jammer  a transmitter used to broadcast electronic jamming
           subtype:  radio_transmitter__radiotransmitter  transmitter that is the part of a radio system that transmits signals
              subtype:  spark_transmitter__sparktransmitter  an early radio transmitter using a discharge across a spark gap as the source of its power
           subtype:  satellite_transmitter__satellitetransmitter  a transmitter on a communications satellite
           subtype:  television_transmitter  transmitter that is part of a television system
     subtype:  tape_deck  electronic equipment for making or playing magnetic tapes (but without amplifiers or speakers); a component in an audio system
        subtype:  cassette_deck  a tape deck for playing and recording cassette tapes
     subtype:  tape_player  electronic equipment for playing back magnetic tapes
     subtype:  telephone_set__telephoneset__telephone  electronic equipment that converts sound into electrical signals that can be transmitted over distances and then converts received signals back into sounds; "I talked to him on the telephone"
        subtype:  desk_phone  a telephone set that sits on a desk or table
        subtype:  dial_telephone__dial_phone  a telephone with a dial for registering the number to be called
        subtype:  extension.telephone_set  an additional telephone set that is connected to the same telephone line
        subtype:  handset__French_telephone  telephone set with the mouthpiece and earpiece mounted on a single handle
        subtype:  pay-phone__payphone__pay-station__paystation  a coin-operated telephone
        subtype:  radiophone__radiotelephone__wireless_telephone  a telephone that communicates by radio waves rather than along cables
           subtype:  cellular_telephone__cellular_phone  a hand-held mobile radiotelephone for use in an area divided into small sections (cells), each with its own short-range transmitter/receiver
        subtype:  telephone_extension__telephoneextension  an additional telephone operating on the same line
     subtype:  television_equipment__video_equipment__videoequipment  electronic equipment that broadcasts or receives electromagnetic waves representing images and sound
        subtype:  television_camera__tv_camera__camera  television equipment consisting of a lens system that focuses an image on a photosensitive mosaic that is scanned by an electron beam
           subtype:  camcorder  a portable television camera and videocassette recorder
     subtype:  terminal  electronic equipment consisting of a device providing access to a computer; has a keyboard and display
        subtype:  job-oriented_terminal  a terminal designed for a particular application
        subtype:  remote_terminal__link-attached_terminal__remote_station__link-attached_station  a terminal connected to a computer by a data link
  subtype:  fuel_system  equipment in a motor vehicle or aircraft that delivers fuel to the engine
  subtype:  game_equipment  equipment or apparatus used in playing a game
     subtype:  basketball_backboard__backboard  a raised vertical board with basket attached; used to play basketball; "he banked the shot off the backboard"
     subtype:  ball  round object that is hit or thrown or kicked in games; "the ball travelled 90 mph on his serve"; "the mayor threw out the first ball"
        subtype:  baseball  a ball used in playing baseball
        subtype:  basketball  an inflated ball used in playing basketball
        subtype:  billiard_ball  ball used in playing billiards
           subtype:  cue_ball__cueball  the ball that the billiard player or pool player strikes with his cue
           subtype:  object_ball  the billiard ball first struck by the cue ball
        subtype:  bocce_ball__bocceball__bocci_ball__bocciball__boccie_ball  wooden ball that is bowled in the Italian game of bocce
        subtype:  bowl.ball  a wooden ball (with flattened sides) used in the game of bowls
        subtype:  bowling_ball__bowlingball  a large ball used for bowling
        subtype:  cricket_ball__cricketball  ball used in playing cricket
        subtype:  croquet_ball__croquetball  a wooden ball used in playing croquet
        subtype:  field_hockey_ball  ball used in playing field hockey
        subtype:  football.ball  the inflated oblong ball used in playing American football
        subtype:  golf_ball  a small hard ball used in playing golf; dimpled to reduce wind resistance
        subtype:  handball.ball  a small rubber ball used in the game of handball
        subtype:  lacrosse_ball  ball used in playing lacrosse
        subtype:  marble.ball  a small ball of glass that is used in various games
           subtype:  taw.marble__shooter  a large marble used for shooting in the game of marbles
        subtype:  medicine_ball  heavy ball used in physical training
        subtype:  ninepin_ball__ninepinball__skittleball  ball used to knock down ninepins
        subtype:  ping-pong_ball  light hollow ball used in playing table tennis
        subtype:  polo_ball  wooden ball struck with mallets in playing polo
        subtype:  pool_ball  ball used in playing pool
           subtype:  eight_ball__eightball  a black pool ball bearing the number 8; should be the last to go in certain pool games
        subtype:  punching_bag__punching_ball__punchball  an inflated ball or bag that is suspended and punched for training in boxing
        subtype:  racquetball.ball  the ball used in playing the game of racquetball
        subtype:  roulette_ball  the ball used to play roulette
        subtype:  rugby_ball__rugbyball  inflated oval ball used in playing rugby
        subtype:  soccer_ball  an inflated ball used in playing soccer
        subtype:  softball__playground_ball  ball used in playing softball
        subtype:  squash_ball  rubber ball used in playing squash
        subtype:  tennis_ball  ball about the size of a fist used in playing tennis
        subtype:  volleyball  an inflated ball used in playing volleyball
        subtype:  wiffle_ball__wiffle  (trade mark) a hollow plastic ball with cutouts
     subtype:  bowling_equipment__bowlingequipment  equipment used in bowling
        subtype:  bowling_pin__bowlingpin__pin  a club-shaped wooden object used in bowling; set up in groups as a target
           subtype:  duckpin  a bowling pin that is short and squat by comparison with a tenpin
           subtype:  headpin__kingpin  the front bowling pin in the triangular arrangement of ten pins
           subtype:  ninepin__skittle_pin__skittlepin  a bowling pin of the type used in ninepins (or (in England) skittles)
           subtype:  tenpin  one of the bottle-shaped pins used in bowling
     subtype:  counter.game_equipment  game equipment used in various card or board games
        subtype:  poker_chip__pokerchip__chip  a small disk-shaped counter used to represent money when gambling
           subtype:  blue_chip  a blue poker chip with the highest value
     subtype:  crossbar.game_equipment  game equipment consisting of a horizontal bar to be jumped or vaulted over
     subtype:  game.game_equipment  the game equipment needed to play a game; "the child received several games for his birthday"
     subtype:  goal.game_equipment  game equipment consisting of the place toward which players of a game try to advance a ball or puck in order to score points
        subtype:  basketball_hoop__basket__hoop  horizontal hoop with a net through which players try to throw the basketball
        subtype:  net.goal  a goal lined with netting (as in soccer or hockey)
           subtype:  cage.net  the net that is the goal in ice hockey
     subtype:  horseshoe  game equipment consisting of an open ring of iron used in playing horseshoes
     subtype:  jack.game_equipment  game equipment consisting of one of several small objects picked up while bouncing a ball in the game of jacks
     subtype:  man.game_equipment__piece  game equipment consisting of an object used in playing certain board games; "he taught me to set up the men on the chess board"; "he sacrificed a piece to get a strategic advantage"
        subtype:  black_pieces  (chess or checkers) the darker pieces
        subtype:  chessman__chess_piece__chesspiece  any of 16 white and 16 black pieces used in playing the game of chess
           subtype:  bishop.chessman  a chess piece that can be moved diagonally over unoccupied squares of the same color
           subtype:  rook__castle  the chessman that can move any number of unoccupied squares in a direction parallel to the sides of the chessboard
           subtype:  king  weakest but most important chessman
           subtype:  knight.chessman__horse  a chessman in the shape of a horse's head; can move two squares horizontally and one vertically (or vice versa)
           subtype:  pawn.chessman  the least powerful chessman; moves only forward and captures only to the side; can be promoted if it reaches the 8th rank
           subtype:  queen.chessman  the most powerful chess piece
        subtype:  white_pieces  (chess or checkers) the lighter pieces
     subtype:  net.game_equipment  game equipment consisting of a strip of netting dividing the playing area in tennis or badminton
        subtype:  volleyball_net  the high net that separates the two teams and over which the volleyball must pass
     subtype:  pinball_machine__pinballmachine__pin_table__pintable  game equipment on which pinball is played; "in England they call a pinball machine a pin table"
     subtype:  pool_table__billiard_table__snooker_table__snookertable  game equipment consisting of a heavy table on which pool is played
     subtype:  quoit  game equipment consisting of a ring of iron or circle of rope used in the game of quoits
     subtype:  roulette_wheel__wheel  game equipment consisting of a rotating wheel with slots that is used for gambling; players bet on which slot the roulette ball will stop in
     subtype:  spinner.game_equipment  board game equipment that consists of a dial and an arrow that is spun to determine the next move in the game
  subtype:  gear__paraphernalia__appurtenances__appurtenance  equipment consisting of miscellaneous articles needed for a particular operation or sport etc.
     subtype:  fishing_gear__fishinggear__tackle__fishing_tackle__fishingtackle  gear used in fishing
     subtype:  kit.gear__outfit  gear consisting of a set of articles or tools for a specified purpose
        subtype:  carpenter's_kit__carpenter'skit__tool_kit  a set of carpenter's tools
        subtype:  first-aid_kit__firstaidkit  kit consisting of a set of bandages and medicines for giving first aid
        subtype:  layette  kit consisting of a complete outfit (clothing and accessories) for a new baby
        subtype:  mess_kit  kit containing a metal dish and eating utensils; used by soldiers and campers
        subtype:  sewing_kit  a kit of articles used in sewing
     subtype:  regalia  paraphernalia indicative of royalty (or other high office)
        subtype:  crown_jewels  regalia (jewellery and other paraphernalia) worn by a sovereign on state occasions
           subtype:  diadem__crown  an ornamental jewelled headdress signifying sovereignty
              subtype:  coronet.diadem  a small crown; usually indicates a high rank but below that of sovereign
     subtype:  rig  gear (including necessary machinery) for a particular enterprise
        subtype:  drill_rig__drillrig__drilling_rig__oilrig__oil_rig  rig used in drilling for oil or gas
           subtype:  drilling_platform__offshore_rig  drilling rig consisting of an offshore platform (floating or fixed to the sea bed) from which many oil wells can be bored radially
     subtype:  rigging  gear consisting of ropes etc. supporting a ship's masts and sails
     subtype:  stable_gear__saddlery__tack  gear for a horse
        subtype:  bit.stable_gear  piece of metal held in horse's mouth by reins and used to control the horse while riding; "the horse was not accustomed to a bit"
           subtype:  bar_bit__barbit  a bit for horses that is a solid bar of metal
           subtype:  bridoon  a bit resembling a snaffle bit; used with a separate curb
           subtype:  curb_bit__curb  a horse's bit with an attached chain or strap to check the horse
           subtype:  Pelham  a bit with a bar mouthpiece that is designed to combine a curb and snaffle
           subtype:  snaffle_bit__snafflebit__snaffle  a simple jointed bit for a horse; without a curb
        subtype:  caparison__trapping__trappings__trapping__housing__housing  stable gear consisting of a decorated covering for a horse, especially (formerly) for a warhorse
           subtype:  bard  an ornamental caparison for a horse
           subtype:  horsecloth  a cloth for the trapping of a horse
        subtype:  cinch.stable_gear__girth  stable gear consisting of a band around a horse's belly that holds the saddle in place
        subtype:  hame  stable gear consisting of either of two curved supports that are attached to the collar of a draft horse and that hold the traces
        subtype:  harness.stable_gear__harnes  stable gear consisting of an arrangement of leather straps fitted to a draft animal so that it can be attached to and pull a cart
        subtype:  headgear  stable gear consisting of any part of a harness that fits about the horse's head
           subtype:  bridle  headgear for a horse; includes a headstall and bit and reins to give the rider or driver control
           subtype:  hackamore__halter  rope or canvas headgear for a horse, with a rope for leading
        subtype:  martingale  a harness strap that connects the nose piece to the girth; prevents the horse from throwing back its head
        subtype:  saddle_blanket__saddlecloth__horse_blanket__horseblanket  stable gear consisting of a blanket placed under the saddle
           subtype:  apishamore  a saddle blanket made of buffalo hide
        subtype:  yoke.stable_gear  stable gear that joins two draft animals at the neck so they can work together
  subtype:  material.equipment  things needed for doing or making something; "writing materials"; "useful teaching materials"
     subtype:  packaging.material  material used to make packages
     subtype:  railing  material for making rails or rails collectively
     subtype:  roofing.material  material used to construct a roof
  subtype:  materiel__equipage  equipment and supplies of a military force
  subtype:  naval_equipment  equipment for a navy
     subtype:  naval_radar__navalradar  naval equipment consisting of a shipboard radar
        subtype:  air_search_radar  a shipboard radar that searches for aircraft
        subtype:  fire_control_radar  naval radar that controls the delivery of fire on a military target
        subtype:  surface_search_radar  a naval radar to search for surface targets
     subtype:  shipboard_system__shipboardsystem  a system designed to work as a coherent entity on board a naval ship
        subtype:  anti-submarine_rocket  a shipboard system to fire rockets at submarines
        subtype:  basic_point_defense_missile_system__basicpointdefensemissilesystem  a shipboard missile system
        subtype:  naval_tactical_data_system  a shipboard system for collecting and displaying tactical data
        subtype:  ship-towed_long-range_acoustic_detection_system  a shipboard system consisting of an acoustic detection system that is towed behind the ship
        subtype:  surface-to-air_missile_system  the shipboard system that fires missiles at aircraft
        subtype:  target_acquisition_system  a shipboard system for the detection and identification and location of a target with enough detail to permit effective weapon employment
  subtype:  photographic_equipment  equipment used by a photographer
     subtype:  photographic_camera__camera  photographic equipment consisting of a lightproof box with a lens at one end and light-sensitive film at the other
        subtype:  box_camera__boxcamera__box_Kodak  a simple camera shaped like a rectangular box
        subtype:  candid_camera  a miniature camera with a fast lens
        subtype:  flash_camera__flashcamera  a camera with a photoflash attachment
        subtype:  motion-picture_camera__movie_camera__moviecamera__cine-camera  a camera that takes a sequence of photographs that can give the illusion of motion when viewed in rapid succession
           subtype:  sound_camera__soundcamera  a movie camera that records sounds in synchrony with the visual images
        subtype:  Polaroid_camera__Polaroid_Land_camera  (trade name) a camera that develops and produces a positive print within seconds
        subtype:  portrait_camera  a camera with a portrait lens
        subtype:  reflex_camera  camera that allows the photographer to view and focus the exact scene being photographed
     subtype:  clapperboard  photographic equipment used to synchronize sound and motion picture; boards held in front of a movie camera are banged together
     subtype:  developer  photographic equipment consisting of a chemical solution for developing film
        subtype:  short-stop_bath__stop_bath__short-stop__shortstop  an acid bath used to stop the action of a developer
     subtype:  enlarger  photographic equipment consisting of an optical projector used to enlarge a photograph
     subtype:  flash_lamp__flashlamp__flash__photoflash__flashgun__flashbulb  a lamp for providing momentary light to take a photograph
     subtype:  light_meter__lightmeter__exposure_meter__photometer  photographic equipment that measures the intensity of light
     subtype:  photographic_paper__photographic_material  light-sensitive paper on which photograph can be printed
        subtype:  photographic_film__film  photographic material consisting of a base of celluloid covered with a photographic emulsion; used to make negatives or transparencies
           subtype:  footage  the amount of film that has been shot
           subtype:  microfilm  film on which materials are photographed at greatly reduced size; useful for storage; a magnification system is used to read the material
              subtype:  microfiche  small sheet of microfilm on which many pages of material have been photographed; a magnification system is used to read the material
           subtype:  motion-picture_film__movie_film__moviefilm__cine-film  photographic film several hundred feet long and wound on a spool; to be used in a movie camera
              subtype:  sound_film__soundfilm  motion-picture film with sound effects and dialogue recorded on it
           subtype:  negative.photographic_film  a piece of photographic film showing an image with black and white tones reversed
           subtype:  orthochromatic_film  a photographic film sensitive to green and blue and violet light
           subtype:  panchromatic_film  photographic film sensitive to light of all colors (including red)
           subtype:  positive  a film showing a photographic image whose tones correspond to those of the original subject
           subtype:  reel  a roll of photographic film holding a series of frames to be projected by a movie projector
           subtype:  roll.photographic_film  photographic film rolled up inside a container to protect it from light
           subtype:  roll_film  photographic film wound on a spool
           subtype:  sequence.photographic_film__episode  film consisting of a succession of related shots that develop a given subject in a movie
           subtype:  X-ray_film  photographic film used to make X-ray pictures
              subtype:  bitewing  a dental X-ray film that can be held in place by the teeth during radiography
           subtype:  film_clip  a strip of motion picture film used in a telecast
     subtype:  sensitometer  a measuring instrument for measuring the light sensitivity of film over a range of exposures
  subtype:  radiotherapy_equipment  equipment used to treat diseases with x-rays or radioactivity
  subtype:  recording_equipment__recordingequipment__recorder__recording_machine__recordingmachine  equipment for making records
     subtype:  black_box__blackbox  equipment that records information about the performance of an aircraft during flight
     subtype:  cassette_recorder  a recorder for recording or playing cassettes
     subtype:  CD_burner__compact-disk_burner  recording equipment for making compact disks
     subtype:  magnetic_recorder  recorder consisting of equipment for making records on magnetic media
        subtype:  tape_recorder__tape_machine  a magnetic recorder using magnetic tape
           subtype:  Dictaphone  a tape recorder that records and reproduces dictation
           subtype:  VCR__video__videocassette_recorder__videocassetterecorder  a magnetic tape recorder for recording (and playing back) TV programs
        subtype:  wire_recorder  an early type of magnetic recorder using iron wire
     subtype:  multichannel_recorder  a recorder with two or more channels; makes continuous records of two or more signals simultaneously
     subtype:  oscillograph  a device for making a record of the wave forms of fluctuating voltages or currents
  subtype:  rescue_equipment  equipment used to rescue passengers in case of emergency
     subtype:  life_preserver__preserver__flotation_device__flotationdevice  rescue equipment consisting of a buoyant belt or jacket to keep a person from drowning
        subtype:  life_buoy__lifesaver__life_belt__life_ring  a life preserver in the form of a ring of buoyant material
           subtype:  breeches_buoy  a life buoy in the form of a ring with short breeches for support; used to transfer people from a ship
        subtype:  life_jacket__life_vest__cork_jacket  life preserver consisting of a sleeveless jacket of buoyant or inflatable design
           subtype:  air_jacket__airjacket__Mae_West  an inflatable life jacket
        subtype:  water_wings__waterwing  a life preserver consisting of a connected pair of inflatable bags that fit under a person's arms and provide buoyancy; used by children learning to swim
     subtype:  parachute  rescue equipment consisting of a device that fills with air and retards your fall
        subtype:  drogue_chute__drogue__drogue_parachute  a parachute used to decelerate an object that is moving rapidly
        subtype:  drogue_parachute  a small parachute that pulls the main parachute from its storage pack
        subtype:  parasail  parachute that will lift a person up into the air when it is towed by a motorboat or a car
  subtype:  robotics_equipment  equipment used in robotics
  subtype:  artificial_satellite__satellite  man-made equipment that orbits around the earth or the moon
     subtype:  astronomy_satellite__astronomysatellite  a satellite equipped with a telescope to observe infra-red radiation
     subtype:  communications_satellite  an artificial satellite that relays signals back to earth; moves in a geostationary orbit
     subtype:  spacecraft__ballistic_capsule__ballisticcapsule__space_vehicle__spacevehicle  a craft capable of traveling in outer space; technically a satellite around the sun
        subtype:  lander  a space vehicle that is designed to land on the moon or another planet
        subtype:  lunar_excursion_module__lunarexcursionmodule__lunar_module__lunarmodule__LEM  a spacecraft that carries astronauts from the command module to the surface of the moon and back
        subtype:  space_capsule__spacecapsule__capsule  a spacecraft designed to transport people and support human life in outer space
        subtype:  space_shuttle__spaceshuttle  a reusable spacecraft with wings for a controlled descent through the Earth's atmosphere
     subtype:  space_station__spacestation__space_platform__spaceplatform__space_laboratory__spacelaboratory  a manned artificial satellite in a fixed orbit designed for scientific research
        subtype:  Salyut  either of two Soviet space stations launched in the 1970s
        subtype:  Skylab  United States space station; in orbit from 1973 to 1979
     subtype:  sputnik  a Russian artificial satellite; "Sputnik was the first man-made satellite to orbit the earth"
     subtype:  spy_satellite__spysatellite  a satellite with sensors to detect nuclear explosions
     subtype:  weather_satellite__weathersatellite__meteorological_satellite  a satellite that transmits frequent picture of the earth below
     subtype:  VSAT
  subtype:  sports_equipment__sporting_goods  equipment needed to participate in a particular sport
     subtype:  badminton_equipment__badmintonequipment  equipment for playing the game of badminton
        subtype:  shuttlecock__bird__birdie__shuttle  badminton equipment consisting of a ball of cork or rubber with a crown of feathers
     subtype:  baseball_equipment  equipment used in playing baseball
        subtype:  base.baseball_equipment__bag  place that runner must touch before scoring; "he scrambled to get back to the bag"
           subtype:  first_base.base__firstbase  the base that must be touched first by a base runner in baseball
           subtype:  home_plate__home__plate  (baseball) base consisting of a rubber slab where the batter stands; it must be touched by a base runner in order to score; "he ruled that the runner failed to touch home"
           subtype:  second_base  the base that must be touched second by a base runner in baseball
           subtype:  third_base.base__thirdbase__third  the base that must be touched third by a base runner in baseball; "he was cut down on a close play at third"
        subtype:  baseball  a ball used in playing baseball
        subtype:  baseball_bat__lumber  an implement used in baseball by the batter
        subtype:  baseball_glove__glove__baseball_mitt__mitt  gloves worn by fielders in baseball
        subtype:  batting_cage__battingcage__cage  a movable screen placed behind home base to catch balls during batting practice
        subtype:  batting_glove__battingglove  a glove worn by batters in baseball to give a firmer grip on the bat
        subtype:  batting_helmet__battinghelmet  a helmet worn by the batter in baseball
        subtype:  catcher's_mask__catcher'smask  a mask to protect the face of the catcher in baseball
           subtype:  bar_mask__barmask  a catcher's mask with bars
           subtype:  birdcage_mask  a catcher's mask with a strong wire face
        subtype:  pitcher's_mound__pitcher'smound__mound__hill  (in baseball) the slight elevation on which the pitcher stands
        subtype:  pine-tar_rag  baseball equipment consisting of a rag soaked with pine tar; used on the handle of a baseball bat to give a batter a firm grip
        subtype:  rosin_bag__rosinbag  a bag filled with rosin; used by baseball pitchers to improve their grip on the ball
     subtype:  boxing_equipment  equipment use in boxing
        subtype:  boxing_glove__glove  gloves that are big and padded; worn for boxing
     subtype:  cricket_equipment__cricketequipment  sports equipment used in playing cricket
        subtype:  cricket_ball__cricketball  ball used in playing cricket
        subtype:  cricket_bat__bat  a bat used in playing cricket
        subtype:  wicket  cricket equipment consisting of a set of three stumps topped by crosspieces; used in playing cricket
     subtype:  croquet_equipment  sports equipment used in playing croquet
        subtype:  croquet_ball__croquetball  a wooden ball used in playing croquet
        subtype:  croquet_mallet__croquetmallet  a mallet used to strike the ball in croquet
        subtype:  wicket.croquet_equipment__hoop  a small arch used as croquet equipment
     subtype:  discus.disk__saucer  a disk used in throwing competitions
     subtype:  golf_equipment  sports equipment used in playing golf
        subtype:  golf_bag  golf equipment consisting of a bag for carrying golf clubs and balls
        subtype:  golf_ball  a small hard ball used in playing golf; dimpled to reduce wind resistance
        subtype:  golfcart__golf_cart  a small motor vehicle in which golfers can ride between shots
        subtype:  golfclub__club  golf equipment used by a golfer to hit a golf ball
           subtype:  iron  a golfclub that has a relatively narrow metal head
              subtype:  driving_iron__drivingiron__one_iron__oneiron  (golf) the long iron with the most nearly vertical face
              subtype:  long_iron  an iron with a long shaft and a steep face; for hitting long low shots
              subtype:  mashie__five_iron  middle-distance iron
              subtype:  mashie_niblick__seven_iron__seveniron  iron with a lofted face for hitting high shots to the green
              subtype:  midiron__two_iron__twoiron  long iron with a nearly vertical face
              subtype:  niblick__nine_iron  an iron with considerable loft
              subtype:  putting_iron__puttingiron__putter  the iron normally used on the putting green
              subtype:  short_iron__shortiron  an iron with a short shaft and pitched face; for hitting short high shots
              subtype:  wedge.iron  an iron with considerable loft and a broad sole
                 subtype:  pitching_wedge  a wedge used to loft the golf ball over obstacles
                 subtype:  sand_wedge  a wedge used to get out of sand traps
           subtype:  wood.golfclub  a golfclub with a long shaft used to hit long shots; originally made with a wooden head; metal woods are now available
              subtype:  brassie  (formerly) a golfing wood with a face more elevated that a driver but less than a spoon
              subtype:  number_one_wood__driver  a golf club (a wood) with a near vertical face that is used for hitting long shots from the tee
              subtype:  metal_wood__metalwood  golf wood with a metal head instead of the traditional wooden head
              subtype:  spoon.wood  formerly a golfing wood with an elevated face
        subtype:  golf_glove  a glove worn by golfers to give a firm grip on the handle of the golfclub
        subtype:  pin.golf_equipment__flag  flagpole used to mark the position of the hole on a golf green
        subtype:  golf_tee__tee  a short peg put into the ground to hold a golf ball off the ground
     subtype:  gymnastic_apparatus__gymnasticapparatu__exerciser  sports equipment used in gymnastic exercises
        subtype:  balance_beam__balancebeam__beam  a gymnastic apparatus used by women gymnasts
        subtype:  horizontal_bar__high_bar  gymnastic apparatus consisting of a bar fixed in a horizontal position for gymnastic exercises
        subtype:  horse.gymnastic_apparatus  a padded gymnastic apparatus on legs
           subtype:  pommel_horse__side_horse  a horse with a cylindrical body covered with leather and two upright handles (pommels) near the center; held upright by two steel supports, one at each end
           subtype:  vaulting_horse__long_horse__buck  a gymnastic horse without pommels and with one end elongated; used lengthwise for vaulting
        subtype:  parallel_bars__bars  gymnastic apparatus consisting of two parallel wooden bars supported on uprights
        subtype:  rings__ring  gymnastic apparatus consisting of a pair of heavy metal circles (usually covered with leather) suspended by ropes; used for gymnastic exercises; "the rings require a strong upper body"
        subtype:  stall_bar__stallbar  a gymnastic apparatus used for strengthening exercises; uprights fastened to a wall and connected by horizontal rungs
        subtype:  trampoline  gymnastic apparatus consisting of a strong canvas sheet attached with springs to a metal frame; used for tumbling
     subtype:  hammer.sports_equipment  a heavy metal sphere attached to a flexible wire; used in the hammer throw
     subtype:  javelin  a spear thrown as a weapon or in competitive field events
     subtype:  gym_mat__mat  sports equipment consisting of a piece of thick padding on the floor for gymnastic sports
        subtype:  canvass__canvas  the mat that forms the floor of the ring in which boxers or professional wrestlers compete; "the boxer picked himself up off the canvas"
        subtype:  wrestling_mat__wrestlingmat  a mat on which wrestling matches are conducted
     subtype:  gumshield__mouthpiece  (especially boxing) equipment that protects an athlete's mouth
     subtype:  shot.sports_equipment  sports equipment consisting of a heavy metal ball used in the shot put; "he trained at putting the shot"
     subtype:  skate.sports_equipment  sports equipment that is worn on the feet to enable the wearer to glide along on wheels and to be propelled by the alternate actions of the legs
        subtype:  ice_skate__iceskate  skate consisting of a boot with a steel blade fitted to the sole
           subtype:  rocker.ice_skate  an ice skate with a curved blade
           subtype:  speed_skate__racing_skate  an ice skate with a long blade; worn for racing
        subtype:  roller_blade__in-line_skate  a shoe with rollers fixed to the sole in a line
        subtype:  roller_skate  a shoe with pairs of rollers fixed to the sole
        subtype:  skateboard  a board with wheels that is ridden in a standing or crouching position
     subtype:  spike  sports equipment consisting of a sharp point on the sole of a shoe worn by athletes; "spikes provide greater traction"
        subtype:  climbing_iron__crampon__crampoon__climber  an iron spike attached to the shoe to prevent slipping on ice when walking or climbing
        subtype:  piton  a metal spike with a hole for a rope; mountaineers drive it into ice or rock to use as a hold
        subtype:  pricket.spike  a sharp metal spike to hold a candle
     subtype:  target.sports_equipment__butt  sports equipment consisting of an object set up for a marksman or archer to aim at
        subtype:  clay_pigeon  target used in skeet or trapshooting
     subtype:  exercising_weight__weight  equipment used in calisthenic exercises and weightlifting
        subtype:  barbell  a bar to which heavy discs are attached at each end; used in weightlifting
        subtype:  dumbbell  an exercising weight; two spheres connected by a short bar that serves as a handle
  subtype:  stock-in-trade  any equipment constantly used as part of a profession or occupation; "friendliness is the salesman's stock in trade"
  subtype:  teaching_aid  materials and equipment used in teaching
     subtype:  audiovisual_aid__audiovisualaid__audiovisual  materials using sight or sound to present information: "language tapes and videocassettes and other audiovisuals"
  subtype:  test_equipment  equipment required to perform a test

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