#enclosure  artifact consisting of a space that has been enclosed for some purpose
  supertype:  #artifact__artefact  a man-made object taken as a whole
  subtype:  #coop__cage  an enclosure made or wire or metal bars in which birds or animals are kept
     subtype:  #birdcage  a cage in which a bird is kept
     subtype:  #hutch  a cage (usually made of wood and wire mesh) for small animals
        subtype:  #rabbit_hutch  a hutch for rabbits
     subtype:  #squirrel_cage  cage with a cylindrical framework that rotates as a small animal runs inside it
  subtype:  #cargo_area__cargoarea__cargo_deck__cargodeck__cargo_hold__cargohold__hold__storage_area__storagearea  the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo
  subtype:  #catchall  an enclosure or receptacle for odds and ends
  subtype:  #chamber  a natural or artificial enclosed space
     subtype:  #airlock__air_lock__airlock  a chamber that provides access to space where air is under pressure
     subtype:  #burial_chamber__sepulcher__sepulchre  a chamber that is used as a grave
        subtype:  #crypt  a cellar or vault or underground burial chamber (especially beneath a church)
        subtype:  #mausoleum  a large burial chamber, usually above ground
           subtype:  #Taj_Mahal  beautiful mausoleum at Agra built by the Mogul emperor Shah Jahan (completed in 1649) in memory of his favorite wife
        subtype:  #repository.burial_chamber__monument  a burial vault (usually for some famous person)
        subtype:  #burial_vault__vault  a burial chamber (usually underground)
           subtype:  #charnel_house__charnelhouse__charnel  a vault or building where corpses or bones are deposited
     subtype:  #pneumatic_caisson__pneumaticcaisson__caisson  large watertight chamber used for construction under water
     subtype:  #camera_obscura  a darkened enclosure in which images of outside objects are projected through a small aperture or lens onto a facing surface
     subtype:  #core.chamber  the chamber of a nuclear reactor containing the fissile material where the reaction takes place
     subtype:  #piston_chamber__cylinder  a chamber within which piston moves
        subtype:  #hydraulic_brake_cylinder__hydraulicbrakecylinder__brake_cylinder__brakecylinder__master_cylinder  a cylinder that contains brake fluid that is compressed by a piston
     subtype:  #firing_chamber__gun_chamber  chamber that is the part of a gun that receives the charge
     subtype:  #furnace  an enclosed chamber in which heat is produced to heat buildings, destroy refuse, smelt or refine ores, etc.
        subtype:  #blast_furnace__blastfurnace  a furnace for smelting of iron from iron oxide ores; combustion is intensified by a blast of air
        subtype:  #cremation_chamber__cremationchamber__crematory__crematorium  a furnace where a corpse can be burned and reduced to ashes
           subtype:  #gas_oven.cremation_chamber__gasoven  a cremation chamber fueled by gas
        subtype:  #cupola.furnace  a vertical cylindrical furnace for melting iron for casting
        subtype:  #electric_furnace  any furnace in which the heat is provided by an electric current
           subtype:  #Stassano_furnace__electric-arc_furnace  an electric furnace in which an electric arc provides the source of heat for making steel
        subtype:  #firebox  a furnace (as on a steam locomotive) in which fuel is burned
        subtype:  #forge  furnace consisting of a special hearth where metal is heated before shaping
        subtype:  #gas_furnace__gasfurnace  a furnace that burns gas
        subtype:  #incinerator  a furnace for incinerating (especially to dispose of refuse)
        subtype:  #oil_burner__oilburner__oil_furnace__oilfurnace  a furnace that burns oil
        subtype:  #tank_furnace  furnace into one end of which a batch of measured raw materials is shoveled and from the other end molten glass is obtained
     subtype:  #hyperbaric_chamber  a large chamber in which the oxygen pressure is above normal for the atmosphere; used in treating breathing disorders or carbon monoxide poisoning
     subtype:  #cavity_resonator__resonator__resonating_chamber  a hollow chamber whose dimensions allow the resonant oscillation of electromagnetic or acoustic waves
        subtype:  #soundbox  a resonating chamber in a musical instrument (as the body of a violin)
        subtype:  #soundboard__sounding_board  (music) resonator consisting of a thin board whose vibrations reinforce the sound of the instrument
     subtype:  #steam_chest  the chamber from which steam is distributed to a cylinder
     subtype:  #stokehold__stokehole__fireroom  (nautical) chamber or compartment in which the furnaces of a ship are stoked or fired
     subtype:  #stuffing_box__packing_box__packingbox  a small chamber in which packing is compressed around a reciprocating shaft or piston to form a seal
     subtype:  #tokamak  a doughnut-shaped chamber used in fusion research; a plasma is heated and confined in a magnetic bottle
     subtype:  #vacuum_chamber  a chamber from which nearly all matter (especially air) has been removed
  subtype:  #cockpit.enclosure  an enclosure for cockfights
  subtype:  #compound.enclosure  an enclosure of residences and other building (especially in the Orient)
  subtype:  #dock  an enclosure in a court of law where the defendant sits during the trial
  subtype:  #lock_chamber__lock  enclosure consisting of a section of canal that can be closed to control the water level; used to raise or lower vessels that pass through it
  subtype:  #nacelle  a streamlined enclosure for an aircraft engine
  subtype:  #pen.enclosure  an enclosure for confining livestock
     subtype:  #cow_pen__cattle_pen__corral  a pen for cattle
     subtype:  #creep  a pen that is fenced so that young animals can enter but adults cannot
     subtype:  #sheepfold__fold__sheep_pen__sheeppen__sheepcote  a pen for sheep
     subtype:  #kraal  a pen for livestock in southern Africa
     subtype:  #paddock  pen where racehorses are saddled and paraded before a race
     subtype:  #pinfold  a pen where stray animals are confined
     subtype:  #rodeo.pen  an enclosure for cattle that have been rounded up
     subtype:  #pigsty__sty__pigpen  a pen for swine
  subtype:  #playpen__pen  a portable enclosure in which babies may be left to play
  subtype:  #plenum  an enclosed space in which the air pressure is higher than outside
  subtype:  #dog_pound__dogpound__pound  a public enclosure for stray or unlicensed dogs; "unlicensed dogs will be taken to the pound"
  subtype:  #recess__niche  an enclosure that is set back or indented
     subtype:  #alcove__bay  a small recess opening off a larger room
        subtype:  #carrel__carrell__stall  small individual study area in a library
     subtype:  #apse__apsis__apsi  a domed or vaulted recess or projection on a building especially the east end of a church; usually contains the the altar
        subtype:  #tribune  the apse of a Christian church that contains the bishop's throne
     subtype:  #fireplace__open_fireplace__hearth  an open recess in a wall at the base of a chimney where a fire can be built
        subtype:  #fire.fireplace  a fireplace in which a fire is burning; "they sat by the fire and talked"
           subtype:  #cookfire  a fire for cooking
  subtype:  #yard.enclosure  an enclosure for animals (as chicken or livestock)
     subtype:  #barnyard  a yard adjoining a barn
     subtype:  #chicken_yard__chickenyard__chicken_run__fowl_run  an enclosed yard for keeping poultry
     subtype:  #farmyard  an area adjacent to farm buildings
     subtype:  #stockyard  enclosed yard where cattle, pigs, horses, or sheep are kept temporarily

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