#employee a worker who is hired to perform a job
exclusion: employer
supertype: worker a person who works at a specific job; "he is a good worker"
subtype: bartender__barman__barkeep__mixologist an employee who mixes and serves alcoholic drinks at a bar
subtype: barmaid a female bartender
subtype: publican__tavern_keeper (British) the keeper of a public house
subtype: tapster a tavern keeper who taps kegs or casks
subtype: clerk an employee who performs clerical work (e.g., keeps records or accounts)
subtype: hotel_desk_clerk__desk_clerk__hotel_clerk a hotel receptionist
subtype: room_clerk a hotel clerk who is responsible for room assignments to guests
subtype: file_clerk__filing_clerk__filer a clerk who is employed to maintain the files of an organization
subtype: penpusher__pencil_pusher a clerk who does boring paperwork
subtype: mapper__plotter a clerk who marks data on a chart
subtype: postal_clerk__mail_clerk a clerk in a post office
subtype: settler (British) a clerk in a betting shop who calculates the winnings
subtype: shipping_clerk an employee who ships and receives goods
subtype: sorter.clerk a clerk who sorts things (as letters at the post office)
subtype: tally_clerk__tallyman one who keeps a tally of quantity or weight of goods produced or shipped or received
subtype: timekeeper a clerk who keeps track of the hours worked by employees
subtype: company_man__companyman an employee whose first loyalty is to the company rather than to fellow workers
subtype: copyist__scrivener someone employed to make written copies of documents and manuscripts
subtype: copywriter a person employed to write advertising or publicity copy
subtype: crewman a member of a work crew
subtype: deliveryman__delivery_boy__deliverer someone employed to make deliveries
subtype: newsboy__carrier a boy who delivers newspapers
subtype: coalman someone who delivers coal
subtype: grocery_boy__groceryboy a delivery boy for groceries
subtype: iceman someone who cuts and delivers ice
subtype: mailman__postman__mail_carrier__letter_carrier__carrier a man who delivers the mail
subtype: milkman someone who delivers milk
subtype: paperboy a boy who sells or delivers newspapers
subtype: dining-room_attendant__restaurant_attendant someone employed to provide service in a dining room
subtype: busboy__waiter's_assistant a restaurant attendant who sets tables and assists waiters and clears away dirty dishes
subtype: head_waiter__captain__maitred'hotel a diningroom attendant who is in charge of the waiters and the seating of customers
subtype: waiter.dining-room_attendant__server a person whose occupation is to serve at table (as in a restaurant)
subtype: carhop a waiter at a drive-in restaurant
subtype: counterman someone who attends a counter (as in a diner)
subtype: soda_jerk__soda_jerker someone who works at a soda fountain
subtype: sommelier__wine_waiter__wine_steward a waiter who manages wine service in a hotel or restaurant
subtype: waitress a woman waiter
subtype: bunny_girl__bunnygirl__bunny a young waitress in a night club whose costume includes a rabbit-tail and ears
subtype: dispatcher employee of a transportation company who controls the departures of vehicles according to weather conditions and in the interest of efficient service
subtype: yardmaster__trainmaster__train_dispatcher__traindispatcher a railroad employer who is in charge of a railway yard
subtype: dog_catcher__dogcatcher an employee of a municipal pound who is hired to round up stray dogs and cats
subtype: floater.employee an employee who is reassigned from job to job as needed
subtype: floorwalker__shopwalker an employee of a retail store who supervises sales personnel and helps with customer problems; "a floorwalker is called a shopwalker in England"
subtype: garbage_man__garbageman__garbage_collector__garbagecollector__refuse_collector__dustman someone employed to collect and dispose of refuse
subtype: gardener someone employed to work in a garden
subtype: groundsman__groundskeeper someone who maintains the grounds (of an estate or park or athletic field)
subtype: hedger a gardener who takes care of and trims hedges
subtype: gasman someone employed by a gas company
subtype: gofer an employee whose duties include running errands
subtype: hired_help__hiredhelp employee hired for domestic or farm work (often used in the singular to refer to several employees collectively)
subtype: kitchen_help__kitchenhelp help hired to work in the kitchen
subtype: hireling__pensionary a person who works only for money
subtype: jobholder an employee who has a regular job
subtype: wage_earner__earner someone who earn wages in return for their labor
subtype: breadwinner one whose earnings are the primary source of support for their dependents
subtype: line_worker an employee who works on an assembly line
subtype: liveryman a worker in a livery stable
subtype: office_boy a young man who is employed to do odd jobs in a business office
subtype: organization_man an employee who sacrifices his own individuality for the good of an organization
subtype: Pullman_porter__porter__redcap a railroad employee who assists passengers (especially on sleeping cars)
subtype: potboy__potman (British) a worker in an inn or public house who serves customers and does various chores
subtype: public_servant someone who holds a government position (either by election or appointment)
subtype: social_worker__caseworker__welfare_worker__welfareworker someone employed to provide social services (especially to the disadvantaged)
subtype: almoner__medicalsocialworker an official in a British hospital who looks after the social and material needs of the patients
subtype: registrar.employee a person employed to keep a record of the owners of stocks and bonds issued by the company
subtype: salesperson a person employed to sell merchandise (as to customers in a store or to customers that are visited)
subtype: sales_demonstrator__salesdemonstrator__demonstrator someone who demonstrates an article to a prospective buyer
subtype: salesclerk__shop_clerk__clerk a salesperson in a store
subtype: salesgirl__saleswoman__saleslady a woman salesperson
subtype: midinette a Parisian salesgirl
subtype: salesman a man salesperson
subtype: book_agent a book salesman
subtype: pitchman an aggressive salesman who uses a fast line of talk to sell something
subtype: traveling_salesman__travelingsalesman__travelling_salesman__commercial_traveler__commercial_traveller__roadman a salesman who travels to call on customers
subtype: tallyman (Brit) one who sells goods on the installment plan
subtype: sandwichman a person with advertising boards hanging from the shoulders
subtype: shop_assistant an employee in a shop
subtype: shop_boy a young male shop assistant
subtype: shop_girl a young female shop assistant
subtype: spotter a worker employed to apply spots (as markers or identifiers)
subtype: spotter.employee a worker employed at a dry-cleaning establishment to remove spots
subtype: staff_member__staffmember__staffer an employee who is a member of a staff of workers (especially a member of the United States President's White House staff)
subtype: stagehand__stagetechnician an employee of a theater who performs work involved in putting on a theatrical production
subtype: property_man__propman__property_master member of the stage crew in charge of properties
subtype: sceneshifter__shifter a stagehand responsible for moving scenery
subtype: sweeper.employee an employee who sweeps (floors or streets etc.)
subtype: tollkeeper__tollman__tollgatherer__toll_collector__tolltaker__toll_agent__toller someone employed to collect tolls
subtype: trainman__railroader__railroad_man__railwayman__railway_man__railwayman an employee of a railroad
subtype: brakeman a railroad employee responsible for a train's brakes
subtype: signalman a railroad employee in charge of signals and point in a railroad yard
subtype: yardman.trainman worker in a railway yard
subtype: yardmaster__trainmaster__train_dispatcher__traindispatcher a railroad employer who is in charge of a railway yard
subtype: turncock one employed to control water supply by turning water mains on and off
subtype: typist someone paid to operate a typewriter
subtype: touch-typist__touchtypist a skilled typist who can type a document without looking at the keyboard
subtype: workman__working_man__workingman__working_person__workingperson an employee who performs manual or industrial labor
subtype: excavator a workman who excavates for foundations of buildings or for quarrying
subtype: blaster__chargeman a workman employed to blast with explosives
subtype: fuller a workman who fulls (cleans and thickens) freshly woven cloth for a living
subtype: gas_fitter__gasfitter a workman who installs and repairs gas fixtures and appliances
subtype: heaver.workman a workman who heaves freight or bulk goods (especially at a dockyard)
subtype: manual_laborer__laborer__labourer someone who works with their hands
subtype: agricultural_laborer__agricultural_labourer a person who tills the soil for a living
subtype: peasant one of a (chiefly European) class of agricultural laborers
subtype: fellah an agricultural laborer in Arab countries
subtype: sharecropper__cropper__sharecropfarmer small farmers and tenants
subtype: cleaner someone whose occupation is cleaning
subtype: charwoman__char__cleaning_woman__cleaning_lady__woman a human female who does housework; "the char will clean the carpet"
subtype: chimneysweeper__chimneysweep__sweep someone who cleans soot from chimneys
subtype: scourer.cleaner someone who cleanses by scouring
subtype: street_cleaner__street_sweeper a worker employed to clean streets (especially one employed by a municipal sanitation department)
subtype: window_cleaner someone who cleans windows for pay
subtype: day_laborer__daylaborer__day_labourer__daylabourer a laborer who works by the day; for daily wages
subtype: digger a laborer who digs
subtype: ditch_digger__ditchdigger__mud_digger__muddigger a laborer who digs ditches
subtype: trencher.digger someone who digs trenches
subtype: dishwasher someone who washes dishes
subtype: peon__drudge__navvy__galleyslave a laborer who is obliged to do menial work
subtype: gandy_dancer__gandydancer a laborer in a railroad maintenance gang
subtype: gravedigger a person who earns a living by digging graves
subtype: hewer a person who hews
subtype: hired_hand__hiredhand__hand__hired_man__hiredman a hired laborer on a farm or ranch; "the hired hand fixed the railing"; "a ranch hand"
subtype: ranch_hand__ranchhand a hired had on a ranch
subtype: cowpuncher__cowboy__puncher__cowman__cattleman__cowpoke__cowhand__cowherd a hired hand who tends cattle and performs other duties on horseback
subtype: bronco_buster a cowboy who breaks broncos to the saddle
subtype: vaquero__buckaroo local names for a cowboy (`vaquero' is used especially in southwestern and central Texas; `buckaroo' is used especially in California)
subtype: cowgirl a woman cowboy
subtype: gaucho a cowboy of the South American pampas
subtype: horse_wrangler__horsewrangler__wrangler a cowboy who takes care of the saddle horses
subtype: roper a cowboy who uses a lasso to rope cattle or horses
subtype: farmhand__fieldhand__farm_worker a hired hand on a farm
subtype: dairymaid__milkmaid a woman who works in a dairy
subtype: dairyman a man who works in a diary
subtype: farmerette a woman working on a farm
subtype: gleaner.farmhand someone who picks up grain left in the field by the harvesters
subtype: reaper__harvester someone who helps to gather the harvest
subtype: vintager a person who harvests grapes for making wine
subtype: picker someone who gathers crops or fruits etc.
subtype: plowman__ploughman__plower a man who plows
subtype: waterer someone who waters plants or crops
subtype: weeder.farmhand a farmhand hired to remove weeds
subtype: herder__herdsman__drover someone who drives a herd
subtype: goatherder__goatherd a person who tends a flock of goats
subtype: sheepherder__shepherd__sheepman a herder of sheep (on an open range); someone who keeps the sheep together in a flock
subtype: shepherdess__shepherdes a woman shepherd
subtype: swineherd__pigman a herder or swine
subtype: stableman__stableboy__groom__hostler__ostler someone employed in a stable to take care of the horses
subtype: hod_carrier__hodman a laborer who carries supplies to masons or bricklayers
subtype: miner__mineworker laborer who works in a mine
subtype: coal_miner__collier someone who works in a coal mine
subtype: gold_miner__gold_digger__gold_panner a miner who digs or pans for gold in a gold field
subtype: forty-niner__fortyniner a miner who took part in the California gold rush in 1849
subtype: prospector someone who explores an area for mineral deposits
subtype: sourdough.colonist a settler or prospector (especially in western United States or northwest Canada and Alaska)
subtype: strip_miner a miner who does strip mining
subtype: muleteer__mule_skinner__mule_driver__skinner a worker who drives mules
subtype: platelayer__tracklayer a workman who lays and repairs railroad tracks
subtype: porter a person employed to carry luggage and supplies
subtype: rail-splitter__splitter a laborer who splits logs to build split-rail fences
subtype: sawyer one who is employed to saw wood
subtype: section_hand__sectionhand a laborer assigned to a section gang
subtype: sprayer a worker who applies spray to a surface
subtype: stacker a laborer who builds up a stack or pile
subtype: stevedore__loader__longshoreman__docker__dockhand__dock_worker__dock-walloper__lumper a laborer who loads and unloads vessels in a port
subtype: stoker.manual_laborer__fireman a laborer who tends fires (as on a coal-fired train or steamship)
subtype: woodcutter cuts down trees and chops wood as a job
instance: Ali_Baba
subtype: wrecker someone who demolishes or dismantles buildings as a job
subtype: housewrecker__housebreaker a wrecker of houses; "in England a housewrecker is called a housebreaker"
subtype: knacker.wrecker someone who buys old buildings or ships and breaks them up to recover the materials in them
subtype: yardman a laborer hired to do outdoor work (such as mowing lawns)
subtype: lacer a workman who laces shoes or footballs or books (during binding)
subtype: lather.workman a workman who puts up laths
subtype: Luddite one of the 19th century English workmen who destroyed labor-saving machinery that they thought would cause unemployment
subtype: mill-hand__factory_worker__factoryworker a workman in a mill or factory
subtype: mill-girl a girl who works in a mill
subtype: mover.workman workman employed by a moving company; "the movers were very careful with the grand piano"
subtype: remover (British) someone who works for a moving company
subtype: packer__bagger__boxer a workman employed to pack things into containers
subtype: paster a workman who pastes
subtype: rat-catcher__ratcatcher__disinfestation_officer a workman employed to destroy or drive away vermin
subtype: roadman__roadmender a workman who is employed to repair roads
subtype: roundsman a workman employed to make rounds (to deliver goods or make inspections or so on)
subtype: scratcher.workman a workman who uses a tool for scratching
subtype: shearer.workman a workman who uses shears to cut leather or metal or textiles
subtype: sponger a workman employed to collect sponges
subtype: stamper a workman whose job is to form or cut out by applying a mold or die (either by hand or by operating a stamping machine)
subtype: utility_man__utilityman a workman expected to serve in any capacity when called on
subtype: warehouser__warehouseman a workman who manages or works in a warehouse
subtype: wetter a workman who wets the work in a manufacturing process
subtype: cashier__teller__bank_clerk an employee of a bank who receives and pays out money
subtype: managing_director__director__manager someone who controls resources and expenditures
subtype: bank_manager manager of a branch office of a bank
subtype: district_manager a manager who supervises the sales activity for a district
subtype: manageress a woman manager
instance: Konstantin_Sergeevich_Stanislavsky__Stanislavsky__Konstantin_Stanislavsky__Konstantin_Sergevich_Alekseev
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