#emotionality__emotionalism  emotional nature or quality
  exclusion:  #unemotionality
  supertype:  #trait  a distinguishing feature of one's personal nature
  subtype:  #drama.emotionality  the quality of being arresting or highly emotional
  subtype:  #demonstrativeness__demonstrativenes  tending to express your feelings freely
  subtype:  #affectionateness__fondness__lovingness__warmth  a quality proceeding from feelings of affection or love
     subtype:  #tenderness  a tendency to express warm and affectionate feeling
     subtype:  #uxoriousness  foolish fondness for or excessive submissiveness to one's wife
  subtype:  #mawkishness__mawkishnes  falsely emotional in a maudlin way
     subtype:  #schmaltz__schmalz__mushiness__mushines  (informal) excessive sentimentality
  subtype:  #warmth__heat__passion  intense passion or emotion
  subtype:  #temperament  excessive emotionalism or irritability and excitability (especially when displayed openly)
  subtype:  #excitableness__excitablenes__volatility  being easily excited
     subtype:  #boiling_point__boilingpoint  being highly angry or excited; ready to boil over; "after an hour of waiting I was at the boiling point"

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