#emblem.symbolic_representation__allegory  a visible symbol representing an abstract idea
  supertype:  #symbolic_representation__symbol__symbolization__symbolisation  something visible that by association or convention represents something else that is invisible; "the eagle is a symbol of the United States"
  subtype:  #scarlet_letter__scarletletter  the letter A in red; Puritans required adulterers to wear it
  subtype:  #donkey  the symbol of the Democratic Party; introduced in cartoons by Thomas Nast in 1874
  subtype:  #dove.emblem  an emblem of peace
  subtype:  #eagle  an emblem representing power; "the Roman eagle"
  subtype:  #elephant.emblem  the symbol of the Republican Party; introduced in cartoons by Thomas Nast in 1874
  subtype:  #fasces  bundle of rods containing an axe with the blade protruding; in ancient Rome it was a symbol of a magistrate's power; in modern Italy it is a symbol of Fascism
  subtype:  #national_flag__flag__ensign  an emblem flown as a symbol of nationality
     subtype:  #American_flag__Stars_and_Stripes__Star-Spangled_Banner__Old_Glory  the national flag of the United States of America
     subtype:  #Stars_and_Bars__Confederate_flag  the first flag of the Confederate States of American
  subtype:  #hammer_and_sickle  the emblem on the flag of the Soviet Union
  subtype:  #Star_of_David__Magen_David__Mogen_David  an emblem symbolizing Judaism; hexagram
  subtype:  #badge  an emblem (a small piece of plastic or cloth or metal) that signifies your status (rank or membership or affiliation etc.); "they checked everyone's badge before letting them in"
     subtype:  #merit_badge__meritbadge  a badge award to Boy Scouts in recognition of special projects
     subtype:  #insignia  a badge worn to show official position
        subtype:  #caduceus  an insignia used by the medical profession; modeled after the staff of Hermes
        subtype:  #insignia_of_rank  an insignia worn on a military uniform
        subtype:  #shoulder_flash  (British) something worn on the shoulder of a military uniform as an emblem of a division etc.
        subtype:  #service_stripe__servicestripe__hashmark__hash_mark  an insignia worn to indicate years of service
        subtype:  #cordon.insignia  cord or ribbon worn as an insignia of honor or rank
        subtype:  #wings.insignia__wing  stylized bird wings worn as an insignia by qualified pilots or air crew members
     subtype:  #ID__I.D.  a card or badge used to identify the bearer
     subtype:  #black_belt__blackbelt  a black sash worn to show expert standards in the martial arts (judo or karate)
     subtype:  #blue_ribbon__cordon_bleu  an honor or award gained for excellence
     subtype:  #stripes__chevron__grade_insignia__gradeinsignia  V-shaped sleeve badge indicating military rank and service
     subtype:  #stripe  a piece of braid, usually on the sleeve, indicating military rank or length of service
  subtype:  #Paschal_Lamb__Agnus_Dei  figure of a lamb; emblematic of Christ
  subtype:  #maple-leaf__mapleleaf  the emblem of Canada
  subtype:  #medallion  an emblem indicating that a taxicab is registered
  subtype:  #spread_eagle.emblem__spreadeagle  an emblem (an eagle with wings and legs spread) on the obverse of the Great Seal of the United States
  subtype:  #swastika__Hakenkreuz  the official emblem of the Nazi Party and the German Third Reich; a cross with the arms bent at right angles in a clockwise direction

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