#dish  a particular item of prepared food; "she prepared a special dish for dinner"
  supertype:  #nutriment__nourishment__nutrition__sustenance__aliment__victuals  a source of materials to nourish the body
  part:  #topping  #ingredient.foodstuff  #sauce
  part of:  #repast
  subtype:  #piece_de_resistance  the most important dish of a meal
  subtype:  #adobo  (Philippine) a dish of marinated vegetables and meat or fish; served with rice
  subtype:  #side_dish  a dish subordinate to a main course
     subtype:  #raita  an Indian side dish of yogurt and chopped cucumbers and spices
  subtype:  #special.dish  a dish or meal given prominence in e.g. a restaurant
  subtype:  #casserole.dish  food cooked and served in a casserole
     subtype:  #chicken_casserole__chickencasserole  chicken cooked and served in a casserole
        subtype:  #chicken_cacciatore__chickencacciatore__chicken_cacciatora__chickencacciatora__hunter's_chicken  chicken casserole prepared with tomatoes and mushrooms and herbs in the Italian style
  subtype:  #soup  liquid food especially of meat or fish or vegetable stock often containing pieces of solid food
     subtype:  #soup_du_jour  the soup that a restaurant is featuring on a given day
     subtype:  #consomme  clear soup usually of beef or veal or chicken
        subtype:  #madrilene  a tomato-flavored consomme; often served chilled
     subtype:  #bisque  a thick cream soup made from shellfish
     subtype:  #borsch__borsh__borscht__borsht__borshch__bortsch  a Russian soup usually containing beet juice as a foundation
     subtype:  #broth  a thin soup of meat or fish or vegetable stock
        subtype:  #barley_water  used to feed infants
        subtype:  #bouillon  a clear seasoned broth
     subtype:  #broth.soup__stock  liquid in which meat and vegetables are simmered; used as a basis for e.g. soups or sauces; "she made gravy with a base of beef stock"
        subtype:  #pot_liquor__potliquor__liquor  the liquid in which vegetables or meat have be cooked
        subtype:  #beef_broth__beef_stock  a stock made with beef
        subtype:  #chicken_broth__chickenbroth__chicken_stock__chickenstock  a stock made with chicken
        subtype:  #stock_cube__stockcube  a cube of dehydrated stock
     subtype:  #chicken_soup__chickensoup  soup made from chicken broth
     subtype:  #cock-a-leekie__cocky-leeky__cockyleeky  soup made from chicken boiled with leeks
     subtype:  #gazpacho  a soup made with chopped tomatoes and onions and cucumbers and peppers and herbs; served cold
     subtype:  #gumbo  a soup or stew thickened with okra pods
     subtype:  #marmite.soup  soup cooked in a large pot
     subtype:  #mock_turtle_soup  soup made from a calf's head or other meat in imitation of green turtle soup
     subtype:  #mulligatawny  E Indian curry-flavored soup with a meat or chicken base
     subtype:  #oxtail_soup  a soup made from the skinned tail of an ox
     subtype:  #pea_soup__peasoup  a thick soup made of dried peas (usually made into a puree)
     subtype:  #Philadelphia_pepper_pot__pepper_pot  a soup made with vegetables and tripe and seasoned with peppercorns; often contains dumplings
     subtype:  #petite_marmite__minestrone__vegetable_soup__vegetablesoup  soup made with a variety of vegetables
     subtype:  #potage__pottage  thick (often creamy) soup
     subtype:  #green_turtle_soup__turtle_soup  soup usually made of the flesh of green turtles
     subtype:  #eggdrop_soup__eggdropsoup  made by stirring beaten eggs into a simmering broth
     subtype:  #chowder  a thick soup or stew made with milk and bacon and onions and potatoes
        subtype:  #corn_chowder  chowder containing corn
        subtype:  #clam_chowder  chowder containing clams
           subtype:  #Manhattan_clam_chowder  a chowder made with clams and tomatoes and other vegetables and seasonings
           subtype:  #New_England_clam_chowder  a thick chowder made with clams and potatoes and onions and salt pork and milk
        subtype:  #fish_chowder  chowder containing fish
     subtype:  #wonton_soup__won_ton__wonton__wonton  a soup with won ton dumplings
     subtype:  #split-pea_soup__splitpeasoup  made of stock and split peas with onions carrots and celery
     subtype:  #green_pea_soup__greenpeasoup__potage_St._Germain  made of fresh green peas and stock with shredded lettuce onion and celery
     subtype:  #lentil_soup  made of stock and lentils with onions carrots and celery
     subtype:  #Scotch_broth  a thick soup made from beef or mutton with vegetables and pearl barley
     subtype:  #vichyssoise  a creamy potato soup flavored with leeks and onions; usually served cold
  subtype:  #stew  food prepared by stewing especially meat or fish with vegetables
     subtype:  #pottage  a stew of vegetables and (sometimes) meat
     subtype:  #Brunswick_stew  spicy Southern specialty: chicken (or small game) with corn and tomatoes and lima beans and okra and onions and potatoes
     subtype:  #burgoo  thick spicy stew of whatever meat and whatever vegetables are available; southern United States
     subtype:  #olla_podrida__Spanish_burgoo  Spanish version of burgoo
     subtype:  #mulligan_stew__mulligan__Irish_burgoo  Irish version of burgoo
     subtype:  #chicken_purloo__chickenpurloo__purloo__poilu  thick stew made of rice and chicken and small game; southern U.S.
     subtype:  #Hungarian_goulash__goulash__gulya  a rich meat stew highly seasoned with paprika
        subtype:  #beef_goulash  meat is browned before stewing
        subtype:  #pork-and-veal_goulash  made with sauerkraut and caraway seeds and served with sour cream
        subtype:  #porkholt  made of lamb or pork
     subtype:  #hotchpotch  a stew (or thick soup) made with meat and vegetables
     subtype:  #Irish_stew  meat (especially mutton) stewed with potatoes and onions
     subtype:  #oyster_stew  oysters in cream
     subtype:  #lobster_stew__lobsterstew  diced lobster meat in milk or cream
     subtype:  #lobscouse__lobscuse__scouse  a stew of meat and vegetables and hardtack that is eaten by sailors
     subtype:  #fish_stew  a stew made with fish
        subtype:  #bouillabaisse  highly seasoned Mediterranean soup or stew made of several kinds of fish and shellfish with tomatoes and onions or leeks and seasoned with saffron and garlic and herbs
        subtype:  #matelote  highly seasoned soup or stew made of freshwater fishes (eel, carp, perch) with wine and stock
     subtype:  #fricassee  pieces of chicken or other meat stewed in gravy with e.g. carrots and onions and served with noodles or dumplings
        subtype:  #chicken_stew__chickenstew  a stew made with chicken
        subtype:  #turkey_stew  a stew made with turkey
     subtype:  #beef_stew  a stew made with beef
     subtype:  #ragout  well-seasoned stew of meat and vegetables
        subtype:  #salmi  ragout of game in a rich sauce
     subtype:  #pot-au-feu  traditional French stew of vegetables and beef
     subtype:  #slumgullion  a thin stew of meat and vegetables
  subtype:  #paella  (Spanish) saffron-flavored dish made of rice with shellfish and chicken
  subtype:  #viand  a choice or delicious dish
  subtype:  #pudding.dish  any of various soft thick unsweetened baked dishes: "corn pudding"
     subtype:  #carrot_pudding  pudding made with grated carrots
     subtype:  #corn_pudding  pudding made of corn and cream and egg
  subtype:  #mousse.dish  a light creamy dish made from fish or meat and set with gelatin
     subtype:  #fish_mousse  mousse made with fish
     subtype:  #chicken_mousse__chickenmousse  mousse made with chicken
  subtype:  #custard  sweetened mixture of milk and eggs baked or boiled or frozen
     subtype:  #creme_caramel__cremecaramel  baked custard topped with caramel
     subtype:  #creme_anglais__cremeanglai  custard sauce flavored with vanilla or a liqueur
     subtype:  #creme_brulee__cremebrulee  custard sprinkled with sugar and broiled
     subtype:  #fruit_custard__fruitcustard  a custard containing fruit
     subtype:  #Bavarian_cream  a rich custard set with gelatin
  subtype:  #timbale  individual serving of minced e.g. meat or fish in a rich creamy sauce baked in a small pastry mold or timbale shell
  subtype:  #fish_stick__fish_finger  a long fillet of fish breaded and fried
  subtype:  #buffalo_wing__buffalowing  crisp spicy chicken wings
  subtype:  #barbecued_wing__barbecuedwing  chicken wings cooked in barbecue sauce
  subtype:  #barbecue_meat__barbecue__barbeque  meat that has been barbecued or grilled in a highly seasoned sauce
  subtype:  #escalope_de_veau_Orloff  lightly sauteed veal cutlets spread with a Soubise sauce and liver paste then sprinkled with grated Parmesan and baked briefly
  subtype:  #patty.dish__cake  small flat mass of chopped food
     subtype:  #fish_cake__fish_ball  a fried ball or patty of flaked fish and mashed potatoes
        subtype:  #codfish_ball__codfishball__codfish_cake__codfishcake  usually made of flaked salt cod and mashed potatoes
  subtype:  #veal_parmesan__veal_parmigiana  sauteed veal cutlet in a breadcrumb-and-cheese coating served with tomato sauce
  subtype:  #veal_cordon_bleu  thin slices of veal stuffed with cheese and ham and then sauteed
  subtype:  #sandwich_plate  a serving consisting of a sandwich or sandwiches with garnishes
  subtype:  #snack_food__snackfood  food for light meals or for eating between meals
     subtype:  #sandwich  two (or more) slices of bread with a filling between them
        subtype:  #butty  (British) a sandwich; "a bacon butty"
        subtype:  #ham_sandwich__hamsandwich  a sandwich made with a filling of sliced ham
        subtype:  #chicken_sandwich__chickensandwich  a sandwich made with a filling of sliced chicken
        subtype:  #club_sandwich__three-decker__threedecker__tripple-decker__trippledecker  made with three slices of usually toasted bread
        subtype:  #open-face_sandwich__open_sandwich  sandwich without a covering slice of bread
        subtype:  #hamburger__beefburger  a fried cake of minced beef served on a bun
           subtype:  #cheeseburger  a hamburger with melted cheese on it
        subtype:  #tunaburger  a sandwich that resembles a hamburger but made with tuna instead of beef
        subtype:  #red_hot__redhot__hotdog__hot_dog__hotdog  a frankfurter served hot on a bun
           subtype:  #chili_dog__chilidog  a hotdog with chili con carne on it
        subtype:  #Sloppy_Joe  ground beef (not a patty) cooked in a spicy sauce and served on a bun
        subtype:  #hero_sandwich__bomber__grinder__hero__hoagie__hoagy__Cuban_sandwich__Italian_sandwich__poor_boy__sub__submarine_sandwich__submarinesandwich__torpedo__wedge__zep  a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese (and tomato and onion and lettuce and condiments); different names are used in different sections of the United States
        subtype:  #gyro  a Greek sandwich: sliced roast lamb with onion and tomato stuffed into pita bread
        subtype:  #bacon-lettuce-tomato_sandwich__BLT  sandwich filled with slices of bacon and tomato with lettuce
        subtype:  #Reuben  a hot sandwich with corned beef and Swiss cheese and sauerkraut on rye bread
        subtype:  #western_sandwich__westernsandwich__western  a sandwich made from a western omelet
     subtype:  #potato_skin__potato_peel__potato_peelings  crisp fried potato peeling
     subtype:  #Saratoga_chip__chip__crisp__potatochip  a thin crisp slice of potato fried in deep fat
     subtype:  #corn_chip  thin piece of cornmeal dough fried
        subtype:  #tortilla_chip  a small piece of tortilla
           subtype:  #nacho  a tortilla chip topped with cheese and chili-pepper and broiled
  subtype:  #salad  food mixtures either arranged on a plate or tossed and served with a moist dressing; usually consisting of or including greens
     subtype:  #tossed_salad  salad tossed with a dressing
        subtype:  #green_salad__greensalad  salad composed primarily of greens
        subtype:  #Caesar_salad  typically having fried croutons and dressing made with a raw egg
        subtype:  #combination_salad__combinationsalad  containing meat or chicken or cheese in addition to greens and vegetables
           subtype:  #chef's_salad  the combination prepared as prepared as a particular chef's specialty
     subtype:  #salmagundi  cooked meats and eggs and vegetables usually arranged in rows around the plate and dressed with a salad dressing
     subtype:  #salad_nicoise__saladnicoise  typically containing tomatoes and anchovies and garnished with black olives and capers
     subtype:  #potato_salad  any of various salads having chopped potatoes as the base
     subtype:  #pasta_salad__pastasalad  a salad having any of various pastas as the base
        subtype:  #macaroni_salad  having macaroni as the base
     subtype:  #fruit_salad__fruitsalad  salad composed of fruits
        subtype:  #Waldorf_salad  typically made of apples and celery with nuts or raisins and dressed with mayonnaise
     subtype:  #crab_Louis  lettuce and crabmeat dressed with sauce Louis
     subtype:  #herring_salad__herringsalad  based on pickled herring
     subtype:  #tuna_fish_salad__tuna_salad  salad composed primarily of chopped canned tuna fish
     subtype:  #chicken_salad__chickensalad  salad composed primarily of chopped chicken meat
     subtype:  #coleslaw__slaw  basically shredded cabbage
     subtype:  #molded_salad  salad of meats or vegetables in gelatin
     subtype:  #tabbouleh__tabooli  (Lebanese) a finely chopped salad with tomatoes and parsley and mint and scallions and bulgur wheat
  subtype:  #curry  (East Indian cookery) a pungent dish of vegetables or meats flavored with curry powder and usually eaten with rice
     subtype:  #lamb_curry  curry made with lamb
  subtype:  #applesauce__apple_sauce  puree of stewed apples usually sweetened and spiced
  subtype:  #boiled_egg__coddled_egg__coddledegg  egg cooked briefly in the shell in gently boiling water
     subtype:  #hard-boiled_egg__hardboiledegg  an egg boiled gently until both the white and the yolk solidify
  subtype:  #poached_egg__poachedegg__dropped_egg__droppedegg  egg cooked in gently boiling water
  subtype:  #scrambled_egg__scrambledegg  eggs beaten and cooked to a soft firm consistency while stirring
  subtype:  #deviled_egg__deviledegg__stuffed_egg__stuffedegg  halved hard-cooked egg with the yolk mashed with mayonnaise and seasonings and returned to the white
  subtype:  #shirred_egg__baked_egg__bakedegg__egg_en_cocotte  egg cooked individually in cream or butter in a small ramekin
  subtype:  #omelet__omelette  beaten eggs or an egg mixture cooked until just set; may be folded around e.g. ham or cheese or jelly
     subtype:  #firm_omelet  eggs beaten with milk or cream and cooked until set
        subtype:  #French_omelet  omelet cooked quickly and slid onto a plate
        subtype:  #western_omelet__westernomelet  a firm omelet that has diced ham and peppers and onions
     subtype:  #fluffy_omelet  souffle-like omelet made by beating and adding the whites separately
  subtype:  #souffle  light fluffy dish of egg yolks and stiffly beaten egg whites mixed with e.g. cheese or fish or fruit
     subtype:  #cheese_souffle  puffy dish of cheese and eggs (whites beaten separately) and white sauce
  subtype:  #fried_egg__friedegg  eggs cooked by sauteing in oil or butter; sometimes turned and cooked on both sides
  subtype:  #coq_au_vin  chicken and onions and mushrooms braised in red wine and seasonings
  subtype:  #chicken_and_rice__chickenandrice  rice and chicken cooked together with or without other ingredients and variously seasoned
     subtype:  #arroz_con_pollo  rice and chicken cooked together Spanish style; highly seasoned especially with saffron
  subtype:  #moo_goo_gai_pan  a Cantonese dish of chicken and sauted vegetables
  subtype:  #bacon_and_eggs  eggs (fried or scrambled) served with bacon
  subtype:  #barbecued_spareribs__spareribs__sparerib  baked or roasted with a spicy sauce
  subtype:  #beef_Bourguignonne__boeuf_Bourguignonne  beef and mushrooms and onions stewed in red wine and seasonings
  subtype:  #beef_Wellington__filet_de_boeuf_en_croute  rare-roasted beef tenderloin coated with mushroom paste in puff pastry
  subtype:  #bitok  a Russian dish made with patties of ground meat (mixed with onions and bread and milk) and served with a sauce of sour cream
  subtype:  #New_England_boiled_dinner__boiled_dinner  corned beef simmered with onions and cabbage and usually other vegetables
  subtype:  #Boston_baked_beans  dried navy beans baked slowly with molasses and salt pork
  subtype:  #bubble_and_squeak  (British) leftover cabbage and potatoes and meat fried together
  subtype:  #cannelloni  tubular pasta filled with meat or cheese
  subtype:  #carbonnade_flamande__Belgian_beef_stew  beef stewed in beer seasoned with garlic and served with boiled potatoes
  subtype:  #chicken_Marengo  braised chicken with onions and mushrooms in a wine and tomato sauce
  subtype:  #chicken_cordon_bleu  thin slices of chicken stuffed with cheese and ham and then sauteed
  subtype:  #Maryland_chicken  chicken fried than oven-baked and served with milk gravy
  subtype:  #chicken_paprika__chickenpaprika__chicken_paprikash__chickenpaprikash  chicken simmered in broth with onions and paprika then mixed with sour cream
  subtype:  #chicken_Tetrazzini  prepared with mushrooms in a cream sauce served over pasta and topped with cheese
  subtype:  #chicken_Kiev  pounded chicken cutlets rolled around butter (that has been seasoned with herbs) and then covered with crumbs and fried
  subtype:  #chili_con_carne__chiliconcarne__chili  (Mexican) ground beef and chili peppers or chili powder often with tomatoes and kidney beans
  subtype:  #chop_suey  meat or fish stir-fried with vegetables (e.g. celery; onions; peppers; bean sprouts) seasoned with ginger and garlic and soy sauce; served with rice; created in the United States and frequently served in Chinese restaurants there
  subtype:  #chow_mein  chop suey served with fried noodles
  subtype:  #coquille.dish  seafood served in a scallop shell
  subtype:  #coquilles_Saint-Jacques  scallops in white wine sauce served in scallop shells
  subtype:  #croquette  minced cooked meats (or vegetables) in thick white sauce; breaded and deep-fried
  subtype:  #rissole  minced cooked meat or fish coated in egg and breadcrumbs and fried in deep fat
  subtype:  #dolmas__stuffed_grape_leaves  well-seasoned rice (with nuts or currants of minced lamb) simmered or braised in stock
  subtype:  #egg_foo_yong__eggfooyong__egg_fu_yung  Chinese omelet containing onions and celery and chopped meat or fish
  subtype:  #egg_roll__eggroll__spring_roll  (Chinese) minced vegetables and meat wrapped in a pancake and fried
  subtype:  #eggs_Benedict  toasted English muffin topped with ham and a poached egg (or an oyster) and hollandaise sauce
  subtype:  #enchilada  (Mexican) tortilla with meat filling baked in chili-seasoned tomato sauce
  subtype:  #falafel  (Middle Eastern) small croquette of mashed chick peas or fava beans seasoned with sesame seeds
  subtype:  #fish_and_chips  fried fish and french-fried potatoes
  subtype:  #fondue__fondu  hot sauce-like melted cheese or chocolate in which bread or fruits are dipped
     subtype:  #cheese_fondue  fondue made of cheese melted in wine for dipping bread and sometimes fruits
     subtype:  #chocolate_fondue__chocolatefondue  fondue made of chocolate melted with milk or cream for dipping fruits
  subtype:  #fondu__fondue  cubes of meat or seafood cooked in hot oil and then dipped in any of various sauces
     subtype:  #beef_fondue__boeuf_fondu_bourguignon  cubes of beef cooked in hot oil and then dipped in various tasty sauces
  subtype:  #French_toast  bread slice dipped in egg and milk and fried; topped with sugar or fruit or syrup
  subtype:  #Chinese_fried_rice__fried_rice__friedrice  boiled rice mixed with scallions and minced pork or shrimp and quickly scrambled with eggs
  subtype:  #frittata  Italian omelet with diced vegetables and meats; cooked until bottom is set then inverted into another pan to cook the top
  subtype:  #frog_legs  hind legs of frogs used as food; resemble chicken and cooked as chicken
  subtype:  #galantine  boned poultry stuffed then cooked and covered with aspic; served cold
  subtype:  #gefilte_fish__gefiltefish__fish_ball  well-seasoned balls of ground fish and eggs and crushed crumbs simmered in fish stock
  subtype:  #haggis  (Scotland) made of sheep's or calf's viscera minced with oatmeal and suet and onions and boiled in the animal's stomach
  subtype:  #ham_and_eggs  eggs (scrambled or fried) served with ham
  subtype:  #hash  chopped meat mixed with potatoes and browned
     subtype:  #corned_beef_hash  hash made with corned beef
  subtype:  #jambalaya  spicy Creole dish of rice and ham, sausage, chicken, or shellfish with tomatoes, peppers, onions, and celery
  subtype:  #kebab__shish_kebab__shishkebab__kabob  cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a skewer usually with vegetables
     subtype:  #souvlaki__souvlakia  (Greek) made of lamb
  subtype:  #kedgeree  (British) a dish of rice and hard-boiled eggs and cooked flaked fish
  subtype:  #knish  (Russian Jewish) baked or fried turnover filled with potato or meat or cheese; often eaten as a snack
  subtype:  #lasagne__lasagna  baked dish of layers of lasagna pasta with sauce and cheese and meat or vegetables
  subtype:  #seafood_Newburg  seafood in Newburg sauce served on toast or rice
     subtype:  #lobster_Newburg__lobster_a_la_Newburg  lobster in Newburg sauce served on buttered toast or rice
     subtype:  #shrimp_Newburg  shrimp in Newburg sauce usually served in a rice ring
  subtype:  #lobster_thermidor__lobsterthermidor  diced lobster mixed with Mornay sauce placed back in the shell and sprinkled with grated cheese and browned
  subtype:  #lutefisk__lutfisk  (Scandinavian) dried cod soaked in a lye solution before boiling to give it a gelatinous consistency
  subtype:  #macaroni_and_cheese  macaroni in a cheese sauce
  subtype:  #macedoine  mixed diced fruits or vegetables; hot or cold
  subtype:  #meatball  ground meat formed into a ball and fried or simmered in broth
     subtype:  #porcupine_ball__porcupineball__porcupines  meat patties rolled in rice and simmered in a tomato sauce
     subtype:  #Swedish_meatball  meatballs simmered in stock
  subtype:  #meat_loaf__meatloaf  a baked loaf of ground meat
     subtype:  #fish_loaf  flaked fish baked in a loaf with bread crumbs and various seasonings
        subtype:  #salmon_loaf  fish loaf made with flaked salmon
  subtype:  #moussaka  casserole of eggplant and ground lamb with onion and tomatoes bound with white sauce and beaten eggs
  subtype:  #osso_buco  sliced veal knuckle or shin bone cooked with olive oil and wine and tomatoes and served with rice or vegetables
  subtype:  #pheasant_under_glass  a dish of roast pheasant served in a manner characteristic of expensive restaurants
  subtype:  #pilaf__pilaff__pilau__pilaw  rice cooked in well-seasoned broth with onions or celery and usually poultry or game or shellfish and sometimes tomatoes
     subtype:  #bulgur_pilaf  pilaf made with bulgur wheat instead of rice and usually without meat
  subtype:  #pizza__pizza_pie__pizzapie  Italian open pie made of thin bread dough spread with a spiced mixture of e.g. tomato sauce and cheese
     subtype:  #sausage_pizza__sausagepizza  tomato and cheese pizza with sausage
     subtype:  #pepperoni_pizza__pepperonipizza  tomato and cheese pizza with pepperoni
     subtype:  #cheese_pizza  pizza with lots of cheese
     subtype:  #anchovy_pizza__anchovypizza  tomato and cheese pizza with anchovies
     subtype:  #Sicilian_pizza  pizza made with a thick crust
  subtype:  #poi  Hawaiian dish of taro root pounded to a paste and often allowed to ferment
  subtype:  #pork_and_beans  dried beans cooked with pork and tomato sauce
  subtype:  #porridge  soft food made by boiling oatmeal or other meal or legumes in water or milk until thick
     subtype:  #hasty_pudding.porridge__hastypudding  (British usage) sweetened porridge made of tapioca or flour or oatmeal cooked quickly in milk or water
     subtype:  #gruel  a thin porridge of usually oatmeal or cornmeal
        subtype:  #skilly  a thin porridge or soup (usually oatmeal and water flavored with meat)
        subtype:  #loblolly  thick gruel
     subtype:  #oatmeal__burgoo  porridge made of rolled oats
  subtype:  #potpie  deep-dish meat and vegetable pie or a meat stew with dumplings
  subtype:  #rijsttaffel__rijstaffel__rijstafel  dish originating in Indonesia; a wide variety of foods and sauces are served with rice
  subtype:  #risotto__Itallian_rice  rice cooked with broth and sprinkled with grated cheese
  subtype:  #Salisbury_steak  ground beef patty usually with a sauce
  subtype:  #sauerbraten  pot roast marinated several days in seasoned vinegar before cooking; usually served with potato dumplings
  subtype:  #sauerkraut  shredded cabbage fermented in brine
  subtype:  #scallopine__scallopini  sauteed cutlets (usually veal or poultry) that have been pounded thin and coated with flour
     subtype:  #veal_scallopini  thin sauteed cutlets of veal
  subtype:  #scampi  large shrimp sauteed in oil or butter and garlic
  subtype:  #Scotch_egg  hard-cooked egg encased in sausage meat then breaded and deep-fried
  subtype:  #Scotch_woodcock  creamy scrambled eggs on toast spread with anchovy paste
  subtype:  #spaghetti_and_meatballs__spaghettiandmeatball  spaghetti with meatballs in a tomato sauce
  subtype:  #Spanish_rice  spicy rice with tomatoes and onions and green peppers
  subtype:  #steak_tartare__steaktartare__tartar_steak__cannibal_mound  ground beef mixed with raw egg and e.g. onions and capers and anchovies; eaten raw
  subtype:  #pepper_steak  strips of steak sauteed with green peppers and onions
  subtype:  #steak_au_poivre__peppered_steak__pepper_steak  steak covered with crushed peppercorns pan-broiled and served with brandy-and-butter sauce
  subtype:  #beef_Stroganoff  sauteed strips of beef and mushrooms in sour cream sauce served with noodles
  subtype:  #stuffed_cabbage__stuffedcabbage  parboiled head of cabbage scooped out and filled with a hash of chopped e.g. beef or ham and baked; served with tomato or cheese sauce
  subtype:  #kishke__stuffed_derma__stuffedderma  (Jewish) roasted fowl intestines with a seasoned filling of matzo meal and suet
  subtype:  #stuffed_peppers__stuffedpepper  parboiled green peppers stuffed usually with rice and meat and baked briefly
  subtype:  #hot_stuffed_tomato__hotstuffedtomato__stuffed_tomato__stuffedtomato  tomato cases filled with various mixtures and baked briefly
  subtype:  #cold_stuffed_tomato__stuffed_tomato__stuffedtomato  tomato cases filled with various salad mixtures and served cold
  subtype:  #succotash  fresh corn and lima beans with butter or cream
  subtype:  #sukiyaki  (Japanese) thin beef strips (or chicken or pork) cooked briefly at the table with onions and greens and soy sauce
  subtype:  #sashimi  (Japanese) very thinly sliced raw fish
  subtype:  #sushi  (Japanese) rice (with raw fish) wrapped in seaweed
  subtype:  #Swiss_steak  steak braised in tomato and onion mixture
  subtype:  #tamale  (Mexican) corn and cornmeal dough stuffed with a meat mixture then wrapped in corn husks and steamed
  subtype:  #tamale_pie  Mexican-like meat mixture covered with cornbread topping
  subtype:  #tempura  (Japanese) vegetables and seafood dipped in batter and deep-fried
  subtype:  #teriyaki  beef or chicken or seafood marinated in spicy soy sauce and grilled or broiled
  subtype:  #terrine  a pate or fancy meatloaf baked in an earthenware casserole
  subtype:  #Welsh_rarebit__Welsh_rabbit__rarebit  cheese melted with ale or beer served over toast
  subtype:  #Wiener_schnitzel__schnitzel  (Viennese) deep-fried breaded veal cutlets
  subtype:  #taco  (Mexico) a tortilla rolled cupped around a filling
     subtype:  #chicken_taco__chickentaco  a taco with a chicken filling
  subtype:  #burrito  (Mexico) a flour tortilla folded around a filling
     subtype:  #beef_burrito  a burrito with a beef filling
  subtype:  #tostada.dish  a flat tortilla with various fillings piled on it
     subtype:  #bean_tostada  a flat tortilla topped with refried beans
  subtype:  #refried_beans__refriedbean__frijoles_refritos  (Mexico) dried beans cooked and mashed and then fried in lard with various seasonings
  subtype:  #couscous.dish  a spicy dish that originated in North Africa; consists of pasta steamed with a meat and vegetable stew
  subtype:  #ramequin__ramekin  a cheese dish made with bread and egg crumbs that is baked and served in individual fireproof dishes

7 statements are about indirect instances of #dish: wotif#graph25_on_restaurant, wotif#graph31_on_restaurant, wotif#graph12_on_cafe, wotif#graph1_on_bar_and_grill, wotif#graph184_on_restaurant, wotif#graph76_on_cafe, wotif#graph4_on_take_away_restaurant click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

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