#disapproval.subject_matter  the expression of disapproval
  exclusion:  #approval.subject_matter
  supertype:  #subject_matter__subjectmatter__message__content__substance  what a communication that is about something is about
  subtype:  #disapprobation__condemnation  an expression of strong disapproval; pronouncing as wrong or morally culpable; "his uncompromising condemnation of racism"
     subtype:  #animadversion__censure  harsh criticism or disapproval
        subtype:  #interdict  an ecclesiastical censure by the Roman Catholic Church withdrawing certain sacraments and Christian burial from a person or all persons in a particular district
     subtype:  #demonization  to represent as diabolically evil; "the demonization of our enemies"
  subtype:  #unfavorable_judgment__unfavorablejudgment__criticism  disapproval expressed by pointing out faults or shortcomings; "the senator received severe criticism from his opponent"
     subtype:  #brickbat  blunt criticism
     subtype:  #faultfinding__carping  persistent petty and unjustified criticism
     subtype:  #flak__fire__attack__flack__blast  intense adverse criticism; "Clinton directed his fire at the Republican Party"; "the government has come under attack"; "don't give me any flak"
     subtype:  #thrust  verbal criticism; "he enlivened his editorials with barbed thrusts at politicians"
     subtype:  #potshot.unfavorable_judgment  criticism aimed at an easy target and made without careful consideration; "reporters took potshots at the mayor"
     subtype:  #rebuke__reproof__reproval__reprehension__reprimand  an act or expression of criticism and censure; "he had to take the rebuke with a smile on his face"
        subtype:  #riot_act  a vigorous reprimand; "I read him the riot act"
        subtype:  #chiding__scolding__objurgation  rebuking a person harshly
           subtype:  #wigging__wig  British slang for a scolding
        subtype:  #what_for  a strong reprimand
        subtype:  #castigation__earful__bawling_out__bawlingout__chewing_out__upbraiding__going-over__goingover__dressing_down  a severe scolding
        subtype:  #berating__blowing_up__blowingup  a severe rebuke; "he deserved the berating that the coach gave him"
        subtype:  #reproach  a mild rebuke or criticism; "words of reproach"
           subtype:  #self-reproach__self-reproof  the act of blaming yourself
           subtype:  #blame__rap  a reproach for some lapse or misdeed; "he took the blame for it"; "it was a bum rap"
        subtype:  #lecture__speech__talking_to__talkingto  a lengthy rebuke; "a good lecture was my father's idea of discipline"; "the teacher gave him a talking to"
           subtype:  #sermon__preaching  a moralistic rebuke; "your preaching is wasted on him"
           subtype:  #curtain_lecture__curtainlecture  a private lecture to a husband by his wife
        subtype:  #chastening__correction__chastisement  a rebuke for making a mistake
        subtype:  #admonishment__admonition__monition  a firm rebuke
     subtype:  #slating.unfavorable_judgment  a severely critical attack; "the reviewers gave his book a sound slating"
     subtype:  #stricture  severe criticism
  subtype:  #discouragement.disapproval  the expression of opposition and disapproval
     subtype:  #disheartenment  a communication that leaves you disheartened or daunted
     subtype:  #dissuasion.discouragement  a communication that dissuades you
     subtype:  #determent__deterrence__intimidation  a communication that makes you afraid to try something

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