#difference  the quality of being unlike or dissimilar: "there are many differences between jazz and rock"
  exclusion:  #sameness
  supertype:  #quality  an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone; "the quality of mercy is not strained"--Shakespeare
  subtype:  #otherness__othernes__distinctnes__separateness  the quality of being not alike; being distinct or different from that otherwise experienced or known
  subtype:  #differential  a quality that differentiates between similar things
  subtype:  #differentia  a distinguishing characteristic esp in different species of a genus
  subtype:  #distinction.difference  a distinguishing difference: "he learned the distinction between gold and lead"
  subtype:  #discrepancy.difference__divergence__variance  a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions; "a growing divergence of opinion"
     subtype:  #allowance.discrepancy__leeway__margin__tolerance  a permissible difference; allowing freedom to move within limits
  subtype:  #dissimilarity__unsimilarity  the quality of being dissimilar
     subtype:  #disparateness__disparatenes__distinctivenes  utter dissimilarity
     subtype:  #unlikeness__dissimilitude  dissimilarity evidenced by an absence of likeness
     subtype:  #nonuniformity  the quality of being diverse and interesting
        subtype:  #heterogeneity__heterogeneousness__heterogeneousnes  the quality of being diverse and not comparable in kind
           subtype:  #diverseness__diversenes__multifariousness__variety  noticeable heterogeneity; "a diversity of possibilities"; "the range and variety of his work is amazing"
              subtype:  #biodiversity  the diversity of plant and animal life in a particular habitat (or in the world as a whole); "a high level of biodiversity is desirable"
        subtype:  #inconsistency  the quality of being inconsistent and lacking a harmonious uniformity among things or parts
  subtype:  #variety  a difference that is usually pleasant; "he goes to France for variety"; "it is a refreshing change to meet a woman mechanic"
  subtype:  #inequality  lack of equality: "the growing inequality between rich and poor"
     subtype:  #nonequivalence  not interchangeable
     subtype:  #disparity  inequality or difference in some respect
        subtype:  #far_cry__farcry  a disappointing disparity; "it was a far cry from what he had expected"
        subtype:  #gap__spread  a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures: "gap between income and outgo"; "the spread between lending and borrowing costs"
        subtype:  #gulf.disparity  an unbridgeable disparity (as from a failure of understanding); "he felt a gulf between himself and his former friends"
        subtype:  #disproportion  lack of proportion; imbalance among the parts of something
     subtype:  #unevenness  the quality of being unbalanced

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