#depository__deposit__repository  a facility where things can be deposited for safekeeping
  supertype:  #installation__facility  a building or place that provides a particular service or is used for a particular industry; "the assembly plant is an enormous facility"
  part:  #storage_space
  subtype:  #archive__archives  a depository containing historical records and documents
     subtype:  #chancery  an office of archives for public or ecclesiastic records; a court of public records
  subtype:  #bank_building__bank  a building in which commercial banking is transacted; "the bank is on the corner of Nassau and Witherspoon"
  subtype:  #drop.depository  a central depository where things can be left or picked up
     subtype:  #maildrop  a drop where mail can be deposited
        subtype:  #postbox__mailbox__letter_box  public box for deposit of mail
           subtype:  #pillar_box  (British) a red pillar-shaped letter box
  subtype:  #depository_library__library  a depository built to contain books and other materials for reading and study
     subtype:  #athenaeum__atheneum  a place where reading materials are available
     subtype:  #lending_library__lendinglibrary__circulating_library__circulatinglibrary  library that provides books for use outside the building
  subtype:  #lost-and-found  repository in a public building where lost articles can be kept until their owners reclaim them
  subtype:  #museum  a depository for collecting and displaying objects having scientific or historical or artistic value
     subtype:  #Louvre_Museum__Louvre  an art museum that is a famous tourist attraction in Paris
     subtype:  #science_museum__sciencemuseum  a museum that collects and displays objects having scientific interest
     instance:  http://www.dollscottage.com.au  http://gympiegoldmuseum.citysearch.com.au
  subtype:  #repertory  a storehouse where a stock of things is kept
  subtype:  #sperm_bank__spermbank  a depository for storing sperm
  subtype:  #storehouse__depot__entrepot__storage__store  a depository for goods; "storehouses were built close to the docks"
     subtype:  #granary  a storehouse for threshed grain or animal feed
     subtype:  #powder_magazine__magazine__powder_store  a storehouse (as a compartment on a warship) where weapons and ammunition are stored
     subtype:  #railhead  a railroad depot in a theater of operations where military supplies are unloaded for distribution
     subtype:  #treasure_house  a storehouse for treasures
     subtype:  #storage_warehouse__storagewarehouse__warehouse  a storehouse for goods and merchandise
        subtype:  #godown  a warehouse in the East (India or Malaya)
  subtype:  #treasury.depository  a depository (a room or building) where wealth and precious objects can be kept safely

10 statements are about indirect instances of #depository: wotif#graph1_on_http://www.dollscottage.com.au, wotif#graph1_on_http://gympiegoldmuseum.citysearch.com.au, wotif#graph1_on_museum, wotif#graph2_on_museum, wotif#graph3_on_museum, wotif#graph4_on_museum, wotif#graph5_on_museum, wotif#graph6_on_museum, wotif#graph7_on_museum, wotif#graph8_on_museum click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

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