#deed__feat__effort__exploit  a notable achievement: "he performed a great deed"; "the book was her finest effort"
  supertype:  achievement  the action of accomplishing something
  subtype:  derring-do__derringdo  brave and heroic deeds
  subtype:  tour_de_force  a masterly or brilliant feat
  subtype:  going_away__goingaway__departure__going__leaving  act of departing
     subtype:  breaking_away  departing hastily
     subtype:  farewell__leave__leave-taking__leavetaking__parting  the act of departing politely; "he disliked long farewells"; "he took his leave"; "parting is such sweet sorrow"
        subtype:  valediction  the act of saying farewell
     subtype:  disappearing__disappearance  the act of leaving secretly or without explanation
        subtype:  vanishing  suddenly disappearing from sight
     subtype:  withdrawal  the act of withdrawing
        subtype:  self-effacement__effacement  withdrawing into the background; making yourself inconspicuous
        subtype:  retirement.withdrawal__retreat  withdrawal for prayer and study and meditation; "a religious retreat"
        subtype:  evacuation  the act of evacuating; leaving a place in an orderly fashion; especially for protection
        subtype:  decampment  breaking camp
        subtype:  desertion__abandonment__defection  withdrawing support or help despite allegiance or responsibility; "his abandonment of his wife and children left them penniless"
           subtype:  abscondment__decampment  the act of running away secretly (as to avoid arrest)
           subtype:  absence_without_leave__absencewithoutleave__unauthorizedabsence  unauthorized military absence
           subtype:  deviationism  ideological defection from the party line (especially from orthodox communism)
        subtype:  retreat  (military) withdrawal to a more favorable position
           subtype:  fallback__disengagement__pullout  to break off a military action with an enemy
        subtype:  standdown  (military) withdrawal of a military presence
        subtype:  receding.withdrawal__recession  an act of becoming more distant
     subtype:  sailing.going_away  the departure of a vessel from a port
     subtype:  embarkation__embarkment  the act of passengers and crew getting aboard a ship or aircraft
     subtype:  exit  the act of going out
     subtype:  shipment__dispatch__despatch  the act of sending off something
        subtype:  reshipment  the act of shipping again (especially by transferring to another ship)
     subtype:  takeoff  a departure; especially of airplanes
  subtype:  running_away__runningaway  leaving (without permission) the place you are expected to be
     subtype:  elopement  the act of running away with a lover (usually to get married)
     subtype:  escape__flight  the act of escaping physically; "he made his escape from the mental hospital"; "the canary escaped from its cage"; "his flight was an indication of his guilt"
        subtype:  evasion  the act of physically escaping from something (an opponent or a pursuer or an unpleasant situation) by some adroit maneuver
           subtype:  elusion__slip__eluding  the act of avoiding capture (especially by cunning)
           subtype:  evasive_action__evasiveaction__maneuver__manoeuvre  an action aimed at evading an enemy
              subtype:  clinch  (in boxing) the act of one boxer holding onto the other to avoid being hit and to rest momentarily
              subtype:  flight_maneuver__airplane_maneuver  an evasive maneuver by an aircraft
                 subtype:  bank.flight_maneuver  a flight maneuver; aircraft tips laterally about its longitudinal axis (especially in turning); "the plane went into a steep bank"
                    subtype:  vertical_bank  a bank so steep that the plane's lateral axis approaches the vertical
                 subtype:  loop  a flight maneuver; aircraft flies a complete circle in the vertical plane
                 subtype:  roll.flight_maneuver  a flight maneuver; aircraft rotates about its longitudinal axis without changing direction or losing altitude
                    subtype:  barrel_roll  a roll in which the plane follows a spiral course
                    subtype:  snap_roll  a fast roll
                 subtype:  sideslip__slip  a flight maneuver; aircraft slides sideways in the air
              subtype:  straight-arm  (football) the act of warding off a tackler by holding the arm fully extended with the hand against the opponent
           subtype:  dodge  a quick evasive movement
        subtype:  breakout__break__jailbreak__gaolbreak__prisonbreak__prison-breaking  an escape from jail; "the breakout was carefully planned"
        subtype:  lam__getaway  a rapid escape (as by criminals); "the thieves made a clean getaway"; "after the expose he had to take it on the lam"
        subtype:  exodus__hegira__hejira  a journey by a large group to escape from a hostile environment
        subtype:  Underground_Railroad__Underground_Railway  abolitionists secret aid to escaping slaves; pre-Civil War in US
  subtype:  egression__egress__emergence  the act of coming (or going) out; becoming apparent
     subtype:  surfacing  emerging to the surface and becoming apparent
     subtype:  emission.egression__emanation  the act of emitting
        subtype:  radiation.action  the act of radiating
           subtype:  bombardment  the act (or an instance) of subjecting a body or substance to the impact of high-energy particles (as electrons or alpha rays)
        subtype:  venting__discharge  the act of venting
  subtype:  acquiring__getting  the act of acquiring something; "I envied his talent for acquiring new friends"; "did you hear about his getting a car?"
     subtype:  acquisition  the act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something; "the acquisition of wealth"; "the acquisition of one company by another"
        subtype:  incurring  acquiring or coming into something (usually undesirable): "incurring debts is easier than paying them"
        subtype:  moneymaking  the act of making money (and accumulating wealth)
        subtype:  pork-barreling  acquisition of government money for benefits to a specific locale: "keeps his hold on his constituents through unashamed pork-barreling"
        subtype:  purchase  the acquisition of something for payment; "they closed the purchase with a handshake"
           subtype:  repurchase__redemption__buyback  purchasing back something previously sold
           subtype:  buying__purchasing  the act of buying; "buying and selling fill their days"; "shrewd purchasing requires considerable knowledge"
              subtype:  shopping  searching for or buying goods or services: "went shopping for a reliable plumber"; "does her shopping at the mall rather than down town"
                 subtype:  marketing  shopping at a market: "does the weekly marketing at the supermarket"
              subtype:  mail-order_buying__catalog_buying__catalogbuying  buying goods to be shipped through the mail
              subtype:  viatication__viaticus  purchasing insurance policies for cash from terminally ill policy holders
        subtype:  acceptance  the act of taking something that is offered; "her acceptance of the gift encouraged him"; "he anticipated their acceptance of his offer"
        subtype:  taking_over__succession  acquisition of property by descent or by will
        subtype:  laying_claim__assumption  the act of taking possession of or power over something; "his assumption of office coincided with the trouble in Cuba"; "the Nazi assumption of power in 1934"; "he acquired all the company's assets for ten million dollars and the assumption of the company's debts"
        subtype:  inheritance__heritage  hereditary succession to a title or an office or property
        subtype:  procurement__procurance__procural  the act of getting possession of something; "he was responsible for the procurement of materials and supplies"
        subtype:  regaining__restitution__return__restoration  getting something back again; "upon the restitution of the book to its rightful owner the child was given a tongue lashing"
           subtype:  clawback  (British) finding a way to take money back from people that they were given in another way; "the Treasury will find some clawback for the extra benefits members received"
        subtype:  buyout  acquisition of a company by purchasing a controlling percentage of its stock
           subtype:  leveraged_buyout__leveragedbuyout  a buyout using borrowed money; the target company's assets are usually security for the loan
              subtype:  bust-up_takeover  a leveraged buyout in which the target company's assets are sold to repay the loan that financed the takeover
           subtype:  strategic_buyout__strategicbuyout  an acquisition based on analysis of the benefits of consolidation in anticipation of increased earning power
           subtype:  takeover  a change by sale or merger in the controlling interest of a corporation
              subtype:  hostile_takeover__hostiletakeover  a takeover that is resisted by the management of the target company
              subtype:  friendly_takeover  a takeover that is welcomed by the management of the target company
     subtype:  obtainment__obtention  the act of obtaining
     subtype:  contracting__catching  becoming infected; "catching cold is sometimes unavoidable"; "the contracting of a serious illness can be financially catastrophic"
     subtype:  appropriation  a deliberate act of acquisition
        subtype:  borrowing.appropriation__adoption  the appropriation (of ideas or words etc) from another source; "the borrowing of ancient motifs was very apparent"
           subtype:  misappropriation  wrongful borrowing; "his explanation was a misappropriation of sociological theory"
        subtype:  preemption__pre-emption__preemption  a prior appropriation of something; "the preemption of bandwidth by commercial interests"
        subtype:  seizure  the taking possession of something by legal process
           subtype:  confiscation__arrogation  seizure by the government
              subtype:  expropriation  depriving an owner of property by taking it for public use
           subtype:  distraint__distress  the seizure and holding of property as security for payment of a debt or satisfaction of a claim
           subtype:  impoundment__impounding__internment__poundage  placing private property in the custody of an officer of the law
           subtype:  impress__impres  the act of coercing someone into government service
           subtype:  recapture  a legal seizure by the government of profits beyond a fixed amount
        subtype:  sequestration__requisition  seizing property that belongs to someone else and holding it until profits pay the demand for which it was seized
     subtype:  occupancy__occupation__taking_possession__moving_in  the act of occupying or taking possession of a building; "occupation of a building without a certificate of occupancy is illegal"
        subtype:  preoccupancy  the act of taking occupancy before someone else does
     subtype:  gaining_control__gainingcontrol__capture__seizure  the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property
        subtype:  usurpation  seizing and holding (an office or powers) by force
        subtype:  apprehension__arrest__catch__collar__pinch__taking_into_custody  the act of apprehending (especially apprehending a criminal); "the policeman on the beat got credit for the collar"
        subtype:  conquering__conquest__subjection__subjugation  the act of conquering
           instance:  Norman_Conquest
        subtype:  enslavement  the act of making slaves of your captives
     subtype:  reception.acquiring  the act of receiving
     subtype:  pickup  the act of taking aboard passengers or freight
  subtype:  disposal__disposition  the act or means of getting rid of something
     subtype:  appointment.disposal  (law) the act of disposing of property by virtue of the power of appointment; "she allocated part of the trust to her church by appointment"
     subtype:  comb-out  the act of carefully weeding out unwanted things or people; "the department got a good comb-out"
     subtype:  giving.disposal  disposing of property by voluntary transfer without receiving value in return; "the alumni followed a program of annual giving"
     subtype:  abandonment  the voluntary surrender of property (or a right to property) without attempting to reclaim it or give it away
        subtype:  throwing_away__discard  getting rid something that is regarded as useless or undesirable
        subtype:  discard  to throw out a useless card or to fail to follow suit
        subtype:  jettison  throwing cargo overboard to lighten the load when in distress
     subtype:  mine_disposal  the disposal of explosive mines
        subtype:  minesweeping  the activity of detecting and disposing of marine mines
     subtype:  sewage_disposal  the disposal of sewage
     subtype:  lending__loaning  disposing of money or property with the expectation that the same thing (or an equivalent) will be returned
        subtype:  usury  the act of lending money at an exorbitant rate of interest
  subtype:  rally.deed__rallying  the feat of mustering strength for a renewed effort; "he singled to start a rally in the 9th inning"; "he feared the rallying of their troops for a counterattack"
  subtype:  recovery.deed__retrieval  the act of regaining or saving something lost (or in danger of becoming lost)
     subtype:  repossession  the action of regaining possession (especially the seizure of collateral securing a loan that is in default)
     subtype:  rescue__deliverance__delivery__saving  recovery or preservation from loss or danger; "work is the deliverance of mankind": "a surgeon's job is the saving of lives"
        subtype:  lifesaving  saving the lives of drowning persons; "he took a course in lifesaving"
        subtype:  redemption__salvation  (Christianity) the act of delivering from sin or saving from evil
           subtype:  absolution__remission__remittal__remission_of_sin  the act of absolving or remitting; formal redemption as pronounced by a priest in the sacrament of penance
           subtype:  spiritual_rebirth__spiritualrebirth__conversion__rebirth  a spiritual enlightenment causing a person to lead a new life
              subtype:  proselytism  the state of being a proselyte; spiritual rebirth resulting from the zeal of crusading advocacy of the gospel
           subtype:  propitiation__expiation__atonement  the act of atoning for sin or wrongdoing
        subtype:  reformation  rescuing from error and returning to a rightful course
        subtype:  salvage  the act of rescuing a ship or its crew or its cargo from a shipwreck or a fire
        subtype:  salvage.rescue  the act of saving goods or property that were in danger of damage or destruction
        subtype:  salvation.rescue  saving someone or something from harm of from an unpleasant situation; "the salvation of his party was the president's major concern"
        subtype:  search_and_rescue_mission  a military rescue mission to search for survivors and to rescue them
     subtype:  ransom.recovery  the act of freeing from captivity or punishment
     subtype:  retaking__recapture  the act of taking something back
  subtype:  effectuation__implementation  the act of implementing (providing a practical means for accomplishing something)
     subtype:  invocation  the act of appealing for help
     subtype:  instrumentation  the act of providing or using the instruments needed for some implementation
     subtype:  automation__mechanization__mechanisation__high_technology__high-tech  a highly technical implementation; usually involving electronic hardware; "automation replaces human workers by machines"
     subtype:  motorization__motorisation  the act of motorizing (equiping with motors or with motor vehicles)
     subtype:  means.effectuation__mean__agency__way  how a result is obtained or an end is achieved; "a means of control"; "an example is the best agency of instruction"; "the true way to success"
        subtype:  dint  interchangeable with `means' in the expression `by dint of'
        subtype:  escape.means  a means or way of escaping; "hard work was his escape from worry"; "they installed a second hatch as an escape"; "their escape route"
        subtype:  road  a way or means to achieve something; "the road to fame"
           subtype:  royal_road__royalroad  an auspicious way or means to achieve something: "the royal road to success"
        subtype:  stepping_stone  any means of advancement; "the job was just a stepping stone on his way to fame and riches"
        subtype:  expedient  a means to an end; not necessarily a principled or ethical one
           subtype:  makeshift__stopgap  something contrived to meet an urgent need or emergency
           subtype:  crutch  anything that serves as an expedient; "he uses drugs as a psychological crutch"
           subtype:  improvisation__temporary_expedient__temporaryexpedient  an unplanned expedient
           subtype:  pis_aller__pisaller__last_resort  French for `worst going'
        subtype:  desperate_measure__desperatemeasure  desperate actions taken as a means to an end; "he had to resort to desperate measures"
        subtype:  open_sesame  any very successful means of achieving a result
        subtype:  salvation  a means of preserving from harm or unpleasantness; "tourism was their economic salvation"; "they turned to individualism as their salvation"
        subtype:  tooth.means  a means of enforcement; "the treaty had no teeth in it"
        subtype:  voice.means  a means or agency by which something is expressed or communicated; "the voice of the law"; "the Times is not the voice of New York"; "conservatism has many voices"
        subtype:  wings__wing  a means of flight or ascent; "necessity lends wings to inspiration"
     subtype:  praxis__practice  translating an idea into action; "a hard theory to put into practice"; "differences between theory and praxis of communism"
  subtype:  actuation__propulsion  the act of propelling
     subtype:  launching.actuation__launch  the act of propelling with force
        subtype:  rocket_firing__rocket_launching  the launching of a rocket or missile under its own power
           subtype:  blastoff__shot  the launching of a missile or spacecraft to a specified destination
           subtype:  moon_shot  the launching of a spacecraft to the moon
     subtype:  launching  the act of moving a newly-built vessel into the water for the first time
     subtype:  driving_force__drivingforce__drive__thrust  the act of applying force to propel something; "after reaching the desired velocity the drive is cut off"
        subtype:  firewall  (informal) the application of maximum thrust; "he slammed the throttle to the firewall"
        subtype:  impulse__impulsion__impetus__impetu  the act of applying force suddenly; "the impulse knocked him over"
     subtype:  roll  the act of rolling something (as the ball in bowling)
     subtype:  throw  the act of throwing (propelling something through the air with a rapid movement of the arm and wrist); "the catcher made a good throw to second base"
        subtype:  bowling.throw  (cricket) the act of delivering a cricket ball to the batsman
           subtype:  Chinaman  a ball bowled by a left-handed bowler to a right-handed batsman that spins from off to leg
           subtype:  googly__wrong_'un__wrong'un__bosie__bosie_ball__bosieball  a cricket ball bowled as if to break one way that actually breaks in the opposite way
           subtype:  no_ball  unlawfully delivered ball in cricket; "the umpire called it a no ball"
        subtype:  fling  the act of flinging
        subtype:  heave.throw__heaving  throwing something heavy (with great effort); "he gave it a mighty heave"; "he was not good at heaving passes"
        subtype:  hurl__cast  a violent throw
        subtype:  leaner  (horseshoes) the throw of a horseshoe so as to lean against (but not encircle) the stake
        subtype:  toss__pass__flip  (sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team; "the pass was fumbled"
           subtype:  centering__snap  (football) putting the ball in play by passing it (between the legs) to a back
        subtype:  pitch  the action or manner of throwing something; "his pitch fell short and his hat landed on the floor"
        subtype:  pitch.throw__delivery  (baseball) the throwing of a baseball by a pitcher to a batter
           subtype:  balk  an illegal pitching motion while runners are on base
           subtype:  ball.pitch  a pitch that is not in the strike zone; "he threw nine straight balls before the manager yanked him"
           subtype:  beanball__beaner  a baseball deliberately thrown at the batter's head
           subtype:  change-up__change-of-pace__change-of-pace_ball__off-speed_pitch__offspeedpitch  a baseball thrown with little velocity when the batter is expecting a fastball
           subtype:  curve_ball__curveball__curve__breaking_ball__bender  a baseball thrown with spin so that its path curves as it approach the batter
           subtype:  duster  a pitch thrown deliberately close to the batter
           subtype:  fastball__heater__smoke__hummer__bullet  (baseball) a pitch thrown with maximum velocity; "he swung late on the fastball"; "he showed batters nothing but smoke"
              subtype:  slider  a fastball that curves slightly away from the side from which it was thrown
           subtype:  knuckleball__knuckler  a baseball pitch thrown with little speed or spin
           subtype:  screwball  a pitch with reverse spin that curves toward the side of the plate from which it was thrown
           subtype:  sinker  a pitch that curves downward rapidly as it approaches the plate
           subtype:  spitter__spitball  an illegal pitch in which a foreign substance (spit or Vaseline) is applied to the ball by the pitcher before he throws it
           subtype:  strike.pitch  a pitch that is in the strike zone and that the batter does not hit; "this pitcher throws more strikes than balls"
           subtype:  submarine_ball__submarineball__submarine_pitch__submarinepitch  a pitch thrown sidearm instead of overhead
           subtype:  wild_pitch  a pitch that the catcher cannot stop
        subtype:  ringer  (horseshoes) the successful throw of a horseshoe or quoit so as to encircle a stake or peg
        subtype:  shy  a quick throw; "he gave the ball a shy to the first baseman"
        subtype:  slinging  throwing with a wide motion (as if with a sling)
        subtype:  throw-in__throwin  (rugby football) an act or instance of throwing a ball in to put it into play
     subtype:  pushing__push  the act of applying force in order to move something away; "he gave the door a hard push"; "the pushing is good exercise"
        subtype:  depression  pushing down; "depression of the space bar on the typewriter"
           subtype:  mouse_click__mouseclick__click  depression of a button on a computer mouse: "a click on the right button for example"
        subtype:  nudge__jog  a slight push or shake
        subtype:  press__pres__pressing  the act of pressing; the exertion of pressure; "he gave the button a press"; "he used pressure to stop the bleeding"; "at the pressing of a button"
           subtype:  impression.press  the act of pressing one thing on or into the surface of another; "he watched the impression of the seal on the hot wax"
           subtype:  compressing__compression  applying pressure
              subtype:  squeezing__squeeze  the act of gripping and pressing firmly; "he gave her cheek a playful squeeze"
                 subtype:  tweak__pinch  a squeeze with the fingers
                 subtype:  expression.squeezing  the act of forcing something out by squeezing or pressing; "the expression of milk from her breast"
                 subtype:  extrusion__expulsion  squeezing out by applying pressure
                 subtype:  constriction  the action or process of constricting or squeezing
                    subtype:  spasm  (pathology) sudden constriction of a hollow organ (as a blood vessel)
                       subtype:  bronchospasm  a spasm of the bronchi that makes exhalation difficult and noisy; associated with asthma and bronchitis
                       subtype:  cardiospasm  a spasm of the cardiac sphincter (between the esophagus and the stomach); if the cardiac sphincter does not relax during swallowing the passage of food into the stomach is obstructed
                       subtype:  retch__heave  an involuntary spasm of ineffectual vomiting; "a bad case of the heaves"
                       subtype:  laryngismus__laryngismu  laryngeal spasm caused by the sudden contraction of laryngeal muscles
                    subtype:  strangulation  (pathology) constriction of a body part so as to cut off the flow of blood or other fluid: "strangulation of the intestine"
                    subtype:  vasoconstriction  decrease in the diameter of blood vessels
              subtype:  condensing__condensation  the act of increasing the density of something
                 subtype:  thickening__inspissation  the act of thickening
              subtype:  compaction__crush__crunch  the act of crushing
                 subtype:  grind__mill__pulverization__pulverisation  the act of grinding
           subtype:  decompressing__decompression  relieving pressure
        subtype:  shove  the act of shoving (giving a push to someone or something); "he gave the door a shove"
           subtype:  bundling  the act of shoving hastily; "she complained about bundling the children off to school"
           subtype:  jostle__jostling  the act of jostling (forcing your way by pushing)
              subtype:  elbowing  jostling with the elbows; "elbowing is a foul in basketball"
        subtype:  boost  the act of giving an upward push; "he gave her a boost over the fence"
     subtype:  pulling__pull  the act of pulling; applying force to move something toward or with you; "the pull up the hill had him breathing harder"; "his strenuous pulling strained his back"
        subtype:  drag  the act of dragging (pulling with force); "the drag up the hill exhausted him"
        subtype:  haulage__draw__haul  the act of drawing or hauling something; "the haul up the hill went very slowly"
           subtype:  tow__towage  the act of hauling something (as a vehicle) by means of a hitch or rope; "the truck gave him a tow to the garage"
        subtype:  tug__jerk  a sudden abrupt pull
        subtype:  draft__draught__drawing  the act of moving a load by drawing or pulling
        subtype:  extirpation__deracination  the act of pulling up or out; uprooting
        subtype:  pluck  the act of pulling and releasing a taut cord
        subtype:  traction  (orthopedics) the act of pulling on a bone or limb (as in a fracture) to relieve pressure or align parts in a special way during healing; "his leg was in traction for several days"
     subtype:  lift.actuation__raise__heave__elevation  the act of raising something; "he responded with a lift of his eyebrow"; "fireman learn several different raises for getting ladders up"
     subtype:  forcing_out__forcingout__expulsion__projection__ejection  the act of expelling or projecting or ejecting
        subtype:  defenestration  the act of throwing someone or something out of a window
        subtype:  belch__burp__burping  a reflex that expels wind noisily from the stomach through the mouth
        subtype:  belching  the forceful expulsion of something from inside; "the belching of smoke from factory chimneys"
        subtype:  coughing_up  the act of expelling (food or phlegm) by coughing
        subtype:  spitting__spit__expectoration  the act of spitting (forcefully expelling saliva)
        subtype:  vomiting__vomit__emesis__regurgitation__disgorgement__puking  the reflex act of ejecting the contents of the stomach through the mouth
           subtype:  rumination  regurgitation of small amounts of food; seen in some infants after feeding
           subtype:  hematemesis__hematemesi__haematemesis  vomiting blood
           subtype:  hyperemesis__hyperemesi  severe and excessive vomiting
              subtype:  hyperemesis_gravidarum__hyperemesisgravidarum  hyperemesis during pregnancy; if severe it can result in damage to the brain and liver and kidney
     subtype:  jump__jumping  the act of jumping; propelling yourself off the ground; "he advanced in a series of jumps"; "the jumping was unexpected"
        subtype:  header  a headlong jump (or fall); "he took a header into the shrubbery"
        subtype:  hop  the act of hopping (jumping upward or forward (especially on one foot))
        subtype:  leaping__leap__spring__saltation__bound__bounce  a light springing movement upwards or forwards
           subtype:  pounce  the act of pouncing
        subtype:  vault.jump__hurdle  the act of vaulting
     subtype:  lob  the act of propelling something (as a ball or shell etc.) in a high arc
     subtype:  wheeling__rolling  propelling something on wheels
     subtype:  shooting.actuation__shot  the act of firing a projectile; "his shooting was slow but accurate"
        subtype:  shoot  the act of shooting at targets; "they hold a shoot every weekend during the summer"
           subtype:  skeet_shooting__skeetshooting__skeet  the sport of shooting at clay pigeons that are hurled upward in such a way as to simulate the flight of a bird
        subtype:  countershot  a return shot; a retaliatory shot
        subtype:  firing_off__discharge__firing  the act of discharging a gun
           subtype:  gun.firing_off  the discharge of a gun as signal or as a salute in military ceremonies; "a twenty gun salute"
        subtype:  gunfire__gunshot  the act of shooting a gun; "the gunfire endangered innocent bystanders"; "they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire"
           subtype:  enfilade_fire__enfilade  gunfire directed along the length rather than the breadth of a formation
        subtype:  headshot  a shot aimed at a person's head
        subtype:  shellfire  shooting artillery shells
        subtype:  potshot  a shot taken at an easy or casual target (as by a pothunter)
     subtype:  dribble  the propulsion of a ball by repeated taps or kicks
  subtype:  touch__touching  the act of putting two things together with no space between them; "at his touch the room filled with lights"
     subtype:  contact.touch  the act of touching physically; "her fingers came in contact with the light switch"
        subtype:  wipe__rub  the act of rubbing or wiping; "he gave the hood a quick rub"
           subtype:  scuff  the act of scuffing (scraping or dragging the feet)
           subtype:  rubdown  the act of rubbing down
        subtype:  fair_ball  (in baseball) a ball struck with the bat so that it stays between the lines (the foul lines) that define the width of the playing field
        subtype:  snick  a glancing contact with the ball off the edge of the cricket bat
        subtype:  laying_on  the act of contacting something with your hand; "peonies can be blighted by the laying on of a finger"
     subtype:  dab__tap__pat  a light touch or stroke
     subtype:  hitting__hit__striking  a act of hitting one thing with another; "repeated hitting raised a large bruise"; "after three misses she finally got a hit"
        subtype:  contusion  the action of bruising; "the bruise resulted from a contusion"
        subtype:  collision.hitting__crash__smash  the act of colliding with something
           subtype:  impingement__impaction  a sharp collision produced by striking or dashing against something
        subtype:  bunt  the act of hitting a baseball lightly without swinging the bat
        subtype:  fly_ball__flyball__fly  (baseball) a hit that flies high in the air
           subtype:  blast  a long and hard-hit fly ball
           subtype:  pop_fly__popfly  a short high fly ball
        subtype:  grounder__ground_ball__hopper  (baseball) a hit that travels along the ground
           subtype:  chopper__chop  a grounder that bounces high in the air
           subtype:  roller  a grounder that rolls along the infield
        subtype:  header.hitting  (soccer) the act of hitting the ball with your head
        subtype:  line_drive__liner  (baseball) a hit that flies straight out from the batter; "the batter hit a liner to the shortstop"
        subtype:  scorcher.hitting__screamer  a very hard hit ball
        subtype:  plunker  the act of hitting a baseball so that it drops suddenly
     subtype:  dig__jab  the act of touching someone suddenly with your finger or elbow; "she gave me a sharp dig in the ribs"
     subtype:  kiss__brush  a light glancing touch; "there was a brief kiss of their hands in passing"
     subtype:  buss__kiss__osculation  a caress with the lips
        subtype:  smooch__smack  an enthusiastic kiss
           subtype:  smacker.smooch  a loud kiss
        subtype:  soul_kiss__deep_kiss__French_kiss  an open-mouthed kiss in which your tongue is inserted into the other's mouth
     subtype:  grab__catch__snatch__snap  the act of catching an object with the hands; "Mays made the catch with his back to the plate"
        subtype:  fair_catch  a catch of a punt on the fly by a defensive player who has signalled that he will not run and so should not be tackled
        subtype:  interception  the act of catching a football by a player on the opposing team
        subtype:  reception  the act of catching a pass in football; "the tight end made a great reception on the 20 yard line"
        subtype:  rebound  the act of securing possession of the rebounding basketball after a missed shot
        subtype:  shoestring_catch  (baseball) a running catch made near the ground
        subtype:  interlock__mesh__meshing__interlocking  the act of interlocking or meshing; "an interlocking of arms by the police held the crowd in check"
     subtype:  handling.touch__manipulation  the action of touching with the hands or the skillful use of the hands
        subtype:  fielding  (in baseball) handling the ball while playing in the field
     subtype:  fingering.touch  touching something with the fingers
     subtype:  grope  the act of groping; and instance of groping
     subtype:  palpation__tactual_exploration__tactualexploration  a method of examination in which the examiner feels the size or shape or firmness or location of something (of body parts when the examiner is a health professional)
        subtype:  ballottement  a palpatory technique for feeling a floating object in the body (especially for determining the position of a fetus by feeling the rebound of the fetus after a quick digital tap on the wall of the uterus)
     subtype:  tickling__tickle__titillation  the act of tickling
     subtype:  stroking__stroke  a light touch with the hands
        subtype:  caress  a gentle affectionate stroking (or something resembling it); "he showered her with caresses"; "soft music was a fond caress"; "the caresses of the breeze played over his face"
     subtype:  tag.touch  touching a player in a game
     subtype:  lick__lap  touching with the tongue
     subtype:  shaving__grazing__skimming  the act of brushing against while passing
  subtype:  hit  a successful stroke in an athletic contest (especially in baseball); "he came all the way around on Williams' hit"
     subtype:  base_hit__safety__bingle  the successful act of striking a baseball in such a way that the batter reaches base safely
        subtype:  home_run__homer  a base hit on which the batter scores a run
           subtype:  solo_homer__solo_blast  a home run with no runners on base
        subtype:  single  a base hit on which the batter stops safely at first base
           subtype:  line-drive_single__line_single  a single resulting from a line drive
        subtype:  two-base_hit__double__two-bagger__twobagger__two-baser__twobaser  a base hit on which the batter stops safely at second base; " he hit a double to deep centerfield"
           subtype:  line-drive_double__line_double  a double resulting from a line drive
        subtype:  three-base_hit__triple__three-bagger__threebagger  a base hit at which the batter stops safely at third base
           subtype:  line-drive_triple__line_triple  a triple resulting from a line drive
  subtype:  uncovering__discovery__find  the act of discovering something
     subtype:  espial__detection__catching__spying__spotting  the act of detecting something; catching sight of something
     subtype:  self-discovery  discovering your own individuality
     subtype:  breakthrough  making an important discovery
     subtype:  determination__finding  the act of determining the properties of something
        subtype:  designation.determination__identification  the act of designating or identifying something
           subtype:  diagnosis__diagnosi__diagnosing  identifying the nature or cause of some phenomenon
              subtype:  blood_typing__bloodtyping  determining a person's blood type by serological methods
              subtype:  medical_diagnosis__medicaldiagnosi  identification a disease from its symptoms
                 subtype:  differential_diagnosis  a systematic method of diagnosing a disorder (e.g., headache) that lacks unique symptoms or signs
                 subtype:  medical_prognosis__medicalprognosi__prognosi__prospect  a prediction of the course of a disease
              subtype:  urinalysis__uranalysis  the chemical analysis of urine (for medical diagnosis)
        subtype:  solving  finding a solution to a problem
        subtype:  validation__proof  the act of validating; finding or testing the truth of something
           subtype:  authentication__certification  validating the authenticity of something or someone
           subtype:  documentation__support  documentary validation; "his documentation of the results was excellent"; "the strongest support for this this view is the work of Jones"
           subtype:  monetization__monetisation  establishing something (e.g. gold or silver) as the legal tender of a country
           subtype:  probate  the act of proving that an instrument purporting to be a will was signed and executed in accord with legal requirements
        subtype:  falsifying__falsification__disproof__refutation  the act of determining that something is false
        subtype:  localization__localisation__location__locating__fix  a determination of the location of something; "he got a good fix on the target"
           subtype:  echolocation__echo_sounding  determining the location of something by measuring the time it takes for an echo to return from it
        subtype:  redetermination  determining again
     subtype:  rediscovery  the act of discovering again
  subtype:  causing__causation  the act of causing something to happen
     subtype:  sending  the act of causing something to go (especially messages)
        subtype:  transmittal__transmission__transmitting  the act of sending a message; causing a message to be transmitted
           subtype:  forwarding  the act of sending on to another destination; "the forwarding of mail to a new address is done automatically"; "the forwarding of resumes to the personnel department"
              subtype:  referral  the act of referring (as forwarding an applicant for employment or referring a matter to an appropriate agency)
                 subtype:  remitment__remission__remit  the act of remitting (especially the referral of a law case to another court)
           subtype:  mailing__posting  the transmission of a letter; "the postmark indicates the time of mailing"
           subtype:  telephotography.transmittal  transmission and reproduction of photographs and charts and pictures over a distance
              subtype:  radiophotography  transmission of photographs by radio waves
     subtype:  trigger__induction__initiation  an act that sets in motion some course of events
        subtype:  instigation__fomentation  deliberate and intentional triggering (of trouble or discord)
     subtype:  compulsion__coercion  using force to cause something: "though pressed into rugby under compulsion I began to enjoy the game"; "they didn`t have to use coercion"
        subtype:  constructive_eviction__eviction  action by a landlord that compels a tenant to leave the premises (as by rendering the premises unfit for occupancy); no physical expulsion or legal process is involved
     subtype:  influence  causing something without any direct or apparent effort
        subtype:  cross-pollination__crosspollination  stimulating influence among diverse elements; "the cross-pollination of the arts"
        subtype:  exposure  the act of subjecting someone to an influencing experience; "she denounced the exposure of children to pornography"
        subtype:  impingement.influence__encroachment__impact  influencing strongly: "they resented the impingement of American values on European culture"
        subtype:  manipulation__use  exerting shrewd or devious influence especially for one's own advantage; "his manipulation of his friends was scandalous"
        subtype:  hypnotism__mesmerism__suggestion  the act of inducing hypnosis
        subtype:  persuasion  inducement by argument or reasoning or entreaty
        subtype:  enticement__temptation  the act of influencing by exciting hope or desire; "his enticements were shameless"
           subtype:  wheedling__blandishment  the act of urging by means of teasing or flattery
           subtype:  invitation.enticement  the act of enticing or alluring; "she was an invitation to trouble"
           subtype:  leading_astray__leadingastray__leading_off__leadingoff  the act of enticing others into sinful ways
           subtype:  seduction  enticing someone astray from right behavior
           subtype:  solicitation.enticement__allurement  the act of enticing a person to do something wrong (as an offer of sex in return for money)
     subtype:  inducing__inducement  act of bringing about a desired result: "inducement of sleep"
  subtype:  equalization__equalisation__leveling  the act of making equal or uniform
     subtype:  balancing__reconciliation  getting two things to correspond; "the reconciliation of his checkbook and the bank statement"
     subtype:  equating__equation  the act of regarding as equal
  subtype:  exhumation__disinterment__digging_up__diggingup  the act of digging up something (especially a corpse) that has been buried
  subtype:  obstetrical_delivery__obstetricaldelivery__delivery  the act of delivering a child
     subtype:  breech_delivery__breech_birth__breech_presentation  delivery of an infant whose feet or buttocks appear first
        subtype:  frank_breech_delivery__frank_breech__frankbreech  position of a fetus in which the buttocks are present at the maternal pelvic outlet
     subtype:  cesarean_delivery__caesarean_delivery__caesareandelivery__cesarean_section__cesarian_section__caesarean_section__caesareansection__C-section__cesarean__cesarian__caesarean__abdominal_delivery__abdominaldelivery  the delivery of a fetus by surgical incision through the abdominal wall and uterus (from the belief that Julius Caesar was born that way)
     subtype:  forceps_delivery__forcepsdelivery  delivery in which forceps are inserted through the vagina and used to grasp the head of the fetus and pull it through the birth canal; since the forceps can injure the fetus this procedure has generally given way to cesarean deliveries
     subtype:  midwifery  assisting women at childbirth
  subtype:  stunt  a difficult or unusual or dangerous feat; usually done to gain attention
     subtype:  Russian_roulette  a stunt in which you spin the cylinder of a revolver that is loaded with only one bullet and then point the muzzle at your head and pull the trigger
     subtype:  acrobatic_stunt__acrobatic_feat__acrobaticfeat  a stunt performed by an acrobat
        subtype:  backbend  an acrobatic feat in which the trunk is bent backward from a standing position until the hands touch the floor
        subtype:  back_circle  a feat in which an acrobat arches the back from a prone position and bends the knees until the toes touch the head
        subtype:  walkover  backbends combined with handstands
        subtype:  cartwheel  acrobatic revolutions with the body turned sideways and the arms and legs outstretched like the spokes of a wheel
        subtype:  handstand  the act of supporting yourself by your hands alone in an upside down position
        subtype:  handspring  an acrobatic feat in which a person goes from a standing position to a handstand and back again
        subtype:  headstand  an acrobatic feat in which a person balances on the head (usually with the help of the hands)
        subtype:  tumble  an acrobatic feat of rolling or turning end over end
           subtype:  somersault__somersaulting__flip  an acrobatic feat in which the feet roll over the head (either forward or backward) and return
              subtype:  flip-flop  a backward somersault
        subtype:  split  extending the legs at right angles to the trunks (one in front and the other in back)

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