#creation__creative_activity  the human act of creating
  supertype:  activity  any specific activity or pursuit; "they avoided all recreational activity"
  subtype:  pornography__porno__porn  creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire
     subtype:  child_pornography__childpornography__kiddie_porn__kiddy_porn__kiddyporn  the illegal use of children in pornographic pictures or films
  subtype:  re-creation  the act of creating again
  subtype:  creating_from_raw_materials  the act of creating something that is different from the materials that went into it
     subtype:  stitching__sewing  joining or attaching by stitches
        subtype:  blind_stitching__blindstitching  stitching that is not easily seen or noticed
        subtype:  suturing  surgical joining of two surfaces
     subtype:  baking  making bread or cake or pastry etc.
     subtype:  spinning  creating thread
     subtype:  weaving  creating fabric
        subtype:  netting  creating netting
     subtype:  knitting  creating knitted wear
     subtype:  crocheting  creating a garment of needlework
     subtype:  lace_making__tatting  act or process or making tatting or handmade lace
     subtype:  mintage  act or process of minting coins
     subtype:  molding__casting  the act of creating something by casting it in a mold
     subtype:  recording__transcription  the act of making a record (especially an audio record); "she watched the recording from a sound-proof booth"
        subtype:  lip_synchronization__lipsynchronization__lip_synch__lipsynch__lip_sync__lipsync  combining audio and video recording in such a way that the sound is perfectly synchronized with the action that produced it; especially synchronizing the movements of a speaker's lips with the sound of his speech
        subtype:  mastering  the act of making a master recording from which copies can be made; "he received a bill for mastering the concert and making 100 copies"
     subtype:  construction.creating_from_raw_materials__building  the act of constructing or building something; "during the construction we had to take a detour"; "his hobby was the building of boats"
        subtype:  erecting__erection  the act of building or putting up
        subtype:  house-raising__houseraising  construction by a group of neighbors
        subtype:  fabrication__assembly  the act of constructing something (as a piece of machinery)
        subtype:  dry_walling__drywalling  the activity of building stone walls without mortar
        subtype:  leveling__grading  changing the ground level to a smooth horizontal or gently sloping surface
        subtype:  road_construction  the construction of roads
        subtype:  shipbuilding  the construction of ships
        subtype:  rustication.construction  the construction of masonry or brickwork in a rustic manner
     subtype:  manufacture__fabrication  the act of making something (a product) from raw materials
        subtype:  shaping__formation  the fabrication of something in a particular shape
           subtype:  filing.shaping  the act of using a file (as in shaping or smoothing an object)
           subtype:  forging  shaping metal by heating and hammering
           subtype:  metalworking__metalwork  the activity of making things out of metal in a skillful manner
           subtype:  grooving__rifling  the cutting of spiral grooves on the inside of the barrel of a firearm
        subtype:  prefabrication  the manufacture of sections of a building at the factory so they can be easily and rapidly assembled at the building site
     subtype:  confection__concoction  the act of creating something by compounding or mixing raw materials
     subtype:  lamination  bonding thin sheets together
        subtype:  veneering  the act of applying veneer
     subtype:  tanning  making leather from rawhide
  subtype:  creating_by_mental_acts  the act of creating something by thinking
     subtype:  formation  creation by mental activity; "the formation of sentences"; "the formation of memories"
     subtype:  designing__design  the act of working out the form of something (as by making a sketch or outline or plan); "he contributed to the design of a new instrument"
        subtype:  planning.designing  the act or process of drawing up plans or layouts for some project or enterprise
           subtype:  city_planning__town_planning__urban_planning__urbanplanning  determining and drawing up plans for the future physical arrangement and condition of a community
     subtype:  computer_programming__programming__programing__computer_programing  creating a sequence of instructions to enable the computer to do something
        subtype:  logic_programming__logicprogramming  creating a program that enables the computer to reason logically
     subtype:  verbal_creation  creating something by the use of speech and language
        subtype:  writing__authorship__composition__penning  the act of creating written works; "writing was a form of therapy for him"; "it was a matter of disputed authorship"
           subtype:  drafting  writing a first version to be filled out and polished later
           subtype:  fictionalization__fabrication__fictionalisation  writing in a fictional form
           subtype:  novelization__novelisation  converting something into the form of a novel
           subtype:  redaction  the act of putting something in writing
           subtype:  lexicography  the act of writing dictionaries
           subtype:  versification  the writing of verse
              subtype:  poetic_rhythm__rhythmic_pattern__prosody  a system of versification
                 subtype:  cadence__meter__measure__beat  (prosody) the accent in a metrical foot of verse
                    subtype:  scansion  analysis of verse into metrical patterns
                    subtype:  common_measure__common_meter  the usual (iambic) meter of a ballad
                    subtype:  metrical_foot__foot__metrical_unit  a group of 2 or 3 syllables forming the basic unit of poetic rhythm
                       subtype:  dactyl  a metrical unit with stressed-unstressed-unstressed syllables
                       subtype:  iamb__iambus  a metrical unit with unstressed-stressed syllables
                       subtype:  anapest__anapaest  a metrical unit with unstressed-unstressed-stressed syllables
                       subtype:  amphibrach  a metrical unit with unstressed-stressed-unstressed syllables (e.g., `remember')
                       subtype:  trochee  a metrical unit with stressed-stressed-unstressed syllables
                       subtype:  spondee  a metrical unit with stressed-stressed syllables
                       subtype:  dibrach__pyrrhic  a metrical unit with unstressed-unstressed syllables
                 subtype:  sprung_rhythm  a poetic rhythm that imitates the rhythm of speech
              subtype:  rhyme__rime  correspondence in the sounds of two or more lines (especially final sounds)
                 subtype:  internal_rhyme  a rhyme between words in the same line
                 subtype:  alliteration__initial_rhyme__initialrhyme__beginning_rhyme__beginningrhyme__head_rhyme  use of the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable in a line of verse: "around the rock the ragged rascal ran"
                 subtype:  assonance__vowel_rhyme__vowelrhyme  the repetition of similar vowels in the stressed syllables of successive words
                 subtype:  consonant_rhyme__consonantrhyme__consonance  the repetition of consonants (or consonant patterns) especially at the ends of words
                 subtype:  eye_rhyme__eyerhyme  an imperfect rhyme (e.g., `love' and `move')
        subtype:  editing  putting something (as a literary work) into publishable form
           subtype:  copy_editing  putting something (as a literary work) into suitable form for a printer
           subtype:  deletion.editing__cut  the part that is omitted when an editorial change shortens a written passage; "an editor's deletions frequently upset young authors"
           subtype:  correction.editing  something substituted for an error
              subtype:  erasure  correction by erasing
           subtype:  rewriting__revising  editing that involves writing something again
              subtype:  revisal__revision__revise__rescript  the act of rewriting something
              subtype:  rewording__recasting__rephrasing  changing a particular word or phrase
                 subtype:  paraphrase__paraphrasis__paraphrasi  rewording for the purpose of clarification
                    subtype:  translation.paraphrase  rewording something in less technical terminology
        subtype:  interlingual_translation__translation
     subtype:  actualization__realization__realisation__actualisation  making real or giving the appearance of reality
        subtype:  objectification  representing as an object
           subtype:  exteriorization__externalization__externalisation__exteriorisation  embodying in an outward form
           subtype:  hypostatization__reification  regarding something abstract as a material thing
           subtype:  embodiment  giving concrete form to an abstract concept
              subtype:  soul  the human embodiment of something; "the soul of honor"
              subtype:  personification__incarnation  the act of attributing human characteristics to abstract ideas etc.
     subtype:  composing__composition  musical creation
        subtype:  arranging__arrangement  the act of arranging a piece of music
           subtype:  orchestration  the act of arranging a piece of music for an orchestra
     subtype:  invention  the act of inventing
        subtype:  neologism__neology__coinage  the act of inventing a word or phrase
        subtype:  devisal__contrivance  the act of devising something
     subtype:  conceptualization__conceptualisation__formulation  the act of formulation something
        subtype:  plan_of_attack__approach__attack  ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation; "his approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons"; "an attack on inflation"; "his plan of attack was misguided"
           subtype:  avenue  a line of approach; "they explored every avenue they could think of"; "it promises to open new avenues to understanding"
        subtype:  framing  formulation of the plans and important details; "the framing of judicial decrees"
  subtype:  artistic_creation__art__artistic_production  the creation of beautiful or significant things; "a good example of modern art": "I was never any good at art"
     subtype:  ceramics  the art of making and decorating pottery
     subtype:  decal  the art of transfering designs from specially prepared paper to a wood or glass or metal surface
     subtype:  decoupage  the art of decorating a surface with shapes or pictures and then coating it with vanish or lacquer
     subtype:  draftsmanship__drawing__drafting  the creation of artistic drawings; "he learned drawing from his father"
        subtype:  pyrography  the act of producing drawings on wood or leather by using heated tools or a fine flame
        subtype:  tracing  the act of drawing a plan or diagram or outline
     subtype:  glyptography  carving or engraving (especially on stones)
     subtype:  oragami  the Japanese art of folding paper into shapes representing objects (e.g., flowers or birds)
     subtype:  painting.artistic_creation  making a picture with paints; "he studied painting and sculpture for many years"
        subtype:  fresco  a durable method of painting on a wall by using watercolors on wet plaster
        subtype:  impasto  painting that applies the pigment thickly so that brush or palette knife marks are visible
        subtype:  oil_painting__oilpainting  the act of painting with oil paints
     subtype:  perfumery  the art of making perfumes
     subtype:  printmaking  artistic design and manufacture of prints as woodcuts or silkscreens
        subtype:  engraving__etching  making engraved or etched plates and printing designs from them
           subtype:  steel_engraving__steelengraving  the act of engraving on a steel plate
           subtype:  aquatint  a method of etching that imitates the broad washes of a water color
        subtype:  serigraphy  the act of making a print by the silk-screen method
        subtype:  lithography  the act of making a lithographic print
     subtype:  sculpture__carving  making figures or designs in three dimensions
        subtype:  moulding__modeling__modelling__molding  a preliminary sculpture in wax or clay from which a finished work can be copied
           subtype:  cheoplasty  molding artificial teeth using low-fusing metals or alloys
     subtype:  topiary  making decorative shapes by trimming shrubs or trees
  subtype:  creating_by_removal  the act of creating by removing something
     subtype:  digging__excavation__dig  the act of digging; "there's an interesting excavation going on near Princeton"
     subtype:  carving  cutting away parts to create a desired shape
     subtype:  drilling__boring  the act of drilling
     subtype:  gouge  the act of gouging
     subtype:  film_editing__cutting  the activity of selecting the scenes to be shown and putting them together to create a film

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