#craft  a vehicle designed for navigation in or on water or air or through outer space
  supertype:  #vehicle  a conveyance that transports people or objects
  subtype:  #aircraft  a vehicle that can fly
     subtype:  #bogy__bogie__bogey  an unidentified (and possibly enemy) aircraft
     subtype:  #cruise_missile  an unmanned aircraft that is a self-contained bomb
     subtype:  #heavier-than-air_craft  a non-buoyant aircraft that requires a source of power to hold it aloft and to propel it
        subtype:  #airplane__aeroplane__plane  an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets; "the flight was delayed due to trouble with the airplane"
           subtype:  #airliner  a commercial airplane that carries passengers
              subtype:  #airbus  a subsonic jet airliner operated over short distances
              subtype:  #narrowbody_aircraft__narrowbody  a commercial airliner with a single aisle
              subtype:  #widebody_aircraft__widebody__twin-aisle_airplane  a commerical airliner with two aisles
           subtype:  #amphibious_aircraft__amphibian  an airplane designed to take off and land on water
           subtype:  #biplane  old fashioned airplane; has two wings one above the other
           subtype:  #bomber  a military aircraft that drops bombs during flight
              subtype:  #B-52  US military aircraft; B- stands for bomber
              subtype:  #dive_bomber  a bomber that releases its bombs during a steep dive toward the target
           subtype:  #fighter_aircraft__fighteraircraft__fighter__attackaircraft  a high-speed military or naval airplane designed to destroy enemy aircraft in the air
              subtype:  #interceptor  a fast maneuverable fighter plane designed to intercept enemy aircraft
              subtype:  #kamikaze  a fighter plane used for suicide missions by Japanese pilots in World War II
           subtype:  #hangar_queen  an airplane with a bad maintenance record
           subtype:  #jet-propelled_plane__jetpropelledplane__jet__jetplane  an airplane powered by one or more jet engines
              subtype:  #jumbojet__jumbo_jet__jumbojet  a very large jet plane
              subtype:  #twinjet  a jet plane propelled by two jet engines
           subtype:  #monoplane  an airplane with a single wing
           subtype:  #multiengine_airplane__multiengineairplane__multiengine_plane__multiengineplane  a plane with two or more engines
           subtype:  #propeller_plane__propellerplane  an airplane that is driven by a propeller
              subtype:  #double-prop__double-propeller_plane__twin-prop__twin-propeller-plane  a propeller plane with an engine that drives two propellers in opposite directions (for stability)
              subtype:  #propjet__turboprop__turbopropellerplane  an airplane with an external propeller that is driven by a turbojet engine
              subtype:  #single_prop__single-propeller_plane  an propeller plane with a single propeller
           subtype:  #seaplane__hydroplane  an airplane that can land on or take off from water; "the designer of marine aircraft demonstrated his newest hydroplane"
              subtype:  #floatplane__pontoon_plane__pontoonplane  a seaplane equipped with pontoons for landing or taking off from water
              subtype:  #flying_boat  a large seaplane that floats on the full rather than on pontoons
           subtype:  #ski-plane__skiplane  an airplane equipped with skis so it can land on a snowfield
           subtype:  #turbojet__turboprop  airplane powered by a turbojet engine
        subtype:  #autogiro__autogyro__gyroplane  an aircraft that is supported in flight by unpowered rotating horizontal wings (or blades); forward propulsion is provided by a conventional propeller
        subtype:  #pilotless_aircraft__pilotlessaircraft__drone__radio-controlled_aircraft  an aircraft without a pilot that is operated by remote control
        subtype:  #glider__sailplane  aircraft supported only by the dynamic action of air against its surfaces
           subtype:  #hang_glider  a glider resembling a large kite; the rider hangs from it while descending from a height
        subtype:  #helicopter__chopper__whirlybird__eggbeater  an aircraft without wings that obtains its lift from the rotation of overhead blades
           subtype:  #cargo_helicopter__cargohelicopter  a helicopter that carries cargo
           subtype:  #shuttle_helicopter__shuttlehelicopter  a helicopter that shuttles back and forth
           subtype:  #single-rotor_helicopter  a helicopter having a single rotor
           subtype:  #skyhook.helicopter  helicopter carrying a reel of steel cable that can be used to lift and transport heavy objects
        subtype:  #orthopter__ornithopter  heavier-than-air craft that is propelled by the flapping of wings
     subtype:  #lighter-than-air_craft  aircraft supported by its own buoyancy
        subtype:  #airship__dirigible  a steerable self-propelled airship
           subtype:  #barrage_balloon__barrageballoon  an elongated tethered balloon or blimp with cables or net suspended from it to deter enemy planes that are flying low
              subtype:  #kite_balloon  a barrage balloon with lobes at one end that keep it headed into the wind
           subtype:  #blimp__sausage_balloon__sausageballoon__sausage  a small nonrigid airship used for observation or as a barrage balloon
           subtype:  #zeppelin__Graf_Zeppelin  a large rigid dirigible designed to carry passengers or bombs
        subtype:  #balloon  large tough non-rigid bag filled with gas or hot air
           subtype:  #hot-air_balloon__hotairballoon  balloon for travel through the air in a basket suspended below a large bag of heated air
           subtype:  #meteorological_balloon  a small unmanned balloon set aloft to observe atmospheric conditions
              subtype:  #pilot_balloon__pilotballoon  meteorological balloon used to observe air currents
           subtype:  #trial_balloon.balloon__trialballoon  a balloon sent up to test air currents
  subtype:  #hovercraft__ground-effect_machine  a craft capable of moving over water or land on a cushion of air created by jet engines
  subtype:  #landing_craft__landingcraft  naval craft designed for putting ashore troops and equipment
  subtype:  #spacecraft__ballistic_capsule__ballisticcapsule__space_vehicle__spacevehicle  a craft capable of traveling in outer space; technically a satellite around the sun
     subtype:  #lander  a space vehicle that is designed to land on the moon or another planet
     subtype:  #lunar_excursion_module__lunarexcursionmodule__lunar_module__lunarmodule__LEM  a spacecraft that carries astronauts from the command module to the surface of the moon and back
     subtype:  #space_capsule__spacecapsule__capsule  a spacecraft designed to transport people and support human life in outer space
     subtype:  #space_shuttle__spaceshuttle  a reusable spacecraft with wings for a controlled descent through the Earth's atmosphere
  subtype:  #vessel.craft__watercraft  a craft designed for water transportation
     subtype:  #boat  a small vessel for travel on water
        subtype:  #ark  a boat built by Noah to save his family and animals from the Flood
        subtype:  #barge__flatboat__hoy__lighter  a boat with a flat bottom for carrying heavy loads (especially on canals)
           subtype:  #dredger  a barge or barge-like vessel used for dredging
           subtype:  #houseboat  a barge that is designed and equipped for use as a dwelling
           subtype:  #pontoon.barge  a floating structure (as a flat-bottomed boat) that serves as a dock or to support a bridge
           subtype:  #scow  a barge carrying bulk materials in an open hold
           subtype:  #Norfolk_wherry__wherry  (British) sailing barge used especially in East Anglia
        subtype:  #bumboat  a small boat that ferries supplies and commodities for sale to a larger ship at anchor
        subtype:  #canal_boat__canalboat__narrowboat  a long narrow boat used on canals to carry freight
        subtype:  #ferry__ferryboat  a boat that transports people or vehicles across a body of water and operates on a regular schedule
           subtype:  #car-ferry  a ferry that transports motor vehicles
        subtype:  #fireboat  a boat equipped to fight fires on ships or along a waterfront
        subtype:  #gondola  long narrow flat-bottomed boat propelled by sculling; traditionally used on canals of Venice
        subtype:  #guard_boat__guardboat  a boat that is on guard duty (as in a harbor) around a fleet of warships
        subtype:  #gunboat  a small shallow-draft boat carrying mounted guns; used by costal patrols
        subtype:  #junk  any of various Chinese boats with a high poop and lugsails
        subtype:  #longboat  the largest boat carried by a merchant sailing vessel
        subtype:  #lugger  small fishing boat rigged with one or more lugsails
        subtype:  #Mackinaw_boat__mackinaw  a flat-bottomed boat used on upper Great Lakes
        subtype:  #mailboat__mail_boat__packet__packet_boat  a boat for carrying mail
        subtype:  #motorboat__powerboat  a boat propelled by an internal-combustion engine
           subtype:  #cabin_cruiser__cabincruiser__cruiser__pleasure_boat__pleasure_craft  a large motorboat that has a cabin and plumbing and other conveniences necessary for living on board
           subtype:  #launch  a motorboat with an open deck or a half deck
           subtype:  #outboard_motorboat__outboard  a motorboat with an outboard motor
           subtype:  #speedboat  a fast motorboat
              subtype:  #hydroplane__hydrofoil  a speedboat that is equipped with hydrofoils that lift it so that it skims the water at high speeds; "the museum houses a replica of the jet hydroplane that broke the record"
           subtype:  #water_scooter__waterscooter__sea_scooter__seascooter__scooter  a motorboat resembling a motor scooter
        subtype:  #pilot_boat__pilotboat  a boat to carry pilots to and from large ships
        subtype:  #police_boat  a boat used by harbor police
        subtype:  #punt  an open flat-bottomed boat used in shallow waters and propelled by a long pole
        subtype:  #river_boat__riverboat  a boat used on rivers or to ply a river
           subtype:  #keelboat  river boat with a shallow draught and a keel but no sails; used to carry freight; moved by rowing or punting or towing
           subtype:  #showboat  a river steamboat on which theatrical performances could be given (especially on the Mississippi River)
        subtype:  #scow.boat  any of various flat-bottomed boats with sloping ends
        subtype:  #sea_boat__seaboat  a boat that is seaworthy; that is adapted to the open seas
           subtype:  #lifeboat  a strong sea boat designed to rescue people from a sinking ship
           subtype:  #whaleboat  a long narrow boat designed for quick turning and use in rough seas
        subtype:  #sharpie  a long narrow shallow-draft boat with a flat bottom and a triangular sail; formerly used along the N Atlantic coast of the US
        subtype:  #small_boat__smallboat  a boat that is small
           subtype:  #canoe  small and light boat; pointed at both ends; propelled with a paddle
              subtype:  #birchbark_canoe__birchbarkcanoe__birchbark  a canoe made with the bark of a birch tree
              subtype:  #dugout_canoe__dugout__pirogue  a canoe made by hollowing out and shaping a large log
              subtype:  #kayak  a small canoe consisting of a light frame made watertight with animal skins; used by Eskimos
              subtype:  #outrigger_canoe__outriggercanoe  a seagoing canoe (as in South Pacific) with an outrigger to prevent it from upsetting
           subtype:  #cockleshell  a small light flimsy boat
           subtype:  #coracle  a small rounded boat made of hides stretched over a wicker frame; still used in some parts of Great Britain
           subtype:  #dinghy__dory__rowboat  a small boat of shallow draft with cross thwarts for seats and rowlocks for oars with which it is propelled
              subtype:  #rowing_boat  (British) a rowboat
              subtype:  #wherry  light rowboat for use in racing or for transporting goods and passengers in inland waters and harbors
           subtype:  #gig.small_boat  long and light rowing boat; especially for racing
           subtype:  #racing_boat  a boat propelled by oarsmen and designed for racing
              subtype:  #racing_gig  a light narrow racing boat for two or more oarsmen
              subtype:  #racing_shell__shell  a very light narrow racing boat
                 subtype:  #racing_skiff__single_shell  a shell for a single oarsman
                 subtype:  #scull  a racing shell propelled by one or two oarsmen pulling two oars
           subtype:  #skiff  any of various small boats propelled by oars or by sails or by a motor
              subtype:  #sampan  an Asian skiff usually propelled by two oars
           subtype:  #yawl.small_boat  a ship's small boat (usually rowed by 4 or 6 oars)
              subtype:  #jolly_boat__jollyboat__jolly  a yawl used by a ship's sailors for general work
        subtype:  #steamboat  a boat propelled by a steam engine
           subtype:  #showboat  a river steamboat on which theatrical performances could be given (especially on the Mississippi River)
        subtype:  #surfboat  a boat that can be launched or landed in heavy surf
        subtype:  #ship's_boat__tender__pinnace__cutter  a boat for communication between ship and shore
           subtype:  #gig.ship's_boat  tender that is a light ship's boat; often for personal use of captain
        subtype:  #tugboat__tug__towboat__tower  a powerful small boat designed to pull or push larger ships
     subtype:  #fishing_boat__fishingboat__fishing_smack__fishingsmack__fishing_vessel__fishingvessel  a vessel for fishing; often has a well to keep the catch alive
        subtype:  #dragger__trawler  a fishing boat that uses a trawl net or dragnet to catch fish
     subtype:  #antique_crescent-shaped_galley__galley  (classical antiquity) a crescent-shaped seagoing vessel propelled by oars
        subtype:  #trireme  ancient Greek or Roman galley or warship having three tiers of oars on each side
     subtype:  #large_medieval_galley__galley  a large medieval vessel with a single deck propelled by sails and oars with guns at stern and prow; a complement of 1,000 men; used mainly in the Mediterranean for war and trading
     subtype:  #ice_yacht__iceyacht__iceboat__scooter  a sailing vessel with runners and a cross-shaped frame; suitable for traveling over ice
     subtype:  #Merrimac  an iron-clad vessel built by the Confederate forces in the hope of breaking the blockade imposed by the North
     subtype:  #Monitor  an iron-clad vessel built by Federal forces to do battle with the Merrimac
     subtype:  #patrol_boat__patrol_ship  a vessel assigned to patrol an area
     subtype:  #sailing_vessel__sailingvessel__sailing_ship__sailingship  a vessel that is powered by the wind; often having several masts
        subtype:  #barque__bark  a sailing ship with 3 (or more) masts
        subtype:  #brig  two-masted sailing vessel square-rigged on both masts
        subtype:  #brigantine__hermaphrodite_brig__hermaphroditebrig  two-masted sailing vessel square-rigged on the foremast and fore-and-aft rigged on the mainmast
        subtype:  #clipper_ship__clippership__clipper  a fast sailing ship used in former times
        subtype:  #cutter.sailing_vessel  a sailing vessel with a single mast set further back than the mast of a sloop
        subtype:  #dhow  a lateen-rigged sailing vessel used by Arabs
        subtype:  #felucca  a fast narrow sailing ship of the Mediterranean
        subtype:  #fore-and-after  sailing vessel with a fore-and-aft rig
        subtype:  #galleon  a large square-rigged sailing ship with three or more masts; used by the Spanish for commerce and war from the 15th to 18th centuries
           subtype:  #carrack  a large galleon sailed in the Mediterranean as a merchantman
        subtype:  #Indiaman  a large sailing ship that was engaged in the British trade with India
        subtype:  #ketch  a sailing vessel with two masts; the mizzen is forward of the rudderpost
        subtype:  #sailboat__sailing_boat__sailingboat  a small sailing vessel; usually with a single mast
           subtype:  #catamaran  a sailboat with two parallel hulls held together by single deck
           subtype:  #catboat  a sailboat with a single mast set far forward
           subtype:  #trimaran  a fast sailboat with 3 parallel hulls
        subtype:  #schooner  sailing vessel used in former times
           subtype:  #sharpshooter  a fast schooner once used by New England fisherman for illegal fishing in Canadian waters
        subtype:  #sloop  a sailing vessel with a single mast set about one third of the boat's length aft of the bow
           subtype:  #knockabout  a sloop with a simplified rig and no bowsprit
           subtype:  #raceabout  a small sloop having the keep of a knockabout but with finer lines and carrying more sail
        subtype:  #smack  a sailing ship (usually rigged like a sloop or cutter) used in fishing and sailing along the coast
        subtype:  #square-rigger  a square-rigged sailing ship
        subtype:  #windjammer  a large sailing ship
        subtype:  #yawl  a sailing vessel with two masts; a small mizzen is aft of the rudderpost
     subtype:  #ship  a vessel that carries passengers or freight
        subtype:  #abandoned_ship__abandonedship__derelict  a ship abandoned on the high seas
        subtype:  #blockade-runner  a ship that runs through or around a naval blockade
        subtype:  #cargo_ship__cargoship__cargo_vessel__cargovessel  a ship design to carry cargo
           subtype:  #banana_boat  a ship designed to transport bananas
           subtype:  #freighter__bottom__merchantman__merchant_ship  a cargo ship; "they did much of their overseas trade in foreign bottoms"
           subtype:  #cattleship__cattle_boat  a cargo ship for the transport of livestock
           subtype:  #container_ship__containership__containership  a cargo ship designed to hold containerized cargoes
           subtype:  #Liberty_ship  a slow cargo ship built during World War II
           subtype:  #oil_tanker__oiltanker__oiler__tanker__tank_ship  a cargo ship designed to carry crude oil in bulk
              subtype:  #supertanker  the largest class of oil tankers
        subtype:  #flagship  the ship that carries the commander of a fleet and flies his flag
        subtype:  #Flying_Dutchman  a spectral ship said to be seen in storms, especially off the Cape of Good Hope
        subtype:  #gas-turbine_ship__gasturbineship  a ship powered by a gas turbine
        subtype:  #hospital_ship  a ship built to serve as a hospital; used for wounded in wartime
        subtype:  #hulk  a ship that has been wrecked and abandoned
        subtype:  #iceboat__icebreaker  a ship with a reinforced bow to break up ice and keep channels open for navigation
        subtype:  #lightship  a ship equipped like a lighthouse and anchored where a permanent lighthouse would be impracticable
        subtype:  #Mayflower  the ship in which the Pilgrim Fathers sailed from England to Massachusetts in 1620
        subtype:  #minelayer  ship equipped for laying marine mines
        subtype:  #minesweeper  ship equipped to detect and then destroy or neutralize or remove marine mines
        subtype:  #nuclear-powered_ship__nuclearpoweredship  ship whose motive power comes from the energy of a nuclear reactor
        subtype:  #passenger_ship__passengership  a ship built to carry passengers
           subtype:  #ocean_liner__oceanliner__liner  a large commercial ship (especially one that carries passengers on a regular schedule)
              subtype:  #cabin_liner__cabinliner  a liner with cabins for passengers
              subtype:  #cargo_liner__cargoliner  a liner that carries cargo
              subtype:  #cruise_ship__cruise_liner  a passenger ship used commercially for pleasure cruises
              subtype:  #express_luxury_liner__luxury_liner  a liner equipped for sumptuous living
        subtype:  #pirate_ship__pirate  a ship manned by pirates
           subtype:  #corsair  a swift pirate ship (often operating with official sanction)
        subtype:  #school_ship__training_ship  a ship used to train students as sailors
        subtype:  #shipwreck  a wrecked ship (or a part of one)
        subtype:  #sister_ship  a ship that is one of two or more similar ships built at the same time
        subtype:  #slave_ship__slaveship  a ship used to transport slaves from their homes to places of bondage
        subtype:  #small_ship__smallship  a ship that is small
        subtype:  #spaceship  a ship that travels through outer space (especially in science fiction)
        subtype:  #steamship__steamer  a ship powered by one or more steam engines
           subtype:  #paddle_steamer__paddle-wheeler  a steam vessel propelled by paddle wheels
              subtype:  #side-wheeler  a paddle steamer having a paddle wheel on each side
              subtype:  #sternwheeler  a paddle steamer having the paddle wheel in the stern
           subtype:  #tramp_steamer__trampsteamer__tramp  a commercial steamer for hire; one having no regular schedule
        subtype:  #supply_ship__tender  ship that usually provides supplies to other ships
        subtype:  #three-decker.ship__threedecker  any ship having three decks
        subtype:  #transport_ship__transportship  a ship for carrying soldiers or military equipment
        subtype:  #treasure_ship  a 16th-century ship loaded with treasure
        subtype:  #troopship  ship for transporting troops
        subtype:  #warship__war_vessel__warvessel__combat_ship  a government ship that is available for waging war
           subtype:  #attack_aircraft_carrier__aircraft_carrier__carrier  a large warship that carries planes and has a long flat deck for take-offs and landings
           subtype:  #battleship__battlewagon  large and heavily armoured warship
              subtype:  #dreadnought__dreadnaught  battleship that has big guns all of the same caliber
              subtype:  #pocket_battleship  a small battleship built to conform with treaty limitations on tonnage and armament (from 1925 to 1930)
           subtype:  #capital_ship__capitalship  a warship of the first rank in size and armament
           subtype:  #corvette  a highly maneuverable escort warship; smaller than a destroyer
           subtype:  #cruiser  a large fast warship; smaller than a battleship and larger than a destroyer
              subtype:  #battle_cruiser  a cruiser of maximum speed and firepower
              subtype:  #guided_missile_cruiser  a cruiser that carries guided missiles
           subtype:  #guided_missile_destroyer__destroyer  a small fast lightly armored but heavily armed warship
              subtype:  #tin_can__tincan  informal term for a destroyer
              subtype:  #torpedo-boat_destroyer  small destroyer that was the forerunner of modern destroyers; designed to destroy torpedo boats
           subtype:  #destroyer_escort__destroyerescort  warship smaller than a destroyer; designed to escort fleets or convoys
           subtype:  #frigate  a United States warship larger than a destroyer and smaller than a cruiser
              subtype:  #guided_missile_frigate  a frigate that carries guided missiles
           subtype:  #frigate.warship  a medium size square-rigged warship of the 18th and 19th centuries
              subtype:  #Constitution__Old_Ironsides  United States 44-gun frigate that was one of the first three naval ships built by the United States; it won brilliant victories over British frigates during the War of 1812 and is without doubt the most famous ship in the history of the United States Navy; it has been rebuilt and is anchored in the Charlestown Navy Yard in Boston
           subtype:  #guard_ship__guardship  a warship (at anchor or under way) required to maintain a higher degree of readiness than others in its squadron
           subtype:  #man-of-war__ship_of_the_line  a warship intended for combat
           subtype:  #privateer  a privately owned warship commissioned to prey on the commercial shipping or warships of an enemy nation
           subtype:  #sloop_of_war  a sailing or steam warship having cannons on only one deck
           subtype:  #submersible_warship__submersiblewarship__submersible  a warship designed to operate under water
              subtype:  #pigboat__submarine__sub__uboat  a submersible warship usually armed with torpedoes
                 subtype:  #attack_submarine  a military submarine designed and armed to attack enemy shipping
                 subtype:  #auxiliary_research_submarine  a submarine for research purposes
                 subtype:  #fleet_ballistic_missile_submarine__fleetballisticmissilesubmarine  a submarine carrying ballistic missiles
                 subtype:  #nautilus__nuclear_submarine__nuclearsubmarine__nuclear-powered_submarine__nuclearpoweredsubmarine  a submarine that is propelled by nuclear power
           subtype:  #surface_ship__surfaceship  a warship that operates on the surface of the water
           subtype:  #three-decker__threedecker  a warship carrying guns on three decks
           subtype:  #torpedo_boat__torpedoboat  small high-speed warship designed for torpedo attacks in coastal waters
              subtype:  #PT_boat__mosquito_boat__mosquito_craft__motor_torpedo_boat__motortorpedoboat  a small fast unarmored and lightly armed torpedo boat; P(ropeller) T(orpedo) boat
        subtype:  #whaling_ship__whalingship__whaler  a ship engaged in whale fishing
           subtype:  #factory_ship__factoryship  a whaling ship equipped to process whale products at sea
        subtype:  #wreck.ship  a ship that has been destroyed at sea
     subtype:  #shrimper  a vessel engaged in shrimping
     subtype:  #weather_ship__weathership  an oceangoing vessel equipped to make meteorological observations
     subtype:  #racing_yacht__yacht  an expensive vessel propelled by sail or power and used for cruising or racing

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