#contractile_organ__contractileorgan__contractor  a bodily organ that contracts
  supertype:  organ  a fully differentiated structural and functional unit in an animal that is specialized for some particular function
  subtype:  muscle__musculus  one of the contractile organs of the body
     subtype:  skeletal_muscle  a muscle that is connected at either or both ends to a bone and so move parts of the skeleton
        subtype:  voluntary_muscle__voluntarymuscle  striated muscle that can be controlled voluntarily
        subtype:  abductor_muscle__abductor  a muscle that draws a part away from the median line
           subtype:  musculus_abductor_digiti_minimi_manus  the abductor muscle of the little finger
           subtype:  musculus_abductor_digiti_minimi_pedis  the abductor muscles of the little toe
           subtype:  musculus_abductor_hallucis  the abductor muscle of the great toe
           subtype:  musculus_abductor_pollicis  the abductor muscle of the thumb
        subtype:  adductor_muscle__adductor  a muscle that draws a part toward the median line
           subtype:  musculus_adductor_brevis  the short adductor muscle of the thigh
           subtype:  musculus_adductor_longus  the long adductor muscle of the thigh
           subtype:  musculus_adductor_magnus__great_adductor_muscle  the muscle that adducts and extends the thing
           subtype:  musculus_adductor_hallucis  the adductor muscle of the great toe
        subtype:  anconeous_muscle__anconeousmuscle__musculus_anconeus  the muscle that extends the forearm and abducts the ulna in pronation of the wrist
        subtype:  articular_muscle__articularmuscle  a muscle that inserts directly onto the capsule of a joint
           subtype:  musculus_articularis_cubiti  a small branch of the triceps that inserts into the capsule of the elbow joint
           subtype:  musculus_articularis_genus  the articular muscle of the knee
        subtype:  extensor_muscle__extensor  a skeletal muscle whose contraction extends or stretches a body part
           subtype:  musculus_quadriceps_femoris__quadriceps__quadriceps_femoris__quad  a muscle of the thigh that extends the leg
        subtype:  flexor_muscle__flexor  a skeletal muscle whose contraction bends a joint
        subtype:  deltoid_muscle__deltoidmuscle__deltoid__musculus_deltoideus  a large triangular muscle covering the shoulder joint and serving to abduct and flex and extend and rotate the arm
        subtype:  serratus_muscles__serratus  any of several muscles of the trunk
           subtype:  anterior_serratus_muscle__serratus_anterior__musculus_serratus_anterior__serratus_magnus  muscles that rotate the scapula and elevate the rib cage
           subtype:  posterior_serratus_muscle__serratus_posterior__musculus_serratus_posterior  skeletal muscle that draws the rib cage backward and downward
              subtype:  serratus_posterior_inferior  a thin quadrilateral muscle at the junction of the thoracic and lumbar regions; acts to counteract the pull of the diaphragm on the ribs to which it is attached
              subtype:  serratus_posterior_superior  a thin quadrilateral muscle of the upper and dorsal part of the thorax; acts to elevate the upper ribs
        subtype:  pectoral_muscle__pectoral__pectoralis__musculus_pectoralis__pecs  either of two large muscles of the chest
           subtype:  musculus_pectoralis_major__pectoralis_major__greater_pectoral_muscle  a skeletal muscle that adducts and rotates the arm
           subtype:  musculus_pectoralis_minor__pectoralis_minor__smaller_pectoral_muscle  a skeletal muscle that draws down the scapula or raises the ribs
        subtype:  intercostal_muscle__intercostalmuscle__intercostal__musculusintercostali  muscles between the ribs; they contract during inspiration
        subtype:  depressor_muscle__depressormuscle  any skeletal muscle that draws a part down
        subtype:  transversalis_abdominis__transversalisabdomini__transversalis__transversali__transversus__transversu__transversus_abdominis__transversusabdomini  a flat muscle with transverse fibers that forms the anterior and lateral walls of the abdominal cavity
        subtype:  latisimus_dorsi__latisimusdorsi__lat  a broad flat muscle on either side of the back
        subtype:  gluteus_muscle__gluteusmuscle__gluteus__gluteu__gluteal_muscle__glutealmuscle  any one of three large skeletal muscles that form the buttock and move the thigh
           subtype:  gluteus_maximus__gluteusmaximu  the outermost of the three gluteal muscles
           subtype:  gluteus_medius  the middle of the three gluteal muscles
           subtype:  gluteus_minimus__gluteusminimu  the innermost of the three gluteal muscles
        subtype:  musculus_sphincter_ani_externus  an external ring of striated muscle surrounding the anus
        subtype:  sura__calf  the muscular back part of the shank
        subtype:  gastrocnemius_muscle__gastrocnemiusmuscle__gastrocnemius__gastrocnemiu  the muscle in the back part of the leg that forms the greater part of the calf; responsible for the plantar flexion of the foot
        subtype:  psoas__psoa  either of two muscles of the abdomen and pelvis that flex the trunk and rotate the thigh
        subtype:  rhomboid_muscle__rhomboid  any of several muscles of the upper back that help move the shoulder blade
           subtype:  rhomboideus_major_muscle__rhomboideusmajormuscle__greater_rhomboid_muscle__musculus_rhomboideus_major  rhomboid muscle that draws the scapula toward the spinal column
           subtype:  rhomboid_minor_muscle__lesser_rhomboid_muscle__musculus_rhomboideus_minor  rhomboid muscle that draws the scapula toward the vertebral column and slightly upward
        subtype:  soleus_muscle__soleus  a broad flat muscle in the calf of the leg under the gastrocnemius muscle
        subtype:  peroneus  muscle of the lower leg that is involved in moving the foot
        subtype:  pterygoid_muscle__pterygoidmuscle  muscle descending from the sphenoid bone to the lower jaw
        subtype:  biceps  any skeletal muscle having two origins (but especially the muscle that flexes the forearm)
           subtype:  musculus_biceps_femoris__femoral_biceps  the biceps muscle of the thigh; it flexes the knee and rotates the leg laterally
           subtype:  musculus_biceps_brachii__biceps_brachii__biceps_humeri  a muscle that flexes and supinates the forearm
        subtype:  triceps__tricep  any skeletal muscle having three origins (but especially the triceps brachii)
           subtype:  musculus_triceps_brachii__triceps_brachii__tricepsbrachii  the skeletal muscle having three origins that extends the forearm when it contracts
        subtype:  axial_muscle__axialmuscle  a skeletal muscle of the trunk or head
        subtype:  musculus_sartorius__sartorius__sartoriu__sartorius_muscle__sartoriusmuscle  a muscle in the thigh that helps to rotate the leg into the sitting position assumed by a tailor; the longest muscle in the human body
        subtype:  musculus_scalenus__scalenus__scalene_muscle__scalenemuscle  any of four pairs of muscles extending from the cervical vertebrae to the second rib; involved in moving the neck and in breathing
        subtype:  sternocleidomastoid_muscle__sternocleidomastoidmuscle__sternocleidomastoid__sternocleido_mastoideus__musculus_sternocleidomastoideus  one of two thick muscles running from the sternum and clavicle to the mastoid and occipital bone; turns head obliquely to the opposite side; when acting together they flex the neck and extend the head
        subtype:  teres_muscle__teresmuscle__teres__tere  either of two muscles in the shoulder region that move the shoulders and arms
           subtype:  musculus_teres_major__teres_major__teresmajor__teres_major_muscle__teresmajormuscle  teres muscle that moves the arm and rotates it medially
           subtype:  musculus_teres_minor__teres_minor__teresminor__teres_minor_muscle__teresminormuscle  teres muscle that adducts the arm and rotates it laterally
        subtype:  musculus_tibialis__tibialis__tibialis_muscle  a skeletal muscle arising from the tibia; provides plantar flexion and inversion of the foot
           subtype:  tibialis_anticus__tibialis_anterior  a muscle running from the tibia to the first metatarsal and cuneiform bones
           subtype:  tibialis_posticus__tibialis_posterior  a deep muscle of the leg
        subtype:  musculus_trapezius__trapezius__trapeziu__trapezius_muscle__trapeziusmuscle__cowl_muscle  either of two flat triangular muscles of the shoulder and upper back that are involved in moving the shoulders and arms
        subtype:  facial_muscle  any of the skeletal muscles of the face
           subtype:  cheek_muscle__cheekmuscle__buccinator_muscle__musculus_buccinator  a muscle that flatten the cheek and retracts the angle of the mouth
           subtype:  platysma  either of two broad muscles located on either side of the neck and innervated by the facial nerve; extends from lower jaw to clavicle and is involved in moving the mouth and jaw
        subtype:  temporalis_muscle__temporal_muscle__temporalis__musculus_temporalis  muscle extending from the temporal fossa to the coronoid process of the mandible; acts to raise the mandible and close the jaws
     subtype:  antagonistic_muscle  a muscle that opposes the action of another; "the biceps and triceps are antagonistic muscles"
        subtype:  antagonist.antagonistic_muscle  a muscle that relaxes while another contracts
        subtype:  agonist  a muscle that contracts while another relaxes
     subtype:  ocular_muscle__eye_muscle__eyemuscle  one of the small muscles of the eye that serve to rotate the eyeball
        subtype:  abducens_muscle__lateral_rectus_muscle__lateral_rectus__rectus_lateralis  the ocular muscle whose contraction turns the eyeball outward
        subtype:  inferior_rectus_muscle__inferior_rectus__inferiorrectu__rectus_inferior__rectusinferior  the ocular muscle whose contraction turns the eyeball down and medially
        subtype:  medial_rectus_muscle__medial_rectus__rectus_medialis  the ocular muscle whose contraction turns the eyeball medially
        subtype:  superior_rectus_muscle__superior_rectus__rectus_superior  the ocular muscle whose contraction turns the eyeball upward and medially
     subtype:  rectus  any of various straight muscles
     subtype:  involuntary_muscle__involuntarymuscle__smooth_muscle  a muscle that contracts without conscious control and found in walls of internal organs such as stomach and intestine and bladder and blood vessels (excluding the heart)
        subtype:  myometrium  the smooth muscle forming the wall of the uterus
        subtype:  musculus_sphincter_ani_internus  an internal ring of smooth muscle formed by circular fibers of the rectum
     subtype:  anatomical_sphincter__sphincter__sphinctermuscle  a ring of muscle that contracts to close an opening
        subtype:  physiological_sphincter__physiologicalsphincter  a sphincter that is not recognizable at autopsy because its resting arrangement cannot be distinguished from adjacent tissue
           subtype:  cardiac_sphincter__cardiacsphincter  the valve between the distal end of the esophagus and the stomach; the physiological sphincter at the esophagogastric junction
        subtype:  anal_sphincter__sphincter_ani__sphincterani__musculus_sphincter_ani  the sphincter muscle of the anus
        subtype:  urethral_sphincter__musculus_sphincter_urethrae  a striated sphincter muscle that constricts the urethra
        subtype:  bladder_sphincter__bladdersphincter__musculus_sphincter_vesicae  the sphincter muscle of the urinary bladder; made up of a thickened muscular layer of bladder around the urethral opening
        subtype:  musculus_sphincter_ductus_choledochi  the smooth muscle sphincter of the common bile duct
        subtype:  musculus_sphincter_ductus_pancreatici  the smooth muscle sphincter of the main pancreatic duct
        subtype:  pupillary_sphincter__pupillarysphincter__musculus_sphincter_pupillae  a ring of smooth muscle surrounding the iris
        subtype:  pyloric_sphincter__pyloricsphincter__pyloric_valve__pyloricvalve__musculus_sphincter_pylori  the sphincter muscle of the pylorus that separates the stomach from the duodenum
     subtype:  tensor  any of several muscles that cause an attached structure to become tense or firm
        subtype:  tensor_tympani  a small muscle in the middle ear that tenses to protect the eardrum

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