#container  something that holds things, especially for transport or storage
  supertype:  #instrumentality__instrumentation  an artifact (or system of artifacts) that is instrumental in accomplishing some end
  subtype:  #bag  a flexible container with a single opening; "he stuffed his laundry into a large bag"
     subtype:  #air_bag  a safety restraint in an automobile; the bag inflates on collision and prevents the driver or passenger from being thrown forward
     subtype:  #backpack__back_pack__knapsack__packsack__rucksack__haversack  a bag carried by a strap on your back or shoulder
        subtype:  #kitbag__kit_bag  a knapsack (usually for a soldier)
     subtype:  #beanbag  a small cloth bag filled with dried beans; thrown in games
     subtype:  #bladder  a bag that fills with air
     subtype:  #body_bag  a bag in which the body of a dead soldier is placed
     subtype:  #book_bag  a bag in which students carry their books
     subtype:  #burn_bag  a bag into which secret documents are placed before being burned
     subtype:  #carryall__holdall__tote__tote_bag  a capacious bag or basket
     subtype:  #drawstring_bag  a bag that is closed at the top with a drawstring
        subtype:  #duffel_bag__duffle_bag__duffel__duffle  a large cylindrical bag of heavy cloth; for carrying personal belongings
        subtype:  #moneybag  a drawstring bag for holding money
        subtype:  #seabag  a cylindrical drawstring bag used by sailors to hold their clothing and other gear
     subtype:  #dust_bag__vacuum_bag  a bag into which dirt is sucked by a vacuum cleaner
     subtype:  #gasbag__envelope  the bag containing the gas in a balloon
     subtype:  #gamebag  a canvas or leather bag for carrying game (especially birds) killed by a hunter
     subtype:  #golf_bag  golf equipment consisting of a bag for carrying golf clubs and balls
     subtype:  #gunnysack__gunny_sack__gunnysack__burlap_bag  a bag made of burlap
     subtype:  #ice_pack__icepack__icebag  a waterproof bag filled with ice: applied to the body (especially the head) to cool or reduce swelling
     subtype:  #postbag__mailbag  letter carrier's shoulder bag; "in England they call a mailbag a postbag"
     subtype:  #nosebag__feedbag  a canvas bag that is used to feed an animal (such as a horse); covers the muzzle and fastens at the top of the head
     subtype:  #pouch  a small or medium size bag-like container for holding or carrying things
        subtype:  #mailbag__mail_pouch  pouch used in the shipment of mail
           subtype:  #diplomatic_pouch  a mail pouch that is sealed shut and that is used to carry communications between a legation and its home office
        subtype:  #pocket  a small pouch in a garment for carrying small articles
           subtype:  #breast_pocket  a picket inside of a man's coat
           subtype:  #hip_pocket__hippocket  a pocket in rear of trousers
           subtype:  #patch_pocket__patchpocket  a flat pocket sewn to the outside of a garment
           subtype:  #slash_pocket__slashpocket  a pocket in a garment (usually below the waist) to which access is provided by a vertical or diagonal slit in the outside of the garment
           subtype:  #vest_pocket  a small pocket in a man's vest
              subtype:  #watch_pocket__watchpocket__fob  a vest pocket to hold a pocket watch
        subtype:  #sporran  a fur or leather pouch worn at the front of the kilt by Scottish Highlanders
        subtype:  #tobacco_pouch__tobaccopouch  a pouch for carrying pipe tobacco
     subtype:  #purse  a small bag for carrying money
     subtype:  #ragbag  a bag in which rags are kept
     subtype:  #rosin_bag__rosinbag  a bag filled with rosin; used by baseball pitchers to improve their grip on the ball
     subtype:  #sachet  a small soft bag containing perfumed powder; used to perfume items in a drawer or chest
     subtype:  #paper_bag__paperbag__sack__poke__carrier_bag__carrierbag  a bag made of paper or plastic for holding customer's purchases
        subtype:  #doggie_bag__doggy_bag__doggybag  a bag for food that a customer did not eat at a restaurant; the transparent pretense is that the food is taken home to feed the customer's dog
        subtype:  #grocery_bag  a sack for holding customer's groceries
        subtype:  #shopping_bag  a paper bag made of strong paper (often with handles); carries goods while shopping
     subtype:  #saddlebag  a large bag (or pair of bags) hung over a saddle
     subtype:  #sandbag  a bag filled with sand; used as a weapon or to build walls or as ballast
     subtype:  #sickbag  a bag provided on an airplane for passengers who are suffering from airsickness and need to vomit
     subtype:  #skin.bag  a bag serving as a container for liquids; it is made from the skin of an animal
        subtype:  #waterskin__water_skin__waterskin  a container of skin for holding water
        subtype:  #wineskin  an animal skin (usually a goatskin) that forms a bag and is used to hold and dispense wine
     subtype:  #sleeping_bag  large padded bag designed to be slept in outdoors; usually rolls up like a bedroll
     subtype:  #sweat_bag__sweatbag  a porous bag (usually of canvas) that holds water and cools it by evaporation
     subtype:  #tea_bag  small paper bag holding a measure of tea
     subtype:  #tool_bag  a bag in which tools are carried
  subtype:  #handbag__bag__pocketbook__purse  a bag used for carrying money and small personal items or accessories (especially by women); "she reached into her bag and found a comb"
     subtype:  #clutch_bag  a woman's strapless purse
     subtype:  #etui  small ornamental ladies' bag for small articles
     subtype:  #evening_bag__eveningbag  a handbag used with evening wear
     subtype:  #reticule  a woman's drawstring handbag; usually made of net or beading or brocade; used in 18th and 19th centuries
     subtype:  #shoulder_bag  a large handbag that can be carried by a strap looped over the shoulder
  subtype:  #handbasket__basket  a container that is usually woven and has handles
     subtype:  #breadbasket  a basket for serving bread
     subtype:  #bushel_basket__bushel  a basket large enough to hold a bushel
     subtype:  #creel  a wicker basket used by anglers to hold fish
     subtype:  #frail  a basket for holding dried fruit (especially raisins or figs)
     subtype:  #hamper  a basket usually with a cover
        subtype:  #clothes_hamper__clotheshamper__laundry_basket__laundrybasket__clothes_basket__clothesbasket__voider  a hamper that holds dirty clothes to be washed or wet clothes to be dried
        subtype:  #food_hamper  a hamper for packing and transporting food
     subtype:  #punnet  (British) a small light basket used as a measure for fruits
     subtype:  #shopping_basket  a handbasket to carry goods while shopping
     subtype:  #skep.handbasket  a large round wicker basket (used on farms)
     subtype:  #wicker_basket  a basket made of wickerwork
        subtype:  #pannier.wicker_basket  a large wicker basket (usually one of a pair)
  subtype:  #bin  a container; usually has a lid
     subtype:  #ashcan__trash_can__trashcan__garbage_can__garbagecan__wastebin__ashbin__dustbin__trash_barrel__trashbarrel__trash_bin__trashbin  a bin that holds rubbish until it is collected
     subtype:  #coalbin__coalhole  a bin for holding coal
     subtype:  #flour_bin__flourbin  a bin for holding flour
     subtype:  #litterbin__litterbasket  bin (usually in or outside a public building) into which the public can put rubbish
     subtype:  #parts_bin__partsbin  a bin for holding spare parts
     subtype:  #recycling_bin__recyclingbin  a bin for depositing things to be recycled
  subtype:  #pipe_bowl__bowl  a small round container that is open at the top for holding tobacco
  subtype:  #box  a (usually rectangular) container; may have a lid; "he rummaged through a box of spare parts"
     subtype:  #ballot_box  a box where voters deposit their ballots
     subtype:  #bandbox  a light cylindrical box for holding light articles of attire (especially hats)
     subtype:  #carton  a box made of cardboard; opens by flaps on top
        subtype:  #six-pack__sixpack  carton containing six bottles or cans
     subtype:  #jewel_casket__jewelcasket__casket  small and often ornate box for holding jewels or other valuables
     subtype:  #cereal_box  a paper box in which breakfast cereals are sold
     subtype:  #chest  box with a lid; used for storage; usually large and sturdy
        subtype:  #ark_of_the_covenant__ark  (Judaism) sacred chest where the ancient Hebrews kept the two tablets containing the Ten Commandments
        subtype:  #ammunition_chest__caisson  a chest to hold ammunition
        subtype:  #cedar_chest__cedarchest  a chest made of cedar
        subtype:  #coffer  a chest especially for storing valuables
        subtype:  #hope_chest__wedding_chest__weddingchest  chest for storage of clothing (trousseau) and household goods in anticipation of marriage
        subtype:  #Pandora's_box  (Greek mythology) a box that Zeus gave to Pandora with instructions that she not open it; she gave in to her curiosity and opened it; all the miseries and evils flew out to afflict mankind
        subtype:  #pyx_chest__pyxchest__pyx__pix__pix_chest__pixchest  a chest in which coins from the mint are held to await assay
        subtype:  #sea_chest__seachest  a sailor's storage chest for personal property
        subtype:  #tea_chest__teachest  chest for storing or transporting tea
        subtype:  #toolbox__tool_chest__tool_cabinet__tool_case  a box or chest or cabinet for holding hand tools
        subtype:  #toy_box__toybox__toy_chest__toychest  chest for storage of toys
        subtype:  #treasure_chest  a chest filled with valuables
     subtype:  #cigar_box__cigarbox  a box for holding cigars
     subtype:  #coffin__casket  box in which a corpse is buried or cremated
        subtype:  #bier.coffin  a coffin along with its stand; "we followed the bier to the graveyard"
        subtype:  #sarcophagus__sarcophagu  a stone coffin (usually bearing sculpture or inscriptions)
     subtype:  #crate  a rugged box (usually made of wood); used for shipping
        subtype:  #cracker_box__crackerbox  a crate used for packing crackers
        subtype:  #packing_box__packingbox__packing_case__packingcase  a large crate in which goods are packed for shipment or storage
        subtype:  #soapbox  a crate for packing soap
     subtype:  #flat.box  a shallow box in which seedlings are started
     subtype:  #hod  an open box attached to a long pole handle; bricks or mortar are carried on the shoulder
     subtype:  #mailbox__letter_box  a private box for delivery of mail
     subtype:  #matchbox  a box for holding matches
     subtype:  #paintbox  a box containing a collection of cubes or tubes of artists' paint
     subtype:  #pencil_box__pencil_case  a box for holding pencils
     subtype:  #playbox  (British) a box for a child's toys and personal things (especially at a boarding school)
     subtype:  #poor_box__alms_box__mite_box  box for collecting alms, especially one in a church
     subtype:  #pyxis__pyxi  a small box used by ancient Greeks to hold medicines
     subtype:  #shoebox  an oblong rectangular (usually cardboard) box designed to hold a pair of shoes
     subtype:  #snuffbox  a small ornamental box for carrying snuff in your pocket
     subtype:  #strongbox__deedbox  a strongly made box for holding money or valuables; can be locked
        subtype:  #cashbox__money_box__moneybox__till  a strongbox for holding cash
           subtype:  #cash_register__register  a cashbox with an adding machine to register transactions; used in shops to add up the bill
        subtype:  #safe  strongbox where valuables can be kept safe
        subtype:  #safe-deposit_box__safe-deposit__safety-deposit__safety_deposit_box__deposit_box__depositbox__lockbox  a fireproof metal strongbox (usually in a bank) for storing valuables
     subtype:  #tinderbox  a box for holding tinder
     subtype:  #window_box  a box for growing plants on a windowsill
  subtype:  #bread-bin__breadbin__breadbox  a container used to keep bread or cake in
  subtype:  #tin__can__tin_can__tincan  airtight sealed metal container for food or drink or paint etc.
     subtype:  #beer_can  a can that holds beer
     subtype:  #tea_caddy__teacaddy__caddy  a can for storing tea
     subtype:  #cannikin  a small can
     subtype:  #coffee_can  a can for storing ground coffee
     subtype:  #milk_can  large can for transporting milk
     subtype:  #oilcan  a can with a long nozzle to apply oil to machinery
     subtype:  #soda_can  a can for holding soft drinks
  subtype:  #canister__cannister__tin  metal container for storing dry foods such as tea or flour
  subtype:  #capsule.container  a small container (as one holding electronic equipment)
  subtype:  #cargo_container  a large container for freight
  subtype:  #case  a portable container for carrying several objects; "the musicians left their instrument cases backstage"
     subtype:  #luggage__baggage  a case used to carry belongings when traveling
        subtype:  #traveling_bag__travelingbag__bag__grip__suitcase  a portable rectangular traveling bag for carrying clothes; "he carried his small bag onto the plane with him"
           subtype:  #carpetbag  traveling bag made of carpet; widely used in 19th century
           subtype:  #garment_bag__garmentbag  a suitcase that unfolds to be hung up
           subtype:  #gripsack  a small suitcase
           subtype:  #overnight_bag__overnightbag__overnighter__overnight_case__overnightcase  a small traveling bag to carry clothing and accessories for staying overnight
              subtype:  #valise  a small overnight bag for short trips
           subtype:  #Gladstone__portmanteau__Gladstone_bag__gladstone__gladstone_bag__gladstonebag  a large travelling bag made of stiff leather
           subtype:  #weekender  a small suitcase to carry clothing and accessories for a weekend trip
        subtype:  #dressing_case  a small piece of luggage for carrying brushes and bottles and toilet articles while traveling
        subtype:  #hand_luggage  luggage that is light enough to be carried by hand
        subtype:  #hatbox  a round piece of luggage for carrying hats
        subtype:  #impedimenta  the baggage and equipment carried by an army
        subtype:  #imperial  a piece of luggage carried on top of a coach
        subtype:  #satchel  luggage consisting of a small case with a flat bottom and (usually) a shoulder strap
        subtype:  #trunk  luggage consisting of a large strong case used when traveling or for storage
           subtype:  #footlocker__locker  a trunk for storing personal possessions; usually kept at the foot of a bed (as in a barracks)
     subtype:  #briefcase  a case with a handle; for carrying papers or files or books
        subtype:  #attache_case__attachecase__attache  a shallow and rectangular briefcase
     subtype:  #cardcase  a small case for carrying business cards
     subtype:  #cigarette_case__cigarettecase  a small flat case for holding cigarettes; can be carried in a purse or a pocket
     subtype:  #powder_compact__compact  a small cosmetics case with a mirror; to be carried in a woman's purse
     subtype:  #dispatch_case__dispatch_box  case consisting of an oblong container (usually having a lock) for carrying dispatches or other valuables
     subtype:  #glasses_case__glassescase  a case for carrying spectacles
     subtype:  #gun_case__guncase  a case for storing a gun
     subtype:  #kit  a case for containing a set of articles
        subtype:  #ditty_bag__dittybag  kit used by sailors and soldiers
        subtype:  #toilet_kit__travel_kit  a kit for carrying toilet articles while traveling
     subtype:  #letter_case  case for carrying letters
     subtype:  #locket  a small ornamental case; usually contains a picture or a lock of hair and is worn on a necklace
     subtype:  #pillbox.case  a small case for holding pills
     subtype:  #portfolio.case  a case for carrying papers or drawings or maps; usually leather
     subtype:  #quiver  case for holding arrows
     subtype:  #shoe.case  (card games) a case from which playing cards are dealt one at a time
     subtype:  #sleeve  small case into which an object fits
        subtype:  #record_sleeve__record_cover  a sleeve for storing a phonograph record
     subtype:  #wallet__billfold__notecase__pocketbook  a pocket-size case for holding papers and paper money
     subtype:  #watch_case__watchcase  the metal case in which the works of a watch are housed
     subtype:  #writing_desk__writingdesk  a portable case containing writing materials and having a writing surface
  subtype:  #display_case__displaycase__case__showcase  a glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home
     subtype:  #trophy_case  a case in which to display trophies
  subtype:  #cassette  a container that holds a magnetic tape used for recording or playing sound or video
     subtype:  #audiocassette  a cassette for audio tape
     subtype:  #videocassette__video  a cassette for videotape
  subtype:  #cup  a small open container usually used for drinking; usually has a handle; "he put the cup back in the saucer"; "the handle of the cup was missing"
     subtype:  #beaker  a cup (usually without a handle)
     subtype:  #chalice__goblet  a bowl-shaped drinking vessel; especially the Eucharistic cup
        subtype:  #grail__Holy_Grail__Sangraal  (legend) chalice used by Christ at the last supper
     subtype:  #coffee_cup  a cup from which coffee is drunk
        subtype:  #demitasse  small coffee cup; for serving black coffee
     subtype:  #Dixie_cup__paper_cup__papercup__drinking_cup  a paper cup for holding drinks
     subtype:  #grace_cup__gracecup  cup to be passed around for the final toast after a meal
     subtype:  #kylix__cylix  a shallow drinking cup with two handles; used in ancient Greece
     subtype:  #measuring_cup__measuringcup  graduated cup used for measuring ingredients
     subtype:  #mustache_cup__moustache_cup__moustachecup  a drinking cup with a bar inside the rim to keep a man's mustache out of the drink
     subtype:  #scyphus__scyphu  an ancient Greek drinking cup; two handles and footed base
     subtype:  #teacup  a cup from which tea is drunk
  subtype:  #cylinder  a cylindrical container for oxygen or compressed air
  subtype:  #dice_cup__dice_box  a small container (open at one end) in which dice are shaken by hand and from which they are thrown
  subtype:  #dish.crockery  a piece of dishware normally used as a container for holding or serving food; "we gave them a set of dishes for a wedding present"
     subtype:  #bowl  a dish that is round and open at the top for serving foods
        subtype:  #cereal_bowl  a bowl for holding breakfast cereal
        subtype:  #finger_bowl  small bowl for rinsing the fingers at table
        subtype:  #mixing_bowl  bowl used with an electric mixer
        subtype:  #porringer  a shallow metal bowl (usually with a handle) from which children eat
        subtype:  #punch_bowl__punchbowl  a large bowl for serving beverages; usually with a ladle
        subtype:  #salad_bowl__saladbowl  a large bowl for mixing and serving a salad
        subtype:  #slop_basin__slop_bowl  (British) a bowl into which the dregs of teacups and coffee cups are emptied at table
        subtype:  #soup_bowl  a bowl for serving soup
     subtype:  #butter_dish  a small dish (often with a cover) for holding butter at the table
     subtype:  #casserole  large deep dish in which food can be cooked and served
     subtype:  #coquille  a dish in the form of a scallop shell
     subtype:  #gravy_boat__gravyboat__sauceboat__boat  a dish (often boat-shaped) for serving gravy or sauce
     subtype:  #Petri_dish  a shallow dish used to culture bacteria
     subtype:  #plate.dish  dish on which food is served or from which food is eaten
        subtype:  #dessert_plate__dessertplate  a small plate on which dessert can be served
        subtype:  #dinner_plate  a plate from which a diner eats during the main course of a meal
        subtype:  #salad_plate__saladplate__salad_bowl__saladbowl  a plate or bowl for individual servings of salad
        subtype:  #soup_plate  a deep plate with a wide rim
        subtype:  #steel_plate__steelplate  a plate of steel
     subtype:  #platter  a large shallow dish used for serving food
     subtype:  #ramekin__ramequin  a small fireproof dish used for baking and serving individual portions
     subtype:  #saucer  a small shallow dish for holding a cup at the table
     subtype:  #serving_dish__servingdish  a dish used for serving food
        subtype:  #tureen  large deep serving dish with a cover; for serving soups and stews
     subtype:  #sugar_bowl__sugarbowl  a dish in which sugar is served
     subtype:  #watch_glass  laboratory glassware; a shallow glass dish used as an evaporating surface or to cover a beaker
  subtype:  #dispenser  a container so designed that the contents can be used in prescribed amounts
     subtype:  #aerosol_container__aerosolcontainer__aerosol__aerosol_can__aerosolcan__aerosol_bomb__aerosolbomb__spray_can__spraycan  a dispenser that forces a liquid out as a fine spray when a button is pressed
     subtype:  #atomizer__atomiser__spray__sprayer  a dispenser that turns a liquid (such as perfume) into a fine spray
        subtype:  #airbrush  an atomizer to spray paint by means of compressed air
     subtype:  #inhaler__inhalator  a dispenser that produces a chemical vapor to be inhaled in order to relieve nasal congestion
     subtype:  #roll-on.dispenser__rollon  a dispenser of a liquid cosmetic (such as a deodorant) having a revolving ball as an applicator
     subtype:  #slinger_ring__slingerring  dispenser consisting of a tubular ring around the propeller hub of an airplane through which antifreeze solution is spread over the blades
     subtype:  #soap_dispenser  dispenser of liquid soap
  subtype:  #drawer  a boxlike container in a piece of furniture; made so as to slide in and out
  subtype:  #empty_container__emptycontainer  container that has been emptied; "return all empties to the store"
  subtype:  #envelope  a flat rectangular paper container for papers
     subtype:  #window_envelope  an envelope with a transparent panel
  subtype:  #drinking_glass__glass__glas  a glass container for holding liquids while drinking
     subtype:  #beer_glass  a relatively large glass for serving beer
     subtype:  #goblet  a drinking glass with a base and stem
     subtype:  #highball_glass  a tall glass for serving highballs
     subtype:  #liqueur_glass__liqueurglas  a small glass for serving a small amount of liqueur (typically after dinner)
     subtype:  #parfait_glass__parfaitglas  a tall slender glass with a short stem in which parfait is served
     subtype:  #rummer  a large drinking glass (ovoid bowl on a stem) for drinking toasts
     subtype:  #schooner.drinking_glass  a large beer glass
     subtype:  #seidel  a glass for beer
     subtype:  #shot_glass__jigger__pony  a small glass adequate to hold a single swallow of whiskey
     subtype:  #brandy_snifter__snifter__brandy_glass  a globular glass with a small top; used for serving brandy
     subtype:  #tumbler  a glass with a flat bottom but no handle or stem; originally had a round bottom
     subtype:  #water_glass__waterglas  a glass for drinking water
     subtype:  #wineglass__wineglas  a glass that has a stem and in which wine is served
        subtype:  #champagne_flute__champagneflute__flute__fluteglas  a tall narrow wineglass
  subtype:  #magnetic_bottle  container consisting of any configuration of magnetic fields used to contain a plasma during controlled thermonuclear reactions
  subtype:  #mailer  a container for something to be mailed
     subtype:  #airmailer  a mailer for airmail
  subtype:  #manger__trough  a container (usually in a barn or stable) from which cattle or horses feed
     subtype:  #feed_bunk__bunk  a long trough for feeding cattle
  subtype:  #mold__mould__cast  container into which liquid is poured to create a given shape when it hardens
     subtype:  #form.mold  a mold for setting concrete; "they built elaborate forms for pouring the foundation"
     subtype:  #matrix.mold  mold used in the production of phonograph records, type, or other relief surface
     subtype:  #pig_bed__pigbed__pig  mold consisting of a bed of sand in which pig iron is cast
     subtype:  #sandbox  mold consisting of a box with sand shaped to mold metal
  subtype:  #package__parcel  a wrapped container
     subtype:  #sheaf__bundle  a package of several things tied together for carrying or storing
        subtype:  #bale  a large bundle bound for storage or transport
           subtype:  #hay_bale__haybale  a bale of hay
        subtype:  #fagot__faggot  a bundle of sticks and branches bound together
        subtype:  #pack.sheaf  a bundle (especially one carried on the back)
     subtype:  #pack  a small parcel (as of cigarettes or film)
     subtype:  #packet  a small package or bundle
        subtype:  #deck.narcotic  (slang) a packet of narcotics
  subtype:  #pan  shallow container made of metal
     subtype:  #dishpan  large pan for washing dishes
     subtype:  #drip_pan  pan under a refrigerator for collecting liquid waste
     subtype:  #pannikin  (British) a small pan or cup (usually of tin)
     subtype:  #warming_pan  a long-handled covered pan holding live coals to warm a bed
  subtype:  #fuel_pod__pod  a detachable container of fuel on an airplane
  subtype:  #flowerpot__pot  a container in which plants are cultivated
     subtype:  #planter  a decorative pot for house plants
  subtype:  #powder_horn__powder_flask  container for carrying gunpowder; made of the hollow horn of an animal
  subtype:  #receptacle  a container that is used to put or keep things in
     subtype:  #ash-pan__ashpan  a receptacle fitted beneath the grate in which ashes collect and are removed
     subtype:  #ashtray  a receptacle for the ash from smokers' cigars or cigarettes
     subtype:  #beehive.receptacle__hive  a man-made receptacle that houses a swarm of bees
        subtype:  #skep  a domed beehive made of twisted straw
     subtype:  #cat_box__catbox  a receptacle for cat excrement
     subtype:  #catchall  an enclosure or receptacle for odds and ends
     subtype:  #chamberpot__potty__thunder_mug__thundermug  a receptacle for urination or defecation in the bedroom
     subtype:  #coin_box  the part of a slot machine that serves as a receptacle for the coins
     subtype:  #dustpan  a short-handled receptacle into which dust can be swept
     subtype:  #hopper  funnel-shaped receptacle; contents pass by gravity into a receptacle below
     subtype:  #hot-water_bottle__hotwaterbottle__hot-water_bag__hotwaterbag  a stoppered receptacle (usually made of rubber) that is to be filled with hot water and used for warming a bed or parts of the body
     subtype:  #in-basket__in-tray  a wood or metal receptacle placed on your desk to hold your incoming material
     subtype:  #out-basket__outbasket__out-tray__outtray  a wood or metal receptacle placed on your desk to hold your outgoing material
     subtype:  #collection_plate__plate  a shallow receptacle for collection in church
     subtype:  #pyx__pix  any receptacle in which wafers for the Eucharist are kept
     subtype:  #save-all.receptacle__saveall  a receptacle for catching waste products for further use
     subtype:  #silent_butler  a small receptacle with a handle and a hinged lid; used for collecting crumbs or ashes
     subtype:  #socket.receptacle  receptacle where something (a pipe or probe or end of a bone) is inserted
     subtype:  #spittoon__cuspidor  a receptacle for spit (usually in a public place)
     subtype:  #tidy  receptacle that holds odds and ends (as sewing materials)
     subtype:  #tray  an open receptacle for holding or displaying or serving articles or food
        subtype:  #alms_dish__alms_tray  a tray for collecting the offering from a congregation
        subtype:  #cafeteria_tray__cafeteriatray  a tray for carrying your food in a cafeteria
        subtype:  #cheeseboard__cheese_tray  tray on which cheeses are served
        subtype:  #icetray  a tray for making cubes of ice in a refrigerator
        subtype:  #inkstand  a tray or stand for writing implements and containers for ink
        subtype:  #salver  a tray (or large plate) for serving food or drinks; usually made of silver
        subtype:  #tea_tray__teatray  a tray that accommodates a tea service
        subtype:  #lazy_Susan__turntable  a revolving tray placed on a dining table
  subtype:  #reliquary  a container where religious relics are stored or displayed (especially relics of saints)
  subtype:  #saltcellar  a small container for holding salt at the dining table
  subtype:  #coin_bank__savings_bank__savingsbank__money_box__moneybox__bank  a container (usually with a slot in the top) for keeping money at home; "the coin bank was empty"
     subtype:  #piggy_bank__piggybank__penny_bank__pennybank  a child's coin bank (often shaped like a pig)
  subtype:  #coal_scuttle__scuttle  container for coal; shaped to permit pouring the coal onto the fire
  subtype:  #shaker  a container in which something can be shaken
     subtype:  #cocktail_shaker  a shaker for mixing cocktails
     subtype:  #peppershaker__pepper_box__pepper_pot  a shaker with a perforated top for sprinkling ground pepper
     subtype:  #saltshaker__salt_shaker  a shaker with a perforated top for sprinkling salt
  subtype:  #spoon  a piece of cutlery with a shallow bowl-shaped container and a handle; used to stir or serve or take up food
     subtype:  #dessert_spoon__dessertspoon  a spoon larger than a teaspoon and smaller than a tablespoon
     subtype:  #runcible_spoon  a fork-like spoon with a cutting edge; coined by Edward Lear
     subtype:  #soupspoon__soup_spoon  a spoon with a rounded bowl for eating soup
     subtype:  #sugar_spoon__sugarspoon__sugar_shell__sugarshell  a spoon for serving sugar; often made in the shape of a seashell
     subtype:  #tablespoon  a spoon larger than a dessert spoon; used for serving
     subtype:  #tea_maker__teamaker  a covered spoon with perforations
     subtype:  #teaspoon  a small spoon used for stirring tea or coffee; holds about one fluid dram
        subtype:  #iced-tea_spoon  a teaspoon with a long handle
     subtype:  #wooden_spoon  a spoon made of wood
  subtype:  #storage_ring__storagering  container consisting of a set of magnets set in a doughnut-shaped ring around which charged particles from an accelerator can be kept circulating until they are used
  subtype:  #thimble  a small metal cap to protect the finger while sewing; can be used as a small container
  subtype:  #time_capsule  container for preserving historical records to be discovered at some future time
  subtype:  #vessel  an object used as a container (especially for liquids)
     subtype:  #autoclave__sterilizer__steriliser  a tank-like device for heating substances above their boiling point; used to manufacture chemicals or sterilize surgical instruments
        subtype:  #digester  autoclave consisting of a vessel in which plant or animal materials are digested
        subtype:  #pressure_cooker  autoclave for cooking at temperatures above the boiling point of water
     subtype:  #cask__barrel  a cylindrical container that holds liquids
        subtype:  #beer_barrel__beer_keg  a barrel that holds beer
        subtype:  #butt  a large cask (especially one holding a volume equivalent to 2 hogsheads or 126 gallons)
           subtype:  #water_butt__waterbutt  a butt set on end to contain water especially to store rainwater
        subtype:  #hogshead  a large cask especially one holding 63 gals
        subtype:  #keg  small cask or barrel
           subtype:  #firkin  a small wooden keg
           subtype:  #powder_keg  keg (usually made of metal) for gunpowder or blasting powder
        subtype:  #pickle_barrel  a barrel holding vinegar in which cucumbers are pickled
        subtype:  #shook  a disassembled barrel; the parts packed for storage or shipment
        subtype:  #tun  a large cask especially one holding a volume equivalent to 2 butts or 252 gals
        subtype:  #wine_cask__wine_barrel  a barrel that holds wine
     subtype:  #basin  a bowl-shaped vessel; usually used for holding food or liquids
        subtype:  #baptismal_font__baptismalfont__baptistry__baptistery__font  bowl for baptismal water
        subtype:  #bidet  a basin for washing genitals and anal area
        subtype:  #birdbath  an ornamental basin (usually in a garden) for birds to bathe in
        subtype:  #emesis_basin  a basin used by bedridden patients for vomiting
        subtype:  #laver  (Old Testament) large basin used by a priest in an ancient Jewish Temple to perform ritual ablutions
        subtype:  #stoup.basin__stoop  basin for holy water
        subtype:  #handbasin__washbasin__washbowl__lavabo__wash-hand_basin  a basin for washing the hands (`wash-hand basin' is a British expression)
     subtype:  #bath.vessel  a vessel in which something is immersed to maintain it at a constant temperature or to process or lubricate it
     subtype:  #bathtub__bathing_tub__bathingtub__bath__tub  a relatively large open container that you fill with water and use to wash the body
        subtype:  #footbath  a small bathtub for warming or washing or disinfecting the feet
        subtype:  #hot_tub__hottub  a very large tub (large enough for more than one bather) filled with hot water
        subtype:  #Jacuzzi  (trademark) a large whirlpool bathtub with underwater jets that massage the body
        subtype:  #sitz_bath__hip_bath__hipbath  a bathtub in which your buttocks and hips are immersed as if you were sitting in a chair and you bathe in a sitting position
     subtype:  #bedpan  a shallow vessel used by a bedridden patient for defecation and urination
     subtype:  #steam_boiler__steamboiler__boiler  sealed vessel where water is converted to steam
        subtype:  #auxiliary_boiler__auxiliaryboiler__donkey_boiler  an extra boiler (as a ship's boiler that is used while the ship is in port)
     subtype:  #bone-ash_cup__cupel__refractory_pot  small porous bowl made of bone ash used in assaying to separate precious metals from e.g. lead
     subtype:  #bottle  glass or plastic vessel; cylindrical with a narrow neck; no handle
        subtype:  #beer_bottle  a bottle that holds beer
        subtype:  #carafe__decanter  a bottle with a stopper; for serving wine or water
        subtype:  #carboy  a large bottle for holding corrosive liquids; usually cushioned in a special container
        subtype:  #catsup_bottle__ketchup_bottle__ketchupbottle  a bottle that holds catsup
        subtype:  #cruet__crewet  bottle that holds wine or oil or vinegar for the table
        subtype:  #demijohn  large bottle with a short narrow neck; often has small handles at neck and is enclosed in wickerwork
        subtype:  #flask  bottle that has a narrow neck
           subtype:  #ampulla  a flask that has two handles; used by Romans for wines or oils
           subtype:  #canteen  a flask for carrying water; used by soldiers or travelers
           subtype:  #Erlenmeyer_flask  a conical flask with a wide base and narrow neck
           subtype:  #hipflask__pocket_flask  a flask that holds spirits
           subtype:  #round-bottom_flask  a spherical flask with a narrow neck
           subtype:  #vacuum_flask__vacuum_bottle  flask with double walls separated by vacuum; used to maintain substances at high or low temperatures
              subtype:  #Dewar_flask__Dewar  vacuum flask that holds liquid air or helium for scientific experiments
              subtype:  #thermos_bottle__thermosbottle__thermos__thermos_flask__thermosflask  vacuum flask that preserves temperature of hot or cold drinks
        subtype:  #gourd.bottle__calabash  bottle made from the dried shell of a bottle gourd
        subtype:  #ink_bottle__inkbottle__inkpot  a bottle of ink
        subtype:  #jug  a large bottle with a narrow mouth
           subtype:  #bellarmine__longbeard__graybeard  a stoneware drinking jug with a long neck; decorated with a caricature of Cardinal Bellarmine (17th century)
           subtype:  #water_jug__waterjug  a jug that holds water
           subtype:  #whiskey_jug  a jug that contains whiskey
        subtype:  #nursing_bottle__nursingbottle__feeding_bottle__feedingbottle  a bottle that holds a baby's milk; has a rubber teat
        subtype:  #phial__vial__ampule__ampul__ampoule  a small bottle that contains a drug (especially a sealed sterile container for injection by needle)
        subtype:  #pill_bottle  a small bottle for holding pills
        subtype:  #pop_bottle__popbottle__sodabottle  a bottle for holding soft drinks
        subtype:  #smelling_bottle  a bottle containing smelling salts
        subtype:  #specimen_bottle  a bottle for holding urine specimens
        subtype:  #water_bottle__waterbottle  a bottle for holding water
           subtype:  #lota  a globular water bottle used in Asia
        subtype:  #whiskey_bottle__whiskeybottle  a bottle for holding whiskey
        subtype:  #wine_bottle  a bottle for holding wine
           subtype:  #bota  a wine bottle made of leather
           subtype:  #jeroboam__double-magnum  a large wine bottle (holds 4/5 of a gallon)
           subtype:  #magnum  a large wine bottle for liquor or wine
           subtype:  #nebuchadnezzar  a very large wine bottle holding the equivalent of 20 normal bottles of wine; used especially for display
     subtype:  #bowl.vessel  a round vessel that is open at the top; used for holding fruit or liquids or for serving food
        subtype:  #fishbowl__fish_bowl__goldfish_bowl  a transparent bowl in which small fish are kept
        subtype:  #jorum  a large drinking bowl
        subtype:  #mazer  a large hardwood drinking bowl
        subtype:  #toilet_bowl  the bowl of a toilet that can be flushed with water
     subtype:  #bucket__pail  a roughly cylindrical that is vessel open at the top
        subtype:  #cannikin.bucket  a wooden bucket
        subtype:  #dinner_pail__dinner_bucket  a pail in which a workman carries his lunch or dinner
        subtype:  #dredging_bucket  a bucket for lifting material from a channel or riverbed
           subtype:  #grapple__clamshell  a dredging bucket with hinges like the shell of a clam
        subtype:  #kibble  an iron bucket used for hoisting in wells or mining
        subtype:  #slop_pail__slop_jar  a large pail used to receive waste water from a washbasin or chamber pot
        subtype:  #wine_bucket__wine_cooler  a bucket of ice used to chill a bottle of wine
     subtype:  #censer__thurible  a container for burning incense (especially one that is swung on a chain in a religious ritual)
     subtype:  #butter_churn__churn  a vessel in which cream is agitated to separate butterfat from buttermilk
     subtype:  #crucible__melting_pot__meltingpot  a vessel made of material that does not melt easily; used for high temperature chemical reactions
     subtype:  #drinking_vessel  a vessel intended for drinking
        subtype:  #loving_cup  a large drinking vessel (usually with two handles) that people drink out of in turn at a banquet
        subtype:  #mug  with handle and usually cylindrical
           subtype:  #beer_mug__stein  a mug intended for serving beer
           subtype:  #coffee_mug  a mug intended for serving coffee
           subtype:  #toby_fillpot_jug__toby__toby_jug  a drinking mug in the shape of a stout man wearing a three-cornered hat
        subtype:  #stoup  an archaic drinking vessel
        subtype:  #tankard  large drinking vessel with one handle
     subtype:  #metal_drum__metaldrum__drum  a cylindrical metal container used for shipping or storage of liquids
     subtype:  #eyecup__eyebath__eye_cup__eyecup  a small vessel with a rim curved to fit the orbit of the eye; use to apply medicated or cleansing solution to the eyeball; "an eyecup is called an eyebath in Britain"
     subtype:  #flagon  a large metal or pottery vessel with a handle and spout; used to hold alcoholic beverages (usually wine)
     subtype:  #jar  a vessel (usually cylindrical) with a wide mouth and without handles
        subtype:  #amphora  an ancient jar with two handles and a narrow neck; used to hold oil or wine
        subtype:  #beaker.jar  a jar made of glass or plastic; flat bottomed; used for chemistry
        subtype:  #canopic_jar__canopicjar__canopic_vase__canopicvase  a jar used in ancient egypt to contain entrails of an embalmed body
        subtype:  #cookie_jar__cooky_jar__cookyjar  a jar in which cookies are kept (an sometimes money is hidden)
        subtype:  #crock__earthenware_jar__earthenwarejar  an earthen jar (made of baked clay)
        subtype:  #cruse  small jar; holds liquid (oil or water)
        subtype:  #jampot__jamjar  a jar for holding jellies or preserves
        subtype:  #Mason_jar  a glass jar with an air-tight screw top; used in home canning
        subtype:  #vase  an open jar of glass or porcelain used as an ornament or to hold flowers
           subtype:  #urn  a large vase that usually has a pedestal or feet
     subtype:  #ladle  a spoon-shaped vessel with a long handle; used to transfer liquids
        subtype:  #dipper  a ladle that has a cup with a long handle
        subtype:  #scoop  a large ladle; "he used a scoop to serve the ice cream"
        subtype:  #soup_ladle  a ladle for serving soup
     subtype:  #monstrance  (Roman Catholic Church) a vessel (usually of gold or silver) in which the consecrated Host is exposed for adoration
     subtype:  #mortar.vessel  a bowl-shaped vessel in which substances can be ground and mixed with a pestle
     subtype:  #muller  a vessel in which wine is mulled
     subtype:  #ewer__pitcher  an open vessel with a handle and a spout for pouring
        subtype:  #cream_pitcher__creampitcher__creamer  a small pitcher for serving cream
     subtype:  #pot  metal or earthenware cooking vessel that is usually round and deep; often has a handle and lid
        subtype:  #caldron__cauldron  a very large pot that is used for boiling
        subtype:  #coffeepot  tall pot in which coffee is brewed
           subtype:  #percolator  a coffeepot in which boiling water ascends through a central tube and filters back down through a basket of ground coffee beans
        subtype:  #dixie  (British) a large metal pot (12 gallon camp kettle) for cooking; used in military camps
        subtype:  #Dutch_oven.pot__dutchoven  iron or earthenware cooking pot; used for stews
        subtype:  #boiler__kettle  a metal pot for stewing or boiling; usually has a lid
           subtype:  #teakettle  kettle for boiling water to make tea
        subtype:  #marmite  a large pot especially one with legs used e.g. for cooking soup
        subtype:  #pottle  a pot that holds 2 quarts
        subtype:  #saucepot  a cooking pot that has handles on either side and tight fitting lid; used for stewing or boiling
        subtype:  #stockpot  a pot used for preparing soup stock
        subtype:  #teapot  pot for brewing tea; usually has a spout and handle
        subtype:  #urn.pot  a large pot for making coffee or tea
           subtype:  #coffee_urn  an urn in which coffee is made and kept hot
           subtype:  #samovar  a metal urn with a spigot at the base; used in Russia to boil water for tea
           subtype:  #tea_urn__teaurn  an urn in which tea is brewed and from which it is served
     subtype:  #retort  a vessel where substances are distilled or decomposed by heat
        subtype:  #alembic  an obsolete kind of container used for distillation; two retorts connected by a tube
     subtype:  #steeper  a vessel (usually a pot or vat) used for steeping
     subtype:  #storage_tank__storagetank__tank  a large (usually metallic) vessel for holding gases or liquids
        subtype:  #aquarium__fish_tank__marine_museum__vivarium  a tank or pool or bowl filled with water for keeping live fish and underwater animals
           subtype:  #fishbowl__fish_bowl__goldfish_bowl  a transparent bowl in which small fish are kept
           subtype:  #Marineland  a commercial aquarium featuring trained dolphins
        subtype:  #water_tank__watertank__cistern  a tank that holds the water used to flush a toilet
        subtype:  #gas_holder__gasholder__gasometer  a large gas-tight spherical or cylindrical tank for holding gas to be used as fuel
        subtype:  #gas_tank__gastank__gasoline_tank  a tank for holding gasoline to supply a vehicle
        subtype:  #reservoir  tank used for collecting and storing a liquid (as water or oil)
           subtype:  #cistern  an artificial reservoir for storing liquids; especially an underground tank for storing rainwater
              subtype:  #cesspool__cesspit__sump  a covered cistern; waste water and sewage flow into it
              subtype:  #rain_barrel  a barrel used as a cistern to hold rainwater
           subtype:  #sump.reservoir  an oil reservoir in an internal combustion engine
           subtype:  #water_tower__watertower  a large reservoir for water
        subtype:  #septic_tank  large tank where solid matter or sewage is disintegrated by bacteria
     subtype:  #vat  a large open vessel for holding or storing liquids
        subtype:  #washtub  a tub in which clothes or linens can be washed
     subtype:  #urceole  a vessel that holds water for washing the hands
     subtype:  #water_jacket__waterjacket  a container filled with water that surrounds a machine to cool it; especially that surrounding the cylinder block of an engine
     subtype:  #well.vessel  a cavity or vessel used to contain liquid
        subtype:  #inkwell__inkstand  a small well holding writing ink into which a pen can be dipped
  subtype:  #wastepaper_basket__waste-paper_basket__wastepaperbasket__wastebasket__waste_basket__wastebasket__circular_file  a container with an open top; for discarded paper and other rubbish
  subtype:  #watering_can__watering_pot  a container with a handle and a spout with a perforated nozzle; used to sprinkle water over plants
  subtype:  #wheeled_vehicle  a vehicle that moves on wheels and usually has a container for transporting things or people
     subtype:  #boneshaker  a vehicle that is dilapidated and uncomfortable; "that old bike without rubber tires was a real boneshaker"
     subtype:  #camper_trailer__house_trailer__housetrailer__mobile_home__trailer  a wheeled vehicle that can be pulled by a car or truck; equipped for living; especially for holiday trips
     subtype:  #railroad_car__car__railcar__railway_car__railwaycar  a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad; "three cars had jumped the rails"
        subtype:  #baggage_car__baggagecar__luggage_van__luggagevan  a railway car where passengers' bags are carried
        subtype:  #cabin_car__cabincar  a car for use of the train crew; usually the last car on the train
        subtype:  #club_car__lounge_car  railroad car having a bar and tables and lounge chairs
        subtype:  #freight_car__freightcar  a railway car that carries freight
           subtype:  #boxcar  a freight car with roof and sliding doors in the sides
              subtype:  #stockcar  boxcar with latticed sides; for transporting livestock
           subtype:  #cattle_car  a freight car for transporting cattle
           subtype:  #coal_car  freight car with fixed sides and no roof; for transporting coal
           subtype:  #flatcar__flat  freight car without permanent sides or roof
           subtype:  #gondola_car__gondolacar__gondola  a low flat-bottomed freight car with fixed sides but no roof
           subtype:  #refrigerator_car  a freight car that is equipped with refrigeration system
           subtype:  #tank_car__tank  a freight car that transports liquids or gases in bulk
        subtype:  #handcar  a small railroad car propelled by hand or by a small motor
        subtype:  #mail_car  a railway car in which mail is transported and sorted
        subtype:  #passenger_car__passengercar__coach__carriage  a railcar where passengers ride
           subtype:  #dining_car__diner__dining_compartment__buffet_car  a passenger car where food is served in transit
           subtype:  #nonsmoking_car__nonsmoker  a passenger car for passengers who want to avoid tobacco smoke
           subtype:  #parlor_car__parlour_car__parlourcar__drawing-room_car__palace_car__chair_car__chaircar  a passenger car for day travel; you pay extra fare for individual chairs
           subtype:  #Pullman_car__Pullman  luxurious passenger car; for day or night travel
           subtype:  #sleeping_car__sleeper__wagon-lit__wagonlit  a passenger car that has berths for sleeping
           subtype:  #smoking_car__smokingcar__smoker__smoking_carriage__smokingcarriage__smoking_compartment__smokingcompartment  a passenger car for passengers who wish to smoke
        subtype:  #slip_coach__slip_carriage  (British) a railway car at the end of the train; it can be detached without stopping the train
        subtype:  #tender  car attached to a locomotive to carry fuel and water
     subtype:  #equipage__carriage__rig  a wheeled vehicle drawn by horses
        subtype:  #baby_buggy__baby_carriage__perambulator__pram__stroller__go-cart__pushchair__pusher  a small carriage in which a baby or child is pushed around
           subtype:  #bassinet.baby_buggy  a perambulator that resembles a bassinet
        subtype:  #barouche  a horse-drawn carriage having four wheels; has an outside seat for the driver and facing inside seats for two couples and a folding top
        subtype:  #brougham.equipage  light carriage; pulled by a single horse
        subtype:  #buckboard  an open horse-drawn carriage with four wheels; has a seat attached to a flexible board between the two axles
        subtype:  #buggy__roadster  a small lightweight carriage; drawn by a single horse
        subtype:  #cabriolet__cab  small two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage; with two seats and a folding hood
        subtype:  #chaise__shay  a carriage consisting of two wheels and calash top; drawn by a single horse
        subtype:  #chariot  a light four-wheel horse-drawn ceremonial carriage
        subtype:  #coach-and-four__coachandfour__coach__four-in-hand  a carriage pulled by four horses with one driver
           subtype:  #stagecoach__stage  a large coach-and-four formerly used to carry passengers and mail on regular routes between towns; "we went out of town together by stage about ten or twelve miles"
        subtype:  #droshky__drosky  an open horse-drawn carriage with four wheels; formerly used in Poland and Russia
        subtype:  #gharry  a horse-drawn carriage in India
        subtype:  #gig.equipage  small two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage; with two seats and no hood
        subtype:  #hackney_coach__hackneycoach__hackney  a carriage for hire
           subtype:  #four-wheeler  a hackney carriage with four wheels
        subtype:  #hansom_cab__hansom  a two-wheeled horse-drawn covered carriage with the driver's seat above and behind the passengers
        subtype:  #landau  a four-wheel covered carriage with a roof divided into two parts (front and back) that can be let down separately
        subtype:  #post_chaise  closed carriage for transporting passengers and mail
        subtype:  #surrey  a light four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage; has two or four seats
        subtype:  #trap.equipage  a light two-wheeled carriage
     subtype:  #chariot.wheeled_vehicle  a two-wheeled horse-drawn battle vehicle; used in war and races in ancient Egypt and Greece and Rome
     subtype:  #cycle.wheeled_vehicle  a shortened version of `bicycle' or `tricycle' or `motorcycle'
        subtype:  #bicycle__bike__wheel  a cycle that has two wheels; moved by foot pedals
           subtype:  #bicycle-built-for-two__bicyclebuiltfortwo__tandem_bicycle__tandem  a bicycle with two sets of pedals and two seats
           subtype:  #mountain_bike__all-terrain_bike__allterrainbike__off-roader__offroader  a bicycle with a sturdy frame and fat tires; originally designed for riding in mountainous country
           subtype:  #ordinary_bicycle__ordinary  an early bicycle with a very large front wheel and small back wheel
           subtype:  #push-bike  (British) a bicycle that must be pedaled
           subtype:  #safety_bicycle__safety_bike  bicycle that has two wheels of equal size; pedals are connected to the rear wheel by a multiplying gear
           subtype:  #velocipede  any of several early bicycles with pedals on the front wheel
        subtype:  #motorcycle__bike  a motor vehicle with two wheels and a strong frame
           subtype:  #minibike__motorbike  small motorcycle with a low frame and small wheels and elevated handlebars
              subtype:  #moped  a motorbike that can be pedaled or driven by a low-powered gasoline engine
           subtype:  #scrambler.motorcycle  a motorcycle with ridged tires and a strong suspension; designed for riding across rough ground
           subtype:  #trail_bike__trailbike  a lightweight motorcycle equipped with rugged tires and suspension; an off-road motorcycle designed for riding cross country
        subtype:  #motor_scooter__motorscooter__scooter  a cycle with small wheels and a low-powered gasoline engine geared to the rear wheel
        subtype:  #tricycle__trike__velocipede  a cycle with three wheels
           subtype:  #pedicab__cycle_rickshaw__cyclerickshaw  a tricycle (usually propelled by pedalling); used in the Orient for transporting passengers for hire; "boys who once pulled rickshaws now pedal pedicabs"
        subtype:  #unicycle__monocycle  a cycle with a single wheel that is driven by pedals
     subtype:  #handcart__pushcart__cart__go-cart  wheeled vehicle that can be pushed by a person; may have one or two or four wheels; "he used a handcart to carry the rocks away"; "their pushcart was piled high with groceries"
        subtype:  #applecart  a handcart from which apples and other fruit are sold in the street
        subtype:  #garden_cart__barrow__lawn_cart__wheelbarrow  a cart for carrying small loads; has handles and one or more wheels
        subtype:  #hand_truck__truck  a handcart that has a frame with two low wheels and a ledge at the bottom and handles at the top; used to move crates or other heavy objects
        subtype:  #laundry_cart__laundrycart  handcart for moving a load of laundry
        subtype:  #serving_cart__servingcart  a handcart for serving food
           subtype:  #pastry_cart  a serving cart for displaying pastry deserts to restaurant patrons
           subtype:  #tea_cart__teacart__tea_trolley__tea_wagon  serving cart for serving tea or light refreshments
        subtype:  #shopping_cart  a handcart that holds groceries while shopping
     subtype:  #railway_locomotive__railwaylocomotive__locomotive__engine__locomotive_engine  wheeled vehicle consisting of a self-propelled engine used to draw trains along railway tracks
        subtype:  #choo-choo  a child's word for locomotive
        subtype:  #diesel_locomotive  a locomotive driven by a diesel engine
        subtype:  #electric_locomotive  a locomotive that is powered by an electric motor
        subtype:  #iron_horse  (c. 1840) an early term for a locomotive
        subtype:  #pilot_engine__pilotengine  a locomotive that precedes a train to check the track
        subtype:  #shunter  a small locomotive used to move cars around but not to make trips
        subtype:  #steam_locomotive__steamlocomotive  a locomotive powered by a steam engine
        subtype:  #switch_engine__donkey_engine  a locomotive for switching rolling stock in a railroad yard
        subtype:  #tank_engine__tank_locomotive  a locomotive that carries its own fuel and water; no tender is needed
        subtype:  #traction_engine  steam-powered locomotive for drawing heavy loads along surfaces other than tracks
     subtype:  #motor_vehicle__motorvehicle__automotive_vehicle  a self-propelled wheeled vehicle that does not run on rails
        subtype:  #amphibious_vehicle__amphibian  a flat-bottomed motor vehicle that can travel on land or water
           subtype:  #swamp_buggy__swampbuggy__marsh_buggy__marshbuggy  an amphibious vehicle typically having four-wheel drive and a raised body
        subtype:  #bloodmobile  a motor vehicle equipped to collect blood donations
        subtype:  #car__auto__automobile__machine__motorcar  4-wheeled motor vehicle; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine; "he needs a car to get to work"
           subtype:  pm#new_or_used_car
              subtype:  pm#new_car__newcar
              subtype:  pm#used_car
           subtype:  pm#automatic_or_manual_car
              subtype:  pm#automatic_car__automaticcar
              subtype:  pm#manual_car
                 subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#manual
                    subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#156_manual__156manual
                    subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#1600_manual
                    subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#166_manual__166manual
                 subtype:  Toyota#manual
                    subtype:  Toyota#Camry_manual
                    subtype:  Toyota#Celica_manual
                    subtype:  Toyota#Corolla_manual
                       subtype:  Toyota#Corolla_AE92_manual
                       subtype:  Toyota#Corolla_AE93_manual
                          subtype:  Toyota#Corolla_AE93_CSI_manual_hatchback
                       subtype:  Toyota#Corolla_AE95_manual
           subtype:  pm#hatchback_or_sedan_car
              subtype:  #hatchback.car  a car having a hatchback door
                 subtype:  Toyota#Corolla_AE93_CSI_manual_hatchback
              subtype:  #sedan  a car that is closed and that has front and rear seats and two or four doors
                 subtype:  #brougham  a sedan that has no roof over the driver's seat
           subtype:  pm#commercial_or_passenger_car
              subtype:  pm#commercial_car
              subtype:  pm#passenger_car__passengercar
           subtype:  pm#car_with_a_certain_energy_source
              subtype:  #electric_car__electric_automobile__electric  a car that is powered by electricity
              subtype:  pm#car_with_diesel
              subtype:  pm#car_with_super_petrol
              subtype:  pm#car_with_unleaded_petrol
              subtype:  pm#car_with_leaded_petrol
              subtype:  pm#gas_powered_car__gaspoweredcar
                 subtype:  #Stanley_Steamer  (trademark) a steam-powered automobile
           subtype:  pm#car_with_a_special_shape
              subtype:  #station_wagon__stationwagon__beach_wagon__beachwagon__wagon__beach_waggon__beachwaggon__station_waggon__stationwaggon__waggon  a car that has a long body and rear door with space behind rear seat
              subtype:  #convertible  a car that has top that can be folded or removed
              subtype:  #hardtop  a car that resembles a convertible but has a fixed rigid top
              subtype:  #coupe  a car with two doors and front seats and a luggage compartment
              subtype:  #minicar  (British) a car that is even smaller than a subcompact car
                 subtype:  #minicab  (British) a minicar used as a taxicab
              subtype:  #minivan  a small box-shaped passenger van; usually has removable seats; used as a family car
              subtype:  #jeep__landrover  a car suitable for traveling over rough terrain
              subtype:  #limousine__limo  large luxurious car; usually drive by a chauffeur
                 subtype:  #berlin  a limousine with a glass partition between the front and back seats
              subtype:  #compact_car__compactcar__compact  a small and economical car
              subtype:  #subcompact_car__subcompact  a car smaller than a compact car
              subtype:  #roadster__runabout__two-seater__twoseater  an open automobile having a front seat and a rumble seat
              subtype:  #touring_car__touringcar__phaeton__tourer  large open car seating four with folding top
           subtype:  pm#car_with_a_special_characteristic
              subtype:  #jalopy__bus__heap  a car that is old and unreliable; "the fenders had fallen off that old bus"
           subtype:  pm#car_with_a_function
              subtype:  #taxi__cab__taxicab  a car driven by a person whose job is to take passengers where they want to go in exchange for money
                 subtype:  #gypsy_cab__gypsycab  a taxicab that cruises for customers although it is licensed only to respond to calls
                 subtype:  #minicab  (British) a minicar used as a taxicab
              subtype:  #ambulance  a vehicle that takes people to and from hospitals
                 subtype:  #funny_wagon__funnywagon  (informal) an ambulance used to transport patients to a mental hospital
              subtype:  #patrol_car__cruiser__police_car__prowl_car__prowlcar__squad_car__squadcar  a car in which policemen cruise the streets; equipped with radiotelephonic communications to headquarters
              subtype:  pm#wedding_car__weddingcar
              subtype:  pm#armoured_car
           subtype:  pm#car_with_a_role
              subtype:  #loaner  a car that is lent as a replacement for one that is under repair
              subtype:  #pace_car  (auto racing) a high-performance car that leads a parade of competing cars through the pace lap and then pulls off the course
              subtype:  #stock_car.car__stockcar  a car kept in dealers' stock for regular sales
              subtype:  #race_car__racer__racing_car  a fast car that competes in races
                 subtype:  #stock_car__stockcar  a racing car with the basic chassis of a commercially available car
              subtype:  #sports_car__sport_car__sportcar  a small low car with a high-powered engine; usually seats two persons
              subtype:  #sport_utility_vehicle__sportutilityvehicle__sportutility__S.U.V.  a high-performance four-wheel drive car built on a truck chassis
           subtype:  pm#car_with_a_modification
              subtype:  #hot_rod__hotrod__hot-rod__hotrod  a car modified to increase its speed and acceleration
           subtype:  pm#car_of_a_certain_make
              subtype:  pm#Alfa_Romeo
                 subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#156
                 subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#1600
                 subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#164
                 subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#166
                 subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#2000
                 subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#ALFA_33
                 subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#ALFA_75
                 subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#90
                 subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#ALFASUD
                 subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#ALFETTA
                 subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#BERLINA
                 subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#GIULIA
                 subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#giulietta
                 subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#GT
                 subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#GTV
                 subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#Millennium_spider
                 subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#Montreal
                 subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#Spider
                 subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#Sprint
                 subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#manual
                 subtype:  Alfa_Romeo#automatic
              subtype:  pm#Giulietta
              subtype:  pm#Asia_motors
              subtype:  pm#Aston_martin
              subtype:  pm#Audi
              subtype:  pm#Austin_healey
              subtype:  pm#Bentley
              subtype:  pm#BMW
              subtype:  pm#Buick
              subtype:  pm#Cadillac
              subtype:  pm#Chevrolet
              subtype:  pm#Chrysler
              subtype:  pm#Citroen
              subtype:  pm#Daewoo
              subtype:  pm#Daihatsu
              subtype:  pm#Daimler
              subtype:  pm#Datsun
              subtype:  pm#Eunos
              subtype:  pm#Ferrari
              subtype:  pm#Fiat
              subtype:  pm#Ford
              subtype:  pm#Hino
              subtype:  pm#Holden
              subtype:  pm#Honda
              subtype:  pm#HSV
              subtype:  pm#Hyundai
              subtype:  pm#Isuzu
              subtype:  pm#Jaguar
              subtype:  pm#Jeep
              subtype:  pm#Kia
              subtype:  pm#Lada
              subtype:  pm#Lamborghini
              subtype:  pm#Land_rover
              subtype:  pm#Lexus
              subtype:  pm#Lotus
              subtype:  pm#M.G.__m
              subtype:  pm#Maserati
              subtype:  pm#Mazda
              subtype:  pm#Mercedes
              subtype:  pm#Mitsubishi
              subtype:  pm#Morris
              subtype:  pm#Nissan
              subtype:  pm#OKA
              subtype:  pm#Peugeot
              subtype:  pm#Pontiac
              subtype:  pm#Porsche
              subtype:  pm#Proton
              subtype:  pm#Range_rover
              subtype:  pm#Renault
              subtype:  pm#Rolls_royce
              subtype:  pm#Rover
              subtype:  pm#Saab
              subtype:  pm#Seat
              subtype:  pm#Sangyong
              subtype:  pm#Subaru
              subtype:  pm#Suzuki
              subtype:  pm#Tata
              subtype:  pm#Toyota
                 subtype:  Toyota#Camry
                 subtype:  Toyota#Celica
                 subtype:  Toyota#Corolla
                    subtype:  Toyota#Corolla_manual
                    subtype:  Toyota#Corolla_automatic
                    subtype:  Toyota#Corolla_AE92
                    subtype:  Toyota#Corolla_AE93
                    subtype:  Toyota#Corolla_AE95
                 subtype:  Toyota#Cressida
                 subtype:  Toyota#Lexen
                 subtype:  Toyota#MR2
                 subtype:  Toyota#Paseo
                 subtype:  Toyota#Supra
                 subtype:  Toyota#Tarago
                 subtype:  Toyota#manual
                 subtype:  Toyota#automatic
              subtype:  pm#Triumph
              subtype:  pm#TVR
              subtype:  pm#Vauxhall
              subtype:  pm#Volkswagen
              subtype:  pm#Volvo
        subtype:  #doodlebug  a small motor vehicle
        subtype:  #4WD__four-wheel_drive  a motor vehicle with a four-wheel drive transmission system
        subtype:  #go-kart  a small low motor vehicle with four wheels and an open framework; used for racing
        subtype:  #golfcart__golf_cart  a small motor vehicle in which golfers can ride between shots
        subtype:  #motorcycle__bike  a motor vehicle with two wheels and a strong frame
        subtype:  #snowmobile  motor vehicle for travel on snow having caterpillar tracks and front skis
           subtype:  #Sno-cat  (trademark) a kind of snowmobile
        subtype:  #truck__motortruck  an automotive vehicle suitable for hauling
           subtype:  #dump_truck__dumper__tipper_truck__tipper_lorry__tip_truck__tiptruck__tipper  truck whose contents can be emptied without handling; the front end of the platform can be pneumatically raised so that the load is discharged by gravity
           subtype:  #fire_engine__fire_truck  any of various large trucks that carry firemen and equipment to the site of a fire
              subtype:  #aerial_ladder_truck__ladder_truck  a fire engine carrying ladders
           subtype:  #garbage_truck__garbagetruck__dustcart  a truck for collecting domestic refuse; "in England a garbage truck is called a dustcart"
           subtype:  #camion__lorry  a large truck designed to carry heavy loads; usually without sides
           subtype:  #pickup_truck__pickup  a light truck with an open body and low sides and a tailboard
           subtype:  #sound_truck  a truck equipped with a loudspeaker and used for advertising
           subtype:  #tow_truck__towtruck__tow_car__wrecker  a truck equipped to hoist and pull wrecked cars (or to remove cars from no-parking zones)
           subtype:  #tractor.truck  a truck that has a cab but no body; used for pulling large trailers or vans
           subtype:  #trailer_truck__trailertruck__tractor_trailer__trucking_rig__articulated_lorry__semi  a truck consisting of a tractor and trailer together
              subtype:  #tandem_trailer  trucking rig with two trailers in tandem
           subtype:  #transporter.truck  a long truck for carrying motor vehicles
           subtype:  #van  a truck with an enclosed cargo space
              subtype:  #bookmobile  a van with shelves of books; serves as a mobile library or bookstore
              subtype:  #delivery_truck__delivery_van__panel_truck__paneltruck  a van suitable for delivering goods or services to customers
              subtype:  #laundry_truck__laundrytruck  van that picks up and delivers laundry; "a laundry truck stops by every week"
              subtype:  #moving_van  a van used for moving home or office furniture
                 subtype:  #pantechnicon  (British) a large moving van (especially one used for moving furniture)
              subtype:  #passenger_van__passengervan  a van that carries passengers
                 subtype:  #minivan  a small box-shaped passenger van; usually has removable seats; used as a family car
              subtype:  #police_van__police_wagon__paddy_wagon__paddywagon__patrol_wagon__wagon__black_Maria  van used by police to transport prisoners
        subtype:  pm#electric_vehicle
           subtype:  #electric_car__electric_automobile__electric  a car that is powered by electricity
     subtype:  #recreational_vehicle__RV  a motorized wheeled vehicle used for camping or other recreational activities
        subtype:  #camping_bus__campingbu__camper__motor_home__motorhome  a recreational vehicle equipped for camping out while traveling
           subtype:  #caravan  (British) a camper equipped with living quarters
        subtype:  #dune_buggy__beach_buggy__beachbuggy  a recreational vehicle with large tires used on beaches or sand dunes
     subtype:  #rolling_stock__rollingstock  collection of wheeled vehicles owned by a railroad or motor carrier
     subtype:  #scooter  child's two-wheeled vehicle operated by foot
     subtype:  #streetcar__tram__tramcar__trolley__trolley_car__trolleycar  a wheeled vehicle that runs on rails and is propelled by electricity: "`tram' and `tramcar' are British terms"
        subtype:  #horsecar  an early form of streetcar that was drawn by horses
     subtype:  #sulky  a light two-wheeled vehicle for one person; drawn by one horse
     subtype:  #tractor  a wheeled vehicle with large wheels; used in farming and other applications
        subtype:  #bulldozer__dozer  large powerful tractor; a large blade in front flattens areas of ground
           subtype:  #angledozer  a bulldozer with an angled moldboard to push earth to one side
        subtype:  #Caterpillar__cat  (trademark) a tractor that is driven by caterpillar tracks
     subtype:  #wagon__waggon  any of various kinds of wheeled vehicles drawn by a horse or tractor
        subtype:  #bandwagon  a large ornate wagon for carrying a musical band; "the gaudy bandwagon led the circus parade"
        subtype:  #cart  a heavy open wagon usually having two wheels and drawn by an animal
           subtype:  #dogcart  a cart drawn by a dog
           subtype:  #dumpcart  a cart that can be tilted to empty contents without handling
              subtype:  #tumbrel__tumbril  a farm dumpcart for carrying dung; carts of this type were used to carry prisoners to the guillotine during the French Revolution
           subtype:  #horsecart  heavy cart; drawn by a horse; used for farm work
              subtype:  #dray__camion  a low heavy horsecart without sides; used for haulage
           subtype:  #jaunting_car__jaunty_car  an open two-wheeled one-horse cart formerly widely used in Ireland
           subtype:  #jinrikisha__ricksha__rickshaw  a small two-wheeled cart for one passenger; pulled by one person
           subtype:  #oxcart  a cart that is drawn by an ox
           subtype:  #ponycart__donkey_cart__tub-cart__tubcart  a cart with an underslung axle and two seats
           subtype:  #water_cart__watercart  cart with a tank for water (especially with fresh water for sale)
              subtype:  #watering_cart  water cart with a tank and sprinkler for sprinkling roads
        subtype:  #chuck_wagon__chuckwagon  a wagon equipped with a cookstove and provisions (for cowboys)
        subtype:  #covered_wagon__coveredwagon__Conestoga_wagon__Conestoga__prairie_wagon__prairiewagon__prairie_schooner__prairieschooner  a large wagon with broad wheels and an arched canvas top; used by the United States pioneers to cross the prairies in the 19th century
        subtype:  #icewagon  (formerly) a horse-drawn wagon that delivered ice door to door
        subtype:  #lorry  a large low horse-drawn wagon without sides
        subtype:  #milkwagon  wagon for delivering milk
        subtype:  #tramcar__tram  a four-wheeled wagon that runs on tracks in a mine; "a tramcar carries coal out of a coal mine"
        subtype:  #wain  large open farm wagon
        subtype:  #water_wagon__waterwagon__water_waggon__waterwaggon  a wagon that carries water (as for troops or work gangs or to sprinkle down dusty dirt roads in the summertime)
     subtype:  #coaster_wagon__coasterwagon__wagon  a child's four-wheeled toy cart sometimes used for coasting
     subtype:  #welcome_wagon__welcomewagon  a wheeled vehicle carrying information and gifts from local merchants for new residents in an area
  subtype:  #workbasket__workbox__workbag  container for holding implements and materials for work (especially for sewing)
     subtype:  #sewing_basket  a workbasket in which sewing materials can be stored

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