#columbiform_bird__columbiformbird  cosmopolitan order of land birds having small heads and short legs with four unwebbed toes
  supertype:  #gallinaceous_bird__gallinaceon  heavy-bodied largely ground-feeding domestic or game birds
  member of:  #order_Columbiformes
  subtype:  #Raphus_cucullatus__dodo  extinct heavy flightless bird of Mauritius related to pigeons
  subtype:  #Pezophaps_solitaria__solitaire  extinct flightless bird related to the dodo
  subtype:  #pigeon  wild and domesticated birds having a heavy body and short legs
     subtype:  #pouter_pigeon__pouter  one of a breed of pigeon that enlarge their crop until their breast is puffed out
     subtype:  #dove  any of numerous small pigeons
        subtype:  #turtledove  any of several Old World wild doves
           subtype:  #Streptopelia_turtur  the common European wild dove noted for its plaintive cooing
           subtype:  #ringdove__Streptopelia_risoria  grayish Old World turtledove with a black band around the neck; often caged
        subtype:  #Australian_turtledove__turtledove__Stictopelia_cuneata  small Australian dove
        subtype:  #mourning_dove__Zenaidura_macroura  wild dove of the United States having a mournful call
     subtype:  #rock_dove__rock_pigeon__Columba_livia  pale gray Eurasian pigeon having black-striped wings from which most domestic species are descended
     subtype:  #band-tailed_pigeon__band-tail_pigeon__bandtail__Columba_fasciata  wild pigeon of western North America; often mistaken for the now extinct passenger pigeon
     subtype:  #wood_pigeon__ringdove__cushat__Columba_palumbus  Eurasian pigeon with white patches on wings and neck
     subtype:  #domestic_pigeon  domesticated pigeon raised for sport or food
        subtype:  #fairy_swallow__fairyswallow  fancy domestic pigeon having blue-and-white plumage and heavily muffed feet
        subtype:  #tumbler_pigeon__tumblerpigeon__roller__tumbler  pigeon that executes backward somersaults in flight or on the ground
        subtype:  #homing_pigeon__homer  pigeon trained to return home
           subtype:  #carrier_pigeon__carrierpigeon  a homing pigeon used to carry messages
     subtype:  #squab  an unfledged pigeon
     subtype:  #passenger_pigeon__passengerpigeon__Ectopistes_migratorius  gregarious North American migratory pigeon now extinct
  subtype:  #sandgrouse__sand_grouse  pigeon-like bird of arid regions of the Old World having long pointed wings and tail and precocial downy young
     subtype:  #painted_sandgrouse__paintedsandgrouse__Pterocles_indicus  sandgrouse of India
     subtype:  #pin-tailed_sandgrouse__pin-tailed_grouse__Pterocles_alchata  sandgrouse of Europe and Africa having elongated middle tail feathers
     subtype:  #pallas's_sandgrouse__Syrrhaptes_paradoxus  Eurasiatic sandgrouse with a black patch on the belly

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