#color_blindness__colorblindnes__colour_blindness__color_vision_deficiency__colour_vision_deficiency genetic inability to distinguish differences in hue
supertype: visual_impairment birth_defect
subtype: dichromacy__dichromatism__dichromatopsia__dichromia__dichromasy a deficiency of color vision in which the person can match any given hue by mixing only two other wavelengths of light (as opposed to the three wavelengths needed by people with normal color vision)
subtype: red-green_dichromacy__redgreendichromacy__red-gree_color_blindness confusion of red and green
subtype: deuteranopia__Daltonism__green-blindness dichromacy characterized by a lowered sensitivity to green light resulting in an inability to distinguish green and purplish-red
subtype: protanopia__red-blindness__redblindnes dichromacy characterized by lowered sensitivity to long wavelengths of light resulting in an inability to distinguish red and purplish blue
subtype: yellow-blue_dichromacy__yellow-blue_color_blindness confusion of yellow and blue
subtype: tetartanopia__yellow-blindness a form of dichromacy characterized by lowered sensitivity to yellow light; so rare that its existence has been questioned
subtype: tritanopia__blue-blindness rare form of dichromacy characterized by a lowered sensitivity to blue light resulting in an inability to distinguish blue and yellow
subtype: monochromacy__monochromatism__monochromatic_vision__monochromaticvision__monochromia__monochromasy complete color blindness; colors can be differentiated only on the basis of brightness
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