#change_of_state  the act of changing something into something different in essential characteristics
  supertype:  #change  the action of changing something; "the change of government had no impact on the economy"; "his change on abortion cost him the election"
  subtype:  #aeration  the act of charging a liquid with a gas making it effervescent
  subtype:  #passage__transition  the act of passing from one state or place to the next
     subtype:  #fossilization__fossilisation  becoming inflexible or out of date
  subtype:  #meddling__tampering  the act of altering something secretly or improperly
  subtype:  #transfer__transference  the act of transfering something from one form to another; "the transfer of the music from record to tape suppressed much of the background noise"
  subtype:  #termination__ending__conclusion  the act of ending something; "the termination of the agreement"
     subtype:  #demonetization__demonetisation  ending something (e.g. gold or silver) as no longer the legal tender of a country
     subtype:  #tone_ending__release  (music) the act or manner of terminating a musical phrase or tone
        subtype:  #plosion  the terminal forced release of pressure built up during the occlusive phase of a stop consonant
     subtype:  #windup__completion__culmination__mop_up__mopup  a concluding action
        subtype:  #finish.windup__finishing  the act of finishing; "his best finish in a major tournament was third"; "the speaker's finishing was greeted with applause"
           subtype:  #finale__close__closing_curtain__closingcurtain__finis__fini  the concluding part of any performance
        subtype:  #finalization__finalisation  the act of finalizing
        subtype:  #follow-through  carrying something to full completion; "I appreciated his follow-through on his promise"
        subtype:  #graduation  the successful completion of a program of study
     subtype:  #retirement  withdrawal from your position or occupation
        subtype:  #hibernation  the act of retiring into inactivity; "he emerged from his hibernation to make his first appearance in several years"
        subtype:  #rustication.retirement  the action of retiring to and living in the country
     subtype:  #relinquishment__relinquishing  the act of relinquishing
        subtype:  #cession__ceding  the act of ceding
           subtype:  #ceding_back__recession  the act of ceding back
        subtype:  #handover  act of relinquishing property or authority etc: "the handover of occupied territory"
        subtype:  #waiver__release  a formal written statement of relinquishment
           subtype:  #granting_immunity__exemption__immunity  an act exempting someone; "he was granted immunity from prosecution"
              subtype:  #fix  an exemption granted after influence (e.g., money) is brought to bear; "collusion resulted in tax fixes for gamblers"
     subtype:  #dissolution__breakup  the termination of a relationship
        subtype:  #annulment__invalidation  a formal termination (of a relationship or a judicial proceeding etc)
           subtype:  #dissolution_of_marriage  an annulment of a marriage
     subtype:  #overthrow  the termination of a ruler or institution (especially by force)
        subtype:  #subversive_activity__subversion  the act of subverting; as overthrowing or destroying a legally constituted government
     subtype:  #adjournment.termination__dissolution  the termination of a meeting
     subtype:  #dismission__dismissal__discharge__firing__liberation__release__sacking  the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)
        subtype:  #conge  an abrupt and unceremonious dismissal
        subtype:  #removal.dismission  dismissal from office
        subtype:  #deactivation__inactivation  breaking up a military unit (by transfers or discharges)
        subtype:  #dishonorable_discharge  a discharge from the US Army for a grave offense (as sabotage or espionage or cowardice or murder)
        subtype:  #Section_Eight  a discharge from the US Army based on unfitness or character traits deemed undesirable
     subtype:  #destruction__devastation  termination by an act of destruction
        subtype:  #disaster  an act that has disastrous consequences
        subtype:  #kill  the destruction of an enemy plane or ship or tank or missile; "the pilot reported two kills during the mission"
        subtype:  #laying_waste__ruin__ruining__ruination__wrecking  destruction achieved by wrecking something
        subtype:  #razing__leveling__tearing_down__tearingdown__demolishing  complete destruction of a building
        subtype:  #obliteration__annihilation  destruction by annihilating something
           subtype:  #atomization__atomisation  annihilation by reducing something to atoms
           subtype:  #pulverization__pulverisation  annihilation by pulverizing something
           subtype:  #vaporization__vaporisation  annihilation by vaporizing something
        subtype:  #decimation  destroying or killing a great proportion of the population (literally every tenth person)
        subtype:  #self-destruction  the act of destroying yourself; "his insistence was pure self-destruction"
        subtype:  #sabotage  a deliberate act of destruction or disruption in which equipment is damaged
        subtype:  #extermination__liquidation  the act of exterminating
        subtype:  #holocaust  an act of great destruction and loss of life
        subtype:  #demolition  the act of demolishing
        subtype:  #vandalism__hooliganism__malicious_mischief__maliciousmischief  willful wanton and malicious destruction of the property of others
     subtype:  #killing__putting_to_death  the act of terminating a life
        subtype:  #deathblow__coupdegrace  the blow that kills (usually mercifully)
        subtype:  #death.killing  the act of killing; "he had two deaths on his conscience"
        subtype:  #euthanasia__mercy_killing__mercykilling  the act of killing someone painlessly (especially someone suffering from an incurable illness)
        subtype:  #manslaughter  unlawful killing of a human being without malice
           subtype:  #chance-medley  unpremeditated killing of a human being in self defense
        subtype:  #murder__homicide__slaying  unlawful premeditated killing of a human being
           subtype:  #bloodshed__blood__gore  the shedding of blood resulting in murder; "he avenged the blood of his kinsmen"
           subtype:  #parricide  murder of your own parents
              subtype:  #matricide  murder of your mother
              subtype:  #patricide  murder of your father
           subtype:  #elimination.murder__liquidation  the murder of a competitor
           subtype:  #carnage__slaughter__butchery  the savage and excessive killing of people
              subtype:  #bloodbath__bloodletting__bloodshed__battue  indiscriminate slaughter
           subtype:  #assassination  murder of a public figure by surprise attack
           subtype:  #dry-gulching__drygulching  the act of killing from ambush
           subtype:  #fratricide  the act of murdering your own brother or sister
           subtype:  #hit.murder  a murder carried out by an underworld syndicate; "it has all the earmarks of a Mafia hit"
           subtype:  #infanticide  murdering an infant
           subtype:  #shoot-down__shootdown  murder by shooting someone down in cold blood
           subtype:  #tyrannicide  killing a tyrant
           subtype:  #thuggee  murder and robbery by thugs
        subtype:  #dispatch__despatch  the murder or execution of someone
        subtype:  #fell  the act of felling something (as a tree)
        subtype:  #immolation  killing as a sacrificial act
        subtype:  #self-annihilation__suicide__self-destruction  the act of killing yourself
           subtype:  #assisted_suicide  suicide of a terminally ill person that involves an assistant who serves to make dying as painless and dignified as possible
           subtype:  #felo-de-se  an act of deliberate self destruction
           subtype:  #harakiri__hara-kiri__harikari  (Japan) ritual suicide by self-disembowelment on a sword; practiced by warriors in the traditional Japanese society
           subtype:  #suttee  the act of a Hindu widow willingly cremating herself on the funeral pyre of her dead husband
        subtype:  #slaughter  the killing of animals (as for food)
        subtype:  #lynching  putting to death by mob action without due process of law
        subtype:  #poisoning  killing by the administration of poison
           subtype:  #gassing  the deliberate act of poisoning someone with gas
        subtype:  #regicide  the act of killing a king
        subtype:  #shooting  killing by gunfire; "when the shooting stopped there were three dead bodies"
           subtype:  #drive-by_shooting  shooting someone from a car as it is driven past the victim
           subtype:  #wing_shooting  shooting game birds that are flying (on the wing)
        subtype:  #suffocation__asphyxiation  killing by depriving of oxygen
           subtype:  #strangling__choking__strangulation__throttling  the act of suffocating by constricting the windpipe; "no evidence that the choking was done by the accused"
        subtype:  #ritual_killing__sacrifice  the act of killing (an animal or person) in order to propitiate a deity
           subtype:  #hecatomb  a great sacrifice; an ancient Greek or Roman sacrifice of 100 oxen
           subtype:  #immolation.ritual_killing  to kill as a sacrifice by fire
        subtype:  #electrocution  killing by electric shock
        subtype:  #decapitation__beheading  killing by cutting off the head
        subtype:  #genocide__race_murder__racial_extermination  systematic killing of a racial or cultural group
           subtype:  #Holocaust__final_solution__finalsolution  the Nazi program of exterminating Jews under Hitler
        subtype:  #massacre__mass_murder  the wanton killing of many people
           instance:  #Battle_of_the_Little_Bighorn__Little_Bighorn__Battle_of_Little_Bighorn__Custer's_Last_Stand
     subtype:  #abolition__abolishment  the act of abolishing
     subtype:  #liquidation__settlement  terminating a business operation
        subtype:  #viaticus_settlement__viatical_settlement  sale of an insurance policy by a terminally ill policy holder
     subtype:  #drug_withdrawal__withdrawal  the termination of drug taking
        subtype:  #cold_turkey  complete and abrupt withdrawal of all addictive drugs on which you have become dependent
     subtype:  #closedown__closure__shutdown  termination of operations
        subtype:  #plant_closing__plantclosing  act of shutting down operation of a plant
        subtype:  #bank_closing  act of closing down a bank because of a fiscal emergency or failure
        subtype:  #layoff  the act of laying off an employee or a work force
     subtype:  #extinguishing__extinction__quenching  the act of extinguishing; causing to stop burning; "the extinction of the lights"
     subtype:  #fade__disappearance  gradually ceasing to be visible
     subtype:  #abortion  termination of pregnancy
        subtype:  #spontaneous_abortion__spontaneousabortion__miscarriage__stillbirth  a natural loss of the products of conception
           subtype:  #habitual_abortion  repeated spontaneous abortion (often for no known reason)
           subtype:  #imminent_abortion__threatened_abortion  the appearance of symptoms that signal the impending loss of the products of conception
           subtype:  #incomplete_abortion__partial_abortion__partialabortion  termination of pregnancy without expulsion of all of the products of conception
        subtype:  #induced_abortion__inducedabortion  a deliberate termination of pregnancy
           subtype:  #aborticide__feticide  the act of destroying a fetus
           subtype:  #therapeutic_abortion__therapeuticabortion  a legally induced abortion for medical reasons (as when the mother's life is threatened)
           subtype:  #suction_curettage__suctioncurettage__vacuum_aspiration  a method of induced abortion; prior to the 14th week of gestation the embryo and placenta are removed by applying suction to the dilated cervix
     subtype:  #defusing__deactivation  the act of deactivating or making ineffective (as a bomb)
     subtype:  #discontinuance__discontinuation  the act of discontinuing
        subtype:  #disfranchisement  the discontinuation of a franchise; especially the discontinuation of the right to vote
        subtype:  #disinheritance  the act by a donor that terminates the right of a person to inherit
        subtype:  #dismount  the act of dismounting (a horse or bike etc.)
  subtype:  #nullification__override  the act of nullifying; making null and void; counteracting or overriding the effect or force of something
     subtype:  #cancellation  the act of cancelling; calling off some arrangement
        subtype:  #abrogation__repeal__annulment  an official or legal cancellation
           subtype:  #vacation  the act of making something legally void
           subtype:  #recall  the act of removing an official by petition
           subtype:  #revocation  the act (by someone having the authority) of annulling something previously done; "the revocation of a law"
        subtype:  #write-off__writeoff  the act of cancelling a debt as uncollectible
        subtype:  #attainder__civil_death__civildeath  cancellation of civil rights
        subtype:  #recission__rescission  the act of rescinding; (law) the cancellation of a contract and the return of the parties to the positions they would have had if the contract had not been made; recission may be brought about by decree or by mutual consent
     subtype:  #vitiation  nullification by the destruction of the legal force; rendering null; "the vitiation of the contract"
     subtype:  #counteraction__neutralization__neutralisation  action intended to nullify the effects of some previous action
     subtype:  #neutralization__neutralisation  action intended to keep a country politically neutral or exclude it from a possible war; "the neutralization of Belgium"
  subtype:  #reversal  a change from one state to the opposite state; "there was a reversal of autonomic function"
     subtype:  #regress__regres__reversion__retrogression__retroversion  returning to a former state
  subtype:  #commencement__beginning__start  the act of starting something; "he was responsible for the beginning of negotiations"
     subtype:  #rise_to_power__accession  the act of attaining a new office or right
     subtype:  #activation  making active and effective (as a bomb)
     subtype:  #tone-beginning__attack  a decisive manner of beginning a musical tone or phrase
     subtype:  #constitution__establishment__formation__organization__organisation  the act of forming something; "the constitution of a PTA group"; "he still remembers the establishment of the hospital"
        subtype:  #unionization__unionisation  act of forming labor unions
        subtype:  #colonization__colonisation__settlement  the act of colonizing
           subtype:  #populating__population  the act of populating (causing to live in a place); "he deplored the population of colonies with convicted criminals"
     subtype:  #Creation  (theology) God's act of bringing the universe into existence
     subtype:  #debut__introduction__first_appearance__firstappearance__launching__unveiling__entry  the act of beginning something new; "they looked forward to the debut of their new product line"
        subtype:  #induction  the act of bringing about something (especially at an early time); "the induction of an anesthetic state"
           subtype:  #induction_of_labor  (obstetrics) inducing the childbirth process artificially by administering oxytocin or by puncturing the amniotic sac
           subtype:  #hypnogenesis  the induction of sleep or hypnosis
        subtype:  #product_introduction__productintroduction  the introduction (usually by an advertising campaign) of a new product or product line
        subtype:  #ushering_in  the introduction of something new; "it signalled the ushering in of a new era"
     subtype:  #face-off  (ice hockey) the method of starting play; a referee drops the puck between two opposing players
     subtype:  #first_step__firststep__initiative__opening_move__openingmove__opening  the first of a series of actions; "he memorized all the important chess openings"
        subtype:  #curtain_raiser__curtainraiser  any preliminary activity
        subtype:  #first_base__firstbase  the initial stage in accomplishing something; "we didn't get to first base with that approach"
        subtype:  #peace_initiative__peaceinitiative  opening move in negotiating a peace treaty
     subtype:  #groundbreaking_ceremony__groundbreaking  the ceremonial breaking of the ground to formally begin a construction project
     subtype:  #housing_start__housingstart  the act of starting to construct a house
     subtype:  #icebreaker  a beginning that relaxes a tense or formal atmosphere; "he told jokes as an icebreaker"
     subtype:  #inauguration__startup  the act of starting a new operation or practice; "he opposed the inauguration of fluoridation"; "the startup of the new factory was delayed by strikes"
     subtype:  #founding__initiation__foundation__institution__origination__creation__instauration  starting something for the first time
     subtype:  #installing__installation__installment  the act of installing something (as equipment); "the telephone installation took only a few minutes"
     subtype:  #jump_ball  (basketball) the way play begins or resumes when possession is disputed; an official tosses the ball up between two players who jump in an effort to tap it to a teammate
        subtype:  #tap-off__tapoff__tip-off__tipoff  the act of starting a basketball game with a jump ball
     subtype:  #kickoff  a kick from the center of the field to start a football game or to resume it after a score
     subtype:  #resumption__recommencement  beginning again
     subtype:  #scrum__scrummage  (rugby football) the method of beginning play in which the forwards of each team crouch side by side with locked arms; play starts when the ball thrown in between them and the two sides compete for possession
     subtype:  #startup  the act of setting in operation; "repeated shutdowns and startups are expensive"
  subtype:  #rousing__arousal  the act of arousing; "the purpose of art is the arousal of emotions"
     subtype:  #awakening__wakening__waking_up  the act of waking; "it was an early awakening"; "it was the waking up he hated most"
        subtype:  #reveille  a signal to get up in the morning; in the military it is a bugle call at sunrise
     subtype:  #excitation__excitement  something that excites; "he looked forward to the excitements of the day"
        subtype:  #thrill  something that thrills; "the thrills of space travel"
     subtype:  #incitation__incitement  an act of inciting
     subtype:  #inflaming__inflammation  arousal to violent emotion
     subtype:  #inspiration__stirring  arousing to a particular emotion or action
     subtype:  #stimulation  the act of stimulating
     subtype:  #titillation  an agreeable arousal
  subtype:  #cooking__cookery  the act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat
     subtype:  #baking.cooking  cooking by dry heat in an oven
        subtype:  #shirring  baking shelled eggs
     subtype:  #toasting__browning  cooking to a brown crispiness over a fire or on a grill; "proper toasting should brown both sides of a piece of bread"
     subtype:  #broil__broiling__grilling  cooking by direct exposure to radiant heat (as over a fire or under a grill)
     subtype:  #frying__sauteing  cooking in fat or oil in a pan or griddle
     subtype:  #braising  cooking slowly in fat in a closed pot with little moisture
     subtype:  #poaching  cooking in simmering liquid
     subtype:  #roasting  cooking (meat) by dry heat in an oven (usually with fat added); "the slow roasting took several hours"
        subtype:  #barbecuing  roasting a large piece of meat on a revolving spit out of doors over an open fire
     subtype:  #simmering__boiling__stewing  cooking in a boiling liquid
        subtype:  #decoction  (pharmacology) the extraction by boiling of water-soluble drug substances
     subtype:  #percolation.cooking  the act of making coffee in a percolator
     subtype:  #cookery__cuisine__culinary_art  the practice or manner of preparing food or the food so prepared
        subtype:  #dim_sum__dimsum  traditional Chinese cuisine; a variety of foods (including several kinds of steamed or fried dumplings) are served successively in small portions
        subtype:  #nouvelle_cuisine  a school of French cooking that uses light sauces and tries to bring out the natural flavors of foods instead of making heavy use of butter and cream
        subtype:  #rechauffe  warmed leftovers
        subtype:  #gastronomy  a particular style of cookery (as of a region)
  subtype:  #seasoning  the act of adding a seasoning to food
     subtype:  #salting  the act of adding salt to food
     subtype:  #sweetening  the act of adding a sweetener to food
  subtype:  #infusion  the act of infusing or introducing a certain modifying element or quality; "the team's continued success is attributable to a steady infusion of new talent"
  subtype:  #improvement  the act of improving something: "their improvements increased the value of the property"
     subtype:  #tenderization__tenderisation  the act of making meat tender by pounding or marinating it
     subtype:  #development  act of improving by expanding or enlarging or refining; "he congratulated them on their development of a plan to meet the emergency"; "they funded research and development"
        subtype:  #progress__advancement  gradual improvement or growth or development: "advancement of knowledge"; "great progress in the arts"; "their research and development gave them an advantage"
           subtype:  #furtherance__forwarding__promotion  the advancement of some enterprise; "his experience in marketing resulted in the forwarding of his career"
           subtype:  #stride  significant progress (especially in the phrase "make strides" or "make rapid strides")
           subtype:  #workflow  progress (or rate of progress) in work being done
        subtype:  #broadening  the action of making broader; "the broadening of travel"
        subtype:  #working_out__workingout__elaboration  developing in intricate and painstaking detail
        subtype:  #product_development__productdevelopment  improving an existing product or developing new kinds of products
     subtype:  #cleaning__cleansing__cleanup  the act of making something clean; "he gave his shoes a good cleaning"
        subtype:  #disinfestation  the activity of getting rid of vermin
        subtype:  #spring-cleaning  the activity of cleaning a house thoroughly at the end of winter
        subtype:  #scrubbing__scrub__scouring  the act of cleaning a surface by rubbing it with a brush and soap and water
           subtype:  #swabbing__mopping  cleaning with a mop; "he gave it a good mopping"
        subtype:  #dry_cleaning__drycleaning  the act of cleaning (fabrics) with a solvent other than water
        subtype:  #sweeping  the act of cleaning with a broom
        subtype:  #purge__purging__purgation  an act of removing by cleansing; ridding of sediment or other other undesired elements
           subtype:  #abreaction__catharsis__catharsi__katharsis__katharsi  (psychoanalysis) purging of emotional tensions
           subtype:  #catharsis__catharsi__katharsis__katharsi  purging the body by the use of a cathartic to stimulate evacuation of the bowels
           subtype:  #colonic_irrigation__colonicirrigation__colonic__high_colonic  irrigation of the colon for cleansing purposes by injecting large amounts of fluid high into the colon
        subtype:  #purification  cleaning by getting rid of impurities
        subtype:  #sterilization__sterilisation  the procedure of making some object free of live bacteria of other microorganisms (usually by heat or chemical means)
           subtype:  #pasteurization__pasteurisation  partial sterilization of foods at a temperature that destroys harmful microorganisms without major changes in the chemistry of the food
        subtype:  #sanitization__sanitation__sanitisation  making something sanitary (free of germs) as by sterilizing
        subtype:  #depilation__epilation  the act of removing hair (as from an animal skin)
           subtype:  #shave__shaving  the act of removing hair with a razor
              subtype:  #tonsure  shaving the crown of the head by priests or members of a monastic order
           subtype:  #electrolysis  removing superfluous or unwanted hair by passing an electric current through the hair root
        subtype:  #ablution__washup__bathing  the act of washing yourself (or another person)
           subtype:  #shower_bath__shower  washing yourself in a shower; you stand upright under water sprayed from a nozzle; "he took a shower after the game"
           subtype:  #bath  you soak your body in a bathtub; "he has a good bath every morning"
              subtype:  #bubble_bath  a bath in which you add something to foam and scent the bath water
              subtype:  #mud_bath__mudbath  a bath in warm mud (as for treating rheumatism)
           subtype:  #sponge_bath  you wash your body with a sponge or washcloth instead of in a bathtub
           subtype:  #steam_bath__steambath__Turkish_bath__vapor_bath__vaporbath__vapour_bath  you sweat in a steam room before getting a rubdown and cold shower
     subtype:  #rectification__correction  the act of offering an improvement to replace a mistake
        subtype:  #redress__redres__remediation  act of correcting an error or a fault or an evil
           subtype:  #salve  anything that remedies or heals or soothes; "he needed a salve for his conscience"
        subtype:  #retribution  the act of correcting for your wrongdoing
        subtype:  #recompense__compensation  the act of compensating for loss or injury
           subtype:  #amends__reparation  compensation (given or received) for an injury or insult; "an act for which there is no reparation"; "how can I make amends?"
        subtype:  #amendment  the act of amending
        subtype:  #emendation  a correction by emending; a correction resulting from critical editing
     subtype:  #optimization__optimisation  the act of rendering optimal; "the simultaneous optimization of growth and profitability"; "in an optimization problem we seek values of the variables that lead to an optimal value of the function that is to be optimized"; "to promote the optimization and diversification of agricultural products"
     subtype:  #perfection  the act of making something perfect
     subtype:  #reform  a change for the better as a result of correcting abuses; "justice was for sale before the reform of the law courts"
        subtype:  #land_reform  a redistribution of agricultural land (especially by government action)
     subtype:  #amelioration__melioration__betterment  the act of relieving ills and changing for the better
     subtype:  #self-improvement__self-reformation  the act of improving yourself
        subtype:  #reform.self-improvement  self-improvement in behavior or morals by abandoning some vice; "the family rejoiced in the drunkard's reform"
     subtype:  #clarification__clearing  the act of removing solid particles from a liquid
     subtype:  #enrichment  act of making fuller or more meaningful or rewarding
        subtype:  #fertilization__fertilisation__fecundation__dressing  making fertile as by applying fertilizer or manure
           subtype:  #top_dressing__topdressing  a layer of fertilizer or manure not plowed in
     subtype:  #humanization__humanisation  the act of making more humane
     subtype:  #modernization__modernisation  making modern in appearance of behavior; "the modernization of Nigeria will be a long process"
     subtype:  #redevelopment__renovation  the act of renovating
        subtype:  #face_lift__face_lifting  a renovation that improves the outward appearance (as of a building)
     subtype:  #enhancement__sweetening  an improvement that makes something more agreeable
     subtype:  #upturn  an upward movement or trend as in business activity
     subtype:  #ventilation  the act of supplying fresh air and getting rid of foul air
     subtype:  #repair__fixing__fix__mending  the act of putting something in working order again
        subtype:  #darning  the act of mending a hole in a garment with crossing threads
        subtype:  #patching  the act of mending a hole in a garment by sewing a patch over it
        subtype:  #upkeep__care__maintenance  activity involved in maintaining something in good working order; "he wrote the manual on car care"
           subtype:  #camera_care  keeping a camera in good working order
           subtype:  #car_care__carcare  keeping a car in good working order
              subtype:  #oil_change__oilchange  replacing dirty oil with clean
           subtype:  #overhaul__inspection_and_repair__service  periodic maintenance on a car or machine; "it was time for an overhaul on the tractor"
              subtype:  #interim_overhaul__interimoverhaul  an overhaul between the regular times for overhauling
           subtype:  #pump_priming  introducing water into a pump to improve the seal and start the water flowing
           subtype:  #scheduled_maintenance__scheduledmaintenance  maintenance at a regularly scheduled time
           subtype:  #steam_fitting__steamfitting  care (installation and maintenance) of equipment for ventilating or heating or refrigerating
        subtype:  #band_aid__quick_fix__quickfix__quickie__quicky  hurried repair
        subtype:  #restoration  the act of restoring something or someone to a satisfactory state
           subtype:  #gentrification  the restoration of run-down urban areas by the middle class (resulting in the displacement of lower-income people)
           subtype:  #reclamation__rehabilitation  the conversion of waste land into land suitable for use of habitation or cultivation
              subtype:  #reforestation__reafforestation  the restoration (replanting) of a forest that had been reduced by fire or cutting
              subtype:  #urban_renewal__urbanrenewal  the clearing and rebuilding and redevelopment of urban slums
           subtype:  #rehabilitation  the restoration of someone to a useful place in society
              subtype:  #correctional_rehabilitation  providing penal custody or probation or parole for convicted offenders
              subtype:  #physical_rehabilitation__physical_restoration__therapeutic_rehabilitation__therapeuticrehabilitation  providing help for disabled persons; the removal or reduction of disabilities
              subtype:  #vocational_rehabilitation  providing training in a specific trade with the aim of gaining employment
           subtype:  #reinstatement  the act of restoring someone to a previous position; "we insisted on the reinstatement of the colonel"
           subtype:  #rejuvenation  the act of restoring to a more youthful condition
              subtype:  #refreshment  act of refreshing or renewing strength or liveliness
        subtype:  #reconstruction  the activity of constructing something again
           subtype:  #reassembly__refabrication__reformation  assembling again
           subtype:  #rebuilding  building again
        subtype:  #restitution  the act of restoring something to its original state
  subtype:  #beautification  the act of making something more beautiful
     subtype:  #glamorization__glamorisation__glamourization__glamourisation  the act of glamorizing; making something or someone more beautiful (often in a superficial way)
  subtype:  #decoration  the act of decorating something (in the hope of making it more attractive)
     subtype:  #adornment.decoration  the action of decorating yourself with something colorful and interesting
     subtype:  #ornamentation__embellishment  the act of adding extraneous decorations to something
     subtype:  #window_dressing  the decoration of shop windows
     subtype:  #trimming  the act of adding decoration; "the children had to be in bed before it was time for the trimming of the tree"
     subtype:  #tessellation  adorning with mosaic
     subtype:  #figuration  decorating with a design
     subtype:  #tattoo  the practice of making a design on the skin by pricking and staining
     subtype:  #titivation__tittivation  sprucing up; making decorative additions to
     subtype:  #marking  the act of making a visible mark on a surface
        subtype:  #lineation  the act of marking or outlining with lines
        subtype:  #mottling  the act of coloring with areas of different shades
        subtype:  #striping  the act of marking with stripes
  subtype:  #worsening  changing something with the result that it becomes worse
     subtype:  #downturn__downswing  a worsening of business or economic activity; "the market took a downturn"
        subtype:  #downspin  a swift and dangerous downturn
  subtype:  #debasement__degradation  changing to a lower state (a less respected state)
     subtype:  #dehumanization__dehumanisation  the act of degrading people with respect to their best qualities; "science has been blamed for the dehumanization of modern life"
     subtype:  #brutalization__brutalisation__animalization__animalisation  an act that makes people cruel or lacking normal human qualities
     subtype:  #barbarization__barbarisation  an act that makes people primitive and uncivilized
     subtype:  #bastardization__bastardisation  an act that debases or corrupts
     subtype:  #subversion__corruption  destroying someone's (or some group's) honesty or loyalty; undermining moral integrity; "corruption of a minor"; "the big city's subversion of rural innocence"
     subtype:  #demoralization__demoralisation  destroying the moral basis for a doctrine or policy
     subtype:  #stultification__impairment__deadening  the act of making something futile and useless (as by routine)
     subtype:  #vulgarization__popularization__popularisation__vulgarisation  the act of making something attractive to the general public
     subtype:  #abasement__humiliation  depriving one of self-esteem
        subtype:  #comedown  decline to a lower status or level
  subtype:  #change_of_color  an act that change the light that something reflects
     subtype:  #whitening__lightening  changing to a lighter color
        subtype:  #bleach  the act of whitening something by bleaching it (exposing it to sunlight or using a chemical bleaching agent)
     subtype:  #blackening__darkening  changing to a darker color
     subtype:  #discoloration__discolouration  the act of discoloring something
     subtype:  #coloring__colouring  the act of of process of changing the color of something
        subtype:  #tinting  the act of adding a tinge of color; "the hairdresser gave her hair a modest tinting"
        subtype:  #hair_coloring  the act of dyeing or tinting one's hair
           subtype:  #rinse.hair_coloring  the act of giving a light tint to the hair
        subtype:  #dyeing  the use of dye to change the color of something permanently
           subtype:  #staining  (histology) the use of a dye to color specimens for microscopic study
              subtype:  #Gram's_method__Gram_method__Gram's_procedure__Gram's_stain  a staining technique used to classify bacteria; those that retain the gentian violet are gram-positive and those that do not retain it are gram-negative
  subtype:  #soiling__soilure__dirtying  the act of soiling something
     subtype:  #spotting__staining__maculation  the act of spotting or staining something
     subtype:  #contamination__pollution  the act of contaminating or polluting; including (either intentionally or accidentally) unwanted substances or factors
        subtype:  #dust_contamination  the act of contaminating with dust particles
  subtype:  #wetting  the act of making something wet
     subtype:  #dousing__ducking__immersion  the act of submerging something
     subtype:  #drenching__soaking__souse__sousing  the act of making something completely wet; "he gave it a good drenching"
     subtype:  #moistening__dampening  the act of making something slightly wet
        subtype:  #basting  moistening a roast as it is cooking
     subtype:  #splash__splashing  the act of scattering water about haphazardly
     subtype:  #watering  wetting with water; "the lawn needs a great deal of watering"
        subtype:  #sprinkle__sprinkling  watering with a sprinkler
  subtype:  #chewing__chew__mastication  biting and grinding food in your mouth so it becomes soft enough to swallow
     subtype:  #chomping  the act of chewing noisily
     subtype:  #gumming__mumbling  ineffectual chewing (as if without teeth)
  subtype:  #defoliation  causing the leaves of trees and other plants to fall off (as by the use of chemicals)
  subtype:  #specialization__specialisation  the act of specializing; making something suitable for a special purpose
  subtype:  #spiritualization__spiritualisation  the act of making something spiritual; infusing it with spiritual content

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