#change_of_integrity  the act of changing the unity or wholeness of something
  supertype:  change  the action of changing something; "the change of government had no impact on the economy"; "his change on abortion cost him the election"
  subtype:  joining__connection__connexion  the act of bringing two things into contact; "the joining of hands around the table"
     subtype:  intersection  the act of intersecting (as joining by causing your path to intersect your target's path)
     subtype:  bringing_close_together__approximation  the act of bringing near or bringing together especially the cut edges of tissue
     subtype:  concatenation  the act of linking together as in a series or chain
     subtype:  converging__convergence  the act of converging (coming closer)
        subtype:  merging__coming_together  the act of joining together as one; "the merging of the two groups occurred quickly"; "there was no meeting of minds"
           subtype:  concourse.merging__confluence  a coming together of people
     subtype:  coming_upon__encounter  a casual meeting with a person of thing
     subtype:  articulation.joining  the act of joining things in such a way that motion is possible
     subtype:  adjunction__junction  an act of joining or adjoining things
     subtype:  fastening__attachment  the act of fastening things together
        subtype:  soldering__bonding  fastening firmly together
        subtype:  doweling  fastening by dowels
        subtype:  grounding__earthing  fastening electrical equipment to earth
        subtype:  linkage  the act of linking things together
        subtype:  tying  the act of tying things together
           subtype:  ligation  tying a duct or blood vessel with a ligature (as in surgery to prevent bleeding)
              subtype:  tubal_ligation__tuballigation  a sterilization procedure with women; both Fallopian tubes are tied in two places and the tubes removed in between the ligations
        subtype:  welding  fastening two pieces of metal together by softening with heat and applying pressure
           subtype:  butt_welding  creating a butt joint by welding
              subtype:  flash_welding__flashwelding__flash_butt_welding  butt welding by creating an electric arc between the two pieces which melts and joins them; used for joining segments of metal pipe
  subtype:  breaking__breakage__break  the act of breaking something; "the breakage was unavoidable"
     subtype:  rupture  the act of making a sudden noisy break
     subtype:  smashing__shattering  the act of breaking something into small pieces
     subtype:  fracture.breaking__crack__cracking  the act of cracking something
     subtype:  chipping__chip__splintering  the act of chipping something
  subtype:  explosion.action__burst  the act of exploding or bursting something; "the explosion of the firecrackers awoke the children"; "the burst of an atom bomb creates enormous radiation aloft"
     subtype:  detonation  the act of detonating an explosion
        subtype:  percussion  the act of exploding a percussion cap
     subtype:  fulmination  the act of exploding with noise and violence; "his fulminations frightened the horses"
  subtype:  burning__combustion  the act of burning something; "the burning of leaves was prohibited by a town ordinance"
     subtype:  arson__incendiarism__fire-raising  malicious burning to destroy property; "the British term for arson is fire-raising"
     subtype:  kindling__ignition__firing__lighting  the act of starting a fire
     subtype:  incineration  the act of burning something completely; reducing it to ashes
        subtype:  cremation  the incineration of a dead body
  subtype:  compounding__combining  the act of combining things
     subtype:  attachment  the act of attaching something
        subtype:  grafting__graft  the act of grafting something onto something else
     subtype:  commixture__mix__admixture__mixture  the act of mixing; "paste made by a mix of flour and water"; "the mixing of sound channels in the recording studio"
     subtype:  fusion  the act of fusing (or melting) together
     subtype:  blend.compounding__blending  the act of blending components together thoroughly
        subtype:  conflux__confluence__merging  a flowing together (as of rivers)
        subtype:  homogenization__homogenisation  the act of homogenizing
     subtype:  interspersion__interspersal  the act of combining one thing at intervals among other things; "the interspersion of illustrations in the text"
     subtype:  temperance  the act of tempering
     subtype:  unification__union__uniting  making or becoming a single unit; "the union of opposing factions"; "he looked forward to the unification of his family for the holidays"
        subtype:  coalescence__coalescency__coalition__concretion__conglutination  the union of diverse things into one body or form or group; the growing together of parts
        subtype:  reunification__reunion  the act of coming together again
           subtype:  homecoming  an annual school or university reunion for graduates
        subtype:  umbrella.unification  having the function of uniting a group of similar things; "the Democratic Party is an umbrella for many liberal groups"; "under the umbrella of capitalism"
     subtype:  consolidation.compounding__integration  the act of combining into an integral whole
        subtype:  centralization__centralisation  consolidation of power under central control
        subtype:  incorporation  consolidating by incorporation
        subtype:  amalgamation__merger__uniting  the combination of two or more commercial companies
        subtype:  vertical_integration__vertical_combination  absorption into a single firm of several firms involved in all aspects of a product's manufacture from raw materials to distribution
        subtype:  horizontal_integration__horizontal_combination  absorption into a single firm of several firms involved in the same level of production and sharing resources at that level
  subtype:  opening.change_of_integrity  becoming open or being made open; "the opening of his arms was the sign I was waiting for"
     subtype:  cut.opening__cutting  the act of penetrating or opening open with a sharp edge; "his cut in the lining revealed the hidden jewels"
        subtype:  nick__notch__snick  a small cut
        subtype:  slash__gash  a strong sweeping cut made with a sharp instrument
        subtype:  surgical_incision__incision__section  the cutting of or into body tissues or organs (especially by a surgeon as part of an operation)
           subtype:  gastromy  surgical incision into the stomach
           subtype:  keratotomy  surgical incision into the cornea
              subtype:  radial_keratotomy  radial pattern of incisions in the cornea that cause the cornea to bulge; performed to correct myopia
           subtype:  perineotomy  surgical incision into the perineum
              subtype:  episiotomy  surgical incision of the perineum to enlarge the vagina and so facilitate delivery during childbirth
           subtype:  laparotomy  surgical incision into the abdominal wall; often done to examine abdominal organs
              subtype:  laparoscopy  laparotomy performed with a laparoscope that makes a small incision to examine the abdominal cavity (especially the ovaries and Fallopian tubes)
           subtype:  orchotomy  surgical incision into the testis to obtain material for analysis (as in cases of abnormally low sperm count)
           subtype:  sclerotomy  surgical incision of the sclerotic coat of the eye
           subtype:  nephrotomy  incision into a kidney (usually to remove a kidney stone)
           subtype:  valvotomy__valvulotomy  incision into a stenosed cardiac valve to relieve the obstruction
           subtype:  venesection__phlebotomy  surgical incision into a vein; used to treat hemochromatosis
           subtype:  vasotomy__vasosection  surgical incision into or division of the vas deferens
  subtype:  separation  the act of dividing or disconnecting
     subtype:  avulsion  a forcible tearing or separation of one body part from another
     subtype:  dissociation  the act of removing from association
     subtype:  secession__withdrawal  formal separation from an alliance or federation
        subtype:  breakaway__breaking_away  the act of breaking away or withdrawing from: "there was a breakaway by the discontented members"; "a breaking away from family and neighborhood"
     subtype:  disunion  the termination or destruction of union
     subtype:  disconnection__disjunction  the act of breaking a connection
     subtype:  division  the act or process of dividing
        subtype:  parcellation  the division into parcels; "the increasing parcellation of land with every generation"
        subtype:  cleavage  the act of cleaving or splitting
        subtype:  bisection  dividing into two equal parts
        subtype:  quartering  dividing into four equal parts
        subtype:  schism__split  division of a group into opposing factions; "another schism like that and they will wind up in bankruptcy"
        subtype:  cut__cutting  the act of cutting something into parts; "his cuts were skillful"; "his cutting of the cake made a terrible mess"
           subtype:  severing__severance  the act of severing
           subtype:  dissection  cutting so as to separate into pieces
           subtype:  scission  the act of dividing by cutting or splitting
           subtype:  slicing  the act of cutting into slices
        subtype:  fragmentation__atomization__atomisation  separating something into fine particles
        subtype:  branching__ramification__fork__forking  the act of branching out or dividing into branches
           subtype:  bifurcation  splitting into two branches
           subtype:  trifurcation  splitting into three branches
           subtype:  divarication  branching at a wide angle
           subtype:  fibrillation  act or process of forming fibrils
        subtype:  dichotomization__dichotomisation  the act of dividing into two sharply different categories
        subtype:  quantization__quantisation  the act of dividing into quanta or expressing in terms of quantum theory
        subtype:  fractionation  separation into portions
        subtype:  syllabication__syllabification  forming or dividing words into syllables
        subtype:  word_division__hyphenation  division of a word especially at the end of a line on a page
        subtype:  card_cut__cut__cutting  the division of a deck of cards before dealing; "his cutting the cards before every deal soon became a ritual"
     subtype:  disengagement__detachment  the act of releasing from an attachment or connection
     subtype:  tear  the act of tearing; "he took the manuscript in both hands and gave it a mighty tear"
        subtype:  laceration  the act of lacerating
        subtype:  rent.tear__rip__split  the act of rending or ripping or splitting something; "he gave the envelope a vigorous rip"
     subtype:  removal__remotion  the act of removing; "he had surgery for the removal of a malignancy"
        subtype:  abscission.remotion__cutting_off__cuttingoff  the act of cutting something off
           subtype:  circumcision  surgical removal of the foreskin of males
        subtype:  abstraction.remotion  the act of withdrawing or removing something
        subtype:  extraction  the act of pulling out (as a tooth); "the dentist gave her a local anesthetic prior to the extraction"
        subtype:  autotomy  spontaneous removal or casting off of a body part (as the tail of a lizard or claw or a lobster) especially when the organism is injured or under attack
        subtype:  decontamination  the removal of contaminants
        subtype:  deletion  the act of deleting something written or printed
           subtype:  bowdlerization__bowdlerisation__expurgation  the deletion of all passages considered to be indecent
           subtype:  censoring__censorship  deleting parts of publications or correspondence or theatrical performances
              subtype:  Bowdlerism  censorship in the form of prudish expurgation
              subtype:  Comstockery  censorship because of perceived obscenity or immorality
           subtype:  expunction__expunging__erasure  deletion by an act of expunging or erasing
        subtype:  denudation__stripping__uncovering__baring__husking  the removal of covering
           subtype:  disforestation__deforestation  the removal of trees
           subtype:  cornhusking  the act of removing the husks from ears of corn
        subtype:  dermabrasion  removal of scars or tattoos by anesthetizing the skin surface and then sanding or wire-brushing off some of the outer skin layer
        subtype:  dislodgment__dislodgement  forced removal from a position of advantage
        subtype:  riddance__elimination  the act of removing or getting rid of something
           subtype:  simplification  elimination of superfluous details
              subtype:  oversimplification  excessive simplification (to the point of misrepresentation)
              subtype:  rationalization__rationalisation  (math) the simplification of an expression or equation by eliminating radicals without changing the value of the expression or the roots of the equation
        subtype:  elimination  the act of removing an unknown mathematical quantity by combining equations
        subtype:  emptying__voidance__evacuation  the act of removing the contents of something
           subtype:  drainage__drain  emptying accomplished by draining
        subtype:  rinsing__rinse  the removal of soap with clean water in the final stage of washing
        subtype:  disembowelment__evisceration  the act of removing the bowels or viscera; the act of cutting so as to cause the viscera to protrude
        subtype:  skimming  the act of removing floating material from the surface of a liquid
        subtype:  withdrawal.remotion  the act of taking out money or other capital
           subtype:  bank_withdrawal  the withdrawal of money from your account at a bank
              subtype:  bank_run  the concerted action of depositors who try to withdraw their money from a bank because the think it will fail
           subtype:  disinvestment  the withdrawal of capital from a country or corporation
     subtype:  sectionalization__division__partition__partitioning__segmentation__sectionalisation  the act of dividing or partitioning; separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart
        subtype:  subdivision  the act of subdividing; division of something previously divided
        subtype:  septation  the division or partitioning of a cavity into parts by a septum
        subtype:  zoning  dividing an area into zones or sections reserved for different purposes such as residence and business and manufacturing etc
     subtype:  divergence.separation__divergency  the act of moving away in different direction from a common point; "an angle is formed by the divergence of two straight lines"
  subtype:  transformation__translation  the act of transforming; "a photograph is a translation of a scene onto a two-dimensional surface"
     subtype:  permutation.transformation  complete change in character or condition: "the permutations...taking place in the physical world"- Henry Miller
     subtype:  revision__alteration  the act of revising or altering (involving reconsideration and modification); "it would require a drastic revision of his opinion"
        subtype:  distraction  the act of distracting; drawing someone's attention away from something
        subtype:  metamorphosis.revision__metamorphosi  a striking change in appearance or character or circumstances: "the metamorphosis of the old house into something new and exciting"
     subtype:  transfiguration  the act of transforming so as to exalt or glorify
     subtype:  transmogrification  changing into a different form or appearance especially a fantastic or grotesque one: "transmogrification into a porcupine"
     subtype:  metamorphosis__metamorphosi  a complete change of physical form or substance especially as by magic or witchcraft
  subtype:  filling  a act of filling something
     subtype:  saturation  the act of saturating something
     subtype:  flood  the act of flooding; filling to overflowing
  subtype:  hardening  the act of making something harder (firmer or tighter or more compact)
     subtype:  annealing__tempering  hardening something by heat treatment
  subtype:  scathe__damage__harm__hurt  the act of damaging something or someone
     subtype:  impairment  damage that results in a reduction of strength or quality
     subtype:  defacement__disfigurement__disfiguration  the act of damaging the appearance or surface of something; "the defacement of an Italian mosaic during the Turkish invasion"; "he objected to the dam's massive disfigurement of the landscape"
     subtype:  wounding__wound  the act of inflicting a wound
     subtype:  burn  damage inflicted by burning
        subtype:  scald  the act of burning with steam or hot water

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