#body__organic_structure__organicstructure__physical_structure  the entire physical structure of an organism (especially an animal or human being); "he felt as if his whole body were on fire"
  supertype:  natural_object__naturalobject  an object occurring naturally; not made by man
  subtype:  life_form  human_body {dead_body live_body} (pm)
  substance:  body_substance
  equal:  body (pm)
  location of:  pressure_point
  part:  articulatory_system  the system of joints in the body
     part:  articulatio__joint__articulation  (anatomy) the point of connection between two bones or elements of a skeleton (especially if the articulation allows motion)
        part:  hip_socket__hipsocket  the socket part of the ball-and-socket joint between the head of the femur and the innominate bone
        part:  articular_muscle__articularmuscle  a muscle that inserts directly onto the capsule of a joint
  part:  bodily_cavity__cavity__cavum  (anatomy) a natural hollow or sinus within the body
  part:  digestive_system__digestivesystem__gastrointestinal_system__systema_alimentarium__systemaalimentarium__systema_digestorium__systemadigestorium  the system that makes food absorbable into the body
     part:  liver  large and complicated reddish-brown glandular organ located in the upper right portion of the abdominal cavity; secretes bile and functions in metabolism of protein and carbohydrate and fat; synthesizes substances involved in the clotting of the blood; synthesizes vitamin A; detoxifies poisonous substances and breaks down worn-out erythrocytes
        part:  Kupffer's_cell  specialized cells in the liver that destroy bacteria and foreign proteins and worn-out blood cells
        part:  hepatic_artery__hepaticartery__arteria_hepatica__arteriahepatica  arteries that supply the liver
        part:  hepatic_vein__hepaticvein__vena_hepatica  a vein that drains the liver; empties into the vena cava
        part:  hepatic_lobe__hepaticlobe  any of the five lobes forming the liver
        part:  hepatic_duct__hepaticduct  the duct that drains bile from the liver
        part:  common_bile_duct__bile_duct  a duct formed by the hepatic and cystic ducts; opens into the duodenum
           part:  musculus_sphincter_ductus_choledochi  the smooth muscle sphincter of the common bile duct
        part:  biliary_ductule  excretory ducts of the liver; empty into the hepatic ducts
        part:  venae_interlobulares_hepatis  interlobular veins of the liver
     part:  pancreas  a large elongated exocrine gland located behind the stomach; secretes pancreatic juice and insulin
        part:  pancreatic_duct  a duct connecting the pancreas with the intestine
           part:  musculus_sphincter_ductus_pancreatici  the smooth muscle sphincter of the main pancreatic duct
        part:  islands_of_Langerhans__isles_of_Langerhans__islets_of_Langerhans  cell clusters in the pancreas that form the endocrine part of that organ; secrete insulin and other hormones
     part:  digestive_juice__digestivejuice__digestive_fluid__digestivefluid  secretions that aid digestion
     part:  alimentary_canal__alimentary_tract__digestive_tube__digestivetube__digestivetract__gastrointestinal_tract__GI_tract  tubular passage of mucous membrane and muscle extending about 8.3 meters from mouth to anus; functions in digestion and elimination
        part:  tummy__stomach__tum__breadbasket  an enlarged and muscular saclike organ of the alimentary canal; the principal organ of digestion
           part:  gastric_artery__gastricartery__arteria_gastrica__arteriagastrica  arteries that supplies the walls of the stomach
           part:  gastric_vein__gastricvein__vena_gastrica  one of several veins draining the stomach walls
           part:  gastroomental_vein__gastroomentalvein__gastroepiploic_vein__vena_gastroomentalis  one of two veins serving the great curvature of the stomach
           part:  pit_of_the_stomach__epigastric_fossa  a slight depression in the midline just below the sternum (where a blow can affect the solar plexus)
        part:  esophagus__esophagu__oesophagus__gorge__gullet  the passage between the pharynx and the stomach
           part:  epicardia  the short part of the esophagus extending downward from the diaphragm to the stomach
           part:  cardiac_sphincter__cardiacsphincter  the valve between the distal end of the esophagus and the stomach; the physiological sphincter at the esophagogastric junction
        part:  small_intestine__smallintestine  the longest part of the alimentary canal; where digestion is completed
           part:  ileal_artery__ilealartery__intestinalartery__arteria_ileum__arteriaileum  branch of the superior mesenteric artery that supplies the ileum
           part:  jejunal_artery__jejunalartery__intestinal_artery  branch of the superior mesenteric artery that supplies the jejunum
        part:  large_intestine__largeintestine  beginning with the cecum and ending with the rectum; includes the cecum and the colon and the rectum; extracts moisture from food residues which are later excreted as feces
           part:  cecum__caecum__blind_gut  the cavity in which the large intestine begins and into which the ileum opens; "the appendix is an offshoot of the cecum"
              part:  vermiform_appendix__vermiformappendix__appendix__vermiform_process__vermiformproces__cecal_appendage__cecalappendage  a vestigial process that extends from the lower end of the cecum and that resembles a small pouch
           part:  transverse_colon  the part of the large intestine that extends across the abdominal cavity and joins the ascending to the descending colon
           part:  ascending_colon__ascendingcolon  the part of the large intestine that ascends from the cecum to the transverse colon
              part:  ascending_artery__ascendingartery__arteria_ascendens__arteriaascenden  the branch of the ileocolic artery that supplies the ascending colon
           part:  descending_colon  the part of the large intestine that descends from the transverse colon to the sigmoid colon
           part:  sigmoid_colon__sigmoidcolon__sigmoid_flexure__sigmoidflexure  the s-shaped curve between the descending colon and the rectum
           part:  rectum  the terminal section of the alimentary canal; from the sigmoid flexure to the anus
              part:  rectal_artery__arteria_rectalis  one of the arteries supplying the rectal area
              part:  anus__arse__arsehole__asshole  excretory opening at the end of the alimentary canal
                 part:  anal_sphincter__sphincter_ani__sphincterani__musculus_sphincter_ani  the sphincter muscle of the anus
                    part:  musculus_sphincter_ani_externus  an external ring of striated muscle surrounding the anus
                    part:  musculus_sphincter_ani_internus  an internal ring of smooth muscle formed by circular fibers of the rectum
        part:  pharynx__throat  the passage to the stomach and lungs; in the front part of the neck below the chin and above the collarbone
           part:  lingua__tongue__glossa__clapper  a mobile mass of muscular tissue covered with mucous membrane and located in the oral cavity
              part:  tastebud__taste_bud__tastebud__gustatory_organ__gustatoryorgan  an oval sensory end organ on the surface of the tongue
                 part:  neuroepithelium  epithelium associated with special sense organs and containing sensory nerve endings
                 part:  taste_cell__tastecell__gustatory_cell__gustatorycell  an epithelial cell in a taste bud that activates sensory fibers of the facial nerve or the glossopharyngeal nerve or the vagus nerve
           part:  nasopharynx  cavity forming the upper part of the pharynx
              part:  palatine_tonsil__tonsil__faucial_tonsil__faucialtonsil__tonsilla  either of two masses of lymphatic tissue one on each side of the oral pharynx
           part:  oropharynx  cavity formed by the pharynx at the back of the mouth
           part:  laryngopharynx  the lower part of the pharynx
           part:  pharyngeal_tonsil__adenoid__Luschka's_tonsil__third_tonsil__thirdtonsil__tonsilla_pharyngealis__tonsilla_adenoidea  a collection of lymphatic tissue in the throat behind the uvula (on the posterior wall and roof of the nasopharynx); "hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsils is called adenoids"; "enlarged adenoids may restrict the breathing of children"
           part:  pharyngeal_recess  a small recess in the wall of the pharynx
     part:  digestive_gland__digestivegland  any gland having ducts that pour secretions into the digestive tract
     part:  salivary_gland  any of three pairs of glands in the mouth and digestive system that secrete saliva for digestion
        part:  saliva__spit__spittle  a clear liquid secreted into the mouth by the salivary glands and mucous glands of the mouth; moistens the mouth and starts the digestion of starches
  part:  endocrine_system__endocrinesystem  the system of glands that produce endocrine secretions that help to control bodily metabolic activity
     part:  endocrine_gland__endocrinegland__ductless_gland  any of the glands of the endocrine system that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream
  part:  lymphatic_system__lymphaticsystem__systema_lymphaticum  the interconnected system of spaces and vessels between body tissues and organs by which lymph circulates throughout the body
     part:  lymphatic_tissue__lymphatictissue__lymphoidtissue  tissue making up the lymphatic system
     part:  spleen__lien  a large dark-red oval organ on the left side of the body between the stomach and the diaphragm; produces cells involved in immune responses
        part:  lienal_artery__splenic_artery__splenicartery__arteria_lienalis  an artery that originates from the celiac trunk and supplies blood to the spleen
        part:  splenic_vein__splenicvein__vena_lienalis  a vein formed by several small veins on the surface of the spleen; joins the superior mesenteric to form the portal vein
     part:  thoracic_duct  the major duct of the lymphatic system
     part:  lymph_vessel__lymphvessel__lymphatic_vessel__lymphaticvessel  a vascular duct that carries lymph which is eventually added to the venous blood circulation
     part:  lymphocyte__lymph_cell__lymphcell  an agranulocytic leukocyte that normally makes up a quarter of the white blood cell count but increases in the presence of infection
  part:  musculoskeletal_system__musculoskeletalsystem  the system of muscles and tendons and ligaments and bones and joints and associated tissues that move the body and maintain its form
     part:  muscular_structure__musculature__muscle_system  the muscular system of an organism
        part:  muscular_tissue__muscle  animal tissue consisting predominantly of contractile cells
        part:  ligament  a sheet or band of tough fibrous tissue connecting bones or cartilages or supporting muscles or organs
        part:  tendon__sinew  a cord or band of inelastic tissue connecting a muscle with its bony attachment
     part:  skeletal_system__skeleton__frame__systema_skeletale__systemaskeletale  the hard structure (bones and cartilages) that provides a frame for the body of an animal
        part:  skeletal_structure  any structure created by the skeleton of an organism
  part:  nervous_system__nervoussystem__systema_nervosum__systemanervosum  the sensory and control apparatus consisting of a network of nerve cells
     part:  nervous_tissue__nervoustissue__nerve_tissue__nervetissue  tissue composed of neurons
     part:  ganglion  an encapsulated neural structure consisting of a collection of cell bodies or neurons
     part:  nerve_cell__nervecell__neuron  a cell that is specialized to conduct nerve impulses
        part:  axon__axone  long nerve fiber that conducts away from the cell body of the neuron
           part:  nerve_ending__nerveending__nerve_end__nerveend  the terminal structure of an axon that does not end at a synapse
        part:  dendrite  short fiber that conducts toward the cell body of the neuron
     part:  fiber_bundle__fiberbundle__fibre_bundle__fibrebundle__fascicle__fasciculus  a bundle of fibers (especially nerve fibers)
     part:  central_nervous_system__centralnervoussystem__CNS__systema_nervosum_centrale  the portion of the vertebrate nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord
        part:  neuroglia  sustentacular tissue that surrounds and supports neurons in the central nervous system; glial and neural cells together compose the tissue of the central nervous system
           part:  neurogliacyte__neuroglial_cell__glial_cell__glialcell  a cell of the neuroglia
        part:  encephalon__brain  that part of the central nervous system that includes all the higher nervous centers; enclosed within the skull; continuous with the spinal cord
           part:  fornix  an arched bundle of white fibers at the base of the brain by which the hippocampus of each hemisphere projects to the contralateral hippocampus and to the thalamus and mamillary bodies
              part:  carina_fornicis  ridge on the lower surface of the fornix of the brain
           part:  circle_of_Willis  a ring of arteries at the base of the brain
           part:  communicating_artery__communicatingartery__arteria_communicans__arteriacommunican  any of three arteries in the brain that make up the circle of Willis
           part:  brain_cell__braincell  a nerve cell in the brain
           part:  neencephalon__neoencephalon  the part of the brain having the most recent phylogenetic origin; the cerebral cortex and related parts
           part:  forebrain__prosencephalon  the anterior portion of the brain; the part of the brain that develops from the anterior part of the neural tube
              part:  peduncle  a bundle of myelinated neurons joining different parts of the brain
              part:  corpus_callosum  a broad transverse nerve tract connecting the two cerebral hemispheres
              part:  telencephalon  the anterior division of the forebrain; the cerebrum and related parts of the hypothalamus
                 part:  cerebrum  anterior portion of the brain consisting of two hemispheres; dominant part of the brain in humans
                    part:  cerebral_hemisphere__hemisphere  either half of the cerebrum
                    part:  cerebral_cortex__cerebral_mantle__pallium  the layer of unmyelinated neurons (the gray matter) forming the cortex of the cerebrum
                       part:  Golgi's_cell__Golgi_cell  a neuron in the cerebral cortex with short dendrites and with either a long axon or a short axon that ramifies in the gray matter
                       part:  cortical_area__cortical_region  any of various regions of the cerebral cortex
                       part:  frontal_lobe__frontallobe  that part of the cerebral cortex in either hemisphere of the brain lying directly behind the forehead
                          part:  frontal_area__frontalarea__frontal_cortex__frontalcortex  the cortex of the frontal lobe
                          part:  precentral_gyrus  the convolution of the frontal lobe that is bounded in back by the central gyrus
                       part:  prefrontal_lobe  the anterior part of the frontal lobe
                       part:  parietal_lobe  that part of the cerebral cortex in either hemisphere of the brain lying below the crown of the head
                          part:  postcentral_gyrus__postcentralgyru  the convolution of parietal lobe that is bounded in front by the central gyrus
                       part:  occipital_lobe__occipitallobe  that part of the cerebral cortex in either hemisphere of the brain lying in the back of the head
                       part:  temporal_lobe  that part of the cerebral cortex in either hemisphere of the brain lying inside the temples of the head
                          part:  amygdala__amygdaloid_nucleus__corpus_amygdaloideum  an almond-shaped neural structure in the anterior part of the temporal lobe of the cerebrum; intimately connected with the hypothalamus and the hippocampus and the cingulate gyrus; as part of the limbic system it plays an important role in motivation and emotional behavior
                    part:  gyrus__gyru__convolution  a convex fold or elevation in the surface of the brain
              part:  diencephalon__interbrain__betweenbrain__thalmencephalon  the posterior division of the forebrain; connects the cerebral hemispheres with the mesencephalon
                 part:  third_eye__thirdeye__pineal_eye  a sensory structure capable of light reception located on the dorsal side of the diencephalon in various reptiles
                 part:  basal_ganglion__basalganglion  any of several masses of subcortical gray matter in each cerebral hemisphere that seem to be involved in the regulation of voluntary movement
                 part:  thalamus  large egg-shaped structures of gray matter that form the dorsal subdivision of the diencephalon
                    part:  geniculate_body  one of four small oval masses that protrude slightly from the underside of the thalamus and function as synaptic centers on the way to the cerebral cortex
                 part:  hypothalamus  a basal part of the diencephalon governing autonomic nervous system
           part:  midbrain__mesencephalon  the middle portion of the brain
           part:  hindbrain__rhombencephalon  the posterior portion of the brain including cerebellum and pons and medulla oblongata
              part:  cerebellum  a major division of the vertebrate brain; situated above the medulla oblongata and beneath the cerebrum in humans
                 part:  cerebellar_artery__arteria_cerebelli__arteriacerebelli  an artery that supplies the cerebellum
                 part:  paleocerebellum  the anterior lobe of the cerebellum which was one of the earliest parts of the hindbrain to develop in mammals
              part:  medulla_oblongata__medullaoblongata__medulla  lower or hindmost part of the brain; continuous with spinal cord; (`bulb' is an old term for medulla oblongata); "the medulla oblongata is the most vital part of the brain because it contains centers controlling breathing and heart functioning"
                 part:  respiratory_center__respiratorycenter  the center in the medulla oblongata and pons that integrates sensory information about the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood and determines the signals to be sent to the respiratory muscles
              part:  myelencephalon  the posterior part of the hindbrain in developing vertebrates; forms the medulla oblongata in adults
              part:  pons_Varolii__pons  a band of nerve fibers linking the medulla oblongata and the cerebellum with the midbrain
                 part:  respiratory_center__respiratorycenter  the center in the medulla oblongata and pons that integrates sensory information about the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood and determines the signals to be sent to the respiratory muscles
           part:  brainstem__brain_stem__brainstem  the part of the brain continuous with the spinal cord and comprising the medulla oblongata and pons and midbrain and parts of the hypothalamus
              part:  reticular_formation__reticularformation__RF  a complex neural network in the central core of the brainstem; monitors the state of the body and functions in such processes as arousal and sleep and attention and muscle tone
                 part:  reticular_activating_system__RAS  the network in the reticular formation that serves an alerting or arousal function
           part:  ventricle  one of four connected cavities in the brain; is continuous with the central canal of the spinal cord and contains cerebrospinal fluid
              part:  spinal_fluid__cerebrospinal_fluid__cerebrospinalfluid  clear liquid produced in the ventricles of the brain; fills and protects cavities in the brain and spinal cord
        part:  pyramidal_tract__pyramidaltract__pyramidal_motor_system__pyramidalmotorsystem__corticospinal_tract__corticospinaltract  any of the important nerve pathways on each side of the central nervous system that run from the sensorimotor areas of the cortex through the brainstem to motor neurons of the cranial nerve nuclei and the ventral horn of the spinal cord
           part:  basal_ganglion__basalganglion  any of several masses of subcortical gray matter in each cerebral hemisphere that seem to be involved in the regulation of voluntary movement
        part:  spinal_cord__medulla_spinalis  a major part of the central nervous system which conducts sensory and motor nerve impulses to and from the brain; a long tube-like structure extending from the base of the brain through the vertebral canal to the upper lumbar region
           part:  spinal_vein__vena_spinalis__venaspinali  veins that drain the spinal cord
           part:  Golgi's_cell__Golgi_cell  a neuron in the cerebral cortex with short dendrites and with either a long axon or a short axon that ramifies in the gray matter
           part:  spinal_fluid__cerebrospinal_fluid__cerebrospinalfluid  clear liquid produced in the ventricles of the brain; fills and protects cavities in the brain and spinal cord
     part:  neural_network__neural_net  any network of neurons or nuclei that function together to perform some function in the body
     part:  peripheral_nervous_system__systema_nervosum_periphericum  the section of the nervous system lying outside the brain and spinal cord
     part:  autonomic_nervous_system__autonomicnervoussystem__ANS  the part of the nervous system of vertebrates that controls involuntary actions of the smooth muscles and heart and glands
        part:  autonomic_ganglion__autonomicganglion  any of the ganglia of the autonomic system whose unmyelinated fibers innervate the internal organs
        part:  sympathetic_nervous_system__sympatheticnervoussystem  originates in the thoracic regions of the spinal cord; opposes physiological effects of the parasympathetic: reduces digestive secretions; speeds the heart; contracts blood vessels
           part:  splanchnic_nerve  any of several nerves of the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system that innervate viscera and blood vessels
           part:  solar_plexus__coeliac_plexus__plexus_celiacus__abdominal_nerve_plexus  a large plexus of sympathetic nerves in the abdomen behind the stomach
           part:  alpha_receptor__alphareceptor__alpha-adrenergic_receptor__alpha-adrenoceptor__alphaadrenoceptor  receptors postulated to exist on nerve cell membranes of the sympathetic nervous system in order to explain the specificity of certain agents that affect only some sympathetic activities (such as vasoconstriction and relaxation of intestinal muscles and contraction of smooth muscles)
           part:  beta_receptor__beta-adrenergic_receptor__beta-adrenoceptor  receptors postulated to exist on nerve cell membranes of the sympathetic nervous system in order to explain the specificity of certain agents that affect only some sympathetic activities (such as vasodilation and increased heart beat)
        part:  parasympathetic_nervous_system__parasympatheticnervoussystem__parasympathetic  originates in the brain stem and lower part of the spinal cord; opposes physiological effects of the sympathetic nervous system: stimulates digestive secretions; slows the heart; constricts the pupils; dilates blood vessels
  part:  respiratory_system__respiratorysystem__systema_respiratorium__systemarespiratorium  the system for taking in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide; in terrestrial animals this is accomplished by breathing
     part:  respiratory_tract__respiratorytract  the passages through which air enters and leaves the body
     part:  respiratory_organ__respiratoryorgan  any organ involved in the process of respiration
     part:  trachea  one of the tubules forming the respiratory system of most insects and many arachnids
  part:  sensory_system__sensorysystem  the body's system of sense organs
     part:  sense_organ__sensory_receptor__sensoryreceptor  an organ having nerve endings (in the skin or viscera or eye or ear or nose or mouth) that respond to stimulation
        part:  papilla.outgrowth  a small nipple-shaped protuberance concerned with taste, touch, or smell; "the papillae of the tongue"
     part:  olfactory_nerve__olfactorynerve__nervii_olfactorii__first_cranial_nerve__firstcranialnerve  a collective term for numerous olfactory filaments in the nasal mucosa
  part:  vascular_system  the vessels and tissue that carry or circulate fluids such as blood or lymph or sap through the body of an animal or plant
     part:  vas__vessel  a tube in which a body fluid circulates
     part:  vascular_tissue  tissue that conducts water and nutrients through the plant body in higher plants
  part:  circulatory_system__circulatorysystem__cardiovascular_system  the organs and tissues involved in circulating blood and lymph through the body
     part:  liver  large and complicated reddish-brown glandular organ located in the upper right portion of the abdominal cavity; secretes bile and functions in metabolism of protein and carbohydrate and fat; synthesizes substances involved in the clotting of the blood; synthesizes vitamin A; detoxifies poisonous substances and breaks down worn-out erythrocytes
     part:  heart.internal_organ__pump__ticker  the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs; its rhythmic contractions pump blood through the body; "he stood still, his heart thumping wildly"
        part:  coronary_artery__arteria_coronaria__arteriacoronaria  the artery that branches from the aorta to supply blood to the heart
        part:  cardiac_muscle__cardiacmuscle__heart_muscle__heartmuscle  the muscle tissue of the heart; adapted to continued rhythmic contraction
        part:  cardiac_valve__cardiacvalve__heart_valve  a valve to control one-way flow of blood
           part:  cusp.flap__leaflet  a thin triangular flap of a heart valve
        part:  valve.anatomical_structure  a structure in a hollow organ (like the heart) with a flap to insure one-way flow of fluid through it
     part:  bloodstream  the blood flowing through the circulatory system
     part:  lymph  a thin coagulable fluid (similar to plasma but) containing white blood cells (lymphocytes) and chyle; is conveyed to the blood stream by lymphatic vessels
     part:  blood_vessel__bloodvessel  a vessel in which blood circulates
     part:  vein__vena  a blood vessel that carries blood from the capillaries toward the heart; all veins except the pulmonary carry unaerated blood
     part:  lymph_node__lymphnode__lymph_gland__lymphgland__node  the source of lymph and lymphocytes
  part:  cervix__neck  the part of an organism that connects the head to the rest of the body; "he admired her long graceful neck"
     part:  dewlap  a hanging fold of loose skin on an elderly person's neck
     part:  thymus_gland__thymus  a ductless glandular organ at the base of the neck that produces lymphocytes and aids in producing immunity; atrophies with age
     part:  carotid_artery__carotidartery__arteria_carotis__arteriacaroti  either of two major arteries of the neck and head; branches from the aorta
     part:  cervical_artery__areteria_cervicalis  an artery that supplies the muscles of the neck
     part:  jugular_vein__jugularvein__vena_jugularis__jugular  veins in the neck that return blood from the head
     part:  windpipe__trachea  membranous tube with cartilaginous rings that conveys inhaled air from the larynx to the bronchi
        part:  epiglottis  a flap of cartilage that covers the windpipe while swallowing
           part:  tastebud__taste_bud__tastebud__gustatory_organ__gustatoryorgan  an oval sensory end organ on the surface of the tongue
     part:  nape__scruff__nucha  the back side of the neck
     part:  pharynx__throat  the passage to the stomach and lungs; in the front part of the neck below the chin and above the collarbone
     part:  cervical_vertebra__neck_bone  one of 7 vertebrae in the human spine located in the neck region
     part:  sternocleidomastoid_muscle__sternocleidomastoidmuscle__sternocleidomastoid__sternocleido_mastoideus__musculus_sternocleidomastoideus  one of two thick muscles running from the sternum and clavicle to the mastoid and occipital bone; turns head obliquely to the opposite side; when acting together they flex the neck and extend the head
  part:  torso__trunk__body  the body excluding the head and neck and limbs; "they moved their arms and legs and bodies"
     part:  midriff__diaphragm  (anatomy) a muscular partition separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities; functions in respiration
     part:  shoulder  the part of the body between the neck and the upper arm
        part:  armpit__axilla__axillary_cavity__axillary_fossa  small depression under the shoulder joint where the arm joins the shoulder
           part:  axillary_artery__arteria_axillaris__arteriaaxillari  the part of the main artery of the arm that lies in the armpit and is continuous with the subclavian artery above and the brachial artery below
        part:  teres_muscle__teresmuscle__teres__tere  either of two muscles in the shoulder region that move the shoulders and arms
     part:  shoulder_joint__shoulder__articulatio_humeri__articulatiohumeri  a ball-and-socket joint between the head of the humerus and a cavity of the scapula
        part:  scapula__shoulder_blade__shoulder_bone  either of two flat triangular bones one on each side of the shoulder in human beings
           part:  glenoid_cavity__glenoidcavity__glenoid_fossa__glenoidfossa  the concavity in the head of the scapula that receives the head of the humerus to form the shoulder joint
           part:  acromion  the outermost point of the spine of the shoulder blade
        part:  circumflex_humeral_artery__arteria_circumflexa_humeri__arteriacircumflexahumeri  an artery that supplies the shoulder joint and shoulder muscles
        part:  circumflex_scapular_artery__arteria_circumflexa_scapulae__arteriacircumflexascapulae  an artery that serves the muscles of the shoulder and scapular area
        part:  rotator_cuff__rotatorcuff  a supporting structure of the shoulder consisting of the muscles and tendons that attach the arm to the shoulder joint and enable the arm to move
           part:  deltoid_muscle__deltoidmuscle__deltoid__musculus_deltoideus  a large triangular muscle covering the shoulder joint and serving to abduct and flex and extend and rotate the arm
     part:  serratus_muscles__serratus  any of several muscles of the trunk
     part:  side.area  either the left or right half of a body (human or animal); "he had a pain in his side"
     part:  pectus__thorax__chest  the part of the human body between the neck and the diaphragm or the corresponding part in other vertebrates
        part:  sternum  the flat bone that articulates with the clavicles and the first seven pairs of ribs
           part:  corpus_sternum__gladiolus__gladiolu  the large central part of the breastbone
           part:  manubrium  the upper part of the breastbone
           part:  xiphoid_process__xiphoidproces  smallest of the three parts of the breastbone; articulates with the corpus sternum and the seventh rib
        part:  thoracic_aorta  a branch of the descending aorta; divides into the iliac arteries
        part:  thoracic_vein__vena_thoracica  veins that drain the thoracic walls
        part:  gallbladder  a muscular sac attached to the liver that secretes bile and stores it until needed for digestion
        part:  area_of_cardiac_dullness  a triangular area of the front of the chest (determined by percussion); corresponds to the part of the heart not covered by the lungs
        part:  pectoral_muscle__pectoral__pectoralis__musculus_pectoralis__pecs  either of two large muscles of the chest
        part:  chest_cavity__chestcavity__thoraciccavity  the cavity in the vertebrate body enclosed by the ribs between the diaphragm and the neck and containing the lungs and heart
           part:  mediastinum  the part of the thoracic cavity between the lungs that contains the heart and aorta and esophagus and trachea and thymus
        part:  breast  the front part of the trunk from the neck to the abdomen; "he beat his breast in anger"
        part:  rib_cage__ribcage  the bony enclosing wall of the chest
     part:  midsection__middle__midriff  the middle area of the human torso (usually in front)
     part:  waistline__waist  the narrowing of the body between the ribs and hips
     part:  paunch__belly  a protruding abdomen
     part:  spare-tire__sparetire  excess fat around the waistline
     part:  hip  either side of the body below the waist and above the thigh
        part:  gluteal_artery__glutealartery__arteria_glutes  branches of the internal iliac artery that supply the hip joint and gluteal region
     part:  haunch.body_part  the hip and buttock and upper thigh in human beings
     part:  abdomen__venter__stomach__belly  the region of the body of a vertebrate between the thorax and the pelvis
        part:  abdominal_aorta  a branch of the descending aorta
        part:  colic_artery__colicartery__arteria_colica__arteriacolica  arteries that supply blood to the colon
        part:  hypochondrium  the upper region of the abdomen just below the lowest ribs on either side of the epigastrium
        part:  intestine__bowel__gut  the part of the alimentary canal between the stomach and the anus
           part:  hindgut  the caudal part of the alimentary canal in vertebrate embryos
        part:  navel__umbilicu__bellybutton__omphalos__omphalus  scar where the umbilical cord was attached
        part:  abdominal_cavity__abdominalcavity  the cavity containing the major viscera; in mammals it is separated from the thorax by the diaphragm
        part:  abdominal_wall__abdominalwall  a wall of the abdomen
     part:  back__dorsum  the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine; "his back was nicely tanned"
        part:  saddle.body_part  posterior part of the back of a domestic fowl
        part:  small  the slender part of the back
        part:  latisimus_dorsi__latisimusdorsi__lat  a broad flat muscle on either side of the back
        part:  thoracic_vertebra__dorsal_vertebra  one of 12 vertebrae in the human vertebral column; thoracic vertebrae extend from the seventh cervical vertebra down to the first lumbar vertebra
        part:  lumbar_vertebra  one of 5 vertebrae in the human vertebral column; lumbar vertebrae extend from the twelfth thoracic vertebra down to the sacral vertebrae
     part:  buttocks__nates__nate__arse__butt__backside__bum__buns__can__fundament__hindquarters__hind_end__keister__posterior__prat__rear__rear_end__rump__stern__seat__tail__tail_end__tooshie__tush__bottom__behind__derriere__fanny__ass__as  the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on
     part:  buttock__cheek  either of the two large fleshy masses of muscular tissue that form the human rump
        part:  gluteus_muscle__gluteusmuscle__gluteus__gluteu__gluteal_muscle__glutealmuscle  any one of three large skeletal muscles that form the buttock and move the thigh
     part:  loins__loin  the region of the hips and groin and lower abdomen
        part:  groin__inguen  the crease at the junction of the inner part of the thigh with the trunk together with the adjacent region and often including the external genitals
  part:  arm  a human limb; technically the part of the superior limb between the shoulder and the elbow but commonly used to refer to the whole superior limb
     part:  brachial_artery__arteria_brachialis  the main artery of the upper arm; a continuation of the axillary artery; bifurcates into the radial and ulnar arteries at the elbow
     part:  cephalic_vein__vena_cephalica  a large vein of the arm that empties into the axillary vein
     part:  forearm  the part of the superior limb between the elbow and the wrist
        part:  anconeous_muscle__anconeousmuscle__musculus_anconeus  the muscle that extends the forearm and abducts the ulna in pronation of the wrist
        part:  accessory_cephalic_vein__vena_cephalica_accessoria  a vein that passes along the radial edge of the forearm and joins the cephalic vein near the elbow
        part:  basilic_vein__basilicvein__vena_basilica  a vein that drains the back of the hand and forearm and empties into the axillary vein
        part:  radial_vein__vena_radialis  superficial veins ascending the radial side of the forearm; combines with the ulnar veins to form the brachial vein
        part:  ulnar_vein__ulnarvein__vena_ulnaris  any of several veins of the forearm
        part:  radius.arm_bone__radiu  the outer and slightly shorter of the two bones of the human forearm
        part:  ulna__elbow_bone__elbowbone  the inner and longer of the two bones of the human forearm
           part:  olecranon_process__olecranonproces__olecranon  process of the ulna that forms the outer bump of the elbow and fits into the fossa of the humerus when the arm is extended
     part:  manus__manu__hand__mitt__paw  the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb; "he had the hands of a surgeon"; "he extended his mitt"
        part:  digital_arteries__arteria_digitalis__arteriadigitali  arteries in the hand and foot that supply the fingers and toes
        part:  metacarpal_artery__arteria_metacarpea__arteriametacarpea  dorsal and palmar arteries of the hand
        part:  intercapitular_vein__vena_intercapitalis  veins connecting the dorsal and palmar veins of the hand or the dorsal and plantar veins of the foot
        part:  metacarpal_vein__vena_metacarpus  dorsal and palmar veins of the hand
        part:  palm.area__thenar  the inner surface of the hand from the wrist to the base of the fingers
           part:  thenar  the fleshy area of the palm at the base of the thumb
        part:  finger  any of the terminal members of the hand (sometimes excepting the thumb); "her fingers were long and thin"
           part:  fingertip  the end (tip) of a finger
           part:  fingernail  the nail at the end of a finger
           part:  knuckle__knucklejoint__metacarpophalangeal_joint__metacarpophalangealjoint  a joint of a finger when the fist is closed
        part:  ball.anatomical_structure  a more or less rounded anatomical body or mass; ball of the human foot or ball at the base of the thumb; "he stood on the balls of his feet"
        part:  metacarpus  the part of the hand between the carpus and phalanges
           part:  metacarpal_bone__metacarpal  any bone of the hand between the wrist and fingers
     part:  ulnar_nerve__ulnarnerve__cubital_nerve__cubitalnerve__nervus_ulnaris  a nerve running along the inner side of the arm and passing near the elbow; supplies intrinsic muscles of the hand and the skin of the medial side of the hand
     part:  musculus_biceps_brachii__biceps_brachii__biceps_humeri  a muscle that flexes and supinates the forearm
     part:  musculus_triceps_brachii__triceps_brachii__tricepsbrachii  the skeletal muscle having three origins that extends the forearm when it contracts
     part:  elbow_joint__elbowjoint__elbow__cubitus__cubitu__cubital_joint__cubitaljoint__articulatio_cubiti__articulatiocubiti  hinge joint between the forearm and upper arm and the corresponding joint in the forelimb of a quadruped
        part:  musculus_articularis_cubiti  a small branch of the triceps that inserts into the capsule of the elbow joint
        part:  funny_bone__funnybone__crazy_bone__crazybone  a point on the elbow where the ulnar nerve passes near the surface; a sharp tingling sensation results when the nerve is knocked against the bone; "the funny bone is not humerus"
     part:  wrist_joint__wristjoint__wrist__carpus__radiocarpal_joint__radiocarpaljoint__articulatio_radiocarpea__articulatioradiocarpea  a joint between the distal end of the radius and the proximal row of carpal bones
        part:  carpal_bone__carpal__wrist_bone__wristbone  any of the eight small bones of the wrist
     part:  arm_bone__armbone  a bone in the arm
     part:  humerus__humeru  bone extending from the shoulder to the elbow
        part:  deltoid_tuberosity__deltoidtuberosity__deltoid_eminence__deltoideminence  a bump on the outside of the humerus where the deltoid muscle attaches
  part:  genitalia__genital_organ__genitalorgan__genitals__private_parts__privatepart__privates__crotch  external sex organ

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