#bird_of_prey__raptor__raptorial_bird__raptorialbird  any of numerous carnivorous birds that hunt and kill other animals
  supertype:  #bird  warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings
  subtype:  #order_Accipitriformes__Accipitriformes  in some classifications an alternative name for the Falconiformes
  subtype:  #hawk  diurnal bird of prey typically having short rounded wings and a long tail
     subtype:  #eyas  an unfledged or nestling hawk
     subtype:  #tiercel__tercel__tercelet  male hawk especially male peregrine or gyrfalcon
     subtype:  #goshawk__Accipiter_gentilis  large hawk of Eurasia and North America used in falconry
     subtype:  #Accipiter_nisus__sparrow_hawk__sparrowhawk  small hawk of Eurasia and North Africa
     subtype:  #Cooper's_hawk__blue_darter__Accipiter_cooperii  bluish-gray North American hawk having a darting flight
     subtype:  #chicken_hawk__chickenhawk__henhawk  nontechnical term for any hawks said to prey on poultry
     subtype:  #buteonine  any hawk of the genus Buteo
     subtype:  #redtail__redtailedhawk__Buteo_jamaicensis  dark brown American hawk species having a reddish-brown tail
     subtype:  #rough-legged_hawk__roughleg__Buteo_lagopus  large hawk of the northern hemisphere that feeds chiefly on small rodents and is beneficial to farmers
     subtype:  #red-shouldered_hawk__Buteo_lineatus  North American hawk with reddish brown shoulders
     subtype:  #buzzard__Buteo_buteo  the common European short-winged hawk
     subtype:  #honey_buzzard__honeybuzzard__Pernis_apivorus  Old World hawk that feeds on bee larvae and small rodents and reptiles
     subtype:  #kite  any of several small graceful hawks of the family Accipitridae having long pointed wings and feeding on insects and small animals
        subtype:  #black_kite__blackkite__Milvus_migrans  dark Old World kite feeding chiefly on carrion
        subtype:  #swallow-tailed_kite__swallow-tailed_hawk__Elanoides_forficatus  graceful North American black-and-white kite
        subtype:  #white-tailed_kite__Elanus_leucurus  gray-and-white American kite of warm and tropical regions
     subtype:  #harrier  hawks that hunt over meadows and marshes and prey on small terrestrial animals
        subtype:  #marsh_harrier__marshharrier__Circus_Aeruginosus  Old World harrier frequenting marshy regions
        subtype:  #Montagu's_harrier__Circus_pygargus  brownish European harrier
        subtype:  #marsh_hawk__marshhawk__northern_harrier__hen_harrier__henharrier__Circus_cyaneus  common harrier of North America and Europe; nests in marshes and open land
     subtype:  #harrier_eagle__harriereagle__short-toed_eagle  any of numerous large Old Wold hawks intermediate in some respects between typical hawks and typical eagles
     subtype:  #falcon  diurnal birds of prey having long pointed powerful wings adapted for swift flight
        subtype:  #peregrine_falcon__peregrinefalcon__Falco_peregrinus  a widely distributed falcon formerly used in falconry
           subtype:  #falcon-gentle__falcon-gentil  female falcon especially a female peregrine falcon
        subtype:  #gyrfalcon__gerfalcon__Falco_rusticolus  large and rare arctic falcon having white and dark color phases
        subtype:  #Falco_tinnunculus__kestrel  small Old World falcon that hovers in the air against a wind
        subtype:  #sparrow_hawk__sparrowhawk__americankestrel__kestrel__Falco_sparverius  small North American falcon
        subtype:  #pigeon_hawk__merlin__Falco_columbarius  small falcon of Europe and America having dark plumage with black-barred tail; used in falconry
        subtype:  #Falco_subbuteo__hobby  small Old World falcon formerly trained and flown at small birds
        subtype:  #caracara  any of various long-legged carrion-eating hawks of South and Central America
           subtype:  #Audubon's_caracara__Polyborus_cheriway_audubonii  widespread from southern United States to Central America; rusty black with black-and-white breast and tail
           subtype:  #carancha__Polyborus_plancus  South American caracara
     subtype:  #osprey__fish_hawk__fish_eagle__sea_eagle__seaeagle__Pandion_haliaetus  large harmless hawk found worldwide that feeds on fish and builds a bulky nest often occupied for years
  subtype:  #bird_of_Jove__eagle  any of various large keen-sighted diurnal birds of prey noted for their broad wings and strong soaring flight
     subtype:  #eaglet  a young eagle
     subtype:  #harpy_eagle__harpyeagle__harpy__Harpia_harpyja  large black-and-white crested eagle of tropical America
     subtype:  #golden_eagle__Aquila_chrysaetos  large eagle of mountainous regions of the northern hemisphere having a golden-brown head and neck
        subtype:  #ringtail  an immature golden eagle
     subtype:  #tawny_eagle__tawnyeagle__Aquila_rapax  brownish eagle of Africa and parts of Asia
     subtype:  #bald_eagle__American_eagle__Haliaeetus_leucocephalus  large North American eagle having a white head and dark wings and body
     subtype:  #sea_eagle__seaeagle  any of various large eagles that usually feed on fish
        subtype:  #Kamchatkan_sea_eagle__Stellar's_sea_eagle__Haliaeetus_pelagicus  found on coasts of western north Pacific
        subtype:  #ern__erne__gray_sea_eagle__European_sea_eagle__white-tailed_sea_eagle__Haliatus_albicilla  bulky grayish-brown eagle with a short wedge-shaped white tail; of Europe and Greenland
        subtype:  #fishing_eagle__fishingeagle__Haliaeetus_leucorhyphus  of southeast Europe and central Asia
  subtype:  #vulture  any of various large diurnal birds of prey having naked heads and weak claws and feeding chiefly on carrion
     subtype:  #family_Aegypiidae__Aegypiidae  in some classifications considered the family comprising the Old World vultures which are more often included in the family Accipitridae
     subtype:  #Old_World_vulture  any of several large vultures of Africa and Eurasia
        subtype:  #griffon_vulture__griffonvulture__griffon__Gyps_fulvus  large vulture of southern Europe and northern Africa having pale plumage with black wings
        subtype:  #bearded_vulture__beardedvulture__lammergeier__lammergeyer__Gypaetus_barbatus  the largest Eurasian bird of prey; having black feathers hanging around the bill
        subtype:  #Egyptian_vulture__Pharaoh's_chicken__Neophron_percnopterus  small mostly white vulture of Africa and southern Eurasia
        subtype:  #Aegypius_monachus__black_vulture__blackvulture  of southern Eurasia and northern Africa
     subtype:  #New_World_vulture__cathartid  large birds of prey superficially similar to Old World vultures
        subtype:  #turkey_buzzard__buzzard__turkey_vulture__Cathartes_aura  common in South and Central America and southern United States
        subtype:  #condor  largest flying birds in the western hemisphere
           subtype:  #Andean_condor__Vultur_gryphus  large vulture of the high Andes having black plumage and white neck ruff
           subtype:  #California_condor__Gymnogyps_californianus  North American condor; chiefly dull black; almost extinct
        subtype:  #black_vulture__blackvulture__carrion_crow__carrioncrow__Coragyps_atratus  American vulture smaller than the turkey buzzard
        subtype:  #king_vulture__Sarcorhamphus_papa  large black-and-white vulture of South and Central America have colorful wattles and wartlike protuberances on head and neck
  subtype:  #secretary_bird__secretarybird__Sagittarius_serpentarius  large long-legged African bird of prey that feeds on reptiles
  subtype:  #owl__bird_of_Minerva__bird_of_night__hooter  nocturnal bird of prey with hawk-like beak and claws and large head with front-facing eyes
     subtype:  #owlet  young owl
     subtype:  #little_owl__Athene_noctua  small European owl
     subtype:  #horned_owl  large owls having prominent ear tufts
        subtype:  #great_horned_owl__Bubo_virginianus  brown North American horned owl
     subtype:  #great_gray_owl__Strix_nebulosa  large dish-faced owl of northern North America and western Eurasia
     subtype:  #tawny_owl__tawnyowl__Strix_aluco  reddish-brown European owl having a round head with black eyes
     subtype:  #barred_owl__Strix_varia  large owl of eastern North America having its breast and abdomen streaked with brown
     subtype:  #Otus_asio__screech_owl__screechowl  small North American owl having hornlike tufts of feathers
     subtype:  #screech_owl__screechowl  any owl that has a screeching cry
     subtype:  #scops_owl__scopsowl  any of several small owls having ear tufts and a whistling call
        subtype:  #Old_World_scops_owl__Otus_scops  European scops owl
        subtype:  #Oriental_scops_owl__Otus_sunia  Asian scops owl
     subtype:  #hoot_owl  any owl that hoots as distinct from screeching
     subtype:  #hawk_owl__Surnia_ulula  gray-and-white diurnal hawk-like owl of northern parts of the northern hemisphere
     subtype:  #long-eared_owl__Asio_otus  slender European owl of coniferous forests with long ear tufts
     subtype:  #laughing_owl__laughing_jackass__Sceloglaux_albifacies  almost extinct owl of New Zealand
     subtype:  #barn_owl__Tyto_alba  mottled buff and white owl often inhabiting barns and other structures; important in rodent control

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