#attendant__attender__tender  someone who waits on or tends to or attends to the needs of another
  supertype:  #assistant__helper__help__supporter  a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose; "my invaluable assistant"; "they hired additional help to finish the work"
  subtype:  #companion  one paid to accompany or assist or live with another
  subtype:  #baggageman  an attendant who takes care of baggage
  subtype:  #batman  an orderly assigned to serve a British military officer
  subtype:  #bellboy__bellman__bellhop  someone employed as an errand boy and luggage carrier around hotels
  subtype:  #bridesmaid  a woman who attends the bride at a wedding
  subtype:  #golf_caddie__caddie  an attendant who carries the golf clubs for a player
  subtype:  #checker.attendant  an attendant who checks coats or baggage
     subtype:  #check_girl__checkgirl__hatcheck_girl  a female checker
  subtype:  #courtier  an attendant at the court of a sovereign
     instance:  #Damocles  #Comtesse_Du_Barry__Du_Barry__Marie_Jeanne_Becu  #Sir_Walter_Raleigh__Raleigh__Walter_Raleigh__Ralegh__Walter_Ralegh__Sir_Walter_Ralegh  #Sir_John_Suckling__Suckling
  subtype:  #cupbearer  the attendant (usually an officer of a nobleman's household) whose duty is to fill and serve cups of wine
  subtype:  #equerry  a personal attendant of the British royal family
  subtype:  #escort  an attendant who is employed to accompany someone
     subtype:  #color_guard__colorguard  a ceremonial escort for the (regimental) colors
     subtype:  #honor_guard__honorguard__guard_of_honor  an escort for a distinguished guest or for the casket at a military funeral
     subtype:  #usher__guide  someone employed to conduct others
        subtype:  #usherette  a female usher
  subtype:  #esquire  (in medieval England) an attendant and shield bearer to a knight; a candidate for knighthood
  subtype:  #famulus__famulu  a close attendant (as to a scholar)
  subtype:  #gillie  a young male attendant on a Scottish Highland chief
  subtype:  #groomsman  a male attendant of the bridegroom at a wedding
     subtype:  #best_man  the principal groomsman at a wedding
  subtype:  #lifeguard__lifesaver  an attendant employed at a beach or pool to protect swimmers from accidents
  subtype:  #linkboy__linkman  (formerly) an attendant hired to carry a torch for pedestrians in dark streets
  subtype:  #loader  an attendant who loads guns for someone shooting game
  subtype:  #hospital_attendant__orderly  a male hospital attendant who has general non-medical duties
  subtype:  #orderly  a soldier who serves as an attendant to a superior officer; "the orderly laid out the general's uniform"
  subtype:  #varlet__page  in medieval times a youth acting as a knight's attendant as the first stage in training for knighthood
  subtype:  #page.attendant  a youthful attendant at official functions or ceremonies such as legislative functions and weddings
  subtype:  #racker  an attendant who puts pool or billiard balls into a rack
  subtype:  #second.attendant  the official attendant of a contestant in a duel or boxing match
  subtype:  #servitor  someone who performs the duties of an attendant for someone else
  subtype:  #squire  young nobleman attendant on a knight
     subtype:  #armor-bearer__armorbearer__armiger  a squire carrying the armor of a knight
  subtype:  #gallant  a man who attends or escorts a woman
  subtype:  #flight_attendant__steward  an attendant on an airplane
     subtype:  #stewardess__air_hostess__hostess  a woman steward on an airplane
  subtype:  #stretcher-bearer__stretcherbearer__litter-bearer  one who helps carry a stretcher
  subtype:  #trainbearer  one who holds up the train of a gown or robe on a ceremonial occasion
  subtype:  #rouser__waker__arouser  someone who rouses others from sleep

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