#athlete__jock  a person trained to compete in sports
  supertype:  #contestant  a person who participates in competitions
  instance:  #Robert_Bruce_Mathias  #James_Cleveland_Owens  #James_Francis_Thorpe  #Mildred_Ella_Didrikson_Zaharias
  subtype:  #acrobat  an athlete who performs acts requiring skill and agility and coordination
     subtype:  #aerialist  an acrobat who performs in the air (as on a rope or trapeze)
        subtype:  #ropewalker__ropedancer  an acrobat who performs on a rope stretched at some height above the ground
     subtype:  #balancer  an acrobat who balances himself in difficult positions
     subtype:  #circus_acrobat  a acrobat who performs acrobatic feats in a circus
     subtype:  #contortionist  an acrobat able to twist into unusual positions
  subtype:  #amateur.athlete  does not play for pay
     subtype:  #outdoor_man__outdoorman__sporting_man  someone who enjoys outdoor activities
  subtype:  #ball_hawk  an team athlete who is skilled at stealing or catching the ball
  subtype:  #ballplayer__baseball_player  an athlete who plays baseball
     subtype:  #base_runner__runner  a baseball player on the team at bat who is on base (or attempting to reach a base)
     subtype:  #slugger__batter__hitter__batsman  a ballplayer who is batting
        subtype:  #bunter  a batter who bunts
        subtype:  #designated_hitter  a ballplayer who is designated to bat in place of the pitcher
        subtype:  #pinch_hitter__pinchhitter  (baseball or softball) a substitute for the regular batter
        subtype:  #switch-hitter  a baseball player who can bat either right or left handed
        subtype:  #whiffer  a batter who strikes out by swinging at and missing the third strike
     subtype:  #fielder  a member of the baseball team that is in the field instead of at bat
        subtype:  #infielder  (baseball or softball) a person who plays a position in the infield
           subtype:  #catcher  (baseball or softball) the person who plays the position of catcher
           subtype:  #first_baseman__firstbaseman__first_sacker__firstsacker  (baseball or softball) the person who plays first base
           subtype:  #second_baseman__second_sacker  (baseball or softball) the person who plays second base
           subtype:  #shortstop  (baseball) the person who plays the shortstop position
           subtype:  #third_baseman__thirdbaseman__third_sacker__thirdsacker  (baseball or softball) the person who plays third base
        subtype:  #outfielder  (baseball or softball) a person who plays in the outfield
           subtype:  #right_fielder__rightfielder  the person who plays right field
           subtype:  #center_fielder  the person who plays center field
           subtype:  #left_fielder  the person who plays left field
     subtype:  #little_leaguer  a player between 8 and 12 years of age who is a member of a little-league team
     subtype:  #major_leaguer__majorleaguer__big_leaguer__bigleaguer  a member of a major-league baseball team
     subtype:  #minor_leaguer__minorleaguer  a player on a minor-league baseball team
     subtype:  #hurler__pitcher__twirler  (baseball or softball) the person who does the pitching; "our pitcher has a sore arm"
        subtype:  #left-handed_pitcher__left-hander__lefty__southpaw  a baseball pitcher who throws the ball with the left hand
        subtype:  #right-handed_pitcher__right-hander__righthander  (baseball) a pitcher who throws with the left hand
        subtype:  #relief_pitcher__reliever__fireman  a pitcher who does not start the game
        subtype:  #screwballer  (baseball) a pitcher who throws screwballs
        subtype:  #starting_pitcher  the pitcher who starts in a baseball game
     subtype:  #utility_man.ballplayer__utilityman  a baseball player valued for the ability to play at several positions
     instance:  #Henry_Louis_Aaron__Aaron__Hank_Aaron  #Lawrence_Peter_Berra__Berra__Yogi__Yogi_Berra  #Joseph_Paul_DiMaggio__DiMaggio__Joe_DiMaggio  #Henry_Louis_Gehrig__Gehrig__Lou_Gehrig  #Mickey_Charles_Mantle__Mantle__Mickey_Mantle  #Willie_Howard_Mays_Jr.__Mays__Willie_Mays__the_Say_Hey_Kid  #John_Joseph_McGraw__McGraw__John_McGraw  #Stanley_Frank_Musial__Musial__Stan_Musial__stanmusial__Stan_the_Man  #Leroy_Robert_Paige__Paige__Satchel_Paige  #Jack_Roosevelt_Robinson__Robinson__Jackie_Robinson  #George_Herman_Ruth__Ruth__Babe_Ruth__Sultan_of_Swat  #Theodore_Samuel_Williams__Williams__Ted_Williams  #Carl_Yastrzemski__Yastrzemski  #Danton_True_Young__Young__Cy_Young
  subtype:  #basketball_player__basketeer__cager  an athlete who plays basketball
     subtype:  #center.basketball_player  (basketball) the person who plays center
     subtype:  #dribbler  a basketball player who is dribbling the ball to advance it
     subtype:  #dunker  a basketball player who is able to make dunk shots
     subtype:  #forward.basketball_player  the person who plays the position of forward on a basketball team
        instance:  #Julius_Winfield_Erving__Erving__Julius_Erving__Dr._J
     subtype:  #guard.basketball_player  the person who plays the position of guard on a basketball team
  subtype:  #bounder__leaper__jumper  an athlete who bounds or leaps (as in basketball)
  subtype:  #climber  someone who climbs as a sport
     subtype:  #escalader  someone who gains access by the use of ladders
     subtype:  #mountaineer__mountain_climber  someone who climbs mountains
        subtype:  #alpinist  a mountain climber who specializes in difficult climbs
        instance:  #Sir_Edmund_Percival_Hillary__Hillary__Edmund_Hillary__Sir_Edmund_Hillary  #Tenzing_Norgay
     subtype:  #rock_climber__cragsman  a climber of vertical rock faces
  subtype:  #cricketer  an athlete who plays cricket
     subtype:  #bowler.cricketer  delivers the ball to the batsman in cricket
     subtype:  #fieldsman__fielder  a member of the cricket team that is fielding rather than batting
        subtype:  #outfielder.fieldsman  a fielder in cricket who is stationed in the outfield
     subtype:  #wicket-keeper  stands behind the wicket to catch balls
     instance:  #John_Berry_Hobbs__Hobbs__Sir_Jack_Hobbs  #Sir_Leonard_Hutton__Hutton
  subtype:  #football_player__footballer  an athlete who plays American football
     subtype:  #back.football_player  (football) a person who plays in the backfield
        subtype:  #flankerback__flanker  a back stationed wide of the scrimmage line; used as a pass receiver
        subtype:  #signal_caller__quarterback__field_general__fieldgeneral  (football) the person who plays quarterback
        subtype:  #running_back__runningback  (football) a back on the offensive team (a fullback or halfback) who tries to advance the ball by carrying it on plays from the line of scrimmage
           subtype:  #fullback.running_back  (football) the running back who plays the fullback position on the offensive team
           subtype:  #halfback.running_back  (football) the running back who plays the offensive halfback position
        subtype:  #tailback.back  (football) the person who plays tailback
        subtype:  #wingback.back  (football) the person who plays wingback
     subtype:  #ball_carrier  (football) the football player who is carrying (and trying to advance) the ball on an offensive play
        subtype:  #forward_passer__forwardpasser__passer  (football) a ball carrier who tries to gain ground by throwing a forward pass
        subtype:  #rusher.ball_carrier  (football) a ball carrier who tries to gain ground by running with the ball
     subtype:  #blocker  a football player whose responsibility is to block players attempting to stop an offensive play
     subtype:  #football_hero  a football player who has achieved a reputation for success
     subtype:  #kicker  a player who kicks the football
        subtype:  #dropkicker  a football kicker who drops the ball and kicks it just as it reaches the ground
        subtype:  #place-kicker__placekicker  (football) a kicker who makes a place kick for a goal
        subtype:  #punter  (football) a person who kicks the football by dropping it from the hands and contacting it with the foot before it hits the ground
     subtype:  #line_backer__linebacker  a defensive football player who takes a position close behind the linemen
     subtype:  #lineman.football_player  one of the players on the line of scrimmage
        subtype:  #football_snapper__center__snapper  (football) the person who plays center on the line of scrimmage and snaps the ball to the quarterback; "the center fumbled the handoff"
        subtype:  #football_end-line-man__end  (football) the person who plays at one end of the line of scrimmage; "the end managed to hold onto the pass"
           subtype:  #split_end__splitend  (football) an offensive end who lines up at a distance from the other linemen
           subtype:  #tight_end__tightend  (football) an offensive end who lines up close to the tackle
        subtype:  #football_guard__guard  the person who plays that position on a football team; "the left guard was injured on the play"
        subtype:  #tackle.lineman  the person who plays that position on a football team; "the right tackle is a straight A student"
     subtype:  #pass_receiver__receiver__pass_catcher  a football player who catches (or is supposed to catch) a forward pass
     subtype:  #tackler  a football player who tackles the ball carrier
  subtype:  #gymnast  an athlete who is skilled in gymnastics
     subtype:  #tumbler.gymnast  a gymnast who performs rolls and somersaults and twists etc.
        subtype:  #turner.tumbler  a tumbler who is a member of a turnverein
     instance:  #Olga_Korbut__Korbut
  subtype:  #ice-hockey_player__hockey_player  an athlete who plays hockey
     subtype:  #center.ice-hockey_player  (ice hockey) the person who plays center
     subtype:  #goalie__goalkeeper__goaltender__netkeeper  the soccer or hockey player assigned to protect the goal
     instance:  #Wayne_Gretzky__Gretzky  #Robert_Orr__Orr__Bobby_Orr
  subtype:  #hooker  (rugby) the player in the middle of the front row of the scrum who tries to hook the ball
  subtype:  #hurdler  an athlete who runs the hurdles
  subtype:  #jumper.athlete  an athlete who competes at jumping
     subtype:  #hopper.jumper  someone who hops; "at hopscotch, the best hoppers are the children"
     instance:  #Frederick_Carleton_Lewis__Lewis__Carl_Lewis
  subtype:  #lacrosse_player  an athlete who plays lacrosse
  subtype:  #letterman  an athlete who has earned a letter in a school sport
  subtype:  #Olympian__olympian  an athlete who participates in the Olympic games
  subtype:  #pentathlete  an athlete who competes in a pentathlon
  subtype:  #professional__pro  an athlete who plays for pay
     subtype:  #free_agent  (sports) a professional athlete who is free to sign a contract to play for any team
     subtype:  #semiprofessional__semipro  an athlete who plays for pay on a part-time basis
  subtype:  #runner.athlete  a trained athlete who competes in foot races
     subtype:  #marathoner__marathon_runner__road_runner__long-distance_runner  someone who participates in long-distance races (especially in marathons)
     subtype:  #miler  a runner in a one-mile race
        subtype:  #four-minute_man  someone who has run the mile is less that 4 minutes
           instance:  #Sir_Roger_Gilbert_Bannister__Bannister__Roger_Bannister  #John_Walker__Walker
     subtype:  #sprinter  someone who runs a short distance at top speed
        instance:  #Frederick_Carleton_Lewis__Lewis__Carl_Lewis
  subtype:  #sharpshooter.athlete  an athlete noted for accurate aim
  subtype:  #shot_putter  an athlete who competes in the shot put
  subtype:  #skater  someone who skates
     subtype:  #ice-skater__iceskater  someone who engages in ice skating
     subtype:  #roller-skater  someone who engages in roller skating
     subtype:  #skateboarder  someone who skates on a skateboard
  subtype:  #skier  someone who skis
     subtype:  #langlauffer  a cross-country skier
     subtype:  #ski_jumper__skijumper  a skier who leaps through the air (especially on a ski jump)
  subtype:  #skydiver__parachute_jumper__parachutejumper  a person who jumps from a plane and performs various gymnastic maneuvers before pulling the parachute cord
  subtype:  #sledder  someone who rides a sled
     subtype:  #luger__slider  someone who races the luge
     subtype:  #tobogganist  someone who rides a toboggan
  subtype:  #soccer_player  an athlete who plays soccer
     subtype:  #goalie__goalkeeper__goaltender__netkeeper  the soccer or hockey player assigned to protect the goal
  subtype:  #sportsman__sport__sportswoman  someone who engages in sports
  subtype:  #striker.athlete  (soccer) a forward on a soccer team
  subtype:  #substitute__reserve  an athlete who plays only when another member of the team drops out
     subtype:  #bench_warmer__benchwarmer  (sports) a substitute who seldom plays
     subtype:  #pinch_hitter__pinchhitter  (baseball or softball) a substitute for the regular batter
  subtype:  #swimmer  a trained athlete who participates in swimming meets; "he was an Olympic swimmer"
     subtype:  #backstroker  someone who swims the backstroke
     subtype:  #breaststroker  someone who swims the breaststroke
     subtype:  #diver__plunger  someone who dives (into water)
     instance:  #Gertrude_Caroline_Ederle__Ederle__Gertrude_Ederle
  subtype:  #swinger  someone who swings sports implements
  subtype:  #tennis_player  an athlete who plays tennis
     subtype:  #tennis_pro__professional_tennis_player  someone who earns a living playing or teaching tennis
     instance:  #Arthur_Robert_Ashe__Ashe__Arthur_Ashe  #John_Donald_Budge__Budge__Don_Budge  #Maureen_Catherine_Connolly__Connolly__Little_Mo_Connolly  #James_Scott_Connors__Connors__Jimmy_Conors  #Margaret_Court__Court  #Dwight_Filley_Davis__Davis__Dwight_Davis  #Christine_Marie_Evert__Evert__Chris_Evert__Chrissie_Evert  #Althea_Gibson__Gibson  #Stephanie_Graf__Graf__Steffi_Graf  #Billie_Jean_Moffitt_King__King__Billie_Jean_King  #Rodney_George_Laver__Laver__Rod_Laver  #Ivan_Lendl__Lendl  #Helen_Wills_Moody__Moody__Helen_Wills__Helen_Newington_Wills  #Martina_Navratilova__Navratilova  #Monica_Seles__Seles  #William_Tatem_Tilden_Jr.__Tilden__Big_Bill_Tilden  #Virginia_Wade__Wade
  subtype:  #pole_vaulter__vaulter__pole_jumper  an athlete who jumps over a high crossbar with the aid of a long pole
  subtype:  #weightlifter__lifter  an athlete who lifts barbells
  subtype:  #winger  (soccer; hockey; rugby; football) player in wing position

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