#assemblage__assembly__gathering  the social act of assembling; "they demanded the right of assembly"
  exclusion:  dismantling
  supertype:  group_action__groupaction  action taken by a group of people
  subtype:  mobilization__mobilisation  act of marshaling and organizing and making ready for use or action: "mobilization of the country's economic resources"
     subtype:  economic_mobilization__economic_mobilisation  mobilization of the economy
     subtype:  rallying  the act of mobilizing for a common purpose; "the bell was a signal for the rallying of the whole neighborhood"
  subtype:  calling_together__callingtogether__convocation  the act of convoking
  subtype:  coming_together__meeting  the social act of assembling for some common purpose; "his meeting with the salesmen was the high point of his day"
     subtype:  rendezvous  a meeting planned at a certain time and place
        subtype:  assignation__tryst  a secret rendezvous (especially between lovers)
     subtype:  session.coming_together  a meeting devoted to a particular activity; "a filming session"; "a gossip session"
     subtype:  socializing__socialization__socialisation  the act of meeting for social purposes; "there was too much socialization with the enlisted men"
     subtype:  visit  the act of going to see some person or place or thing for a short time; "he dropped by for a short visit"
        subtype:  visitation  an official visit for inspection or supervision; "the commissioner made visitations to all the precinct stations"; "the recent visitation of the bishop to his diocese"
        subtype:  site_visit  a visit in an official capacity to examine a site to determine its suitability for some enterprise
        subtype:  call.visit  brief visit in an official or professional capacity: "the pastor's visits to his parishioners"; "a visit to a dentist"; "the salesman's call on a customer"
           subtype:  round  (often plural) a series of professional calls (usually in a set order); "the doctor goes on his rounds first thing every morning"; "the postman's rounds"; "we enjoyed our round of the local bars"
        subtype:  call  a brief social visit: "senior professors' wives no longer make afternoon calls on newcomers"
        subtype:  visiting  the activity of making visits; "visiting with the neighbors filled her afternoons"
     subtype:  meeting  a formally arranged gathering; "next year the meeting will be in Chicago"; "the meeting elected a chairperson"
        subtype:  board_meeting__boardmeeting__committee_meeting__committeemeeting  a meeting for administrative purposes
        subtype:  camp_meeting  religious (usually evangelistic) meeting held in a large tent or outdoors and last several days
        subtype:  caucus  a closed political meeting
        subtype:  conclave  a confidential or secret meeting
        subtype:  conference  a prearranged meeting for consultation or or exchange of information or discussion (especially one with a formal agenda)
           subtype:  symposium  a meeting or conference for the public discussion of some topic especially one in which the participants form an audience and make presentations
              subtype:  research_conference
                 subtype:  national_research_conference
                 subtype:  international_research_conference
                    subtype:  international_research_conference_in_IS
                       subtype:  ICCS__International_Conference_on_Computational_Science
                          instance:  ICCS_2000  ICCS_2001  ICCS_2002  ICCSA_2003
                       subtype:  WWW_international_conference
                          subtype:  IWWWC__international_WWW_conference  annual conference and principal research forum in the theory and practice of the WWW
                             instance:  WWW8__WWW_1999  WWW9__WWW_2000  WWW10__WWW_2001  WWW_2002__WWW11  WWW_2003  WWW_2004  WWW_2005
                       subtype:  international_research_conference_on_knowledge_management
                          subtype:  ICCS__International_Conference_on_Conceptual_Structures  annual conference in the theory and practice of conceptual structures
                             instance:  ICCS_2000  ICCS_2001  ICCS_2002  ICCS_2003  ICCS_2004  ICCS_2005
                          subtype:  ICFCA__International_Conference_on_Formal_Concept_Analysis
                             instance:  ICFCA_04  ICFCA_05
           subtype:  seminar.conference  any meeting for an exchange of ideas
           subtype:  colloquium.conference  an academic meeting or seminar usually led by a different lecturer and on a different topic at each meeting
              subtype:  research_colloquium  a colloquium at which the results of (scientific) research are reported
        subtype:  congress  a meeting of elected or appointed representatives
           subtype:  Continental_Congress  the legislative assembly composed of delegates from the rebel colonies who met during and after the American Revolution; they issued the Declaration of Independence and framed Articles of Confederation
        subtype:  convention  a large formal assembly; "political convention"
           subtype:  Constitutional_Convention  the convention of United States statesmen who drafted the United States Constitution in 1787
        subtype:  council.meeting  a meeting of people for consultation; "emergency council"
           subtype:  synod  a council convened to discuss ecclesiastical business
        subtype:  encounter_group  a meeting of people to develop mutual understanding by openly expressing their feelings
        subtype:  forum  a public meeting or assembly for open discussion
        subtype:  stockholders_meeting  a meeting at which the management reports to the stockholders of a company
        subtype:  summit_meeting__summit  a meeting of heads of governments
        subtype:  town_meeting  a meeting of the inhabitants of a town
  subtype:  congregating__congregation  the act of congregating
  subtype:  convening__convention  the act of convening
  subtype:  concentration.assemblage  bringing together military forces
  subtype:  social_gathering__social_affair  a gathering for the purpose of promoting fellowship
     subtype:  bee.social_gathering  a social gathering to carry out some communal task or to hold competitions
        subtype:  quilting_bee  a gathering to make quilts
        subtype:  husking_bee__huskingbee__cornhusking  a social gathering for the purpose of husking corn
     subtype:  love_feast  a social gathering intended to create goodwill among the participants
     subtype:  company.social_gathering  a social gathering of guests or companions; "the house was filled with company when I arrived"
        subtype:  cohort.company  a company of companions or supporters
        subtype:  number.company  a select company of people; "I hope to become one of their number before I die"
     subtype:  function.social_gathering  a formal or official social gathering or ceremony; "it was a black-tie function"
     subtype:  party.social_gathering  a group of people gathered together for pleasure; "she joined the party after dinner"
        subtype:  shindig  a large and noisy party of people
        subtype:  dance.party  a party of people assembled for dancing
           subtype:  ball.dance  a lavish formal dance; "she was the loveliest girl at the ball"
              subtype:  prom__promenade  a formal dance held for a school class toward the end of the academic year
              subtype:  cotilion__cotillion  a ball at which young ladies are presented to society
              subtype:  masked_ball__masquerade_ball__fancy-dress_ball__fancydressball  a ball at which guests wear costumes and masks
           subtype:  barn_dance  a party featuring country dancing
           subtype:  record_hop__hop  an informal dance where popular music is played
        subtype:  masque__masquerade__mask  a party of guests wearing costumes and masks
           subtype:  masked_ball__masquerade_ball__fancy-dress_ball__fancydressball  a ball at which guests wear costumes and masks
        subtype:  dinner_party__dinner  a party of people assembled to have dinner together; "guests should never be late to a dinner party"
           subtype:  banquet__feast  a ceremonial dinner party for many people
              subtype:  gaudy  (British) a celebratory feast held annually at one of the colleges in a British university
           subtype:  beanfeast  (British) an annual dinner party given by an employer for the employees
        subtype:  reception.party  a formal party of people; as after a wedding
           subtype:  at_home  a reception held in your own home
           subtype:  tea.reception  a reception or party at which tea is served; "we met at the Dean's tea for newcomers"
           subtype:  wedding_reception__weddingreception  a reception wedding guests held after the wedding
        subtype:  open_house  an informal party of people with hospitality for all comers
        subtype:  housewarming  a party of people assembled to celebrate moving into a new home
        subtype:  soiree  a party of people assembled in the evening (usually at a private house)
           subtype:  musical_soiree__musicalsoiree__soiree_musicale  a soiree assembled for the purpose of listening to music
        subtype:  garden_party__lawn_party__fete_champetre  a party of people assembled for social interaction out of doors
        subtype:  shower.party  a party of friends assembled to present gifts (usually of a specified kind) to a person; "her friends organized a baby shower for her when she was expecting"
        subtype:  stag_party__smoker  a party for men only (or one considered suitable for men only)
           subtype:  bachelor_party  stag party held for a bachelor (usually on the night before he is married)
        subtype:  hen_party__henparty  a party for women only
        subtype:  slumber_party__slumberparty  an overnight party of girls who dress in nightclothes and and pass the night talking
        subtype:  sociable__social__mixer  a party of people assembled to promote sociability and communal activity
        subtype:  wedding_party__weddingparty__wedding  a party of people at a wedding
        subtype:  whist_drive.party__whistdrive  (British) a party of people assembled to play progressive whist
        subtype:  reunion  a party of former associates who have come together again
     subtype:  supper.social_gathering  a social gathering where a light evening meal is served; "her suppers often included celebrities"
     subtype:  get_together__gettogether  a small informal social gathering; "there was an informal meeting in my livingroom"
        subtype:  conventicle  a secret unauthorized meeting for religious worship
        subtype:  date.get_together__appointment__engagement  a meeting arranged in advance; "she asked how to avoid kissing at the end of a date"
           subtype:  tryst__rendezvous  a date; usually with a member of the opposite sex
           subtype:  blind_date__blinddate  a date with a stranger; "she never goes on blind dates"
        subtype:  visit.get_together  a meeting arranged by the visitor to see someone (such as a doctor or lawyer) for treatment or advice; "he scheduled a visit to the dentist"
        subtype:  luncheon_meeting__lunch_meeting__lunchmeeting  a meeting for lunch; usually to conduct business while eating
        subtype:  seance__sitting__session  a meeting of spiritualists; "the seance was held in the medium's parlor"
  subtype:  quorum  a gathering of members of an organization large enough to transact business
  subtype:  mass_meeting__rally  a large gathering of people intended to arouse enthusiasm
     subtype:  pep_rally__peprally  a rally (especially of students) before a game
     subtype:  revival_meeting__revival  an evangelistic meeting intended to reawaken interest in religion

34 statements are about indirect instances of assemblage: graph1_on_WWW8, graph1_on_WWW_2002, graph1_on_ICCS_2000, graph1_on_conference, graph3_on_article, graph4_on_article, graph5_on_article, graph6_on_article, graph7_on_article, graph8_on_article, graph9_on_article, graph10_on_article, graph11_on_article, graph12_on_article, graph13_on_article, graph14_on_article, graph15_on_article, graph16_on_article, graph17_on_article, graph18_on_article, graph19_on_article, graph20_on_article, graph21_on_article, graph22_on_article, graph26_on_article, graph27_on_article, graph28_on_article, graph29_on_article, graph30_on_article, graph31_on_article, graph32_on_article, graph33_on_article, graph34_on_article, graph35_on_article click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

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