#aquatic_mammal__aquaticmammal  whales and dolphins; manatees and dugongs; walruses; seals
  supertype:  #placental_mammal__placentalmammal__placental__eutherian__eutherian_mammal__eutherianmammal  mammals having a placenta; all mammals except monotremes and marsupials
  part:  #flipper
  subtype:  #cetacean_mammal__cetacean__blower  large aquatic carnivorous mammal with fin-like forelimbs no hind limbs, including: whales; dolphins; porpoises; narwhals
     subtype:  #whale  any of the larger cetacean mammals having a streamlined body and breathing through a blowhole on the head
        subtype:  #baleen_whale__whalebone_whale__whalebonewhale  whale with plates of whalebone along the upper jaw for filtering plankton from the water
           subtype:  #right_whale__rightwhale  large arctic whalebone whale; allegedly the `right' whale to hunt because of its valuable whalebone and oil
           subtype:  #bowhead_whale__bowheadwhale__bowhead__Greenland_whale__Balaena_mysticetus  large-mouthed arctic whale
           subtype:  #rorqual__razorback  any of several baleen whales of of the family Balaenopteridae having longitudinal grooves on the throat and a small pointed dorsal fin
              subtype:  #finback_whale__finbackwhale__finback__finwhale__common_rorqual__Balaenoptera_physalus  large flat-headed whalebone whale having deep furrows along the throat; of Atlantic and Pacific
              subtype:  #sei_whale__seiwhale__Balaenoptera_borealis  similar to but smaller than the finback whale
              subtype:  #lesser_rorqual__piked_whale__pikedwhale__minke_whale__minkewhale__Balaenoptera_acutorostrata  small finback of coastal waters of Atlantic and Pacific
           subtype:  #blue_whale__sulfur_bottom__Balaenoptera_musculus  largest mammal ever known; bluish-gray migratory whalebone whale mostly of southern hemisphere
           subtype:  #humpback_whale__humpback__Megaptera_novaeangliae  large whalebone whale with long flippers noted for arching or humping its back as it dives
           subtype:  #gray_whale__devilfish__Eschrichtius_gibbosus__Eschrichtius_robustus  medium-sized grayish-black whale of the north Pacific
        subtype:  #toothed_whale__toothedwhale  any of several whales having simple conical teeth and feeding on fish etc.
           subtype:  #sperm_whale__spermwhale__cachalot__black_whale__blackwhale__Physeter_catodon  large whale with a large cavity in the head containing spermaceti and oil; also a source of ambergris
           subtype:  #pygmy_sperm_whale__pygmyspermwhale__Kogia_breviceps  small sperm whale of warm waters of both coasts of North America
           subtype:  #dwarf_sperm_whale__dwarfspermwhale__kogiasimu  very small (to 8 feet) sperm whale of central coasts of Atlantic and Pacific
           subtype:  #beaked_whale  any of several whales inhabiting all oceans and having beaklike jaws with vestigial teeth in the upper jaw
              subtype:  #bottle-nosed_whale__bottlenose_whale__bottlenose__Hyperoodon_ampullatus  North Atlantic beaked whale with a bulbous forehead
           subtype:  #dolphin  any of various small toothed whales with a beaklike snout; larger than porpoises
              subtype:  #common_dolphin__Delphinus_delphis  black-and-white dolphin that leaps high out of the water; one of the dolphins displayed at the Marinelands of California and Florida
              subtype:  #bottlenose_dolphin__bottle-nosed_dolphin__bottlenose  any of several dolphins with rounded forehead and well-developed beak; chiefly of North Atlantic and Mediterranean
                 subtype:  #Atlantic_bottlenose_dolphin__Tursiops_truncatus  the most common dolphin of North Atlantic and Mediterranean; often kept captive and trained to perform
                 subtype:  #Pacific_bottlenose_dolphin__Tursiops_gilli  a bottlenose dolphin found in the Pacific Ocean
              subtype:  #porpoise  any of several small gregarious cetacean mammals having a blunt snout and many teeth
                 subtype:  #harbor_porpoise__herring_hog__Phocaena_phocaena  the common porpoise of the North Atlantic and Pacific
              subtype:  #grampus__grampu__Grampus_griseus  slaty-gray blunt-nosed dolphin common in northern seas
              subtype:  #killer_whale__killer__orca__grampus__grampu__sea_wolf__seawolf__Orcinus_orca  predatory black-and-white toothed whale with large dorsal fin; common in cold seas
              subtype:  #pilot_whale__pilotwhale__black_whale__blackwhale__common_blackfish__blackfish__Globicephala_melaena  small dark-colored whaled of United States Atlantic coast; the largest male acts as pilot or leader for the school
              subtype:  #river_dolphin__riverdolphin  any of several long-snouted usually freshwater dolphins of South America and southern Asia
              subtype:  #white_whale__whitewhale__beluga__Delphinapterus_leucas  small northern whale that is white when adult
        subtype:  #narwhal__narwal__narwhale__Monodon_monoceros  small arctic whale the male having a long spiral ivory tusk
        subtype:  #spouter  a spouting whale
  subtype:  #sea_cow__seacow__sirenian_mammal__sirenian  any of two families of large herbivorous aquatic mammals with paddle-shaped tails and flipper-like forelimbs and no hind limbs
     subtype:  #manatee__trichechusmanatu  sirenian mammal of tropical coastal waters of America; the flat tail is rounded
     subtype:  #dugong__Dugong_dugon  sirenian tusked mammal found from eastern Africa to Australia; the flat tail is bilobate
     subtype:  #Steller's_sea_cow__Hydrodamalis_gigas  extinct large sirenian mammal formerly found near Asiatic coast of the Bering Sea
  subtype:  #pinniped_mammal__pinniped__pinnatiped  aquatic carnivorous mammal having a streamlined body specialized for swimming with limbs modified as flippers
     subtype:  #seal.pinniped_mammal  any of numerous marine mammals that come on shore to breed; chiefly of cold regions
        subtype:  #crabeater_seal__crabeaterseal__crab-eating_seal  silvery gray Antarctic seal subsisting on crustaceans
        subtype:  #eared_seal__earedseal  pinniped mammal having external ear flaps and hind limbs used for locomotion on land; valued for its soft underfur
           subtype:  #fur_seal__furseal  eared seal of the S hemisphere; the thick soft underfur is the source of sealskin
              subtype:  #guadalupe_fur_seal__guadalupefurseal__Arctocephalus_philippi  of Pacific coast of California and southward
           subtype:  #fur_seal.eared_seal__furseal  fur seal of the north Pacific
              subtype:  #Alaska_fur_seal__Callorhinus_ursinus  of Pacific coast from Alaska southward to California
           subtype:  #sea_lion__sealion  any of several large eared seals of the north Pacific related to fur seals but lacking their valuable coat
              subtype:  #South_American_sea_lion__Otaria_Byronia  of the southern coast of South America
              subtype:  #California_sea_lion__Zalophus_californianus__Zalophus_californicus  often trained as a show animal
              subtype:  #Australian_sea_lion__Zalophus_lobatus  a variety of sea lion found in Australia
              subtype:  #Steller_sea_lion__Steller's_sea_lion__Eumetopias_jubatus  largest sea lion; of the north Pacific
        subtype:  #earless_seal__earlessseal__true_seal__hair_seal  any of several seals lacking external ear flaps and having a stiff hairlike coat with hind limbs reduced to swimming flippers
           subtype:  #harbor_seal__common_seal__Phoca_vitulina  small spotted seal of coastal waters of the northern hemisphere
           subtype:  #harp_seal__Pagophilus_groenlandicus  common arctic seal; the young are all white
           subtype:  #elephant_seal__sea_elephant__seaelephant  either of two large North Atlantic earless seals having snouts like trunks
           subtype:  #bearded_seal__beardedseal__squareflipper_square_flipper__Erignathus_barbatus  medium-sized grayish to yellow seal with bristles each side of muzzle; of Arctic Ocean
           subtype:  #hooded_seal__bladdernose__Cystophora_cristata  medium-sized blackish-gray seal with large inflatable sac on the head; of Arctic and north Atlantic waters
     subtype:  #walrus__seahorse__sea_horse__seahorse  either of two large northern marine mammals having ivory tusks and tough hide over thick blubber
        subtype:  #Atlantic_walrus__Odobenus_rosmarus  of North Atlantic and Arctic waters
        subtype:  #Pacific_walrus__Odobenus_divergens  of the Bering Sea and north Pacific

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